WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - April 2020



  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Friday 4/17
    Food: over
    Water: 64oz
    Exercise: 15 minutes low intensity, 20 minutes medium intensity, 60 minute walk with friend

    I didn't accomplish much with my day. Spent too much time on my phone and too much TV. I had planned on getting some things done today but had no motivation to do them. I should have made myself get up and do something. I had done pretty well with my food for the day and then ate more even though I wasn't hungry. Probably ate out of boredom.

    I know some of you have posted your goals/plans for the next day so tomorrow I plan to:

    Clean up kitchen
    Clean up papers on coffee table
    Clean downstairs bathroom
    Vacuum/dust bedroom

    Now that I've posted these things I'm going to have to make sure and do them.😊
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    04/17 steps 3922
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,081 Member
    i am getting pretty bored staying home. i missed my zoom staff meeting yesterday, last week they said it would be at 1pm and i checked for the link around 11, well they sent a link out at 1 saying its at 2. i didn't see it til night time, oh well. they know i don't check my email often and i told them to text me for stuff like that so hoping there was nothing to important going on. it snowed here today, only a dusting, i was going to go walking but my husband wants to go get curb side beer. i did just do zumba online so i did get my exercise in. i am trying to get 10,000 steps a day. i do have over most days and close to it 2 days so that makes me feel good. hopefully next week for me will be better on the scale than my 2 ounce loss this week.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Friday check in
    Yesterday was definitely better with food and am working on the water. I am going to try a walk outside today. We have two wear masks so will see how that goes (I get sweaty!). I am in the middle of cooking so have to run.

    I see some fantastic losses just above me! Wtg!

    To all of our steppers, just a reminder to post your week’s steps by tomorrow around noon!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    @tryingagain5 Nice goals. I have some housework to do as well but keep putting it off with the excuse no one's going to see it anyway. But I feel better with a tidy house so I'm going to force myself to clean the bathroom and vacuum the rugs.
    @KUMEcyclingteam Nice loss!!
    @pacsnc6 How encouraging that you continue to feel well following chemo. That is a long, tedious day especially with no distractions. Can you bring a book? Although 8 hours is a long time to read! Take care.
    Nice losses also @hope002 and @brown6267
    Wowza @Zumba_Luvah Great loss for the week!
    @gingerpwr good plan for the day. I think making a plan is such a key tool
    @ljdanny We've had some late season snow here but I think its supposed to begin feeling like spring for a day or two next week. Good job on the steps. I'm trying for 10,000/day when the weather cooperates.

    Friday check in
    Food: 16:8 IF Pulled off a 16 hr fast and ate pretty well until after dinner found myself raiding my husband's gummy bear stash. Oopsie
    Water: OK, but not great
    Exercise & steps: Went for a 6 mile hike with the dogs. I can walk to the trail from my house and did not see a soul. Felt great to be outside but a little sore today. 19,515 steps

    After my hike I went grocery shopping for us and my neighbor. I just dread going to the store these days. We're resisting the temptation to get take out because no income and Pennsylvania still can't get their act together re unemployment yet so, with only shopping once a week, my list gets quite long. But now I'm done for the week. Yay

    Today's goals
    Up the water intake
    Food is planned... just need to stay with the plan
    Clean bathroom, do laundry and vacuum

    Happy Saturday Team!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    @cafelelia I don't have a mask but I have a buff that I wear when I hike in the winter. I don't think a thing about it in the winter but wearing it in the store makes me feel so claustrophobic. I also didn't realize how weird it would feel to not exchange smiles with people. You can't see anyone's faces!

    I hope you're able to get out for a walk outside and enjoy some fresh air.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    I slept pretty well last night, only one middle of the night bathroom trip.yay!!!
    @nstephenson01 yes I can bring just about anything to the chemo room. I brought tuna and a roll for
    a late lunch which I did around 2:30 as we were late getting started. Seems to be the norm there.
    I had a book to read, a puzzle book, a TV on the wall to watch - if you're bored it's on you. It annoyed me that the nurses didn't seem to pay much attention to the patients this time, so different from the last time, there was a shift change at one point I think as the nurse did not know what I was supposed to get next when one bag emptied out. She asked me! I really liked the hall I was on at the first visit.
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    Another super late weigh in

    Week 3 Mondays
    PW 155
    CW 156

    I think the weight I had lost was muscle. As this week I tried to do some online classes. But I get bored. I miss the gym and my friends there making me accountable for showing up. We are just gym friends so I don't have any of their social contacts.

    I just can't get into a routine. I use to be so disciplined with 6am work outs, 9 or 10am meditation, then tackle my parents issues.

    And to make matters worse, one of the caregivers wife tested positive for Covid 19 and she had been sick for almost a week and went and got the test and he did not tell the agency or us. He should not have been working with my elderly parents if he thought his wife might be infected! I am so pissed off with this agency. So I spent a day deep cleaning my parents house, canceled the rest of the help. And now waiting 2 weeks to see if any of us get it. two of the current caregivers want to still work. I have masks for everyone. But realistically we have all been exposed.Then my husband's company closed so he is stressed looking for a new job and our son is annoyed with the online college work. It is a constant struggle to try and stay positive.

    My goal for next week was to start the morning with a walk around the block. Hoping the fresh air and sunshine would motivate me but since i possibly have been exposed, I feel I can't go anywhere except to my parents. I don't want to be irresponsible like so many others here in Los Angeles, working outside with no masks. So depressing which makes me snack a lot more!

    @sleepymom5 - CONGRATS on getting Jim home. So relieved to hear that!!!!!!

    @cafelelia - how was walking with the mask? We to have to wear a mask and I really have to because I could be compromised.

    @lennoncpa @podperson1 @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx your late munchie stories made me smile as we have all been there! Thanks for the smiles!

    @pacsnc6 sounds like you are tackling the chemo and not letting it tackle you, way to go!

    @tryingagain5 I feel the same way, difficult to get work done when you have so much time. But I like your plan by putting it out there. So I will too! Goal this weekend, set up my parents quickbooks on my computer because we can't use their 82 year old book keeper. She is sharp and with it but can't be compromised so we have to stay away from her. So I'm going to attempt and when the its safe, she will correct all my mistakes.

    @GingerPwr Your dedication is inspiring! Thank you

    @nstepehnso1 is the intermediate fasting difficult? It seems difficult when you are stuck at home

  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member

    So sorry about all the issues you're having with the agency and caregivers. Hugs and prayers for you and your family.

    I understand about routine and missing the gym and the accountability I had there. I have plenty of resources to do hard workouts but don't have the motivation to do them so I end up doing low intensity exercise. Like you, the people I know there are gym friends and I don't have their contact info. I have my trainer's info but that's it. Can't wait until I can get back to the gym.

    I didn't accomplish my goals.🙄
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Saturday 4/18
    Food: didn't track
    Water: not enough
    Exercise: 15 minute low intensity, 10 minute high intensity, 60 minute walk

    Apparently posting my goals here didn't help with my motivation.🙁 I didn't accomplish anything on my list.

    My motivation for exercise isn't there either but I'm not sure why. I think having other people around when I'm at the gym helps motivate me to work harder. I'm still exercising just not at the high intensity I do at the gym. I started out still doing hard workouts for the 3 weeks that I didn't work but have been having a hard time continuing with them since I started back.

    My food has been up and down too. I really need to get back to doing everything right again. Not sure why I'm having more trouble now. I guess routine works better for me and since there isn't a routine right now it's making it harder.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    That's pretty much what I think too. I live alone, who's going to see my mess? I didn't accomplish anything on my list. My mom was a "neat freak". She had a lot of health issues so I had to do most of the cleaning and I hated it. A lot of things she had me do on a weekly or every other week basis most people would do as a spring cleaning project. I think I went too far the other way and don't clean because of that experience as a kid. It's not that I don't know how to clean, it's just that I don't like doing it so I don't. Yep, I know I have issues.😉
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member

    Weigh in Week 4
    PW: 259.4 (117.7kg)
    CW: 259.0 (117.5 kg)

    Very very slow but sure. I always seem to see a lower weight earlier in the week, but I have been eating higher calories for a few days and increasing my sodium which I knew would show on the scales. Just a precaution because my BP was sitting quite low and with all the dizziness I've had this week, it couldn't hurt. Because I eat mainly non-processed foods I don't get much sodium unless I add it to what I eat.

  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,461 Member
    Weight in week 3
    PW 124 lbs
    CW 124 lbs

    Sunday -9310
    Monday - 13,563
    Tuesday 11,064
    Wed - 10,844
    Thurs- 12,473
    Fri - 10,452
    Sat - 10,621
    Total 78327
    In the last 7 days completed 6 walks, 4 cardio workouts,2 strength workouts, 1 exercise stationary bike ride and 1 jogging on the spot.

    I think the Easter bunny effected my no weight loss.
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