Thoughts, Epiphanies, Insights, & Quotables



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,930 Member
    I'm West Coast US. Vacas are usually by car... some flight to East Coast, and 6 mos in my youth study in France and roaming various European countries on weekends & breaks.

    Had a 2 hr airport layover in London once and always wanted to explore whole of UK, northern countries in summers, Southern in winter... although unlikely, it's a fav daydream.

    Why unlikely? Maybe not today... but maybe we can visit Bella and Ms Tea for Tea and crumpets!!!!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
    YES! And cuddle under blankies :)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,930 Member
    cuddling!!!! :blush:
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,147 Member
    Can't beat cuddling under blankies with a nice mug of builders...
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
    Prepare for us, Bella :)
    We are coming to cuddle under your blankies <3
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,984 Member
    I thought we were cuddling with some builders…. Never mind then.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,930 Member
    I didn't realize we had a cuddle group going! Puppies and tea are one way to cuddle I suppose! :smiley:
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 738 Member
    Hmmmm, need a blankie/throw that says Cuddle Crumpets :D
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 738 Member
    edited June 8
    Speaking of crumpets and sweets...

    Finally realized what specific ad triggers my urges for ____ and ___. A very decadent dessert order online website.
    -- Now i know who to be aggravated with, lol... :D

    When i was quitting smoking, would get crazy urges when characters on tv smoked.... it was so ubiquitous in the shows from the 60s and 70s, so reruns were really hitting me, like sneaker waves....

    I could stop rewatching old shows, but these vibrant ads are suddenly in your face without any warning...

    I just need to have tv remote close or in hand so i can switch off, i guess. I REFUSE to let tv ads be the reason i over-eat.

    Deep breaths.
    -- i can do this.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,930 Member
    edited June 8
    Hmmm ... I wonder sometimes why we go look into the tempting stuff

    Mind you. There is a hint about size of deficits and duration that does impact how much we think about food.

    For myself I certainly spend more time thinking about food when trying to implement a larger deficit than when not

    Actually it's one of my hunger cues (that I'm thinking about food) to double check with logging because sometimes false and just bored, reward seeking, or other. But one of my cues I should prepare food.

    And then I often feel getting physically hungry not even waiting for the food to prepare but munching stuff! apples used to be the go-to at that point. Now it's more varied
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 738 Member
    edited June 11
    I would think 'go looking for food' has long tentacles in culture and traditions... we think fun, party, feastly celebrations... and that is just a part of eating... add in essentials for the body to thrive... it is easy to be a food seeker, eh?

    -- it is in the trying to change, reduce amounts or stop where i realized, hmmm, don't wanna stop mentally/attitude... afterall, i like food, it's pleasure, fun with others, even competitive like a pie eating contest... all these thoughts are part of embracing the good benefits in eating. The trick is stopping at enough.

    So, relaxing, post-supper, content, satisfied, full even, not thinking of eating, enjoying the evening....

    and blammo, a food ad comes on tv suddenly, vivid, people smiling, laughing, diving in.... and blammo, i want it too. It is almost, quite actually, an automatic response to the tv ad (trigger).

    The difficulty lies in changing my response. The immediate urge happens. That is ok. The new response is to NOT put on shoes and go get some, rather, do something non-food instead (because already had enough at dinner and i REFUSE to let a tv ad be my reason to ovet-eat.)

    However, i do not share the reactions these peeps have for salads, lol
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,930 Member
    way too much loving for da salad!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
    edited June 11
    But it is kinda nice if someone prepares the salad for you - and serves you! I do get a bit of that salad happiness because eating a salad always feels like a victory :) I made the time, had the ingredients, and feeding myself well.
    My expression when eating "treats" would be nowhere near as joyful. It would be more sneaky and ashamed.

    Was talking to a friend yesterday. As I prepare for my 5 day roadtrip to Newfoundland next week, she is preparing for a 6 day road trip from BC to Ontario the week after.

    She was telling me how excited she was about preparing her road trip snacks. Her approach is that this is a free food time. Chips, chocolate, cookies. Whatever she wants - so that she doesn't have to stop at restaurants. I have NEVER had this experience. Where I joyfully, freely can have all the treats I want. NEVER EVER. Can't imagine that I ever will. It is a bit sad. Not that I don't eat way way too much of said foods, sometimes, sometimes often, but it is never with wonderful wild abandon.

    (she is weight concsious - but at 71 maybe 20 pounds over her "ideal" weight - and strong and healthy and beautiful - so it feels like she has the eating thing under intuitive control - not someone who just eats madly and willingly/blindly pays the price - rolling her obese self around without care..
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,930 Member
    OK boo!

    1) I expect you will be losing a metric crap-ton while building a new house anyway :wink:

    2) here is where *I* and, possibly you, fail. Crap ton of treats to be eaten in abandon and without conscience INSTEAD of restaurant meals.

    Ask your friend how much variety and how many items her abandon is relative to my restraint and empty pantry!!!! And don't forget the INSTEAD part.

    3) when I go to Costco I come back with a VARIETY of BOXES of treats. I am currently OUT of treats. ACTIVELY thinking of a Costco trip. Because wafers and chocolates not here, and the dark chocolate fig truffles.

    Yet, I actually have Cadbury Eggs, swedish berries and fish (low reward 13g packs), a Cadbury chocolate bar out of the four I bought on Sunday, two kinds of sour patch kids, roasted seaweed, spicy rice crackers, almonds, peanuts, (the cashews are all gone), larger 100g packs of spicy peanuts, island pork bites (sweet jerky), thin addictives with cranberry almonds, six kinds of crackers including the premium plus and M.Y.Skyflakes, twizzlers orange creamcycle variety, starbursts, protein bars (2 kind), soft oatmeal bars 2 kinds, chestnuts, dried strawberries, figs, and dates, and goji berries no one will eat, and prunes, peach cups and fruit cups in the fridge, and ginger chews, possibly missing something from the inventory! I am not counting the kit kat and coffee crisp ice cream bars, or the "healthier" mango chocolate one or fruit juice made ones. Or the frozen fruit in the freezer.

    Well. We know where I could run into a problem! :blush:

    I am willing to bet that your friend will eat with abandon a multitude of treats. AND then she will stop because she will be satiated. say she eats two or three or four packs. That's 1000 Cal. No restaurants. Have a snack at a stop for another 250. Is she going to go over 2000 Cal a day?

    While typing this I've consumed 850 Cal (doesn't take ME long!)... so I will stop now :wink:

    BTW: I would think that restaurants would be necessary for PIT STOPS while driving and also forced rest breaks. Heck when I was driving around I used to hit every second Tim for coffee and washroom... though I do hope the girl washrooms are better maintained than the guy ones!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Hmmm, if I were to inventory all the treatish, snackish foods lurking in my cupboards - I think it would also be a formidable list. All "betterish" versions, like clif bars (vs chocolate bars), light chocolate pudding, some Atkins dessert bars, fruit bars, trail mix with roasted edamame, grainy crackers, Pep'n cheddies snack packs, harvest snap peas and Veggie straws (vs potato chips) - you get the drift. But a shocking cache, nonetheless...that I rarely have the calories for when I am 'eating right' and getting in all the good stuff.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,147 Member
    edited June 12
    This topic fascinates me. I've just done an inventory of our 'stash' didn't take long. We have one unopened 100g bar of Lindt Intense Mint 70% dark chocolate , one 350g unopened bag of salted peanuts, 1 unopened packet of sfoglie and 6 ginger biscuits in the biscuit tin. And my husband has a 12x23g pack of Walkers Cheese and Onion crisps, because he has a 23g pack most days with lunch. I never touch them because they're his absolute favourites. The chocolate, peanuts and sfoglie are Christmas leftovers....

    This is because we don't bring temptation into the house, because I've learned the hard way that temptation is harder to resist when it's close at hand. If it's in the house unopened I can resist temptation for months at a time...if it's in the house opened it calls to me incessantly. Better to not bring it into the house at all.

    My neighbour texted me from hospital on Friday and asked me to go to his house and wait for his Tesco delivery and put the perishables in the fridge/freezer. He lives alone and in almost 4 years we've literally never seen him have a single visitor (not even at Christmas). When I unpacked his shopping it included 2 tubs of ice cream, 4 fresh cream and jam scones, 2 family sized bags of Cadbury chocolate buttons, 2 x 8 packs of Tunnocks Tea Cakes, a 350g bag of salted peanuts, a 6-pack of Kettles crisps and a 16-pack of 2 finger KitKats.

    I didn't put the non-perishables in his cupboard (would have felt like snooping) but I put the cream cakes in the fridge and noticed there were 2 cakes already there and another 2 family packs of chocolate buttons....and in the freezer there were already 4 tubs of Ben and Jerrys.

    I couldn't live with all the temptation....

    ...And even though they're not my cream cakes going slowly stale and past-their-sell-by-date, they've been really preying on my mind. I can't tell you how many times Kim and I have mentioned them in the past 4 days in 'casual' conversation.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
    This is all very interesting.
    I have no "treats" In my house. The closest I have is some almonds-raw unsalted... Some large flake oatmeal that calls out to me. Some brown sugar. Some Mexican hot chocolate "mix" Which is actually solid so can be eaten in a pinch though it's a bit overwhelming.

    I don't remember the last time on my own I was "allowed" that stuff.

    When my son's mother-in-law stayed with me a couple of weeks ago we decided to have a drink after a long day of driving. My housemate had a bottle of gin On the shelf in the kitchen 😁but we had no mix So I was heading out to the grocery store to pick up some club soda and tonic water and she said well if we're going to Have a drink pick up some chips and chocolate. It was so strange to have a bowl of potato chips and a big chocolate bar to openly snack on while we drank our gin and sonic.

    Usually when I eat that type of food it's a sneaky thing. Part of a binge. Purchased and eaten before I even get home.

    I think this is a problem...
    No doubt part of the binge eating issue.

    It's that openness that stuns me. Leaves me a little bit jelly.

    I'm realizing that a lot of my overreading is coming as a result of having the car. I would even have a very difficult time going into the grocery store... My grocery store... And buying stuff for myself. You're very anonymous in the car in the drive-through.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,735 Member
    My drive will include lots of pitstops. The last time I made this trip We stopped about every three hours and I would go pee the dog would go pee we would stretch walk a bit buy a tea eat something (Only one restaurant ??? stop at a gas station With an attached restaurant that didn't even have a sign but where I had the best Western sandwich ever), put gas in the truck. It is a strong powerful truck that can pull my trailer of furniture and is very comfortable to ride in but it also has a hemi engine that just loves gas.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,930 Member
    Hemi gas mileage! 🤯

    My stash is stupid but in general when I'm "upset" I buy the longest best before date items I can!

    I hope your drive is a fun adventure Laurie