

  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,982 Member
    Wednesday weigh in

    Username GingerPwr
    Pw 145
    Cw 146
  • Barbb1557
    Barbb1557 Posts: 111 Member
    Checking in
    Yesterday was good, I was under my calories, but I was really hungry around lunch time and ate most of my calories. Luckily I had a frozen dinner for 180 calories and drank a lot of water. I was also really tired and that seems to challenge my ability to eat on plan.
    I attend my pre diabetes class at the Y tonight and have another 'weigh in.' Another point of accountability for me is always a great thing!

    @amsandoval I can really relate to your thoughts about eating the last piece of cake or donut I also find that when I over eat, I want even more. If I end with something sweet, then I want something salty, then the cycle continues. It has been a few months since I did that and feel good about not being in that cycle.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,447 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    Food: Healthy but over ate. Didn't follow plan...
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 min mall walk
    Steps: a little over 6,000

    I have to work on not getting into the habit of eating before I go to bed. Last night I had one of my protein bars. On one of the PNP podcasts Corrine said a protein bar is just a candy bar dressed up like a Ho! Some of the things she says crack me up! I am happy it was only one and I didn't eat a ton like the night before however I wasn't hungry and even if I was...I was going to bed! I need to bypass the kitchen on my way up to bed. I had been trying to IF and was doing better than I thought but the key is to stop earlier in the evening and not have to fast as long during the morning. I have been able to do 14 hours but I need to start doing this consistently. Evenings are bad and now that I am back home I need to get back into a healthy routine here. I can't even say my husband or daughter are eating. I am the one who goes to get it.

    Today I am heading back to the shore to finish closing up and get my bike. I was hoping to ride it one last time down there but it isn't going to happen as it is a rainy day. It is already raining here but it isn't supposed to rain down there until noon. I woke up to an alert that there will be flooding down there so I want to get in and out quickly. PT is at one so it should work perfectly . If for some reason I have time to kill, I may go shopping for the trip. It would be nice to have a new outfit or two. I am also afraid it may be a little cold up there. It was 97 degrees in Philly yesterday so we haven't reached the cold weather yet. We have just been back and forth with hot and fall weather.

    Check out the moderator's challenge- It is 5 simple things that you can do daily to keep you centered for the rest of the year. They are actually 5 daily habits that wouldn't be bad to have for the rest of your lives. A few of them you may already do. Head over and check it out :)


    @KatAdele What a great day! Perfect, if not, nearly perfect! Keep it going girl!!
    @amsandos I used to eat off the kids plates too (now they are too old :D ) Years ago I did address it. I started to have them clear their plates and scrape the food into the trash. It actually worked. Maybe it would be worth a shot for you and not a hard thing for your little one to do. I swear with some of the things you write, we have the same issues. Lol! I am so happy you are working on it now while you are young instead of waiting until you are my age.
    @GingerPwr How's it going? Hope everything is going well and you are just busy with school.
    @Cafelelia Hope everyone is feeling better today. I am hearing a lot is going around. I am a little nervous that I didn't get my flu shot before this trip.
    @Barbb1557 I like how you balanced out your calories. You ate more when you were hungrier at lunch time and then had a lower calorie dinner. Maybe it would be a good idea to stock up on a few of the low cal frozen dinner incase that happens again. Or have a go to low calorie option that would be easy to whip up in a pinch. Years ago my doctor wasn't a fan of me eating frozen dinners but understood they were an easy option. He made a suggestion that I still use to this day when I have them. He said to either have a salad with them or serve them over a bed of fresh spinach. Most of them are so good over the spinach! Especially if they have a little sauce on them. I am glad that you have that diabetes class too. Share anything that you find interesting from there. If you find it interesting, I am sure we will too.
    @amytriesww First of all. The whole idea of this group is it is about you. In "real life" it never is about us. You don't have to just share the good. We share it all or whatever we feel comfortable with. If it was all good, most of us wouldn't need to be here. Your daughter's diagnosis would certainly effect everything that you have been doing and thinking. It is scary! You are doing everything you can for her. She is getting the help she needs and in counseling. She may or may not be on medication but they will recommend it if it is needed. Sadly, the children now a days seem to have bigger issues than we ever had. I swear the effin computer/internet/social media makes things worse. They either seem to get bullied or they think everyones lives are better than theirs. I have a very small sample size but I have 5 kids and my youngest who basically grew up with the internet is the one with the anxiety. Not that kids didn't suffer from these issues before but a lot more seem to now. Ok, Off my soap box... I do think stress adds to weight. Your slow weight loss could be from that. I do want to ask you to think about something. How are you helping your daughter if you are going off your plan? What you have been doing does not take away from your daughter at all. You may have to fiddle with you schedule a little but otherwise it really won't help her in the long run by you stopping and focusing all your attention on her. I also think it won't help you physically or mentally. I think a lot of time we feel that we are being selfish focusing on our diet and exercise but it is really a form of self care that we need to be doing, especially when times a tough. I also think if you aren't getting the calories you need, that could also be slowing down your losses. Maybe find something like a shake that is healthy but not too filling to have? I understand with all that is going on, you have no appetite but you need to get in the calories you need. Even more if you are working out. Which you also should be doing, that also will help with your own anxiety. Can the counselor suggest a support group for you to go to? You may have to keep shaking yourself out of letting your thoughts go to worrying and force yourself to do things. Like your school work. Even if you need to remind yourself that you don't want to repeat this class, you paid money etc. I have been thinking about you. Maybe check in daily so you have somewhere to write down what you have been going through or what you need. We have a very supportive group here. Hugs!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Username: lennoncpa
    Weigh in Week: week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 138.0
    Today's weight: 137.6
    Weekly Steps: 64,966

    I have to do a weigh in today because I’ll be out of town tomorrow.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Check in for Wednesday

    Food - Logged & under (part due to longer IF)
    Water - 1.8 l
    Exercise - rest day

    I was not feeling great yesterday, and took a real rest day. Had to take care of my son, who was also sick, but otherwise, I took an actual sick day, which I almost never do. I am glad that I did and am feeling better this morning. I have stuff to catch up on today, but it is manageable.

    @lennoncpa - Nice loss and impressive number of steps! Have fun here in Canada! Waterloo is not far from Toronto. Weather has been really nice, but it is rainy today. Unfortunately, it will be rainy through the weekend, but with warmer temps. We have a federal election underway and the vote is on October 21st. You are likely to see candidate lawn signs everywhere!

    @sleepymom5 - good luck with PT today and I hope that you get some answers from them sports medicine doctor. You have been so busy, going back and forth! I agree with Corrine on the protein bars! That lady has such linguistic flare!

    @amytriesww - First of all, sending you a huge hug. This space is for sharing what we are experiencing on our journey. I mentioned before that I was in a very similar situation this past spring with my 12 year old son (now 13). I understand how stressful and frightening the situation is. You are doing the right thing in getting your daughter the help that she needs. I agree with everything posted by @sleepymom5. A few other things if you have not thought of them already. You may want to consider letting your daughter’s school know about the diagnosis, so that they are aware, and can also offer the right support to her if she demonstrates anxiety at school. If applicable, limit/monitor online time, such as social media, gaming and shows (eg Netflix). We took our son off of PS4 away completely and limited/monitored screen time. We let him know it was to help him and not a punishment. It really helped the situation. Also, you may wish to try dedicated one on one time with your daughter each day. It does not have to be a lot of time, but just time for the two fo you. She may not want to talk, but just knowing that you are there really helps. This was a tip from my son’s therapist that I found worked over time to get my son opening up to me more. The last thing is self care. My son’s therapist had to remind me that I needed to take care of myself. This was at the height of my stress. It may be worth exploring whether you need counselling as the parent. I had a few sessions, and it really helped. As for the weight loss, I know it is hard, but just stay the course. It could be the ongoing stress (cortisol is produced and that can inhibit weight loss), or it could be a plateau. The main thing is to stay the course and not give up! I understand how hard it is, but you can do this!

    @Barbb1557 - Great day yesterday! You are doing great!

    @GingerPwr - That is just a small gain. Hope that everything is going ok.

    @amsandos - Terrific insight about the leftover treats! Like Pam, I had a real issue a few years back with eating the food left on my kids’ plates. My doctor at the time told me that I deserve my own food, and do not need to act like the composter/trash can for the family. It was a huge realization, and made me stop the habit altogether. Also, I don’t want to pass on that habit to the kids.

    @KatAdele - great day yesterday! Taking the dogs for a walk is a great alternative to stress eating!

    @hope002 - The snow out there in Calgary is so pretty. I know that it was a huge surprise, but it looks lovely in your photo!

    @nstephenson01 - It can be some trial and error with IF and the app. You stuck it out and had a great day!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Week 1
    PW: 166.8
    CW: 165.4
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Check in for Wednesday 10/2

    Food: logged and on track.

    Water: 64 oz

    Exercise: 30 minutes intense workout with my trainer at the gym and 30 minutes walk with a community walking group

    Fruits/veggies: none ( but doing relatively well with this otherwise)
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,077 Member
    Week 1
    Pw 189
    Cw 188.8
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @ljdanny - Just fyi, I checked the Sept thread and the Sept spreadsheet, and your PW was 190 lbs (last Sept check in). So that is a 2.2 lbs loss, congrats!

    @tryigagain5 - Great day!

    @lennoncpa - I know that travelling is hard and you want to keep focus, but having fun is important too!

    @pacsnc6 - Your measurements are an amazing NSV, congrats! You are right that the scale number will catch up shortly. And yes, just ignore those snarky “friends”. You are doing great!

    @nstephenson01 - The preparing for winter and snow shovelling paid off!! Congratulations on the loss!

  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    @Cafelelia snow in September in Calgary is usual, not surprise at all. This year we got it at the end of September, later than other years :)
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @hope002 - I lived in Edmonton years ago doing grad school at U of A. I have erased the September snow from my mind, but you made me remember it now. Torontonians live in winter denial, walking around in leather jackets & shoes in February!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    Thanks everyone for sharing your struggles!

    The most mentioned ones were:
    1. Overeating: eating when not hungry, snacking too much, cravings, overeating at certain times of day, eating not to waste food
    2. Staying on plan outside of our routines: when going out, on weekends, with guests, travelling, on special occasions, at parties, in the workplace.

    Pam’s idea was to share ideas, experience, research and wisdom on how to deal with these struggles. There are no right or wrong answers, and sometimes hearing about somebody else’s experience can give you a new idea or a boost. Both Pam (when she is back) and I will post on these two topics over the rest of the month. Feel free to share whatever you like!

    Here is the full list of what we said we were struggling with:
    Giving up when it is tough/during plateau
    Beating self up when not on plan
    Prioritizing self care
    Overeating/eating sweets at specific time of day (afternoon, evenings)
    Setting smaller goals (to not get overwhelmed)
    Remember progress, not perfection is the goal
    Exercising everyday
    Letting go of past & current hurt/pain & not turn it into destructive eating
    Overeating/Eating when not hungry/too much snacking/craving foods/overeating or stress eating at certain times of day
    Staying on plan when going out, on weekends, with guests, travelling, on special occasions
    Getting enough sleep

    Please also feel free to share on any of these topics as well!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Quick Check in.... I'm woefully behind on posts the past couple days. Sorry Team... I enjoy reading posts and miss not keeping up on how everyone's doing.

    Weight has been holding steady for a couple days. The nearest town with the big box stores is an hour's drive so yesterday was a long day of errands. Food OK but I couldn't log lunch as it was a sandwich from a small chain that doesn't post calories. It was small and rather disappointing but filled the need. When I can't log accurately I just through in the towel for the day. What;s the point? Ate a bit more past +2 at dinner but between a dog walk and running errands I ended up over 10,000 steps. Water was OK... I don't drink a lot when running errands so that I don't need to dash into every restroom but trust me I know where they all are in each store LOL but I made up for my water goal when I got home.

    Friday tomorrow Yay. I plan to catch up on all your posts and make a plan for the weekend.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,447 Member
    Today wasn't bad at all. I got everything done that I was supposed to at the shore but was exhausted by the time I got home. I really wanted to pack. I think I just didn't make a realistic plan for the day. I also did well with my meals and .....NO SNACKS! I didn't log today, just because I am so tired and wanted to get to the shore before the rain started. I am so happy I am done with that trip for a while. I usually don't mind it but the past few weeks I felt like I was driving all the time. I was actually thinking I am going to enjoy the break from driving while I am in Denver Lol! Hope everyone has a great night!

    @lennoncpa Looks like the scale is moving in the right direction! Just plan what you will be doing the best you can as far as eating and enjoy your trip! No sneaking off for snacks at night while you are away, 1st for obvious reasons you don't need snacks but more importantly for safety in a new place. I am sure you will get in a lot of exercise too. It should balance out :)
    @nstephenson01 Nice loss! Looks like you had a good week!
    @pacsnc6 I am glad that your friend's comments didn't drive you to eat. That is good news. I am hoping since you didn't vent to your husband that maybe you didn't let your friend get to you? I am trying to work on my thoughts too. Just because I think it is all related with this weight loss and my struggling. It is easier said then done but it is getting easier to talk myself out of being upset. For example, I saw my 19 year old yesterday to drive her to all her appointments. While we were in the car, I talked to her about a punishment she is going to have to do on her break(I told her we were going to have the conversation). She has to pay for something she took without asking(alcohol). I told her she could work it off, I pay $10 an hour(she took a lot over Idk how long). She flipped out, was crying, actually said too much time had past since she did it(I just discovered it)...she jumped out of the car at a red light two stops before her apartment because she was so mad. Of course, I was upset too after arguing with her. I didn't want it to ruin my day or evening so I actually told myself that of course she was going to be upset, she is in trouble, she doesn't like that the punishment. she is going to have to do the punishment if she likes it or not, we will cross that bridge when it comes,bah blah blah... I actually felt better pretty quickly and almost forgot about the argument when I got home. She did apologize later. I do believe thought work is so important and can really change our feelings about situations.
    @tryingagain5 Nice day! What is your plan with adding more fruit and veggies in? That is something I am trying to do too. I have to expand from just lettuce and tomato in my wrap and salads. I also have a fruit phobia since I did keto years ago Lol! Not a cake or cookies phobia but I am always worried about the sugar in fruit. Makes no sense at all Lol!
    @ljdanny Wow! Awesome loss!
    @hope002 This isn't unusual? I had to look where you were in the world. Does it get hot there at all or do you have nice, mild weather and then winter weather?
    @cafeleia Thanks for going through and pulling everything together. I think we are going to be able to learn a lot from this. Just a bad time for me to be going on vacation! Lol!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,447 Member
    edited October 2019
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    I have 1 minute to check in. So I will say hi yesterday went to plan by and large. more later hopefully.
This discussion has been closed.