WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - April 2020



  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    You're right, the decision to go back to work is mine but I think I made the right decision in not doing it. And I'm glad I ran into my neighbor who told me what he thought. I am surprised that work can even ask for volunteers to do it. Michigan is under the stay at home order from the governor until April 14th. Only essential workers are allowed to work. I don't really understand how producing car mirrors is essential. There must be some reason they're allowed to.

    Yes, I think it's good to modify hard exercises too. Of course I would love to be able to do 50 or 60 jumping jacks all at once but that isn't realistic for me right now. Several months ago I could barely do 1 so if I can do 30, then rest, then do 30 more, I'm doing great.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Step Challenge Winners

    Week 4 Winners
    1.@Timibotkin - 83,721 steps
    2.@cafelelia - 65,294 steps
    3. @ljdanny - 63,476 steps

    Together we walked 471,288 steps in Week 4!

    Month of March Winners
    1.@Timibotkin - 350,114 steps
    2. @ljdanny - 259,523 steps
    3. @Freeglerock - 240,592 steps

    Together we walked 2,231,067 steps in March!

    Congratulations everyone!!

    *Winners for the month were calculated based on those team members who participated fully in all 4 weeks of the challenge.
    **Our total tally for the month was calculated on all steps submitted, even for those who partially participated (10 walkers)
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    That sounds like an interesting job.

    I'm sure you're right about people being bored, they probably think that since they have so much time on their hands they want to work on their yards but I agree those items are non essential.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Sunday 3/29
    Food: good
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 45 minutes low intensity bodyweight exercises, 15 minute walk

    I didn't do much with my day. I decided to do low intensity exercise today since I've been doing a lot of high intensity workouts lately.

    I listened to my church's service online, did some reading, watched a Hallmark movie and went for a walk with my neighbor just around our condo complex. It had rained most of the day but appeared it was going to be dry for a little while. We decided to just go around the complex in case it started raining again. We hadn't gotten all the way around when it started raining again. We had planned on going around a couple of times but because of the rain we just went once. Not only has been raining most of the day, it's also been really windy. The wind gusts have been around 40 to 50 mph.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    We have a group challenge for week 1 - a list of fun, useful, and self-caring things we can do every day. Enjoy!
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    03/29 steps 3125
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    I went out walking Saturday on a trail I never been on. It's long so as I was walking I found another place to park so next time I go I will park father down and continue walking some more. I haven't done my videos since thurs but at least I got the walk in. Today is a crappy day I think I will get my videos in and maybe pull out the treadmill. One of my videos doesn't give me that many steps so even though I worked out I still feel like I didn't do anything. There is a zumba class tonight on zoom, not sure if I will do it, I found it to be laggy.

    @sleepymom5 hope your husband is feeling better.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Hello Team!
    Its nice to read up on how everyone is doing. I took the dogs on a 3.5 mile hike yesterday. There is quite a bit of snow and ice on the trail so couldn't go very far but it felt good to get out. Drinking plenty of water but eating is all over the place... some days I'm not that hungry and other days my appetite is out of control. With hubby being home there's lots of temptation in the house that normally isn't around. Motivation and discipline are very fluid at the moment.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @lennoncpa I just love that picture of you and Sunny. Your both adorable!
    @gingerpwr I am so happy that your back on our team. I appreciate the encouragement and kind words.
    @cafelelia I know you have a lot on your plate as well. If you possibly get a chance I would love it if you reposted the spreadsheet that said all our members and our names. Especially now that we are needing each other more than ever. I am going to check out the English game. thanks for the recommendation.
    @timibotkin I would invite your to lunch but during this craziness not the best timing. Let's survive this and meet for lunch. Have you ever been to Gray Jays? It's a small restaurant close to my work locally sourced food and 2 wonderful vegan sandwiches. Would also love to show you our favorite bike trail. Have you ever been to the 16 miler in Grottoes? It starts at the post office and runs aside the river. I am still regaining my strength but looking forward to doing it again sometime. Keep hanging in there you are doing great!
    @freeglerock great job keeping up with your steps!
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Wow March has definitely been your month! Good for you Cassie!!! You definitely have perseverance.
    @Zumba_Luvah my goodness that's a lot of years of steppin! Good for you!!!
    @podperson1 Did you know that Edinburgh was voted one of the best cities for Vegan food? Based on that we were hoping to go there on vacation someday. My wife has been there and loved it. Glad your in our group.
    @sleepymom5 I am glad your are also making a plan to take care of your needs by thinking about routines that you can do. When my mom was in the hospital I took my walking shoes and would walk around the outside of the hospital. Take a deep breath and know that we are sending you lots of hugs and prayers!
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx are the 250's calling your name? You are doing so great!!! Hang in there.

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @tryingagain5 I am so glad you are taking care of yourself at this time. Both your decisions and your workout routines are inspiring.
    @nstephenson01 It's nice to have you back Nancy! I am glad you were able to get out in some fresh air. Hang in there. It's Springtime and April is a whole new fresh start!
    @ljdanny it sounds like a good plan with your hiking trail. Being in nature seems like a good way to keep our sanity even for a few minutes.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sunday Check In
    Good morning and I hope that you are all doing well today. Yesterday was just ok for me. I had a tickle in my throat and rested. I just took a break from everything and feel much better today. We are not going out anyway, but we all separated in the house as a precaution. I binged on the Picard series and finished it (absolutely loved it). It has been a long time since I binged watched anything. My Apple Watch was really not pleased with me yesterday, but it will just have to understand that a gal needs a break once in a while. I am going to do homeschooling with my younger son this morning, but will keep a distance just in case.

    @nstephenson01 - It is really nice that you can go for these longer hikes outside. Fluid is the word when it comes to everything these days!

    @ljdanny - Also great that you can get outside and walk. I have been doing those Leslie Sansone workouts, and I find I am not getting the distances that the videos say, like 5 miles is not really 5 miles. I guess it is just harder to measure the indoor movements.

    @tryingagain5 - You are doing great with the exercise! We had a really windy day yesterday too, there were even some wind warnings out in the afternoon.

    @lennoncpa - Oh that doggy is so cute. I am currently wearily a similar outfit and hairdo to you in that photo! There are a lot of FaceTime drinking chats going on these days. If it keeps happening though, maybe ask your son if he wants to talk about anything.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 - Fantastic loss!

    @mrsbell8well - Looks like you had a productive weekend and that should set you up great for the week!

    @Gingerpwr - I am sorry about your tendonitis and shin splints. Walking is a very good alternative and stretch for those shins should help too. I really want to see those weights so please post a photo! You are very close to goal, which is awesome!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Day 7 of my cleanse. Today I am adding Quinoa for dinner. Molly said I had a food party going on this morning when I packed my lunch. Smoothie for breakfast-coconut water, pineapple, raspberries, 1/2 banana and an orange. I also added some vital reds powder from my lectin free days. in my lunch back pack, sweet potato, salad with "rainbow crunchies" (a mix of red cabbage, cauliflower, celery, carrots, radishes), steamed cauliflower, roast asparagus and mushrooms, herb teas, 1/2 avocado, 1/2 lemon and a mason jar with fresh papaya and 1/2 a lime squeezed on it, and a pack of organic raspberries. Tonights dinner quinoa, steamed carrots, artichokes (I will take pictures) and garlic mustard greens.
    My goal is to weigh 145 by April 1st. I am holding at 144.8 so crossing my fingers it stays that way. Then 1 pound a week to get back to my final goal of 142 by April 23rd. I am so determined to get there. And I have been working on a doable maintenance plan. I have some ideas I was working on this weekend.
    I was pretty happy to get everything done on my to do list this weekend including my April planner.

    April feels pretty scary on lots of levels but I am not going there. We had a fabulous weekend and plan to enjoy every single day of health that is under our roof. We are doing everything we can think of. Contact information, what to do, where the wills are, all in order.
    As for me I am trying to get my strength back with the walking program. I am dreaming of running but happy to be outdoors and making progress. Slow but promising. I held off on yoga until April 1st when I was told I could start again. Printed Adrienes you tube calendar for April.
    I am so happy to be getting my nutrition back under control as well. My new eating plan will limit gluten to once a week for one meal. And I decided to add a daily treat as well. Once I get it finished I will post it.

    I have been thinking a lot about these quarantines and the huge changes to our lives. When all is said and done where will we be? Did we take this time to really step up and take charge of our personal health? Get our finances in order, our homes neat and organized, calls to friends and family members? Try out new healthy recipes, start new hobbies? Schedule in relaxation and work on getting a sound nights sleep? (I know your working on this @cafelelia). There will be heart breaks and tragedies in the next year. We need to enjoy every second that we can and stay empowered with what we can do.

    My prayers are out there for each and everyone of you!!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    introduction: My name is Angelina. I live with my wife Molly and the old folks. (my parents mom age 88 on dialysis and dad age 90). My granddaughter Skylynn age 10 is often seen in my posts but unfortunately I am not able to see her as often as I would like with this quarantine. They just adopted the sweetest 2 year old rescue dog Saturday. They did stop by and we went outside to see them.
    I started my journey July 2018 weighing 202.8. Exactly one year later I weighed 142! 60 pounds gone! I am kind of the diet plan guinea pig. I try just about everything from Keto/lectin free, ayuverdic, IF, cleanses, medical medium, G-bombs with Dr Fuhrman, Dr. Gundry daily dozen, the moon diet, and have had the most satisfaction since going vegan in October 2018. 2019 was my year! I did my first 10K, biked 34 miles on the Virginia creeper for my 63rd birthday in October. Cured back aches, carpal tunnel, GERD, and horrible daily headaches. I went a year without taking a single ibuprofen etc. I do daily yoga and that has been a game changer.
    I have stayed with this group since I still need the accountability to keep the weight off. This group has been very supportive of everything I have been through. I have made friends here!
    The week of my birthday October 2019 I ended up with my first and hopefully last kidney stone. Horrible but a week later we did the 34 mile bike ride.
    Then December I fell hard with the cold/flu that all 10 of my team members suffered. (I am a bank manager and run 2 branches) A month later I was diagnosed with pneumonia end of January 2020. A week later I was in ER with a pacemaker. What in the world! But I believe I would have died if I hadn't been in such great health. The wiring in my heart caused the need for a pacemaker. My pulse dropped to 30 and I felt terrible. Anyway, I am just now regaining my strength and determined to get my full life back.
    I went from a size 3X to a size 6-8. This morning I am wearing my little black size 6 pants and feeling teeny again!!!
    It really is about the best health I can possibly be in. But yes I love wearing my retro red bikini in the summer.
    My best advise...put yourself first! Take care of nutrition, exercise and sleep. Those are my 3 mandatory guidelines. And for real success, post daily!

    Good luck everyone! If I can do it, anyone can do it! Come join me on this maintenance ride! It's hard but so much more fun than "dieting".
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited March 2020
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Lunch with hens of the wood mushrooms
    Spring blossoms in our backyard
    Dogwood buds out my office window.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think you're right about me doing what's best for me right now. I'm healthy now but just a few years ago wasn't. I think part of my concern is that not everyone (and that includes some of the people I work with) is talking this seriously. If they were my decision might have been different.

    I did see work's weekly email and it does say they've been doing a lot of cleaning and disinfecting since we've been off so that does make me feel a little better but for now will stay at home and reevaluate later.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thanks! I think part of the reason I'm doing well with the exercise is because it keeps me busy. I don't want to start eating out of boredom.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Monday 3/30
    Food: on track
    Water:48 oz
    Exercise: 60 minutes low intensity bodyweight exercise, 45 minute walk

    Today I spent my time reading, playing on my phone, watching TV and going through some papers that needed to be organized, recycled,etc.. Basically spending my day alternating these things. Not very exciting but it fills up my day.

    I did walk with my neighbor just in our condo complex again since it looked like rain. We went around twice and then she decided to go home. Another neighbor was just coming outside to walk his dog so I walked around one more time with him.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm Linda, 50 and live in Michigan. I don't have kids but have 3 grown nephews who are married.

    I've been on this team since October 2019. Thank you to all who have encouraged me! It has been helpful.

    I have two great nieces, one who is 13 months old and one who is almost 4 months old.

    I have had a weight issue most of my life and have lost and gained many pounds over the years. I have lost about 50 pounds since January of 2018 and probably have around 50 or so more to lose. I work with a trainer at my gym three times a week, he works me really hard, which is what I want. I'm much stronger now than when I started. He has given me workouts to do on my own when I'm not working with him. I usually give myself one rest day per week and weekends usually do some low intensity exercise at home.

    Well, right now I'm not working with my trainer since the gym is closed. The gym gave us access to their fitness on demand account so I'm doing some videos from that, doing a couple of the bodyweight exercises that my trainer gave me and doing other bodyweight exercises. I don't have any equipment at home except for a resistance band so for now lots of cardio type workouts.

    I have support and accountability from my trainer and other people in my life but can always use more.

    My goals for are basically continuing from October.
    Get in fruits and veggies and water. Would like to do the following everyday but know that's not realistic so I'm going for 4 days per week.
    Fruit goal: 4
    Veggie goals: 4
    Water: 64 oz

    I haven't been doing very well with my goals lately but that's ok. I'm not going to go to the store until I have to so I'm going to concentrate more on my calorie goals. I've been doing pretty well with my calorie range and want to continue that.
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