Morena's accountability and "just talking to myself here" thread



  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    YUmmy Drooling :)
  • Morena_2020
    Morena_2020 Posts: 212 Member
    edited February 2020
    Super late night last night and I didn’t check in! Sorry. But all good! It was steak night so we had;

    - Porterhouse steak with garlic butter
    - Three-potato hash
    - Salad (not pictured)


    I fasted today but tonight begin our weekend celebrations! And guys, I intend to INDULGE. 😄
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    That is a good looking plate of food there. Enjoy the celebrations.
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    All your food photos are salivating! :yum:
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    You're meals look so yummy :p KUTGW!!!
  • Morena_2020
    Morena_2020 Posts: 212 Member
    edited February 2020
    Well, I’m amazed. No OMAD over the weekend but I still managed this stunning loss! WHAT THE HECK.


    I guess in the grand scheme of things it wasn’t too bad, per se. For a start I don’t drink, which does help. We still did OMAD on Friday. Then Saturday we had a nice big breakfast and were so satisfied that our next meal was dinner. And then on Sunday we had this thing to attend but the only food they had was junk and we just didn’t want it. Ended up having lunch at 4pm, and then a late dinner - this was at home by this stage, and quite healthy. The only thing we did do that was “naughty” was that I went to the Lindt store and got lots of delicious chocolate! A big box of assorted chocolates and a baggie filled with hearts and Lindor balls. We worked our way through those over the weekend, and no regrets!

    The wonderful thing about all this beyond the weight loss - and I’m just stunned and a little emotional about it as I write this - is that at no point did we feel the need to go insane with food five times a day, or feel a downer Sunday night because Monday we go back to fasting. None of that, which would be our usual response when dieting and also, I’m sorry to say, 5:2. If this is truly my relationship with food normalising, then it’s a blessing beyond anything I can express.

    And I can do it while fitting in breakfast with DH now and then, which fills me with joy because a late, long weekend breakfast or brunch with him is one of my favourite things in the whole wide world.

    Rock on, everyone!
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    AMAZING loss!!! Not to be the annoying OCD person but did you mean 10/2/20? LIke feb 10th? I'm sorry if I'm just ignorant but the OCD in me has a twitching eye LMAO

    Great job boo!!!!!! Inches loss rulez!! :P
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    2 pounds in a week is awesome!!! KUTGW :)
  • Morena_2020
    Morena_2020 Posts: 212 Member
    AMAZING loss!!! Not to be the annoying OCD person but did you mean 10/2/20? LIke feb 10th? I'm sorry if I'm just ignorant but the OCD in me has a twitching eye LMAO

    Great job boo!!!!!! Inches loss rulez!! :P

    LOL! Yes. In Australia (and pretty much the rest of the world - sorry, but there it is!) it’s day/month/year.

    Also centimetres not inches! Divide numbers by 2.5 to get those.


  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Amazing loss❤️👍 Keep up the good work👍
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    You are doing AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    LMAO no I understood the difference in notation, I was trying to figure out if you accidentally put January when it's February LMAO :D
  • Morena_2020
    Morena_2020 Posts: 212 Member
    Haha! All good.

    Well, we’ve settled into our OMAD rhythm after the weekend with absolutely no problem. Just so damn easy. No pix to show, but Monday we went out and had some peasant-style pizzas with salad, and yesterday we had some leftover chicken and rice (sooo many leftovers these days!), broccoli and baked onion.

    DH is doing really well, so am I, and yeah - that’s about it! Happy to be boring and have nothing to report. 😄
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    But wait :( You didn't confirm my suspicion!! Was that supposed to be 10/TWO/20 etc? LOL Please help my brain stop twitching LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
  • Morena_2020
    Morena_2020 Posts: 212 Member
    @mistymeadows2005 Haha! Yes! Totally forgot to alter that. It’s definitely meant to be February!

    Nothing much to report other than being SO SO COLD yesterday. I was forewarned that my workplace doesn’t raise the building temperature when it’s cold but I wasn’t prepared for how cold I’d be while fasting! Kept up the herbal tea, which helped, but still - sheesh!

    Steak night last night. Ate all the steak and salad but only bits of everything else. Sorry, no pix again!

    - Steak with garlic butter
    - Smashed potatoes
    - Corn
    - Green salad
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,291 Member
    Have a wonderful OMAD day!
  • Morena_2020
    Morena_2020 Posts: 212 Member
    OK everyone, yesterday was HARD. Like super, super hard. Like Jadepearl said, it’s been cold here even though it’s summer, and all I wanted was to eat. I had a WFH day and the combination of home and cold just made it so hard - all I wanted was comfort, you know? I stuck to it, but I was literally counting down the hours. It makes me nervous for winter, nervous that it’s just going to get too hard and I’ll buckle.

    On top of that, DH showed me his jeans and he’s almost down a size. Had to move a second hole in his belt, in just a few weeks! And naturally I’m happy for him but here I am plugging away, with nothing like that to show for it yet - not even any face gains that I can see (and I’ve tried!). The weight is definitely coming off, but still - I don’t see myself being done here for at least two years, possibly three. And while I’m committed, it’s suddenly dawned on me how enormous this undertaking is.

    Sigh... sorry about the downer, everyone. I’ve been top of the world for five weeks, and suddenly it’s hit me. Hmph - maybe it’s AF making things difficult like she always does! Anyway: past night’s dinner, mostly pulled out of the freezer. Have a great day/night, everyone!

    - Sweet potato rice
    - Sambal eggplant
    - Tomato egg
    - Chicken curry with spinach
    - Tamagoyaki

  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    Don't get down, just keep on hanging in there. Your whoosh is on the way!
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Hey girl, don't be so hard on yourself❤️ Look at your measurements...its getting smaller each week. Hang in there and you will see the results. I know it's hard when others can slim down easily compare to us. I also do that myself but please hang in there as you will see your whoosh👍🤞😊 Your meals are always so yummy 🤤🤤🤤
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    It will come.....just be ready for the is always harder for us women than men.....your meals look amazing.......You got this! <3