Non Scale Victories



  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    @Bella_Figura: I have the belly and boobs issue myself, but my hamstrings aren't so tight due to doing a LOT of stretching and yoga. If I don't, my back hurts and I get plantar fasciitis in both feet.

    It's NICE to just be able to bend over. Someday I hope to do it without being suffocated by boobage. (I have a first appointment to discuss reduction with a plastic surgeon in October.)
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,140 Member
    Sorry, Bella - I wasn't clear. I absolutely understood the nature of your NSV. But thought that now that you can, you should...and then just got silly. :)

    🤣🤣 You’re right though - I should shake my booty while I still have one!
  • pdd1216
    pdd1216 Posts: 319 Member
    I grabbed a pair of khaki shorts out of the drawer and didn't realize it was in the "smaller" pile. Excited that they fit and are comfortable!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,978 Member
    Thought it might be time to resurrect this. My NSV is that last years winter clothes still fit despite not losing any more weight over the year. I’ve managed to maintain my loss!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    Way to go, Yoolypr.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,140 Member
    That's no small victory @Yoolypr! Maintenance is MUCH harder than weight loss, so kudos to you.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    I agree three ❣️
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,978 Member
    Thanks. Got my photo to work on MFP again. That’s a victory in my book!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    Yoolypr wrote: »
    Thanks. Got my photo to work on MFP again. That’s a victory in my book!

    Good work! Nice to have a face to go with your name!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,140 Member
    edited October 2021
    Ok, how about this for a NSV.

    We've had an OPENED box of Cadbury Creme Eggs in the house for 200 days and apart from the one egg that my husband ate on the day his mom gave us the box, we haven't so much as sniffed the remaining 47....

    They're now 2 weeks from their expiry date....


    I guess I could do this:
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,978 Member
    Ooh - I think I’d throw them out quickly. Never did like the gooey runny centers. Perhaps yours aren’t as sweet as in the US. Besides at this point they might be stale tasting? Mom will never know and you can save the calories for something else. Like dinner.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,140 Member
    edited October 2021
    I'm thinking they may be OK for trick or treaters.....

    After 200 days I'm not about to crack and eat one now, not when they're past their best...

    Must say they haven't really tempted me at all - I'm not a great chocolate lover, especially rubbish quality chocolate. If I were to indulge it would be in some Venchi Extra Dark Gianduja with hazelnuts. But as I don't have any, there's no temptation to withstand...
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    Date reached ... have to go!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,978 Member
    I’ve successfully managed to giving up the role of chief cook and grocery shopper. I’m a darn good inventive cook and I’ll get in there for special meals or sides. However letting hubby plan and cook makes him happy in retirement. I get to avoid thinking about cranking out three meals a day. Hubby is naturally normal weight and tends to make better choices.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,140 Member
    Yoolypr wrote: »
    I’ve successfully managed to giving up the role of chief cook and grocery shopper. I’m a darn good inventive cook and I’ll get in there for special meals or sides. However letting hubby plan and cook makes him happy in retirement. I get to avoid thinking about cranking out three meals a day. Hubby is naturally normal weight and tends to make better choices.

    That is a great NSV!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,140 Member
    I have 2 NSVs to share.

    1) We got a call from the hospital at 5pm on Friday, asking my husband to come for an urgent appointment with one of his medical teams today (Tuesday) at 08.30. No explanation as to the urgency. Cue hours of worrying in the intervening 90-odd hours (unnecessarily as it transpired - all is fine).

    The NSV is that I didn't soothe my anxiety with food. I kept on track, did my usual walks and bike rides, kept within my calorie budget. For me - a comfort eater to the core - that's nothing short of miraculous.

    2) The appointment was at 08.30 and he was advised to bring someone who could drive him home after the procedure. Which meant a quick, light breakfast to get to the hospital in time and find a parking space. COVID restrictions meant I had to wait in the coffee shop/waiting area. I whiled away 90 minutes with a cup of tea and my Kindle. By the time he re-emerged, it was gone 10.30. We popped to see his mom and she offered cake or a toasted cheese sandwich. My stomach was growling and I was properly hungry. I knew we wouldn't be home to eat lunch until at least 2pm. I declined.
    The NSV is that I was hungry, but I'd learned enough about my hunger over this past month to realise that the pangs would come and go. I was fine. I didn't die of hunger. We ate lunch at 2.15 and I lived to tell the tale.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,978 Member
    Those are two wonderful victories! And you have learned two skills in dealing with overweight.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    edited November 2021
    OK you'ze.

    Not only do I WANT Garfield to go SPLAT! (without a bounce back), but I am counting on her to be around so that she can become my cycling advisor when I eventually start doing cycley stuff!

    My verbal non visual not in vivo virtual voyage to be vicariously examined by my doctor yesterday was more verisimilitude than veracity and verily and verifiably has now been postponed to November 22!

    So no cycling stuff in the near future and great self interest to ensure that Garfield succeeds, right!?! So she can help me---duh!👍😹

    Garfield, as long as you're losing more or less adequately, whether you get to goal in six months or two years doesn't matter nearly as much as what happens then.

    And maximum reserves of will power and willingness to apply such is mostly going to be needed in the first few months / year or two of maintenance when suppressed hunger seems to rebound for a fairly sizeable percentage of successful, to that point, dieters.

    Sure. Discovering things about one's self is not only useful, it's vital. Verily.

    But the time where you're already losing adequately and improving health is also a good time to take an opportunity to coast a little, while keeping reserves of effort for when you really need them.

    To me, from the outside, all your goals lately seem to be ratcheting the effort.

    Consider coasting a bit and ratcheting the effort during your diet break to make sure that during that time you don't stray too far from target.

    The above is not offered as a prescription; but it is being submitted for your hamster management team to take into consideration as a view-point next time they meet and strategize! 🐹

  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,140 Member
    edited November 2021
    Hmmm, my hamster management team have been debating this very issue for a week or two, and we have a hung jury.

    Arguments in favour of Pav's recommendation:
    A pregnant woman would be foolish to deprive herself of sleep in her 3rd trimester in order to get used to being kn*ckered once the baby's born. She'd be much more sensible to get as much rest as possible, as she'll need reserves of energy to draw on in the months to come.

    Arguments against Pav's recommendation:
    • An astronaut wouldn't go into space without getting as much zero-gravity experience as possible
    • Only a fool would attempt a trek to one of the poles without first doing lots of training in challenging conditions
    • You wouldn't attempt to do a really deep sea dive without first getting accustomed to what it feels like to dive at those pressures
    • You wouldn't attempt to climb Everest without acclimatising at base camp first until your body is familiar with thinner air

    I'm fully expecting an onslaught of hunger, mind-games, cravings, mental justifications for eating, feelings of insatiability in the months/years ahead.

    Knowing what's coming, should I do as the pregnant woman should, and coast as long as possible until the onslaught arrives....or should I follow the lead of the astronaut/explorer/diver/mountaineer and have some practice runs at getting used to coping with the conditions I'll be facing?

    Which course would offer me the better chance of success? My hamsters aren't sure...