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  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited August 2023
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    so you're saying I should take my boy to that movie?

    Which movie? Oppenheimer ☄️🤯💥💣or Barbie💑👚👙👛? Guess it depends on what your boy likes 🤔
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,981 Member
    Thinking of Laurie today. 💐She’s having a difficult week with lots of doctors. Hope it’s providing some answers and some degree of peace of mind at least.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    Thank you, Yooly 💕

    The optometrist appointment yesterday was pretty fantastic. I don’t have glasses yet but the optometrist thinks that perhaps a significant contributor to my poor vision is the shape of my eye/lens has changed and my glasses prescription is way off 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

    With bare eye or no glasses … the vision in the eye that experienced the retinal detachment is about 20/400. Looking through the testing device/lenses it seemed like I could - at least some of the time - see somewhere between 20/40 and 20/60.

    My mind was blown.

    The eye is still healing. Even during that testing process I had to stop every few minutes to close my eye and let it stop looking for a little while. Because it felt like it was trying to do somersaults.

    But - I can’t tell you how hopeful I’m feeling!!!

    The MRI was an experience, followed by an 8 o’clock this morning phone call saying they need more images … 😳 … I am seeing the surgeon tomorrow morning at 10. He will have received the results so hopefully he can ease my mind. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    So far today no ice cream cones.
    But I think that’s about to change.
    But in a controlled and reasonable manner 🙂
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    I wanted to ask!
    I did, I did!
    Lucky for me, Yooly got in first! :blush:

    Very glad to hear the good eye news!!!

    Do not fear the cone! It is still an "ok" deal, even if not 240 Cal (still wondering how the US ones are supposed to be even fewer Cal; but I digress).

    Cone research shows consistency WITHIN specific stores but not BETWEEN stores.

    I have been hitting the one near the house and the one near the parental. The one near the house has been making the larger cones and the one near the parental the small ones.

    So I figured I would out-fox them! I would go to the one at the mall on the way back home!

    I did! And I run into the assistant manager, swing manager AND a second swing manager ALL of who used to work at the store near the house--but during the renovations used their seniority to continue to work at the store near the mall... and then stayed there!

    After we exchanged greetings and almost hugs... the cone ended up similar to the ones from the store near dad! And at 147g very close to the 150g mark that I THOUGHT i remembered as the goal weight for a cone.

    Of course 150g would still make the cones more than 240 Cal, don't get me wrong, but it would be well under the 300 Cal which has been my mental cone average.

    My data points so far (scale positioned every time so that it shows 69g for my car key)

    My local McD: 197g, 169g, 183g
    Dad's local McD 158, 137g, 144g,
    Other McD 147g

    Which brings the average when you throw out the top and bottom outliers to 160g and 305 Cal and even if you don't throw anything out, the cones are rolling in at 162g and 309 Cal!

    In the interest of science I have no option but to continue to take one for the team in order to accumulate more data points! It's hard work but SOMEONE has to do it, right? :innocent:
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    I admire your commitment to science, PAV. (giggle)
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member

    I wrote a big long clever text… Really I did… But somehow lost it…..😁

    But really, WOW, is perfect.

    You are a dedicated man, PAV. I thank you.

    And Cole Robbie spirals on top of it!!! 😜😆
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    It helps that they're $1 each till the end of summer! 😎

    By comparison the kohlrabi spirals at less than 110 Cal per 400g are definitely an inve$tment. A bag of them and a bag of butternut $quash rottini co$t as much as all the cones put together!!!!🙀

    I suspect the machine settings and amount of air may play into things too, possibly?

    The research continues! Heat wave expected over the next three days.... hitting highs of 29C or 84.2F 😎 (runs away ducking objects thrown at him from within puddles of melted mfpeops🫣)
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,981 Member
    Heat wave, seriously Mr.PAV? How about 42 consecutive days at 100+? No rain in two months and no cool down in sight. It was 80F this morning at 5am when I went to the gym! Enjoy that lovely springlike day in Vancouver.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    I see your lows are approaching our max!!!!😳
  • scoutmom1981
    scoutmom1981 Posts: 302 Member
    I would love for the 80s. Heck I would love to have the 90s. I’m in the same boat as @Yoolypr I think we are on day 8 of over 100. In fact today was 109. Satan’s *kitten* is how it feels outside. It’s too hot to even walk to the car.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    It wasn't terribly hot today, but it was hot enough that the high humidity was seriously oppressive.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,981 Member
    Hoping to hear from Laurie today. ❣️ She’s had a long, hard week of poking and prodding from doctors.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,981 Member
    Umm - it’s 6:30 am and already 82F. Yesterday my neighbor told me there’s a poisonous coral snake wandering about out back yards. Wild grass fires have broken out nearby due to the drought conditions. Is it wrong to hope for an itsy bitsy hurricane to come up the Gulf?

    I’m off to the gym soon. Then we’re going out to lunch and maybe do a bit of shopping at Costco. The plan is to hide indoors the rest of the day - and all next week. The funny thing is the Farmers Almanac and forecasts call for an extremely cold winter. I think I’ll take a nap and dream about snow.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    @Yoolypr wouldn't Costco on a weekday morning not allow for more fast walking up and down the aisles? Sort of like mall walking?

    I know that when I was visiting parentals and it was too cold for my delicate skin. I was finding every excuse to go to the mall and the grocery store to pick up even one item which involved checking out every aisle a few times in order to make sure I had the correct selection! 🫣

    And it's a double whammy because when it's too hot i usually want to sleep not eat. But with the air conditioning cracked I start wanting to eat!!!🙀 I hope you're not affected the same way!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited August 2023
    Gym is closer to home and air conditioned. And free for seniors on my retirement plan. So - better than malls or Costco and there’s exercise equipment.

    Actually my exposure to the heat is minimal. Basically in and out of the car. The house has great AC but we keep it at 78F which is tolerable. Somehow ones body can still perceive the heat and there’s the feeling of being closed in. And even indoors I’m more tired.
    Not much difference in appetite except for preferring cold food over hot.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,981 Member
    Went to see the Barbie movie today. What can I say? MEH? Maybe I’m just way too old for Barbie fighting patriarchy. It was very, very pink though.

    Got to the gym early A.M. even though I wasn’t feeling it, I got through my usual routine. I have to be a bit more diligent because the Hawaii trip is only five weeks away. I need to be a bit under because it will be ten days of restaurants and cruise ship buffets.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    Patriarchy pink buffet??????🫣🫣🫣🫣😎
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    Yes, Yooly, the sentiment as you detailed it is excellent. Given that CCCGG It's supposed to be making her way in country in just about a month I sort of mirror the idea.

    Have you ever heard of spectacular backfires when trying to implement a good plan!?????

    I can definitely guarantee that there are times that having a quantity of snacks available is not a very good strategy!!!!!🤬🙀

    Hey is it a new day yet?