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  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    PW 205
    CW 205
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    @hope002 Maintaining isn't bad. How's it going?
    @Cafelelia Lol! Love that!

    Change of plans, I am going to the funeral tomorrow so most likely I won't be on here in the morning. Should be home in the afternoon. It actually makes things easier as far as traffic, the dark, eating...I should be able to eat at home and not worry while I am up there. I am just going to the funeral, not the burial. I also am saving over an hour round trip with driving there in the morning instead of Friday evening.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check In: Thursday
    Food: pre-logged, ate on plan
    Water: OK but still not what I usually drink so back to tracking today to make sure I'm drinking enough
    Exercise & Steps: Bowflex Intervals and 30 minute dog walk; 10,637 steps

    Been eating much better and staying active but the scale hasn't budged so far. Thinking about making a star chart like @mrsbell8well. I just ordered the book Intuitive Eating but remembered I hadn't finished the Beck Diet Solution so I'm zooming through it to finish but not really giving it the attention it deserves. There really is some good advice within its covers. I bought the kindle version and I don't feel its as useful in electronic format so I'm going to find a used paperback version and revisit it at a later date. I'm really interested in the idea of intuitive eating. Also revisiting IF but adapting it to where I don't do it on the mornings I have yoga and really need a little something in my belly. Went to the grocery store and meals are planned for the weekend. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing for the next few days waiting until next week to make any adjustments if the scale doesn't cooperate.

    @julie8468 I think we can all relate to what you wrote. Don't give up or be too hard on yourself.
    Glad you chose to post @katadele! Please know that we have all been in your shoes. Posting here may or may not help you but there's no way to know if you don't post.
    @sleepymom5 I'm very sorry to hear about your cousin. Good idea to wait until tomorrow. Hey, and maintains aren't bad especially after having an off week. Its kind of a win in my book!
    @cafelelia Nice loss! Plateaus are totally normal and a part of weight-loss but can be frustrating. Great job avoiding the pizza. When I'm in that type of situation I try to remember that there is probably very little nutritional value in the food and that my body deserves better.

    The weekend is almost here! Get those plans together so you're proud of "Monday's version of You"!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    It’s been a long day long week long month. Came home made a huge salad, ate it all and 1/2 a frozen Amy’s pizza. About 400 calories, and a Jameson’s whiskey on the rocks. I really wanted to behave. But sometimes we just need a spot of whiskey.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    Week 4
    PW - 154.3
    CW - 153.0

    I hope to have gotten through the plateau I have been experiencing. This time, I tried not to panic or get too frustrated. I also decided not to give up either, no matter how long it took.

    I understand the frustration. I have that feeling of wanting to give up sometimes too. I have to remember how far I've already come and not look at how far I have yet to go. I also try to remember the weight didn't come on overnight and won't go away overnight either. Glad you're not going to give up!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Friday 10/25 check in
    Food: over but planned. Had a treat meal today. Usually do that either Friday or Saturday. Went for Mexican with a friend for lunch today.
    Water: 40 oz
    Exercise: normal rest day

    Cold is getting better. I have a fairly new neighbor who brought me some soup, applesauce and muffins because she knew I wasn't feeling well. Such a great neighbor!

    Work went well yesterday. Back was sore but not too bad.

    Went to the chiropractor today. They had me stand on a double scale, (one foot on each scale) It showed more weight on my left side than the right. That doesn't surprise me since I do tend to stand on my left foot more.

    He did a physical exam, xrays and a minor adjustment. He did say he could tell I had some inflammation in my back. He wants me to ice if for the weekend. He could also tell I had some tightness in my neck on the right side. I don't feel that but I do have some tightness in my left shoulder.

    I go back on Tuesday and we'll go over the xrays and then have another adjustment and make a plan for the issue.

    My back feels pretty good right now. I don't have to work tonight so I get to sleep tonight. Hopefully my back will still feel ok in the morning. Usually it's kind of stiff after I sit too long or after sleeping.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm sorry about your cousin. Hugs to you!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Ugh! I just had this all written out and my comments and hit something on my computer by accident and it is all gone. So in a nutshell, didn't do great yesterday. Would like to say I am in a better mindset today but I am already tired and cranky. My knees are really bothering me too. I have been waking up because of them. I wonder if that may be part of my problem. I do plan to make an appointment with my doctor this week about it. I have to head out soon so I will check in with everyone later. Hopefully in a better mood lol!

    @lennoncpa Exactly! We are just lying to ourselves. Let's make this weekend count and set ourselves up for a good week.
    @nstephenson01 Sounds like you have a plan for a successful weekend. Hang in there with the scale, that happens sometimes as you know. Good idea to see what happens and readjust in a few days. Let me know how you like that book on intuitive eating. That is something I would like to read too.
    @tryingagain5 I am glad your cold is getting better. Sounds like you had a good day, hopefully you have plans to continue this weekend. I hope the chiropractor helps with your back. I know how pain can effect your day to day living, mine seems bad to me and probably isn't even close to what some people suffer with.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    @Mrsbell8well you always said you were a whisky girl. It sounds like you had a lovely Friday night.
    @Timibotkin I am glad that you checked in today. Sorry to hear that you have been so exhausted. It is much harder to stay focused when you are so fatigued. Hugs!
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 431 Member
    Week 4
    Pw- 194.2
    Cw- 193.4

    Still going in the right direction!! Just a few more weeks and I will back back to the 180s!!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Friday Check In

    Food - Logged & on track
    Exercise - rest day
    Water - 2 l

    We had friends over last night and I am really happy that I stuck to plan. I planned for 2 small glasses of wine and stuck to that, so that was big win for me. I am enjoying the Apple Watch as it is giving me some different metrics with the three daily “circles” for move, exercise & stand. With my leg injury lasting so long, I cannot really count for 10 k steps. The Apple circles have been motivating as alternative daily targets.

    @Zumba_Luvah - Amazing progress, congratulations!! You are doing great!

    @sleepymom5 - I am so sorry about your cousin. It makes total sense to be making the trip today rather than yesterday. Getting your knees checked out is a good idea. Pain can interrupt sleep, which has happened to me as well, so best to get things looked at. Hope that you feel better soon and take care today.

    @timibotkin - I am so sorry that you are feeling exhausted and it is completely understandable. Hope that you can just take the time to rest and take care of yourself. Your check in is for Saturday and if you want to change to another day, just let us know. Sending you a big hug!

    @tryingagain5 - Thank you for the encouragement. I am not giving up. It is tempting in rough patches to think about give in to a craving or just give up entirely. I have proven to myself that I can lose weight and have fitness goals, even with an injury, so I am not giving up this time. Hope that your back feels better and that you got some rest last night. Btw, my younger son is nine & I still pick him up!

    @Mrsbell8well - A whiskey is a nice treat, especially as the weather grows colder and you have been so focused in your journey.

    @nstephenson01 - You are doing the right things and the scale will catch up. If you are looking at IF again, I find the great things about it is that you can adjust the IF schedule to what works for you. Thanks you for that thought about our bodies deserving better (than fast food), and I am going to use that as a mantra next time I am in that situation. It really is those small decisions that add up to the big changes.

    @lennoncpa - I know it is hard to post everything. Just try think of it neutrally as information that can help you and give you insights into what your are doing and how you are feeling. As for the nuts, maybe you can come up with a gradual way to eat them differently. I love nuts too, particularly as I am a vegetarian. I have been including them in my daily plan, but chopping them and measuring them out. This slows things down and in turn helps me not grabbing handfuls (although that is still very tempting at times).

    @hope002 - Nice maintain and hope that you are doing well!

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    Week 4 - Remaining Saturday Weigh Ins

    Week 5 - October has an extra week, so we have week 5 this month!

    Sunday Weigh Ins

    Monday Weigh In

    Tuesday Weigh In
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,387 Member


    Hope to see some great ideas from you all!

    Jessica Krall
    Capt., TrimStones
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @Cafelelia thanks for the pep talk. I seriously wish I could eat nuts in moderation. It’s something I love but I’m definitely a handfuls kinda girl 😀. Someone told me we should only be eating blanched nuts. Do you know anything about that?
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @lennoncpa - Based on what I have read, there is little nutritional difference between raw, blanched & dry roasted nuts (as long as the roasted nuts have no additives or additional oil). Blanching reduces fat content a bit, roasting reduces water content a bit. I have read that it may be harder to absorb the nutrients from raw nuts unless you chew very thoroughly. So I think it is personal preference. I like dry roasted best. I do not have to watch sodium so I am ok with most salted nuts but the salt makes me eat more! If you are eating by the handful, try pistachios as they have a lower calorie content so a handful is pretty good nutritionally speaking. I like throwing them in salads too.
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