TEAM: The Slimsons (October)



  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    🌟Daily Post: Tuesday, 15 October

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Walking - 6,645 steps
    💬Comments: Great day (I didn’t eat any leftovers and I had absolutely no chocolate today 💪)
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Nope
    Calories: Not a chance.
    Exercise: 75 mins weight training, 30 mins walk.

    Comments: Took a bit of a cheat day and made some Halloween treats, sugar free and low carb of course, and I am pretty proud of how my creations turned out.
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Nope
    Calories: Not a chance.
    Exercise: 75 mins weight training, 30 mins walk.

    Comments: Took a bit of a cheat day and made some Halloween treats, sugar free and low carb of course, and I am pretty proud of how my creations turned out.

    OMG....LOVE these!! Winning!!
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    o0kody0o wrote: »
    🌟Daily Post: Monday, 14 October

    💬Comments: A while back I bought a cheap, basic fitness tracker which turned out to be uncomfortable and inaccurate. Yesterday I decided to buy a Fitbit Inspire. I love it and it seems very accurate! I don’t know much about Fitbits but I noticed there’s a community section and I was wondering if I’m able to do like a daily steps challenge with others? I don’t have any friends on it yet but my username is o0kody0o so if anyone has one, feel free to add me 😊

    Congrats on your new fitness toy! Sorry, I'm not a fitbit user but I hope you have lots of fun with it and hope you find a community there that helps inspire you! I've been dying to get a tracker for years now. I actually had one that I liked, wanted it to track my sleep mainly. I can't even remember what it was called but the company went belly up and they stopped updating the app so now it's 100% useless. Fitness requires so much money, ranging from clothing, shoes, gym memberships....etc. I do want to get another tracker but I will probably get one of the cheap ones from Amazon. Eventually, lol.
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    Daily Post

    Woke up scare to death with 7 to 8 FDNY & EMS workers who thought I was dead Not a good way to wake up

    Oh my god! What a scare for you! I'm so happy you weren't! Take care of yourself, how are you feeling today?
    LadyRN76 wrote: »
    Daily Post - Tuesday

    Exercise I only had 5,000 steps today. I woke up in the middle of the night with the GI bug and have felt horrid all day.

    Oh no, being sick is the worst. It just zaps all the life out of you. I hope you are feeling better today!
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes, with 10 calories to spare, lol.
    Exercise: Yes, 35 minutes walk/run with 4lb weights, 50 minute run

    On Monday and Tuesday mornings I watch a livestream of an American TV show early when I wake up. So now I'm going to try something new. On these days I will go on the treadmill and do walk/run intervals in order to get a slow "fat burn". Tuesday was better than Monday. Still feeling tired but had more energy than Monday. This morning (Wed) my legs and body are feeling a little sore from my running yesterday (did a forest run and took a new trail which had a nasty hill I wasn't expecting), so I think it's time for a full rest day. Might do a little yoga if I can force myself to. Always good for a rest/recovery day. I might attempt to fast today since I won't be working out and I'm thinking a fast might help my body repair itself. I still don't feel quite normal after my two races. I really maxed my HR out on these two runs and now when I run my heart feels so tired the whole time, from the first step until the last. I run because I find it so enjoyable, it's my meditation time and it relaxes me. Since my races running just feels hard and not fun. Well, happy Wednesday everyone! Here's to one more day of getting healthy!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Week 3
    PW 260
    CW 260
    I spent most of the weekend either in bed or in the hospital on their liquid diet so I really thought there would be a drop. At first they thought it was my appendix but it isn’t so now I have more tests to go through because it’s something with my bowel. My husband thinks I’m dying so he said I have to stick around until the kids are moved out. So here’s to hoping I find out soon
  • dustyspal
    dustyspal Posts: 835 Member
    @mrsjas2000. Hope it's nothing serious. Feel better soon.
  • Ver9nika
    Ver9nika Posts: 183 Member
    mrsjas2000 wrote: »
    Week 3
    PW 260
    CW 260
    I spent most of the weekend either in bed or in the hospital on their liquid diet so I really thought there would be a drop. At first they thought it was my appendix but it isn’t so now I have more tests to go through because it’s something with my bowel. My husband thinks I’m dying so he said I have to stick around until the kids are moved out. So here’s to hoping I find out soon

    Fingers crossed for you! 💖
  • dustyspal
    dustyspal Posts: 835 Member
    Weekly Weigh-in Wednesday
    October week 3

    PW: 269.2
    CW: 264.6
  • Ver9nika
    Ver9nika Posts: 183 Member
    dustyspal wrote: »
    Weekly Weigh-in Wednesday
    October week 3

    PW: 269.2
    CW: 264.6

    👏👏👏 applaud
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    Daily Post


    Track yes
    Calories yes
    Exercise yes 15minutes walking
    Water 140oz
    Goals/comments ok day withxrhe exception of me being in pain from the day before mishap


    Track yes
    Calories yes under
    Exercise no
    Water 175oz
    Woke up scare to death with 7 to 8 FDNY & EMS workers who thought I was dead Not a good way to wake up

    Oh no!
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    o0kody0o wrote: »
    🌟Daily Post: Tuesday, 15 October

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Walking - 6,645 steps
    💬Comments: Great day (I didn’t eat any leftovers and I had absolutely no chocolate today 💪)
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Nope
    Calories: Not a chance.
    Exercise: 75 mins weight training, 30 mins walk.

    Comments: Took a bit of a cheat day and made some Halloween treats, sugar free and low carb of course, and I am pretty proud of how my creations turned out.
    mrsjas2000 wrote: »
    Week 3
    PW 260
    CW 260
    I spent most of the weekend either in bed or in the hospital on their liquid diet so I really thought there would be a drop. At first they thought it was my appendix but it isn’t so now I have more tests to go through because it’s something with my bowel. My husband thinks I’m dying so he said I have to stick around until the kids are moved out. So here’s to hoping I find out soon
    Hope you feel better soon and it’s nothing too serious.
    dustyspal wrote: »
    Weekly Weigh-in Wednesday
    October week 3

    PW: 269.2
    CW: 264.6

    Nice loss
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    Daily check tues 10-15
    Tracked yes
    Calories under
    Exercise yes
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    143tobe wrote: »
    o0kody0o wrote: »
    🌟Daily Post: Monday, 14 October

    💬Comments: A while back I bought a cheap, basic fitness tracker which turned out to be uncomfortable and inaccurate. Yesterday I decided to buy a Fitbit Inspire. I love it and it seems very accurate! I don’t know much about Fitbits but I noticed there’s a community section and I was wondering if I’m able to do like a daily steps challenge with others? I don’t have any friends on it yet but my username is o0kody0o so if anyone has one, feel free to add me 😊

    Congrats on your new fitness toy! Sorry, I'm not a fitbit user but I hope you have lots of fun with it and hope you find a community there that helps inspire you! I've been dying to get a tracker for years now. I actually had one that I liked, wanted it to track my sleep mainly. I can't even remember what it was called but the company went belly up and they stopped updating the app so now it's 100% useless. Fitness requires so much money, ranging from clothing, shoes, gym memberships....etc. I do want to get another tracker but I will probably get one of the cheap ones from Amazon. Eventually, lol.

    Thank you! Yup you’re right, it can be quite costly. The Fitbit Inspire that I bought cost me £70 which is approximately 90 dollars I think. I did buy a much cheaper one ages ago (£20/$25’ish) but it wasn’t tracking my steps accurately. I was a bit worried about spending that amount of money on a fitness tracker but I can say it was definitely worth it and it’s something I’ll use for a long time. It’s extremely accurate. If you have some goals, maybe once you reach one of them, you could treat yourself 😁

  • satchel2008
    satchel2008 Posts: 136 Member
    Daily post Tuesday
  • satchel2008
    satchel2008 Posts: 136 Member
    Well my back is slowly starting to feel a little better may see how I feel after work tomorrow and see if I can go to the gym. Of course Monday I woke up to a very sore throat and now I'm suffering through a cold... Wish I could catch a break 😔 but trying to stay positive and just keep pushing through. My family has been going through some hardships that last week or so and it seems to just be one thing after another and I am a stress eater so I'm doing my best to stay disciplined and keep on track and not let life's crazy messes get in the way of my goals. I may not be able to control the crazy things that happen in life but I can control how I react to them and eating my problems away has never worked and has only created more for me. I WILL BE STRONGER THIS TIME!
  • cydneebauman
    cydneebauman Posts: 122 Member
    October week 3
    Wednesday weigh in
    PW 155
    CW 152.4
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,841 Member
    Tuesday Check-In
    Calories: under
    Water: way over
    Exercise: walking and weights arm day
    Steps 11549
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)

    Track: Fasting
    Calories: -
    Exercise: Not really but I did 10 minutes walking dog & a 10 minute bike ride

    Comments: Was super busy today. Definitely did not have time for yoga. It's ok though, I gave my body the rest it needed and already feeling a bit better. Completed a 24 hour fast. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight, the last 36 hour fast I attempted left me unable to sleep so I decided to break my fast at 34 hours. I'm going to break this fast when I feel like my body is wanting to but don't plan on going over 40 hours.

    NSV: My son gave me a hug today and said, ouch, something hurt me. I grabbed my necklace and said, sorry, it must have been my necklace. And he goes, No, it wasn't that. It was your bone. My collar bone somehow jabbed him. :D

    @cydneebauman @dustyspal Great losses guys! Wow!!
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