
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,475 Member
    Daily Check in: Wednesday
    Food: started good then went over
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise & steps: Pt and 4,900 steps

    I don't even feel like checking in as I have been doing the same thing day after day. I just have been overeating. Yesterday it was after I dropped MK back at school. I feel like I am just in the car all the time so when I got home around 4, I was tired and cranky. I had tea and a snack that wasn't on plan that just kept leading to another snack. I decided to not have dinner because I ate so much. Then around 9 I was starving(truely) and not tired(that damn tea) so I ended up having a sandwich (nothing bad but I really wish I hadn't eaten) . I am going to look for the positive. I am actually doing better than last week. I am getting my water in. I am doing my PT exercises. I am actually having a very productive week. I have a plan with my knees and am doing it. I also am sleeping better after seeing the doctor (those lidocaine patches are working) So, I am at least I am making improvements. I had a thought when I was writing this. I need to do something while MK is in with the doctor. I was eating lunch but I am so tired when I come home that I need to move instead. The office is right outside a huge mall. I need to go and mall walk. Right away, my brain was giving me problems, parking will be a pain, Christmas is coming and it will be a night mare, blah, blah, blah...I decided that it doesn't matter how bad parking is, even walking to the mall from the parking lot is moving. I actually can even walk from where her appointment is but it can be busy to cross there. I am going to start doing it! Today I am staying HOME all day. I am hoping to get caught up with things around here. I need to start fall cleaning. I also am going to see my Mom in Florida Sat through Tuesday. It is actually at a good time since I am suppose to rest my knee. I will still be on here though so it won't change anything.

    Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween! It is a soggy one in Philly!

    @cyndiesstuff I love that idea! Sure beats you spending a month reading what you missed Lol! I know I speak for the team when I say everyone is happy you are back!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,475 Member
    I like these tips-especially the second to last one. Don't just throw in the towel because you went off plan. Get right back on track. I also want to add a tip. Get the left over candy out of the house. As far as the kid's candy. I would have them choose the stuff they like the best and give the rest away. I also would have my kids put the candy in a tupperware bowl and get it out of my sight. My kids surprisingly weren't big on candy so I would end up donating the rest after a week. They would forget about it. Same with Christmas and Easter. I wish I was like that....
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,475 Member
    @Mrsbell8well Love the pic!! What a cute idea!! You look amazing!
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello & Happy Halloween! It is raining here, but in the 70's. The rain is supposed to let up for the trick or treaters. My boys are past the age of trick or treating, so I buy candy, they like to give it out to the kids. We get a lot of kids in my neighborhood, so I do not foresee having any candy left.

    Yesterday was a good day! I stayed on track with my food & got an hour in on the elliptical! I feel so much better already, just being back on track for a few days. I am sure IF is also helping. Every time I think about eating something I know is going to throw me off-track, I think of where I will be in a week, month etc, that often helps.

    @cyndiesstuff glad you are back & doing well! You will get back on track! I am trying to get back to goal as well, it has been a rough couple of months with my weight-loss!

    @Cafelelia I started hearing a lot about IF last year and read up about it and decided to give it a try. I use the Life app which basically counts down your fasting time based on how long you want to fast as well as lets you know when you are in Ketosis. I was doing it faithfully for a while, then I just went off-track with everything, but I started back to 16:8 this week and I feel really good. I don't get that bloated feeling. I drink lots of water & green tea until I eat my first meal, and it tastes so good, lol. I usually have fresh fruit & yogurt when I break my fast.

    @sleepymom5 so many people suffer from anxiety as well as other mental health disorders, it is crazy!

    Have a great day! So glad to be back & catching up with everyone! :smiley:
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    Hope that everyone has a happy & healthy Halloween!!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Wednesday Check In

    Food - logged & on target
    Exercise - 1 hour with trainer
    Water - 1.8 l

    Busy but good day yesterday and a great session with my trainer. I just completed a long drive in the rain to my son’s hockey tournament. We will be here until Sunday, but we are staying with my mom, which will reduce the number of meals out to just the team dinner on Saturday night. I am looking up the menu now and will make a plan for that. My mom cooks Mediterranean style, so she always has healthy options for us. She did bake some lovely pumpkin spice loaves for Halloween, so that my be my treat rather than the bag of chips. We are having terrible weather for Halloween, but I will take my son out and get my steps at the same time!

    @nstephenson01 - Outstanding loss!! You are well on your way to your goal! You are such a good neighbour. My father-in-law has advancing Parkinson’s & you are right that a healthy body & mind are priceless.

    @kirsten11872 - Great job yesterday! I am going to look up your IF app. I am using Zero. Just finished a 16 hour fast this morning and plan on doing another starting this evening. I feel great doing the fasts too. I have done a few 24 hour ones, and with the exception of one, I felt great and it wasn’t too hard.

    @Mrsbell8well - Such a cute pic! And you look so slim and amazing!! Very glowy skin too!!

    @sleepymom5 - Thank you for the Halloween tips! I have a bottle of water in hand now! We are both doing a lot of driving lately. Walking at the mall is a great idea! My younger son’s team has added additional weeknight practices, so I am now at the arena over the dinner hour for 3 out of 5 weeknights. My son has a snack before practice and eats at home after, but it is too late for me to eat (usually 8 or 8:30 pm). I am going to change up my meal planning and bring my suppers to the arena. I have asked my husband to take on as much driving as possible on Sundays, so I can get the meal prepping & cooking organized. This way, I do not mess up my IF schedule and everything else.

    @cyndiesstuff - That is a great idea! Some of us have already done intros on the November thread and we can add to our intros. I covered off what has been going on since we last saw each other in my intro post. I am glad that your family is settling back into a routine and you are getting back on track. You have set a realistic and awesome goal, and as you have said to me many times, you’ve got this!!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Yes, night shift is hard, especially when I've never been a night owl. Oct 25 was my 4 year anniversary, all on 3rd shift. I think my body is starting to rebel on this shift.🤔 I used to sleep better and now I"ll sleep and wake up several times.

    I sleep at night on the weekends and don't wake up until my alarm goes off. Hoping my new mattress will help with the daytime sleeping. Today I slept 4 hours and then couldn't get back to sleep. I see a nap happening before work.😴
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @Cafelelia I usually do 16:8, I try to do it every day if possible. I try to finish eating by 8:00, but last night I did not finish eating until 9:00. I went to the gym & stopped at the store. By the time I got home & ate, it was 9:00. Some times I will bring a protein bar with me to the gym & eat it on the way home so I don't finish too late. I didn't eat until after 1:00 today, that was rough. I like the Life app, I have never tried any others. I have never done a 24 hour fast. Maybe one day I will try it.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @Mrsbell8well cute pic! Love the M&M t-shirts. You look great, very slim!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,475 Member
    I am really trying to be good with my knees so I am taking time this afternoon to elevate and ice them. It also gives me time to check in with you all! So far so good today. I have sat through or distracted myself through a few urges to eat. I was able to push lunch off from 11:20 to 1:20 . I am hoping eating lunch a little later will help with my afternoon snacking issue. If I really get hungry, I am having a piece of fruit. I also did 15 min bike, 15 min on treadmill plus PT, stretching and arms. I am also going to make a to do list for when I am in Florida. I want to look up yoga poses, stretches and strength exercises to do at home. So...so far so good! I will check in again later.

    Don't forget to head over to the November thread to introduce yourself and set your November goals. Remember to give an update as what you have been up to the past few months for @cyndiesstuff For those of you who came after Cyndie left,she was our team leader for as long as I can remember-possibly years! We are so happy to have her back! If you haven't met her, it won't be long until you see why we all love her!

    @nstephenson01 Awesome loss!! It seems like you figured out a plan that is working for you. It is amazing how spread out you are and how close all your neighbors are. We live so close and barely see each other. It is sad. My heart goes out to your neighbor. What a tough decision. Have fun tonight- Go 49ers! (Don't tell my neighbor ;) )
    @kirsten11872 I can't get over how you can just hop right back on the elliptical and go right back to an hour. That is awesome!! Sounds like you are eating and getting the IF back on track. You are going to kick butt at your weigh in. Are you still doing WW? I know you are a lifetime member.
    @Cafelelia Love that Halloween pic!! I am glad you are safely where you need to be. This rain is hitting so many of us. I do feel bad for the little ones who want to trick or treat. Enjoy being able to stay at your Moms and her cooking. The spice loaf sounds so much better than chips!!
    @tryingagain5 Hopefully the mattress helps. Have a good night at work!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    edited October 2019

    How many times do you say I can't? Make a list.

    I can't quit snacking.
    I can't get my steps in.
    I can't get up early.
    I can't resist pizza.

    This is crap. And you and I both know it. What I really mean is I won't.

    Now change the can't to won't.

    I won't quit snacking.
    I won't sleep good.
    I won't get up early.
    I won't resist pizza.

    Can't takes the responsibility out of your hands. Won't puts the responsibility right back on you. Where it should be. You can do what you want but not as long as you tell yourself you can't. It's up to you. Your Choice

    Ok every one! Lets make a list. What do you say I can't to? Please share.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cyndiesstuff welcome back girl! You have been missed!
    More later. Mom and I stayed up till 1am watching the Nationals! Such an exciting series. And being Virginians of course I was rooting for Nationals! Making split pea soup, watching a scary movie and going to bed early. We are under tornado advisories. I left work early.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thursday 10/31 check in
    Food: logged and on track
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 40 minutes total: 10 minute warmup on the treadmill then 30 minute session with my trainer.

    It seems to be going better. Must mean the adjustments at the chiropractor is helping. There was a little humor at my appointment yesterday. He was working on my neck and could tell I was tense. He told me to relax. I responded that was hard when he had his hands around my neck and all I could picture is the action movies where people's necks get snapped. He laughed and said he couldn't do that. I told him that was good, if he could he wouldn't have any patients. My next appointment is tomorrow morning.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,167 Member
    Week 5
    Pw 190?
    Cw 190
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,167 Member
    I was unsuccessful at getting my Fitbit account back yesterday. I have another email into them. Hopefully this time it works. I hate starting over. They postponed trick or treating in my town til Saturday. It's not even raining right now. It's hot out though it would have been perfect. I have the candy hidden away so I don't eat it. I had a nice big salad today for lunch and only ate half my dinner. I think I sweated more today in my costume than I do working out. I had to take it off by lunch time.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,475 Member
    @cyndiestuff Love that! Absolutely puts the ball back in our own courts. I won't stop over eating (although I did do very well today ;)
    @nstephenson01 I know you saw him as they were talking about him. Maybe I should have said his name and not his number. It's Justin Pugh. I am sure you wont see this until the game is over...
    @mrsbell8well I was routing for Houston just because William lives there. Lol! Nationals had a great game and season! Congratulations! The weather is crazy tonight. Stay safe!
    @tryingagain5 Omg! I actually Lol'd when I read that, I bet your doctor did too! I am glad you are doing a bit better. Jeeze, me and you, my knees and hip, your back...we need to just eat our fruit and veggies and keep plugging along! Lol!
    @ljdanny That is another maintain. I think that isn't bad considering all that you have had going on this month. They were so annoying in our town about the trick or treating. People are so mean on FB! They didn't postpone it and it wasn't too bad out at that time thank goodness. It was really warm today here too, muggy even. It is rainy and windy now. I think tomorrow will be cooler though. Sounds like you did well with your eating and I have been seeing your workouts starting up again. You are doing great! Did the little grandbaby get dressed up? One year one of the babie's, I am guessing William because he is Oct BD, costume was a pea in the pod. It was a pod with 2 peas and an opening for the face was like the 3rd pea. It was so cute. I wish I could help you with fitbit. How annoying! Hope they can figure it out for you.
    @Cafelelia It is so boring when your kids get older. Mary Kate asked me to bring her old school uniform with me. I guess she was being a catholic school student. Lol! His costume is awesome! Is that your house or your Moms? The decorations are amazing!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,475 Member
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Yes, the doctor did laugh at my comment about him snapping my neck! He thought it was funny too. He's got a good sense of humor!

    Yeah, neither one of us is old enough to be falling apart.🤣
    Yep, keep plugging along and eat those fruits and veggies. Didn't do well on that the last couple of days. None Wednesday or today.😥 Gotta work harder on that, keeping that as my goal for November.
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    PW: 142.4
    CW: 143

    Halloween got me!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Username: lennoncpa
    Weigh in Week: week 5
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 140.0
    Today's weight: 139.6
    Weekly Steps: 57,701
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    weigh in Friday
    week 5
    pw 163.3
    cw 164.2

    Not bad as we were travelling since last week
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,475 Member
    weigh in Friday
    week 5
    pw 200.2
    cw 200.2
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,475 Member
    Daily Check in: Thursday
    Food: logged and under
    Water: 88oz
    Exercise & steps: 15 min stationary bike, 15 min treadmill, Arms, Pt and 7,245 steps

    I am actually relieved that I maintained this week. It has been two weeks in a row but it isn't a plat, it is me. I am down 1.2 lbs for this month. I had a great day yesterday. No snacking, ate on plan, got a lot of veggies and water in. I want to get downstairs and get my exercise in. I am suppose to rest my knee but still need to do something so it doesn't lose its strength. I am making a point limit going on the stairs. Knees are about the same but maybe after Florida I will see a difference. No stairs at all in Florida. Got to go! Have a great day everyone!

    @tryingagain5 I am going to use that as a goal for me too. I did great on veggies yesterday but no fruit
    @julie8468 That's not too bad! Just get right back on track. Get that candy out of the house or at least out of your sight. :) . How is everything else going?
    @lennoncpa A loss even with those hungry days! That's great!
    @pacsnc6 Not bad at all after traveling. Hopefully you are back on track now that you are back. How are things going?

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,475 Member
    edited November 2019
    It is a new month! Time to look back on last month and reflect on how things went. Think about what you want to Keep, stop and start for November and write some goals! We are on this thread until Sunday but feel free to go over to November's thread and introduce yourself, give a little update about what has been going on the past few months and set some goals for November!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,475 Member
This discussion has been closed.