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  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
    Woohoo, PAV and CCCG 🙂 makes me so happy to think of you two in the romantic belle Province! I hope you’re having a magnificent time. The leaves must be amazing 🍁🍂

    Wow, Nic. You have my head spinning with all that window work and then I got to the end of your post and it just flew off the rails 😁 Wishing you so much luck and success with the surgery.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,990 Member
    Yup - I just knew PAV was busy when things got silent here. Hope you have a wonderful time. Cherish every moment!

    I’m with Nic. Time for curtain and window washing now that it’s finally getting cool enough to open a window. Our shades have been drawn since May. I’m looking forward to enjoying the view again.
    Good luck with the surgery!

    How are you feeling Laurie?
  • scoutmom1981
    scoutmom1981 Posts: 302 Member
    @nicsflyingcircus I had a sleeve Gastrectomy done in 2014. Best decision of my life. If you have any questions please let me know. I am by no means an expert but I have been through the process.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,567 Member
    @nicsflyingcircus I had a sleeve Gastrectomy done in 2014. Best decision of my life. If you have any questions please let me know. I am by no means an expert but I have been through the process.

    I am lucky enough to have a coworker who had the procedure with the same doctor I am using, who has been a wonderful resource.

    I also spent the last 3 years taking care of and discharging patients who had the procedure done that day as part of my outpatient surgery job. I am intimately familiar with the post-op rules and with the procedure itself and it's immediate after-effect.

    I appreciate your offer though.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Glad to know everyone is doing well, even if there have been some ups and downs. I have been dealing with finally getting over this sinus infection. I am not 100% yet, but I am a lot better then when I last posted.

    My big thing now (because why can life be easy) is finance related. Got an email yesterday that one of my student loan payments is doubling. So I had a freak out yesterday and spent this morning working on a new budget. This month is to just see where my money is going and to try and get some control. November and December will be practicing that control and getting a better idea of where the "extra" money is going to figure out if I can cut it out, reduce it, or if it is something I need to budget for better. Then the first of the year should hopefully be a fully fresh start with a fully fleshed out plan.

    One of the things taking a hit is my grocery budget. It is now $400 a month instead of $500 and also includes things like personal care products, paper products, and OTC meds along with food. It does not include things for the cat because I made him his own account. I am also seriously thinking about selling my car next year. Between parking and insurance I would save over $300 a month. I really only drive on average once a month. Most things I can walk to or take a bus/train. What I can't I can take an uber and if I want to go on a trip, I can rent a car. Still would be cheaper then a years worth of having a car.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
    Glad the sinus issue is coming to an end, Athijade. Cars are expensive. I've gone for over a decade without one and rented when it was important, or took a taxi. Save a great deal of money! That being said, my son left me his car when they moved east last year and it has been a god send during this problematic year. But, when I'm fully back on my feet and feeling healthy, I'll be happy to retire it - or pass it along.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,990 Member
    How’s the post op doing Laurie?

    We still have two cars which is ridiculous for old people. Austin has little or no public transport. And the hellish weather most of the year precludes my standing around in blazing heat waiting for a bus. Besides my groceries would melt along with me.

    I am going to get Uber/Lyft lessons from my son. We used Uber several times in Hawaii- awesome!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    Let me know if you end up going to the Uber side! 😎
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
    Post op is better than I expected but last week there were a couple of rough days with lots of ridiculously painful swelling and nerves coming back to life and sorting themselves out. That seems to have eased up a bit 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Now to sort out the bra situation 🦄

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    edited October 2023
    Better than expected is good.... depending on the expectations🥺 hopefully you're getting to a1 in no time!
  • scoutmom1981
    scoutmom1981 Posts: 302 Member
    Struggling a little with will power yesterday and today. It’s cold here. We camped out on Saturday night and I never really recovered from the cold. I just want to lay under my blankets and eat all the carbs. I did go to the gym this morning. But only did one class.

    Motivation is nonexistent. I’ll just snuggle under these blankets and hopefully not eat all the things. One day at a time. I hate the cold!
  • Crabbyconnie123
    Crabbyconnie123 Posts: 24 Member
    I don’t really know where to begin lol….it was a great feeling yesterday to eat like a “ normal” person and actually feel like I was in control…I have been on a last ditch binge for months and eaten anything that has been available….fast food and pizza and restaurants have been my go to lately….my husband recovered from his hip surgery in Feb. and he had another procedure done on his back for Stenosis….i tried to begin eating right every Mon. but by evening I was eating crap….in July, we woke up to a puddle of water on the kitchen floor and called a plumber….our underground water pipe had ruptured under the kitchen floor…long story short, we evidently had the leak a lot longer than we were originally aware of…we had the water pipes redone through the roof to avoid further leaking….after further investigation by insurance, plumbers and workmen; black mold was found in several areas of our house…next walls were removed, closets removed, huge fans and dehumidifiers were brought in and ran forever raising the temperature to over 90 degrees inside…plastic covering for the walls was brought in,kitchen torn completely apart,a temporary sink installed, cabinets removed all water damaged…everything in closets,cabinets and pantry were boxed up…the workmen were dressed like the scientists in ET complete with booties,white jumpsuits, etc…after 2 inspections we were cleared to start repairs…3 months later here we sit with very little progress on repairs because the insurance can’t agree with the repairmen on the cost of repairing!…meanwhile we had contracted to have two bathrooms remodeled,new glass doors and a front door installed…also gutters put on roof and the house painted…this was before the leak and that work is all finished…hopefully the companies will agree on a price very soon!…during this time, our dishwasher quit, our big TV broke, and one of our central air conditioning units quit!…Oh, it has been a fun time….what next you might ask lol….my dear husband bought a 12 week old female Boxer puppy in Aug. he said while the house was a torn up mess we could train a pup…( eye roll ) but Roxie is a sweetie and has been a great addition to our zoo…puppies are a lot of work, I had forgotten how much work lol…so I am here and ready to control something in my life!…more fun stories later!…glad I am back!
  • Crabbyconnie123
    Crabbyconnie123 Posts: 24 Member
    P.s….I have a lot to catch up on with all of you!…I read a few of your posts but couldn’t get to all of them…I hope everyone is doing ok and getting ready for the holidays!…I hope my tale of woe didn’t bore you!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    Holly crap load Connie..... well.... at least you're 39 and can handle the go go go all day!!! :wink:
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,990 Member
    Holy crap indeed, Connie! I’m amazed you’re still hanging in there. I would have completely lost my mind or run away from home. Not good with stress here 🥴
  • Crabbyconnie123
    Crabbyconnie123 Posts: 24 Member
    Believe me, the thought of running away crossed my mind more than once….I guess we will have to find an attorney as this was the last day that husband gave insurance company to either refuse or accept estimates on damages…I also had skin cancer on my nose that could not be zapped…I had surgery early July and had 15 stitches from the bridge of my nose to the tip and L- shaped incision to the left side of my nostril…believe me it looked awful and when I saw it I almost passed out…I had to have alternate chemo post surgery and I thought my poor nose was going to explode….thankfully all the cancer was removed and I have a very minor scar considering the way it looked at first!….and ( drum roll ) I had another good day today eating right….the puppy escaped tonight but we caught her!…tomorrow we are going shopping with her at Petco to find her a hat to wear when she rides in the car and the taking her to the dog park wear she can use up some energy….I plan on making a real boob out of her!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,990 Member
    You go Connie! You’re having a helluva year. Hopefully there’s some calm in the future?
    With all that’s going on, I admire your courage to tackle weight loss now. But then it’s never a perfect time to start.

    I decided to start after my second breast surgery. Not a mastectomy but many interesting scars. I just decided to surrender and make wholesale changes. If nothing else, at least I could control what I put in my mouth.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    I'll be brave and ask! :smile:

    From what I gather, Connie, you have insurance coverage as well as a sympathetic doctor you can, more often than not, work with. And we all know that the two conditions are not always true for everyone!

    Have you ever discussed with your doctor the new GLP-1 drugs that are making the rounds and how the risk-reward equation would breakdown in your specific personal situation?
  • Crabbyconnie123
    Crabbyconnie123 Posts: 24 Member
    Thankfully, by some miracle, I am not diabetic…I have taken so many pills to lose weight all my life..I am sure my doctor would work with me if I wanted to try them…he almost passed out at my last check up when he saw I had gained back all of my weight loss…he did start me on a generic med for Wellbutrin…it helps with depression, OCD and adult ADHD…it does curb my appetite but so much of my over eating is from habit and availability…I also take Cymbalta for pain, depression, and anxiety plus an assortment of blood pressure meds, arthritis, and Prilosec…I would really just like to eat like a normal person does…I was 72 in July and hopefully I will live 10 or 15 more years…it would be nice to be able to do things I currently can’t do …I really have missed all of you!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    What's Laurie up to? 🤷‍♂️