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  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    @sleepymom5 and @Cafelia
    Hi Pam and Lisa
    I was told to add you both to my friend list but I don't know how to do that. I looked it up on the FAQ section but it didn't take me where it said it should.

    Could one of you explain how to do that?


    Thank you ladies for requesting me as a friend and making it easier for me.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    @tryingagain5 - That message above is for you, I sent you a friend request! Welcome to the team!

    Thanks, I accepted both of your requests
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Check in for Sunday
    I got 20 minutes of low intensity exercise
    8 glasses of water
    Food part not so good but my own fault.🙄
    I ate too much at a baby shower and then again at my book club.
    Will do my best to get on track for Monday's check in.

    I work 3rd shift so would normally be sleeping at this time of the day but had last night off. I will probably be checking in late afternoon or evening.

    My goals for October:
    Get in 8 glasses of water 4 days per week
    Continue working on getting in fruits and vegetables: 3 fruits and 2 vegetables 4 days per week.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think my struggles are getting to a certain point and then giving up and gaining back what I've lost. I'm not sure exactly why, almost like I don't deserve to be a thin, healthy person. I know that's a silly way to think because I should be able to be thin and healthy just as much as anyone else.

    Also, I have trouble on the weekends, especially when I have an event or get together, which revolves around food. Sometimes I do well but it's a struggle and sometimes I can't control what I eat at those times. I know what to do, it's just that I don't do it.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Great idea @Cafelelia! @sleepymom5 I like how you considered successes in addition to struggles.

    I think its important to remember things we do right. This journey isn't easy. Celebrate the little things.

    - Overeating. I love food and I enjoy everything about it... cooking, smelling, tasting. Its hard for me to think of it in terms of strictly nutrition for my body and not a pleasurable experience.
    - Staying on track when not in my cocoon such as traveling, some social situations or when house guests are visiting.
    - Giving in to cravings. I need to work on my resistance muscle. Planning meals helps and I'm going to try prepping more foods ahead of time.

    - Water. Since giving up diet soda years ago all I drink is water.
    - Exercise. I find some form of exercise pretty much everyday. I enjoy it and appreciate the strength and endurance I now have. I don't feel myself if I'm not active.
    - Viewing food as a reward. I use to reward myself with food or drink when something good happened or when faced with a challenge. I'm not a puppy LOL and am much better in that area.
    - Avoiding junk food/artificial ingredients. Haven't had an oreo cookie, frito chili cheese chips or Ritz crackers in years! I have trouble not overeating these types of foods.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Nice loss @amytriesww! You've been so consistent. I'm in awe... definitely something I have trouble with.

    Happy birthday @KatAdele!! Afternoons seem to be a struggle for plenty of us. We run low on energy and look for a quick fix.

    WTG @amsandos! Ride that momentum and keep up the good work!

    @Barbb1557 Sorry yesterday was a bad day but you did well with your food and that's great! Make today a good one!

    Thanks for the advice and really good ideas @sleepymom5. I do need a plan for when winter really sets in. Hubby may/should be home and he has terrible eating habits. LOL Maybe make some of the vegetarian dishes I like and have them available so I can continue pursuing that area. No way my husband will go without meat. And I try to drink tea but I don't really enjoy it. Maybe I should look into mocktails...

    Oh I just thought of another struggle... I hate feeling hungry! Its not like I'm going to die or get pregnant! Maybe IF will help in that area.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @sleepymom5 I have not try the overnight oats but in the current Reader’s Digest magazine the overnight oats are on the list of 20 best Foods that heal our bodies. The article says that when oats are cooked some of the resistant starch is lost and that the overnight oats are a great source of resistant starch which is very healthy for us. I guess my issue with that is that it says you should soak the oats in milk overnight and I don’t use milk and I really just have my oatmeal with a drop of almond milk but I wouldn’t want it soaking in the almond milk. Can you soak it in water overnight?
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @Cafelelia thank you!! I keep trying to get younger and I stay incredibly active, but some of it is just good genes! My mother was 92 when she passed away and she looked more like she was in her 70’s!!
  • KatAdele
    KatAdele Posts: 290 Member
    Today was pretty good:
    Log my meals, even if I’m over on calories - check
    Keep up with my exercise schedule and add distance on my runs - ran 2 miles
    Find and practice three alternate ways of dealing with stress besides eating - haven’t had time to work on this yet
    Limit sweet treats to 4x a week, then 3x a week - two pumpkin cookies tonight

    Tomorrow I will probably be eating out for dinner so I’ll need to plan ahead the rest of the day.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    What a day! I got so much done but I am exhausted and my body is hurting Lol! I got all the outdoor stuff put away but except the hoses. I am hoping to get down with Daisy one last time and let her run on the beach. She loves it. (Dogs are banned from May-Oct.) I cleaned out the garage, the first floor and the second floor. Tomorrow I am hoping to do the third floor and then...back to PA...Ugh! Today I didn't drive at all, I figured why bother if I don't have to! Have a good night everyone!

    @Cafelelia Another great day! September was an awesome month for you! I bet October will be just as good if not better. Hope your son feels better soon. There is a lot going around by me too . It does seem early.
    @tryingagain5 I have a hard time at events like those you were at. I am really working on my overeating. I have noticed a lot of the times I am not even hungry. Just because I notice I am not hungry doesn't make it any easier to resist Lol! I have been planning before I go and it does help a little bit. 3rd shift is tough too. Are you always on nights or do you rotate? I always had trouble with eating when I worked night shift. I was hungry before, during and after nights. Some how I seemed to end up eating an extra meal. I like your goals for October. I think they are ones you will be able to reach. I share your struggles. I have been trying to just make small changes that I know I can do for the rest of my life. I have been losing slowly but it is better than giving up and gaining. You can check in at any time so no worries, you can wait until you wake up after 3rd shift.
    @nstephenson01 I also share your struggles! I think a lot of us have similar struggles. Look at those successes! It is nice to see things that were a struggle aren't anymore. I like the idea of mocktails better then the tea idea! Why didn't I think of that Lol!
    @lennoncpa I knew they were healthy but didn't know the reason! We have been getting a lot of good information from that Reader's digest lately! I looked up a few recipes for dairy free and they all seem to use almond milk. I guess you could play and see how it tastes with water.
    @KatAdele Nice day! Maybe to start off you can exercise to relive stress? The adding distance to your runs could actually help two of your goals then. Good idea to plan before dinner tomorrow. Many restaurant's have on line menus. Making the decision ahead of time takes the stress out of doing it when you are tired or hungry. Hope you had a nice birthday!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Tuesday's Weigh In
    Wednesday's Weigh Ins
    Thursday's Weigh Ins
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Check in for Monday
    Food IF on track
    Water good
    Exercise: running intervals, plank challenge
    Steps 10,189
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member

    Checking in. Great day yesterday keeping food under calorie limit. I am still not sure how to set my fitness pal percentages for fats, protein, and carbs. My fats have been higher, but I feel confident that two eggs and 1 Tbsp of almond butter with a very small apple are not excessive. I went to the grocery store and bought only healthy items, No pretzels! Humus and veggies chicken tuna and a few frozen healthy choice power bowls. It has been 3 months with this awesome group and I feel so much stronger about making good food choices and planning ahead. A heartfelt Thanks to all of you!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Check in for Monday
    Food Logged and on track
    Water over 80
    Exercise: Bike 30 min, PT exercises and all that cleaning should count for something! ;)
    Steps 11,931 steps

    Great day yesterday! I need to keep this going even with going away on Saturday. I have so much to do still before we go. I don't know why I am so focused on closing up this house when I have a trip lol! I am sure I will get it all done but I seem to head right to the fridge or pantry when I feel overwhelmed. I did well stopping myself and refocusing yesterday so I plan to keep that going. I have to head out to PT so I have to go. I will check back in once I am back in Pa. I really don't mind the drive but there just has been too much back and forth the past few weeks.

    @twyla77 I forgot to put you on the chart last night for a late weigh in. I hope everything is ok. We usually hear from you by now.
    @hope002 Nice day!! Keep it going!
    @phoebe112476 Nice loss and awesome September!! I am sure you will hit or surpass your October goals. You are a whisper from the 150s now!
    @Barbb1557 We are lucky to have you in our group! I knew you would be a good fit with us! I am not sure what you should set either, maybe ask your doctor at the next visit? I think mine are set at the MFP suggestions. Awesome job at the grocery store! You are really starting to make this a lifestyle!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Successful day yesterday! Met all my goals! 💪

    Food: pre-logged, ate as planned. Stopped per IF schedule
    Water: great
    Exercise & steps: 90 minute yoga class, 1 hr dog walk; 10,184 steps
    Went to bed on time & slept great. Also made time to read during the day... another form of self care.

    Now to repeat today. Just taking one day at a time and not looking too far ahead. Waiting for my fast to end so I can have breakfast LOL

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Monday check in

    Calories - logged & under
    Water - 1.8 l
    Exercise - 55 minutes circuit training

    I am late signing on today as my little guy is sick again, and I have it too. I managed to fit in exercise yesterday and today, so maybe I can sweat this bug out. My energy may get low by the end of the day, but I will be putting together a list of our challenges later today or tomorrow and will share.

    @sleepymom5 - Great day yesterday! I know your trip is soon and when is it? Do you have a plan or is it the type of trip where you can have a plan?

    @Barbb1557 - Thank you for being such a great part of the team! Great day yesterday! As for macros, it is so individual. Some weight loss theories say that higher healthier fats are ok, so say more protein, and then again, if you are working out hard, some say more carbs. I think you can just go by what works for you and experiment a bit if you are not sure.

    @phoebe112476 - Congratulations on the loss! Great September review and October goals! I so admire you being able to bust through a plateau. You are so close to a new weight decade, which is very exciting!

    @hope002 - Great day!! I downloaded the plank challenge, but am first working with my trainer to make sure I modify side planks properly for my injury.

    @KatAdele - Great day and hope that you enjoyed those pumpkin cookies!

    @lennoncpa - You can soak overnight oats in water, but they may be bland to eat. You could modify a recipe by using water, and adding in a tablespoon or two of almond milk, or something else like cocoa, or fruit to give it flavour. I make my overnight oats with an almond/cashew milk (unsweetened, plain), and add different things like fruit, Pb2, and even greek yogurt for more protein. It is a convenient breakfast because it is ready to eat.

    @nstephenson01 - The snow does look pretty! Has it disappeared yet? I live with three guys that like their meat too and I am a vegetarian! They will eat my vegetarian dishes, or I make a bunch of veggies sides, then they eat meat & I have something like veggie burger. My husband is a recent convert to Beyond Meat burgers, which grill in a very similar way to beef burgers. I like them too, but have half as they are quite big.

    @tryingagain5 - I am a fluctuator and completely relate to what you posted about gaining back and your thinking around it!

  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    monday daily check in
    food on plan but ate my daughters left overs
    water on plan
    exercise rest day
    sleep lots but interupted so tired today
    Made it through Monday without over eating despite feeling tired and groggy all day.

    but today arrrggghhh if I get through today with my plan still in tact I am making a weight loss crown and wearing it all evening! It is 16:50 and I am in the dying moments of a really *kitten* day at work. There is cake everywhere and people have waved it in my face. I am not eating it. It is *kitten* it down raining and I have to go for a training run later and idonwannnaaaahhh! Waaahhh waaaahh. I think I might need some deep breaths.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,113 Member
    Welcome new members.
    I'm Tracy, 47, from New Hampshire. I have 2 boys 25 and 22. Both are having little girls, one is coming any day now the other in February. I have been gaining and losing the same 5 pounds forever. This is a crappy week as I am not feeling well, I have a horrible cold, hoping it passes soon. I was doing really good last week with my workouts, this week not so much.

    My goals...
    Log my food 5/7 days
    Lose 5 pounds
    Exercise 5/7 days
    Drink plenty of water
    Watch my snacks
    Do better at checking in

    Just let my cold pass for the exercise because I'm so exhausted.
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