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Chit chat



  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member

    Back to normal: drinks and dinner date with Hubbie!! 👍
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    edited June 2020
    @Antiopelle , I survived! It was 45min so it went quick! It wasn't enough, I came home, put on a suit and swam laps for 20 min!! I guess home exercise kept me strong. I signed up for more classes!!

    Looks like your date happened! Isn't it nice being able to go out again??
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    edited June 2020
    Back on track! 60 minutes of burning!ni8mronzwzh8.jpeg

  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    Y'all know what's not fun? 'Reset' days.... I waaaayyy overindulged yesterday and am trying to offset it a bit. Skipped breakfast and boring protein bar for lunch. When I feel myself slipping into unhealthy mindsets, it seems to curb my cravings if I'm super strict for a day or two. Otherwise, 1 day turns into a week and turns into a month.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Y'all know what's not fun? 'Reset' days.... I waaaayyy overindulged yesterday and am trying to offset it a bit. Skipped breakfast and boring protein bar for lunch. When I feel myself slipping into unhealthy mindsets, it seems to curb my cravings if I'm super strict for a day or two. Otherwise, 1 day turns into a week and turns into a month.

    You've got this Cayenne, just don't restrict too much.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Back to normal, the last phase: diving gear is in the back of my car and I’m off to some underwater adventure. Woop woop !!


    CONGRATS!!!! I bet you're so excited! Go enjoy it!
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @Antiopelle , how was it?? See anything cool??
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    This annoy anyone else - because of our horse biz, I have tons of people that are more 'acquaintances' than true friends on Fb. (have lots of 'real friends' on there as well).. It's a great marketing tool if used correctly. I NEVER but NEVER post much personal stuff - it's all horses, dogs, cats, pictures..... the good stuff.

    I swear to goodness, I've gotten more friend requests from people I don't know well AND I'm immediately added to some damn weight loss group. Irritates me to no end. These days they get immediately unfriended - but it happens at least weekly. I find it insulting - hi, I hardly know you - but you want to lose weight with me? When did that become ok to do?

    Rant over... #firstworldproblems LOL! I just want to know I'm not the only one.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @cayenne_007 , I only have friends on FB. I try to keep it to ppl I personally know cuz I post pics of family, kids, personal stuff (sometimes). It's a ttl marketing tool now. I think it changed over the years. So maybe keeping a separate fb might help with weird groups?

    Anyway, I need help.
    I've been in a funk lately and feeling bit depressed. The only time I feel good or okay is when I'm working out.
    Work is not fun. No ending and doesn't give me satisfaction at all.
    Family, daughter is still depressed. Some days good some days bad and it brings me down...
    I should be happy and excited about life and planning wedding and such but I have no motivation. I haven't done any planning.
    He's unhappy because I am not happy.
    How do I get out of this Funk?? :'(
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @cayenne_007 and @weatherking2019 : the dive was great, we saw some cuttlefish with their eggs and a cute wrasse building its nest out of seaweed :joy:
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    As for FB: I quit cold turkey 5 years ago. I hated how I got influenced by marketing, and I hated it even more seeing people in my surroundings liking posts that were far from politically correct.
    I didn't miss it one second and it has made my life much more simple ! I was on my way out of a depression at that moment, and with hindsight I can safely say that deleting it did a lot to improve my mental healt.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @weatherking2019 : might it have to do with the wedding plans? It is a big event, and even if it is a happy and glorious event to look forward to, it might induce a greater deal of anxiety than you would expect, certainly in these Covid days. Just give it a thought.
    Take care!
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    @Antiope2018 - I absolutely get that....but overall, the good does outweigh the bad for me. I love the memories when old pics pop up... Watching all my friends kids grow up, the horse stuff. The political stuff bugs me, I stay out of it. It's so difficult to sift thru to the truth, I don't trust the media in general - everyone has an agenda. I refuse to add fuel to the fires with stupid memes. The people that do it too often, I unfollow - I don't want to see it.

    @weatherking2019 - I've been fighting the blahs. Riding and gardening bring me joy, even if I don't feel like doing either when I get home - after I'm outdoors a bit, my mood improves. I've been working to spend about 10-15 min first thing in the morning on a devotional/prayers...then I'm working on a gratitude journal. Just think of 3 different things daily to be grateful for. I'm bored. We've been slow since the plague and I can knock out my work quickly....and then I'm just stuck at the office... The wasted time weighs on me because I've got so much to do at home.. but here I sit.. I want to find something that I'm excited about, that is more than a means to an end. I'm grateful that I've kept my job and grateful for what it allows me to enjoy, but there has to be more than this.

    Wedding planning is so hard...especially if he's like my husband and wants to invite the entire neighborhood and every long lost relative in the world... and I just didn't' see the feasibility of it and we kept it to immediate family only. Only advice I can give you is keep it simple. Set some guidelines of what is important to you and go with it. It's your wedding, you're the only one that gets to choose how it will be.

    And limit news intake - I swear it's the most depressing thing in the world. Every time I shut it all down for a bit, I feel better. No one needs the constant... we're all gonna die of the plague and everyone be scared of everyone that's not exactly like you. It's so draining.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    @weatherking2019 - STUNNING!!!!! I love it!
  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    @weatherking2019 : Amazing dress! So flowy.

    I hope that finding this one will help a little with picking up your spirits!

    Also don't forget to take the occasional moment to yourself. You seem to have a busy life and the wedding is coming on top of it all. With the workouts come feel-good hormones from exercising. Maybe a moment of closed eyes and an extra deep breath (or two or three) can help to let go of the adrenaline and anxiety.

    It's something that helped me the last two or three weeks to keep the mood from going haywire.

    And as @cayenne_007 suggested, limit news and social media.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @jacau, @cayenne_007, @Antiopelle THANK YOU! I'm sending you guys virtual hugs!!

    My funk has a lot to do with my daughter. I noticed, when she's doing okay, I feel much better. When she's not= I feel like I have to do EVERYTHING to help her. And with dealing with a depressed person, nothing can make that change. It has to come from within...

    So the perfectionist and want to take care of everyone in me becomes disappointed at myself for failing.

    I'm not so much stressed about the wedding strangely. It's going to happen and since the location is set, I think it's gonna be ok. Getting the details down part will probably wake us up!

    So I heard from my company that they are going to have us come back to the office starting 7/13!!! I'm shocked! I'm not ready! I like this working from home thing....
    When do you guys go back? How do you feel about it?
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    @weatherking2019 - that's just so tough! I know you're doing a great job giving her the support system she needs to figure out how to beat this. Parenting isn't for the weak of heart, I can't think of a more difficult job.

    We never quit coming to the office, I would love to be able to find a position that would allow me to work from home. I so much prefer it. I'm so over the 'plague'....things are so arbitrary - it's fine to protest, but not go to church. The guidelines are all over the place. I wear a mask when I go to lunch with my Gram, but that's the only time.... I do it because her care provider requests that I do.... but you take it off to eat? Who knows where everyone else at the place has been? It's all over the place.
  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    @weatherking2019 I don't have kids so I don't dare to claim that I can fully understand. From friends with anxiety or depression I can follow to some degree how hard it must be to watch someone you heavily care about having to fight their demons so much. How much more intense must it be when it's your own child??? My deepest of respects for the way you handle this with all else going on.

    For me office also never really stopped. My colleagues and I started rotating days in the office so that there were always with one or two to take care of stuff. First it was one day per week to office, then two. In the hallways there are markers on the floor for walking direction and there are disinfection soaps and towels everywhere. Since it's the Netherlands, we are not obliged to wear facemasks (yet). And people keep a distance, even though that part is getting less and less. For now I still feel safe. Let's see how things will change when fall comes and with it the common cold and flu mix into the game, plus maybe a second wave. All in all though, I prefer going to office than work at home. It's only 10 minutes by cycling and I like being able to keep stuff in it's own little bubble, so work at work and home at home.

    End of the month I'll have to go to France for a course. That is where I get a bit hesitant. Different country, different city, strangers around,... Not knowing what exactly is to come feels weird.

    Also my in-laws (French) as well as my parents (German) are planning to come for visits. It'll be nice to see them again. But it's a challenge too trying to figure out how to handle the different measures taken in different places and who feels comfortable with doing what.

    Weeeeiiiiiird times.