TEAM: Flab-U-Less (July)



  • Ldenzel
    Ldenzel Posts: 91 Member
    July week 3
    PW: 298.8
    CW: 292.6

    I was up last week due to the holiday weekend. Glad to see it all come off this week!
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    mram3582 wrote: »
    Daily Post: 07/15
    Track: yes
    Calories: over-I need to go grocery shopping
    Exercise: no
    Daily goal: Get Froggy to Plunk that magical twanger. Tomorrow-someone is bound to ask me about this post....nope...not drugs! :)

    This is me asking: Who's Froggy? How does one "plunk?" And what in the world is a "magical twanger?" This oughta be good! LOL
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Username @evangsimmons170

    Daily Post: Monday 7/15/19

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes (under)
    Exercise: Yes
    Goals/Day/Comments: 100,000 steps by 7/20/19

    July 14: 16,308
    July 15: 10,282
  • hellmo1983
    hellmo1983 Posts: 17 Member
    July week 3
    PW: 12st
    CW: 12st
    Another week with no gain but no loss either, I haven't tracked very well this week and not kept to my weekly planner. Am aiming for at least a 1lb loss over the next week but would like more really.
  • cruise4me
    cruise4me Posts: 85 Member
    July 16
    25 minutes airdyne bike
  • happy7811
    happy7811 Posts: 154 Member
    Daily post for Tuesday july 16th

    Tracked__ yes

    Calories target __yes 1250 under by a peas hair of 48 calories

    Exercises least got in total 30 min of full body work out. Before i had to babysit in a car all day.

    Water 11 cups
    And i made it again by not eating work out calories so i hope to see a nice scale weigh in. In morining.
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    @Ldenzel Wowzers! Kilt' it dead, set it on fire, and dropped it in a hole somewhere! WTG!!
    @evangsimmons170 doing great with those steps!
    @hellmo1983 Not a gain!
    @cruise4me @happy7811 Perfect day you two! Keep it up!
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    @evangsimmons170 Froggy, plunk your magic twanger was a catch phrase that was used in a 1950's kids show. Jerry Buckner used the phrase in one of his songs and no one got the reference. So, when I got to meet Mr. Buckner this past week, we got a history lesson about a Froggy and a magic twanger :)

    Although.....after watching it some....this is WHY kids from the 50's started doing drugs in the 60's....I see the correlation. Yep.
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    edited July 2019
    Daily Post: 07/16 Tuesday
    Track: yes
    Calories: over
    Daily goal: Obtain multi-pass. Tomorrow-yes please, I'll take another.
  • Starshine15
    Starshine15 Posts: 457 Member
    Daily post for Tuesday, 7/16
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes, under
    Exercise: Yes - swam laps and did water aerobics
  • debbie14892
    debbie14892 Posts: 120 Member
    Daily Post: July 16
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 45 minutes of strength training
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 837 Member
    edited July 2019
    Sorry I've been missing from the posts. So much going on between work, home and my parents, not much time to jump online. But I'm still tracking and trying to move more.

    Daily Post - July 16
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Unfortunately 200 over. Shouldn't have shared my husbands toffee ice cream.
    Exercise: 12,006 steps
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 647 Member
    I went offline there for a couple of days but I am back

    Username: Alsison

    Week: July Week 3
    SW = 216
    PW = 213
    CW= 214.. Up 1 pound :'(

    I am sorry to bring the group down this week but the truth is I am actually feeling pretty good. I have kept up with the weight training and have been eating healthy (for the most part). Results may not be showing on the scale but they are definitely showing in the way of added energy, the way my clothes fit and my overall posture.

  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Username @evangsimmons170

    Daily Post: Tuesday 7/16/19

    Track: Yes
    Calories: No (over a little)
    Exercise: Yes
    Goals/Day/Comments: 100,000 steps by 7/20/19

    July 14: 16,308
    July 15: 10,282
    July 16: 7,106
  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    July Week 3
    PW 152.8
    CW 153.5

    Not my best week. But tomorrow is a new day.
  • hellmo1983
    hellmo1983 Posts: 17 Member
    Daily post 17th July
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 5800 steps
  • happy7811
    happy7811 Posts: 154 Member
    July week #3

    Wednesday 17th


    I am beginning to think i am in platue stage gee no weight loss for 3 weeks .
    I started out weight loss on my own in feb at 200 i am told today i could be
    Either gaining muscles or platuing.
    Or my scales not working that was hubby's idea .
    Any other ideas?
  • happy7811
    happy7811 Posts: 154 Member
    Daily post for Wednesday 17th

    Tracked_ yes

    Calories target ed_yes over by 472 a bad
    day.(daughter ordered lunch).

    Exercised _yes spent least 30 min walking the mall.

    Water 11 cups

    Hoping for better day tomorrow.
  • debbie14892
    debbie14892 Posts: 120 Member
    Daily Post: July 17
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 30 minute Turbo Fire video
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    Daily Post: 07/17 Wednesday
    Track: yes
    Calories: over- unexpected visit from Mom ALWAYS results in the Chinese food (her fave)
    Exercise:; no
    Daily goal: Collect them all! Tomorrow-sell my collection on ebay.
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