2020: One Day At A Time, We Will Achieve!!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    Happy Anniversary! Your dinner sounds delicious. It’s hard to beat the world’s best Mac and cheese!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    Happy anniversary. Enjoy your dinner tonight.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Thank you!! 47 years? Who'd have thought when my parents decided to dump me at church camp to work in the kitchen (for $25 a week plus room and board) that 53 years later I'd still be with the camp cook's son?
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Belated Happy Anniversary.

    That $100 a person the state is to contribute will cost our state $26 million a week.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    $26 million I’m sure WV doesn’t have. I don’t see this executive order going anywhere.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    The executive order isn't going anywhere but it was a brilliant political move (which makes me suspect they knew it wouldn't go anywhere). I wonder which of the cheeto's advisors thought it up.

    There's a washington post op ed piece this morning that spells out just how the cheeto managed to pull one over on pelosi with that stunt. One that I'm sure the cheeto didn't think up on his own.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    I’m tired today. Yesterday began with a text from a neighbor about a goodbye party she was hosting for a neighbor who is moving to Austin. We’ve all been neighbors for 26-27 years, so it’s bittersweet to see them go. Anyway, the text said that after waiting weeks for painters to show up at their house, they finally came on the day of the party, so we would have to hold the party outdoors to escape the paint fumes. DH said why don’t we have it here instead, so I spent the day getting the house in shape for company as well as making food for the party. It wasn’t a huge deal as the house was mostly in good shape, but I was a little stressed to be doing everything so last minute. However, it all worked out and we had a very nice evening reminiscing and learning about their plans as well as the latest news from all our families. The 4 couples are all original owners of our homes in this neighborhood, and the last of the originals on our block. We gave the couple who are leaving a blanket that is imprinted with photos taken over the years. On one side we’re pictures of all the kids playing together and on the other side were pictures of all the adults playing together, lol. She was very touched by the gift. It was a nice evening, but I was exhausted when it was over and didn’t sleep very well, so I’m still tired today. Luckily, I have absolutely nothing on my agenda today, so I can take it easy.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Pam - you're much braver than I am. I don't want to be any closer to the neighbors than waving across the street.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    I had some concerns, but decided to go ahead because they will be gone in 2 more weeks so there was no way to wait for conditions to improve. Our high temp yesterday was 102 with a heat index that made it feel like 108, so in my mind trying to do it outside was more dangerous.

    I did cancel my attendance at 2 birthday lunches that were scheduled for Sunday and Monday for 2 different friends. I thought both were going to be on outdoor patios but learned that for some reason, the patios were going to be unavailable. I just didn’t feel good about being indoors, so I chose to cancel. Both lunches are going to be rescheduled, probably sometime in October. In my area right now our positivity rate for the virus is almost 25%, with fewer tests being conducted, which means that the actual positivity rate is probably even higher. That was what decided me that now is not the time to be going to restaurants.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I decided that this was going to be a variety week:

    Monday - supermarket diet food

    Tuesday - packet day except for the mac n cheese for dinner

    Wednesday - Jenny Craig

    Thursday - South Beach

    Friday - Optavia (Medifast company which essentially means a packet day with a different source for packets)
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Pam--You are definitely brave. I'm so paranoid about this stuff that I take my temp daily. That is a really high positivity rate. We get bent out of shape anytime something happens that drives it over 3%, We just had another nursing home outbreak so visitations have been shut down again.

    Maryanne--You definitely have variety in your week. I would like to have one of those Star Trek replicators where you order you meal and it is produced for you. I understand the Baltimore area may be a future hot spot.

    Helene--Believe it or not, our state ended the fiscal year with a surplus. There are secondary roads here that the money could help improve.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    A surplus is surprisingly but it’s probably because of postponed or canceled projects. MA has just edged above 2% positive tests. The governor does frequent briefings and is encouraging people to continue masks and distancing. Our bump up is because of groups of people who decided having parties was more important than stopping the spread. People from RI now have to quarantine if they come to MA because of a bump in their rate. We’re driving to CT today for long delayed dental cleanings. We drive through RI for about half an hour. Most of it is highway. We often stop for gas and coffee but we’ll wait until we get to CT.It’s only about 20 minutes further to the state line. That’s an advantage in having small states for neighbors.

    Pam, I understand your dilemma about having a party for your neighbors It sounds like you did all you could to keep everyone safe. We usually have lunch with the friend who cared for our cats and does house checks for us. Yesterday was her birthday. I wished her a happy birthday on Messenger and said we’ll do the birthday lunch down the road when things improve a little more. And after the tourists go home. My neighborhood is fairly quiet and there seem to be fewer people than a normal summer but we’re being cautious about avoiding crowds.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I think any city with a high proportion of low income folks who don't work a cushy telecommute job like me is a potential hot spot at some point. I can't see Baltimore being an exception.

    People are just out and about too much, and without masks. We've essentially squandered anything we accomplished during the first lockdown and are dooming ourselves to another.

    I'm glad I went to the dentist. I have a cavity. I think they were doing everything they could do make patients feel safe. Even a couple things I wouldn't have thought of. They gave me disposable goggles to wear and had me wash my mouth out with some sort of special wash. On top of all the hand sanitizer and PPE.

    On the down side, "my" dentist was on a staycation so his cousin saw me. His cousin calls his patients "sweetheart". I felt like saying "you wish". LOL!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    Jean, when I was a kid eating was just not high on my priority list. I was very thin, so my mom was always trying to get me to eat. I used to wish I could just take a pill instead of eating. Those were the days! I definitely have eating on or near the top of my priority list now, lol.

    Maryanne, I agree with you. I think we have completely squandered the gains and sacrifices made in the first few weeks of the shutdown, through reckless, self-centered behaviors like refusing to wear a mask and congregating in large groups with no regard for social distancing. Those of us who are trying to be responsible will be suffering longer because of the actions of those who refuse to follow guidelines and behave responsibly.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Well, Optavia mac and cheese is the tiniest portion I have ever seen! And I don't like it either. I guess I'm crossing that one off my list. I don't think I've ever tried Wonderslim mac and cheese - just ordered a box of that.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I've always loved to eat but was thin until I hit menopause. Then all bets were off.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    Menopause completely flipped my metabolism, too. Until then, I could literally eat anything and not gain weight, and I never exercised. I didn’t go over 100 pounds until I turned 40 and went into early menopause.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I guess I am switching "pets." I no longer want the responsibility of a cat, etc because of my age and the reality I have no family members who are pet lovers. Just looking out for the pet. Instead, I am going to feed the birds. I just ordered a suet hanger and suet cakes from Amazon. Birds Choice SNTPB Bird Single-Cake Tail-Prop Suet Feeder with Brown Top. The top permits easy access to put in the cakes plus it protects the suet from rain. The bottom has a thing on the bottom that permits the bird to prop its tail while eating.

    Metabolism? What is that? Just joking, as people rapidly discover how important a good metabolism is when in middle ages and older. I use to lose weight so easily; not any longer.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    I guess I’m the exception to the group. I was thin until This I hit puberty. And then I started to gain. I’ve spent years gaining and losing the same pounds. I wasn’t an exerciser so that didn’t help. I was the kid who would rather read a book instead of being outside. I got more serious about better health in my 50s but then I was fighting menopause like every else.

    The dentist visit was very different. I had a different hygienist. My regular person has come back part time so it would have been months too wait for her. I was hand sanitized when I arrived and then again when I entered the treatment room. She was garbed like you see the doctors on the news. In addition to the gown, she had an N95 mask eye protection and a face shield. I had a pair of glasses and rinsed my mouth before treatment started. I asked where to spit and was told to spit back into the cup. They’re not allowed to use the spit sinks because of Covid. At times, she stayed water in my mouth and suctioned it out at the same time. I had to close my lips so nothing sprayed out.There’s no more teeth polishing either. When the dentist came in, she discovered a small chip in a filling. Because of the distance we travel, she worked me in to bond an epoxy like substance to protect the filling. I didn’t make a new appointment because we’re not sure if we’ll continue there. I’ve used this practice 40 years but my dentist retired in May. I like everyone at the practice including the new dentist but it’s a 300 mile trip to go there. I explained we might look for someone closer to home. I can still go back if we decide to stay or they will forward our records if we make a change. I don’t have to decide right away. If we are able to go to FL for the winter, my next cleaning would be there. So my next northern cleaning would be next summer. If we can’t go because of Covid, I’d need to get a new dentist or go back to my current practice. I hate change so I’ll just keep considering until the first of the year.