Non Scale Victories



  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    eliezalot wrote: »
    Today I realized that I'm down another size in my favorite jeans brand. Last summer, I wore a 20W. I dropped down to an 18W, than a 16W earlier this year. I recently bought a size 14W that fit great, but gap a bit at the waist. Today, I got my first non-plus size pair - a regular 16 - and they fit absolutely perfectly (except for being 3 inches too long lol). I haven't worn non-plus size pants in years!

    I didn't realize there was a difference between 16W and 16 until I was in Cato's clothing store this summer and caught some jeans on sale. While I'm in an 18 everywhere else, Cato's apparently cuts their clothing generously because I was into their 16W's. Later, I went back for another pair of jeans and bought a pair of 16 regulars and they fit much better than the other pair!

    In Walmart, though, I'm still an 18 except for in their Rider's brand jeans, which some 20's still feel too tight, but I've about come to the conclusion that its the way those jeans are made that I don't like. I hate low waisted pants, and riders jeans here are all low rise jeans.

    On the plus size, a pair of off-size skinny jeans I bought in Gabe's the year before last fit like classic jeans on me now :) They are size 20 on the label, but since they came from an outlet, I'm not sure if the sizing is true.

    Unfortunately, a pair of hunter green jeans I bought in February in JC Penny don't fit at all now - they are way too big. And I didn't get to wear them once! :( I had them in my closet and then COVID hit and I wasn't wearing my dressier clothing because of work from home and summer temps hit, but it has gotten cold this week, so when I went to the doctor's office yesterday, I thought I'd wear those jeans - only when I put them on, the waist gaped horribly big time. Oh well; I'll take them to mom and see if she can get into them. If not, they'll go in the pile with all the other clothing that is now too big - I've got a tub completely full and ready to start another.

    I also am having to give up my knee-length black pencil skirt that I loved; its so big now that the elastic just can't hold it up anymore. I have another skirt left over from high school that is loose but darn it all - I've wanted back into that skirt for 20 years and I'm not giving it up! I'll take it up in the waist if I have to! lol The black pencil skirt, however, can't really be taken up and made to look right. I don't think-maybe I"ll show it to mom and see if she can do something about it; she's a much better seamstress than I am!
  • As someone who sews, I bet it could be redone. If it's got a solid waistband and lining it will be a pain in the patoot to remake, but it CAN be done.
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    I think I've talked about my jean experience before but the whole situation boggles my mind! The dressing rooms in my part of the country are still closed so you have to guess what size you are. I was in the store Torrid. It was my first time in this store but they were having a sale. I bought three pairs of pants. 1 pair of size 18 jeans one pair of 16 jeans and a size 16 dress pants. I got home and tried them on. The size 18 jean were way too small. The size 16 jean fit perfectly. And the 16 dress pants were a bit too big. Like come on!!! Same store. SMH
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    eliezalot wrote: »
    Today I realized that I'm down another size in my favorite jeans brand. Last summer, I wore a 20W. I dropped down to an 18W, than a 16W earlier this year. I recently bought a size 14W that fit great, but gap a bit at the waist. Today, I got my first non-plus size pair - a regular 16 - and they fit absolutely perfectly (except for being 3 inches too long lol). I haven't worn non-plus size pants in years!

    I didn't realize there was a difference between 16W and 16 until I was in Cato's clothing store this summer and caught some jeans on sale. While I'm in an 18 everywhere else, Cato's apparently cuts their clothing generously because I was into their 16W's. Later, I went back for another pair of jeans and bought a pair of 16 regulars and they fit much better than the other pair!

    In Walmart, though, I'm still an 18 except for in their Rider's brand jeans, which some 20's still feel too tight, but I've about come to the conclusion that its the way those jeans are made that I don't like. I hate low waisted pants, and riders jeans here are all low rise jeans.

    On the plus size, a pair of off-size skinny jeans I bought in Gabe's the year before last fit like classic jeans on me now :) They are size 20 on the label, but since they came from an outlet, I'm not sure if the sizing is true.

    Unfortunately, a pair of hunter green jeans I bought in February in JC Penny don't fit at all now - they are way too big. And I didn't get to wear them once! :( I had them in my closet and then COVID hit and I wasn't wearing my dressier clothing because of work from home and summer temps hit, but it has gotten cold this week, so when I went to the doctor's office yesterday, I thought I'd wear those jeans - only when I put them on, the waist gaped horribly big time. Oh well; I'll take them to mom and see if she can get into them. If not, they'll go in the pile with all the other clothing that is now too big - I've got a tub completely full and ready to start another.

    I also am having to give up my knee-length black pencil skirt that I loved; its so big now that the elastic just can't hold it up anymore. I have another skirt left over from high school that is loose but darn it all - I've wanted back into that skirt for 20 years and I'm not giving it up! I'll take it up in the waist if I have to! lol The black pencil skirt, however, can't really be taken up and made to look right. I don't think-maybe I"ll show it to mom and see if she can do something about it; she's a much better seamstress than I am!

    This reminds me of my leather jacket experience. I do not buy expensive clothes. It is not who I am and not what I do. 25 years ago I pulled a Seinfeld and bought myself a really expensive leather jacket. I loved that jacket and I wore it even when it was a little too cool to be in it. Of course I outgrew that jacket. I faced the music with all my cheaper clothes and year by year as I got larger they went away but I refused to part with my leather jacket even when I was more than 150 pounds too large to wear it. Spring of 2019 I was more than 150 pounds lighter and when I went to the hall closet for some reason there was my jacket. I tried it on and it FIT!! The problem is it was already too warm to wear it AND I was still losing. I realized that by the time it was cool weather again the jacket would be far too big on me. I had kept it all those years with the slender hope I would eventually be small enough to wear it and I didn't to try it on when I still had the chance.

    I donated it. I could not keep it with the hope I would either fail to lose more weight or regain enough weight to wear it again.

  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    I actually have a leather jacket in my parents closet from when I was in high school...I'm looking forward to trying it on when I'm home in a few weeks, and maybe bringing it back with me. I'm sure it won't fit yet, but I'm closer now than I have been before. I don't want to miss my opportunity to wear it! Fingers crossed it will fit by spring.
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Another surprise NSV! While organizing the basement last night, I stumbled upon a pair of old REI snowpants. I'm sure I bought them for my wilderness EMT class about 14 years ago. They are a petite large, and just for fun, I tried them on over my jeans. They fit! Not at all tight, and will soon be too big. Too bad we don't get any sort of real snow out here in DC/MD...
  • emmyjaykay
    emmyjaykay Posts: 83 Member
    I can see a difference in photos for the first time! I was looking for an old picture I took of my dog and I saw a mirror selfie from January of this year. I took one yesterday and compared it, then compared it to one from two weeks ago where I was in a less flattering outfit/pose and I can still see a difference. It felt really great to see myself in a picture and like the way I look again.

    I also saw an uncle for the first time since Christmas and the first thing he did was comment loudly on my loss. I'm not sure if that's really an NSV for me—to be honest, I'd rather no one ever said anything to me about my body—but I guess it was validating to know that what I'm doing is working.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I don't know what switch got flipped, but I have ENERGY. I don't want to sit down. I want to walk around the house and do stuff. My back isn't quite keeping up with me, so I sometimes have to MAKE myself sit down and rest. When I started this, I needed a nap most afternoons because I was in enough pain that I was worn out by lunch. I haven't needed a nap for about two weeks. This is really exciting. I have to assume that losing weight has helped the deep and constant fatigue of the fibromyalgia, and I thought I had that as an issue for the rest of my life.

    At this point, I of course still want to finish losing the rest of the weight, but I never expected to get energy back to stay awake all day and do ADLs when I want to do them, not when I can manage to do them.

    I am the same way...when I started MFP I had to take naps every day...I had no energy at all...I still have about 60 lbs to go but my energy and stamina are amazing to me!....very happy for you!
  • I find that inspiring, cause I have back bulges and I really hope I don't need surgical help to get a smooth back.
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    I find that inspiring, cause I have back bulges and I really hope I don't need surgical help to get a smooth back.

    My back bulges have also shrunk up nicely! There is definitely hope!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I had noticed all my rings are loose - I mean really lose as in don't flick a hand or your fling the ring off kind of lose. The sad part is all my rings but one are the costume variety and can't be resized, and the one that CAN be resided I'm waiting to see where I stabilize out at before paying to have it resized.

    On my home home yesterday, I stopped at a Cato's clothing store to see if I could find a blue jean skirt since all of mine are now too big. They didn't have them in my size, but they DID have high rise jeans (yes!) straight leg, and even though I had to pay full price for them, I bought a pair of 16 regulars to try on - and they fit when I got home!

    BUT while at the checkout counter, one of their sterling silver rings caught my eye and for a lark, I tried on a 7 - a SIZE 7 and it fit! I bought it and wore it home and was worried I wouldn't be able to get it off, but nope, it came on and off easily. Probably not so easily if my fingers swell, but still, I have never wore a size 7 ring in my life. IN fact, my high school class ring was an 11, and that one single piece of actual jewelry jewelry ring I have is a size 9 which I was in shock over when I got it 2 years ago, but now a 7?!!!! that does not compute, I tell you!
  • emmyjaykay
    emmyjaykay Posts: 83 Member
    @bmeadows380 It's totally bonkers where you wind up losing weight! I haven't noticed anything in my fingers but I've been driving my partner crazy by asking them if my toes look longer.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    My feet are shrinking!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My feet are shrinking!

    I wish I had that problem! lol
  • I had noticed all my rings are loose - I mean really lose as in don't flick a hand or your fling the ring off kind of lose. The sad part is all my rings but one are the costume variety and can't be resized, and the one that CAN be resided I'm waiting to see where I stabilize out at before paying to have it resized.

    One of the small things that I found encouraging was that my first set of engagement and wedding rings fit again after about three months. My hands aren't particularly fat, so I think I'm back to my "true size", which is a good thing because once he gets a job we're going to go out to jewelry stores and look at engagement rings. I want a ruby with side diamonds in white gold or platinum. I'm not a solitaire diamond girl.