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  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    daily check in Sunday
    water-56 oz
    food-on target

    I need to get back into exercise mode. I am planning to place in the top 3 at this years Turkey Trot for my age division. My training needs to start tomorrow so I will be prepared.
    spent yesterday cleaning out the basement. Big improvement. I feel like we have 3 more weekends of work left. Going out of town this weekend and working on a game plan so I can stay on track with my weight loss. Then November weekends to finish all the cleaning and organizing before Thanksgiving. Were making progress.
    I have my food all planned for today. Feeling optimistic.
    @Cafelelia great job Lisa navigating T-day and your B-day. It reminds me of how I handled it last year too. You have to have a plan to stay on track. It can definitely be done. great job!!!
    @nstephenson01 I kept my calories at around 1500 most days when I was losing weight. especially if you work out. 1200 on some and 1800 on others but on average 1500 seemed to work for me.

    I did want to mention that October 15th is 1 year that I have been Vegan, caffeine free, and no over the counter medicines what so ever for 1 year. I used to be a daily pill popper so it has really felt like a major achievement. (I am not counting my 2 doses of morphine and 1 motrin tablet when I was in the hospital lol).
    Going to be a very challenging work week. Sounds like for you too @twyla77. Hang in there!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Check in for Sunday

    Food - Logged & 100 over
    Exercise - rest day
    Water - 1.8 l

    I had a great day yesterday. I planned on going over a bit for my birthday dinner as I wanted to rest rather than exercise. Next food challenge day will be Halloween. I have to travel to a hockey tournament with my younger son. Luckily, the tournament is located where my mom lives, so we do not have to stay at a hotel and eat out for 4 days.

    It is Election Day here in Canada for our Federal government, so will be up late to watch the results come in. Our older son volunteers for the campaign of our local MP (Member of Parliament). So he will be out late canvassing and as a scrutineer at the local polling station until all votes are counted, Then my husband will take him to the post election celebration (win or lose). He is only 13 and has been doing everything from canvassing, to making pamphlets and organizing signs. He loved learning about the political process and we are very proud of him.

    @jedaschultz - Great loss! Congratulations and you are having a great month!

    @Mrsbell8well - When is your race? Congratulations on your vegan/no caffeine/no meds one year anniversary!

    @sleepymom5 - Really hope that your knee feels better. Good luck with jury duty & hoping you don’t get picked. People always ask me how to beat it & I always so just be yourself. The watch is an Apple Watch. I think that I would use the Garmin if I were training, but the Apple Watch is fun for daily activity, apps etc.

    @Twyla77 - Hope that the project goes well and is finished soon! Am sure that you will do great!

    @lennoncpa - Monday is a great day to reset. It is a new week and you’ve got this!

    @tryingagain5 - Hope that you have fully recovered from that cold and that your back feels better. Really like your weekly summary. You can totally meet your goals this week!

  • KatAdele
    KatAdele Posts: 290 Member
    @Mrsbell8well I love that chart - countdown to Thanksgiving. I may have to borrow it.

    Here is to a new week. Ready to make some better choices.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Thanks @KatAdele. I used one similar last year to lose 60 pounds/60 colored stars. I am currently on maintenance and needed some additional accountability and motivation.
    @nstephenson01 I hear you about feeling good at 165. I feel good at 145. My goal is 142 which I did hit but I too like a little wiggle room. 148 is not acceptable. Ideally I would like to be 138 and fluctuate up to 142 but that doesn't seem to be in my current make-up and that's ok. I have 5 1/2 more pounds until T-day. That is certainly a whole lot better than 60 but we all know how fast that can add back up.
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    Username: amsandos
    Week: 4
    Weight in day: Monday
    Previous weight:142
    Current weight: 141
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. It’s cold and rainy but looks pretty outside! If that’s possible!!
  • amytriesww
    amytriesww Posts: 91 Member
    Monday Check In
    Food: on track!
    Water: not enough
    Exercise & Steps: rest day

    Took today off since I wasn't feeling well. It's so nice to take a day off and not have it derail me. Of the many times I tried losing weight in the past, that used to be one of my biggest problems. Meal prepped some Turkey Chili and Enchilada Stuffed Peppers today! Been a couple weeks since I've really meal prepped so that was nice to get back to.

    I also never would have thought back in June at 292 lbs that I would only be 19.8 lbs away from one-derland by the end of October. I'm making it my goal to get to one-derland by the New Year. Even if I don't make it, I'll get close and that's good enough for me!

    @Cafelelia Happy belated birthday! I hope you had the best day ever! I also have to say your 13 year old son seems to have a way more interesting life than I do! haha

    @ljdanny Congratulations on that sweet new grandbaby!

    @Mrsbell8well I'm so glad to hear that you're doing better! I'm also interested to hear about the stone you sent to the lab. I wonder what they will be able to tell you about it?!

    @sleepymom5 I hope you have a great time this week having your son home! I also hope jury duty went well today! I've only been called for jury duty once and my daughter ended up in the hospital with a kidney infection the day before, so they let me out of it. Was kind of interested to see what it was like!
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Okay on food today. Not as okay on water.
    TOM. Yuck.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Monday 10/21 check in
    Food: logged and under. Did well with fruits and veggies today. For supper I had a large salad with strawberries, pineapple, an apple, grape tomatoes, celery, carrots and cucumber. I also put some bacon and chicken on it. It tasted wonderful! I need to do that more often.

    Exercise: 40 minutes total, 10 minutes warm up on the treadmill, then 30 minute session with my trainer. My back is still an issue so we took it easy again.
    I did some stretching and have been using heat for it. Hopefully it will get better soon. Still fighting the cold. Seems it's gotten a little worse instead of better. Hope that goes away soon too.

    Water: 64 oz
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Check in for Monday
    Food IF on track
    Water could be better
    Exercise 30 min strength, 100 minutes walk
    Steps 15,808
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Sorry I didn't get back on yesterday and I have to run again today. I have an early appointment for a pelvic ultrasound. It is a follow up, they saw some cysts on my ovaries when they did the MRI for my hip so I had one a few months back and they saw some more so hopefully everything is good now and I don't need to go back. I have no symptoms and wouldn't have even known they were there without the initial MRI. Afterwards, I have some running around to do and should be able to check in this afternoon. Hope everyone is doing well. I will catch up later. :)
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Autumn dinner
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in Monday
    water-64 oz
    food-on track (said no to wine and cookies)
    exercise-10 mins yoga

    Last night for dinner I made stuffed Vegan cranberry acorn squash with a roasted beet salad. Golden and ruby beets with vegan cream cheese, toasted walnuts and balsamic vinegar.
    I am with you @tryingagain5 salads are sooooo good. Yours sounds delicious too. I can be a bit lazy to make them but when I do we just love them. the squash was good but the salad was the star. I brought leftovers of both for lunch. Now I watch the clock till I can go eat them.
    I am trying to make dinner rotations that include weekly soups, salads, a sandwich and ethnic night. Friday date night (I don't cook, often frozen pizza and salad), And I try to have Molly cook on Saturdays. Ideally nice Sunday dinner with a dessert.
    I have now gone 3 days practicing mindful eating. I was getting back into old habits so it was good to stop and watch my behavior.
    I had an employee quit yesterday...I was going to terminate her so just as well. the rest of my team pulled together so it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
    Brought my running clothes to work. Plan to run as soon as I get off. I am about 30 minutes from home at the base of mountains. I am at this location twice a week. I love running here. Rainy most of the day but I need to get my running started back up.
    It helps to have this support group to check in with. Keeps me accountable.

    @ljdanny congrats on the baby. Did you post pics yet? I would love to see your new grandchild. We really miss having a wee one around.
    @amytriesww your doing such a fantastic job! Onederland will be here so soon. You can definitely do it. I love your goal. It's a learning experience. Hope your feeling better.
    We all talk about changing lifestyle and behaviors so when we get to goal its easy to maintain. That's a nice thought but I can tell you it is way too easy to slip back into old habits. I really love the new me and still working to get comfortable in my new tiny body.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @phoebe112476 WTG!!!! Your solidly in the 50's!!!! Happy dancing for you since Cindi is not here.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Check in for Sunday & Monday. Eating mostly as planned. Sunday I estimated I ate almost 2100 calories and 1500 on Monday but lots of steps and activity. Water has been OK. TOM is kicking my butt tho. Its hard to drink my usual amount of water when I already feel bloated.

    Nice Loss @Jedaschultz and while traveling no less. I struggle when I travel. You're doing great!!

    @sleepymom5 I was wondering how your son was liking Houston. Glad he's able to come home for a visit. Good luck with your appt. this morning.

    Happy belated birthday @cafelelia! The chocolate mousse sounds delish. I can pass by almost any sweet except good chocolate. That's so great that your son is interested in the political process at his age!

    @mrsbell8well your salad looks yummy! I love acorn squash and tried growing a plant in my garden this year for the first time. They're surprisingly easy to grow!

    Whoo hoo @phoebe112476 I'll join @Mrsbell8well in a happy dance to congratulate you (and in honor of Cyndie)... it won't be pretty LOL. Your consistency is truly inspiring.

    Rainy day here today but I hope to get the dogs out for a short walk and I need to wash our RV before my husband takes it down to the storage yard... ugh.

    Food for the day is planned out...
    Breakfast: Black coffee, Banana, blueberries, toasted whole wheat bread with peanut butter and flax seed
    Lunch: Southwestern chicken soup
    Snacks: nuts, grapes
    Dinner: Fajitas & green salad
    (Need to squeeze in some beans somewhere per Dr. Greger's daily dozen recommendations; maybe with dinner)
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    @cafelelia I will be away for a week so plan to weigh in tomorrow instead of Friday. Hope that is OK. Going to visit my Mom and Hubby's sister in Mass.
    Turns out all but one of my sisters and brothers ( 8 of 9 ) will also be there. One brother has been writing novels and has a book signing set up for Saturday. So we all decided to be there for him. Will be really nice to see everybody.
    @Mrsbell8well that salad looks yummy!
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