2020: One Day At A Time, We Will Achieve!!



  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Helene--Nothing like experimenting with choices and timing. My breakfast had more calories than usual. I don't want the body to get used to specific routines or foods. I am considering not weighing until February 1 but I like to know progress is being made, so I doubt that I will go that route. I am one of those who can fluctuate in weight easily for no apparent reason.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Up 1.6 pounds since Friday. Frustrating. Blame it on the big salad?

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Up 1.6 pounds since Friday. Frustrating. Blame it on the big salad?

    Wow, that is frustrating!!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Good choices Jean. My challenge this week is not to eat after 7. I had to eat dinner earlier than usual so I ⎌could be done by 7. I usually have a snack around 9 so this was a change. Sometimes the snack is a delayed dessert. I made it through day one. It’s part of an experiment to see if cutting the snack for a week results in a loss.

    I can only applaud the effort. I hope it helps. I'd have real problems with that, I'm afraid.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,829 Member
    I may have problems with it too. That’s why it’s an experiment. If it doesn’t work or if I can’t stick to it, I’ll ditch it. I wonder if your gain was sodium. It is frustrating though to work at it and get negative results.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    Got on the scale this morning and my first weigh-in of this new effort, I lost 2.5 pounds. Daggone the first week is always so encouraging. LOL!


    That means I have to lose about 12 pounds to get to where the cardiologist wants me to be by my next visit in early March. She is being SO reasonable. I'm really mad at myself that I haven't met her goals.

    This week I'm planning:

    Today - NS frozen

    Tomorrow - packet day

    Wednesday - assorted

    Thursday - JC shelf stable

    Fri - NS frozen

    I'd like to get my freezer emptied out of everything that was in there when the power was off. Much of it is still just fine but I'm trying to get through it. I'd like to order some of the new NS items but not until I'm farther along in this clean out effort.

    The disappearing food items from the grocery shelves has finally hit something DH loves. Marie Callender casserole with potatoes and ham. I've been checking out stores that their web site says stock it. Tried two more yesterday - one has gone out of business and the other had very little in the larger frozen casserole department. I told DH I'll try making him scalloped potatoes (purchased of course) with ham. He thought that sounds just fine.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I may have problems with it too. That’s why it’s an experiment. If it doesn’t work or if I can’t stick to it, I’ll ditch it. I wonder if your gain was sodium. It is frustrating though to work at it and get negative results.

    Well, I think it's a great experiment and hopefully will go well!!! Maybe 2020 should be - THE YEAR OF THE EXPERIMENTING!!!! Out of my rut.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,829 Member
    So true. Most of us are creatures of habit, I like doing the same thing. I have a small numbers of breakfasts that I choose from. My body would probably benefit from more changing things up. I’m sure I ⎌am in that rut with you.The pot luck caught up to me this weekend. I ended up 1.5 pounds. I’ve already lost half a pound. I enjoyed the pot luck and I got right back On program the next day. I think that’s a healthier outlook on life than I may have had in the past. I’m making a new lifestyle rather than being on a diet.

    I got a call Saturday from a friend from choir. She and her husband have the flu and she wanted to let everyone they were in contact know. So far, DH and I feel fine. We sat with them at the potluck. I Googled exposure time and it’s one to four days and this is day three for me. I’m feeling pretty confident we won’t get it.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Congrats upon your loss. Keep up the good work and planning.

    Helene--It is so true that we are creatures of habit, so sometimes experimenting can find a different way to expedite things...and that includes weight loss.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Maryanne--Congrats upon your loss. Keep up the good work and planning.

    Helene--It is so true that we are creatures of habit, so sometimes experimenting can find a different way to expedite things...and that includes weight loss.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    I decided to experiment with a packet of blueberry pancake mix. Not the mix I usually use. Weird. Not just blueberry pieces but blue color. And the directions basically say it makes one pancake (I made three). Was okay but not going to become a favorite.

    Not much experimenting the rest of packet day today. Going to stick to my tried and true.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,829 Member
    Was the pancake mix NS or some other brand? I used to like their pancakes. That reminds me of a recipe I used to make back when I started NS. I got it off one of their recipe boards. You mixed rolled oats with Eggbeaters. The result looked like a batter. You cooked it like a pancake and served it with sugar free syrup. I really liked it and now that I remembered it, I’ll put that back into my breakfast rotation. I’m not big on oatmeal as a breakfast cereal but this gives me the benefit of oats in a form I liked.

    When I ask DH if he can see my weight loss, he’s not that good seeing the difference. He says it’s because he sees me every day. I showed him a photo I took 7 months ago, around the time I got motivated to start working on weight loss. His reaction to the photo was WOW. I don’t take many photos but I’m glad I took this one as a comparison of now and then. I’m 24 pounds lighter than the photo.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    The packet didn't have a brand on it but I think it was Proti-diet.

    I still like my Wonderslim much much better (and my kitchen still smells like fake blueberry).
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    I think this is a great quote in a washington post op ed:

    For Trump’s “people” — the working-class voters who backed a bumptious billionaire who they hoped would shake up things as their champion — the betrayal is clear and specific. Many of these Americans voted for Trump in 2016 despite thinking he was unfit for office. They knew he was a scoundrel, but they hoped he would be their scoundrel. As he nears the end of his first term, it is increasingly clear that they voted for a con man without realizing they were the mark.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    mdubbs1 wrote: »
    I think this is a great quote in a washington post op ed:

    For Trump’s “people” — the working-class voters who backed a bumptious billionaire who they hoped would shake up things as their champion — the betrayal is clear and specific. Many of these Americans voted for Trump in 2016 despite thinking he was unfit for office. They knew he was a scoundrel, but they hoped he would be their scoundrel. As he nears the end of his first term, it is increasingly clear that they voted for a con man without realizing they were the mark.

    I love that quote and I think it is 100% accurate.

    I’m having a difficult week. My sister has been visiting for a couple of days and she shared with me that her middle daughter’s husband informed her the day before he left for a 10 month change of duty station to South Korea that he plans to file for divorce when he returns. My niece is devastated and unsure how to proceed at this point. He apparently has been in touch for the past 6 months or more with an old girlfriend and is having very long phone calls and frequent text messages with her. Virginia law requires a 12 month separation before they can even file for divorce, and military deployments such as this one don’t count, so she’s not going to be able to do anything for awhile. They have an almost 12 year old son who doesn’t know anything about what’s going on yet, but I’m sure he will figure out something isn’t right before long. My niece has never had much self confidence, so this is a huge blow for her. On top of that, we suspect he’s been hiding money from her and she isn’t very savvy about trying to track down any missing funds. We are advising her to immediately seek legal advice and probably hire a forensic accountant to help her figure out the financial aspects.

    On top of that, one of my best friends from grad school texted me yesterday that her husband collapsed yesterday morning and died on his way to the hospital. After I dropped my sister at the airport this morning I stopped by for a brief visit and she is just devastated. They shared the same birthdate, which was last Friday, and she said they had had a wonderful birthday celebration together, and a fun weekend. She said when he got up yesterday he was in a great mood and they were laughing and joking about how great their weekend had been. She went into the bedroom and was getting ready for her workday (she has a private therapy practice) and he was supposed to bring her a cup of hot lemon water. When he didn’t bring the water after awhile she went to check on him and found him on the kitchen floor. He hadn’t had any recent health issues and his previous issues had been fairly minor, so this was a complete shock. I’m going back over this afternoon with another grad school friend and staying a bit longer this time. I wasn’t able to stay long this morning because I was scheduled to visit my friend who is battling cancer this morning as well.

    It’s been a tough couple of days. So far 2020 hasn’t been a great year for my family and friends.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    edited January 2020
    Oh, my, Pam, how dreadful! I'm glad your niece turned to family members so you can prod her to protect herself!

    I doubt if any of us have any expertise in finding missing money but boy, I'd find out fast. In addition to that and an attorney, I'd also have the locks changed.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    This is my favorite dinner on packet day: https://www.dietdirect.com/wonderslim-nacho-cheese-pasta.html

    Tiny serving so much vegetables on the side.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Helene--Pictures are a great way to compare before and after and to provide continued motivation.

    Maryanne--I haven't ordered anything from Diet Direct for about a year but my favorite product was the pancake mix.

    Pam--How terrible that your niece is facing this issue, She needs to contact a lawyer ASAP to see what she can do to protect her interests and also plan for the future.

    I've been looking at medical records for the past 5 years at varioius practices. It seems that regardless of how I've been eating during that time, my weight was always within a 5 pound range. Remember the old set point theory of metabolism? I think mine needs to be reset lower.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Helene--Pictures are a great way to compare before and after and to provide continued motivation.

    Maryanne--I haven't ordered anything from Diet Direct for about a year but my favorite product was the pancake mix.

    Pam--How terrible that your niece is facing this issue, She needs to contact a lawyer ASAP to see what she can do to protect her interests and also plan for the future.

    I've been looking at medical records for the past 5 years at varioius practices. It seems that regardless of how I've been eating during that time, my weight was always within a 5 pound range. Remember the old set point theory of metabolism? I think mine needs to be reset lower.

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if mine wouldn't show roughly the same thing for the last 5 years. I guess it's eternal optimism to keep trying?
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,829 Member
    Pam, what horrible experiences for your niece and your friends. I agree that your niece should talk to a lawyer ASAP to safeguard her interests. She probably doesn’t want to hear this but she’s better off without a skunk who would celebrate her birthday with a great weekend and then turn around and betray her. Hopefully, she’ll realize that when the shock wears off.

    I can’t imagine what your friend is going through finding her husband dead in the kitchen. My sister’s neighbor had a similar experience. Her husband was working in the backyard and dropped dead. She didn’t check on him for a while because she thought he was working. She had great feelings of guilt that she could have saved him if she’d checked sooner. I don’t think it would have made a difference but she can’t get past that. As bad as losing someone to illness, at least you have time to mentally prepare and say goodbye.