2020: One Day At A Time, We Will Achieve!!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    Yesterday I got my first 2020 weight so I know where I'm starting. And I stuck to my eating plan. It isn't yet a full-blown diet plan but it's heading that direction!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    My scale finally went down today, so I’m feeling a bit better. For now I’m trying to focus on eating the right foods in the correct amounts and drinking water. I haven’t started back to the gym yet as I’d prefer to wait until the resolutions crowd thins out a bit. And also because I really hate going to the gym, lol!

    Good job!!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »

    Maryanne, I’m with you on wishing running my mouth counted as exercise. I’d be model thin if it did, lol!

    If running at the mouth were an olympic sport, I'd be a gold medalist!

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    I'm trying to care about Peter, the Bachelor, sometimes one of my guilty pleasures. And I'm just not. We already know his final four so we know the few girls with substance are gone before the end.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    Maryanne, I don’t like cheesecake either! We must be the only 2 people on the planet who don’t like it, lol!

    I spent the afternoon shopping for items to put into a chemo care basket for a dear friend who is starting chemo today. She was diagnosed just before Christmas with stage 4 Post Radiation Sarcoma. It’s very rare and very aggressive. She will be in the hospital for 5 days for this first round of chemo. I need to collect a few more items from a couple of people before delivering it to her. There is so little we can do for her but hopefully the items in the basket will bring her some comfort.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Pam--What a wonderful thing to do for your friend. I'm sure it will do much for her psychological state as she underfoes this treatment. Good job on seeing the scale go down.

    Helene--I am sorry about the leg pain. Often people push themselves not realizing that later the pain will develop. I know i am guilty of that.

    Maryanne--You just haven't found the right cheesecake. 2020 will be another great year for you now that you have a basis for measuring your progress.

    I worked today which means I have to do my exercise tonight. Evening exercise sometimes interferes with my sleep but if I skip this day, it means that I will have to exercise every remaining day this week to get in the 5 days of exercise. I have logged my food so I'm being good on both fronts of exercise and food.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »

    I spent the afternoon shopping for items to put into a chemo care basket for a dear friend who is starting chemo today. She was diagnosed just before Christmas with stage 4 Post Radiation Sarcoma. It’s very rare and very aggressive. She will be in the hospital for 5 days for this first round of chemo. I need to collect a few more items from a couple of people before delivering it to her. There is so little we can do for her but hopefully the items in the basket will bring her some comfort.

    I'm so very sorry! How awful!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Pam--What a wonderful thing to do for your friend. I'm sure it will do much for her psychological state as she underfoes this treatment. Good job on seeing the scale go down.

    Helene--I am sorry about the leg pain. Often people push themselves not realizing that later the pain will develop. I know i am guilty of that.

    Maryanne--You just haven't found the right cheesecake. 2020 will be another great year for you now that you have a basis for measuring your progress.

    I worked today which means I have to do my exercise tonight. Evening exercise sometimes interferes with my sleep but if I skip this day, it means that I will have to exercise every remaining day this week to get in the 5 days of exercise. I have logged my food so I'm being good on both fronts of exercise and food.

    Helene - do you still need these quoted? Just checking.....
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,829 Member
    Yes, still need the quotes. I don’t know why Jean’s posts show up as blanks. Hopefully it doesn’t happen with you or Pam or I won’t see any posts at all.

    I had fallen into the bad habit of having an after dinner snack these last few weeks. It didn’t make me gain but I didn’t lose either. I went upstairs with a couple of magazines about 9 o’clock Last night so no snack. I thought about snacking a couple of times but knew I wouldn’t walk downstairs to get one. And today, my scale dropped another tenth of a pound. So I just have to keep repeating that behavior.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Some insight into why I lose weight slowly. A doctor once told me that at my age to lose weight more easily I would have to exercise. Day before yesterday (image posted), my FitBit said I burned 1921 calories in a 24 hour period with 90 minutes of that being active minues. That is a calorie deficit of around 700 calories or a little over a pound a week.

    Yesterday, I got in 54 active minutes and 8162 steps with calories burned of 1670 or a deficit of around 400 calories or less than a pound a week. I had one of those tests done once. Basically, I can maintain on around 1700 calories of food a day.

    Today makes the third day in a row of working. I am tired as it is hard getting back into a routine.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,829 Member
    I’m down another two tenths today. It’s funny how such a small amount can be so motivating. I’m down 24 pounds since May and 11 of those pounds are since I started Noom. We have a potluck dinner at church tonight. I’m making a ham, broccoli, cheese strata. You put bread cubes on the bottom of the baking pan. I sautéed the veggies. They go on top of the bread. Eggs, milk and cheese are combined and poured over the other ingredients and it sits a while to let the bread absorb the egg milk mixture. It gets baked and the result looks like a crust less quiche. I’m using gluten free bread so DH can enjoy it. There are usually salads, meats and veggies that he can eat.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    I’m a bit perplexed by my weight. Despite being careful to stay on plan for the past week, my weight went up today, after going down several days in a row. I was even more active yesterday. Hopefully it’s just a blip and will go back down tomorrow.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »

    I had fallen into the bad habit of having an after dinner snack these last few weeks. It didn’t make me gain but I didn’t lose either. I went upstairs with a couple of magazines about 9 o’clock Last night so no snack. I thought about snacking a couple of times but knew I wouldn’t walk downstairs to get one. And today, my scale dropped another tenth of a pound. So I just have to keep repeating that behavior.

    Because of the odd hours of DH's work, we eat dinner at 3:30 so I'm definitely an after-dinner snacker. I try to account for that in my meals.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I’m down another two tenths today. It’s funny how such a small amount can be so motivating. I’m down 24 pounds since May and 11 of those pounds are since I started Noom. We have a potluck dinner at church tonight. I’m making a ham, broccoli, cheese strata. You put bread cubes on the bottom of the baking pan. I sautéed the veggies. They go on top of the bread. Eggs, milk and cheese are combined and poured over the other ingredients and it sits a while to let the bread absorb the egg milk mixture. It gets baked and the result looks like a crust less quiche. I’m using gluten free bread so DH can enjoy it. There are usually salads, meats and veggies that he can eat.

    24 pounds is fantastic! It's so good that you're keeping on top of it.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Some insight into why I lose weight slowly. A doctor once told me that at my age to lose weight more easily I would have to exercise. Day before yesterday (image posted), my FitBit said I burned 1921 calories in a 24 hour period with 90 minutes of that being active minues. That is a calorie deficit of around 700 calories or a little over a pound a week.

    Yesterday, I got in 54 active minutes and 8162 steps with calories burned of 1670 or a deficit of around 400 calories or less than a pound a week. I had one of those tests done once. Basically, I can maintain on around 1700 calories of food a day.

    Today makes the third day in a row of working. I am tired as it is hard getting back into a routine.

    I think what's so depressing about all this is - maintain on 1700 calories a day. I love food. I love eating. Thinking about losing weight is one thing. Sticking at 1700 calories a day for the rest of my life is depressing.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I’m a bit perplexed by my weight. Despite being careful to stay on plan for the past week, my weight went up today, after going down several days in a row. I was even more active yesterday. Hopefully it’s just a blip and will go back down tomorrow.

    Well, darned!!!! Definitely not a completely linear relationship between calories in and calories out.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited January 2020
    Maryanne--I have had days where I eat "bad" food as I like it but I know I can't make a habit of it. My niece who travels with me at times can eat more than I do but at the end of the trip, I've gained but she hasn't or if she does it is far less than what I gain.

    Pam--It is frustrating. Hopefully, it is a blip on the weight loss radar. I actually haven't gotten on the scales as I am reluctant to find the results.

    I had the NS flatbread pizza with pepper strips added for dinner. I'll have a strawberry cheesecake flavored greek yogurt packing protein for only 80 calories for an evening snack.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Maryanne--I have had days where I eat "bad" food as I like it but I know I can't make a habit of it. My niece who travels with me at times can eat more than I do but at the end of the trip, I've gained but she hasn't or if she does it is far less than what I gain.

    Pam--It is frustrating. Hopefully, it is a blip on the weight loss radar. I actually haven't gotten on the scales as I am reluctant to find the results.

    I had the NS flatbread pizza with pepper strips added for dinner. I'll have a strawberry cheesecake flavored greek yogurt packing protein for only 80 calories for an evening snack.