
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,487 Member

    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Previous Weight: 235.6 lbs
    Todays Weight: 233.2 lbs
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    End of week weigh-in wrap up:


  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Check-In ❌

    FRIDAY: 🟢/🟡
    Calories: 🟢 all good, on-plan choices; everything weighed/measured and tracked
    Water: 🟢
    Exercise 🟢
    Friday Goals 🟢
    - Prelog food for today ✔️
    - Put cardio on calendar for today ✔️
    - Walk or platform stepping - 45+ min ✔️ (walk with husband)
    - Bonus workout of some kind, yoga or weights ✔️ (arm weights with Sydney Cummings YouTube)
    - Tiny Habit - Gardening (pull at least one weed!) ✔️ (just one but still a win., I am reminding myself; maybe more on Saturday or Sunday!)
    - Work my 5 Tiny Habits (tracking in May Habit Tracker) ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
    - Scouts project - Open ONE email from my task list links, and then CELEBRATE ❌
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE 🟢
    - Clean one kitchen cabinet 🟢 Did a LOT on this. Yay!

    SATURDAY Goals
    - Prelog food for rest of today ⚪
    - Put cardio on calendar for today ✔️
    - Walk or platform stepping - 45+ min ⚪
    - Bonus workout of some kind, yoga or weights ⚪
    - Tiny Habit - Gardening (pull at least one weed!) ⚪
    - Work my 5 Tiny Habits (tracking in May Habit Tracker) ✔️✔️⚪⚪⚪
    - Scouts project - Open ONE email from my task list links, and then CELEBRATE ⚪
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE ⚪
    - Work on conference project -- another scary-to-me phone call ⚪ Scheduled!

  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,978 Member
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Previous Weight: 205
    Todays Weight: 205
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,954 Member
    Week 3
    PW: 195.8
    CW: 195.0

    This is my last weigh in before surgery. Thank you for letting me stay on as a cheerleader :smile:

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Prayers for a successful surgery, for your treatment team, and for a quick recovery. Let us know how it goes!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,954 Member
    @its_cleo Is the bike something you think you'll be able to do eventually or will your neck be an issue? It is in an uncomfortable position depending on what kind of bike you have. I'd be ok with a cruiser or mountain bike but not a 10 speed. I'd love to be pre-injury age!

    @trooworld great loss, wtg!

    @AustinRuadhain picture all of us standing behind you or cheering you on for your call as we're all doing it! Unless of course you have a public speaking phobia, the thought of speaking in front of even 10 people would have me shaking like a leaf so we're all rooting for you!
  • veryhotmails
    veryhotmails Posts: 171 Member
    Sorry gang for late Weigh in. Had a problem with the scale so had to wait till I could check at work today. So far
    Weigh in
    Pw 235. 7
    CW 233.7
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,954 Member
    I probably shouldn't even do a daily check-in today but I will!
    Calories- under
    Exercise- none, yeah, none! Not even one stretch, feels so weird.
    Water- so-so

    Cardio- none
    Weights- none, did yesterday
    Yoga/core- none
    Recipe- last one was cheesy turkey mac, skinnytaste cookbook. It was pretty good but cilantro tastes like soap to me so I left it out (was a lot too) and something was obviously missing. I dumped a jar of jalapeno juice in it and it was way better, none of my herbs would've help it. Remade maple/soy/siracha salmon too, that recipe is the bomb, I don't know if I'll ever go back to lemon juice and herbs! Next up.....siracha cauliflower! I think! Have cauliflower and broccoli to use up and cauliflower was a flat price per head so I bought the biggest one, it's going to be a few meals-worth!
    10,000 steps- topped out at 1000

    Tiny Habits
    Totally suck at right now, didn't do any today but did two out of three yesterday

    I posted this on my feed, went to the walk-in clinic associated with my doctor's office yesterday as I'm two weeks out from my appointment and was hurting real bad. Well, I had a fever so everything went out-the-window, I ended up getting tested for COVID, sent to the ER for chest xrays, and was in Sacramento for about 5 hours total. The ER doc basically told me I was stupid for thinking I could escape pain clinics, pain meds for relief, and should've expected my nerve pain to worsen (partially in those words minus the stupid part). She was going to help me get treatment lined up but that never happened. So it's not artery problems, my nerve pain's back even more widespread than before, not sure what I did to calm in down for 1 1/2 years or even if it was better not having some freedom from it to start dreaming of a new life to be honest, but now I'm wondering what I did RIGHT to calm it down after so many years and for so long and how to do it again. I woke up with the sniffles so I'm not going anywhere for a bit and won't be seeing my parents though it's most likely allergies. Needless to say, pain relief was pushed aside. I was dying after sitting "normal" in the ER for so long, completely took today off for the first time I can remember, it's actually harder for me to NOT do something, never would've imagined that! I tried clothes shopping online and it was super frustrating and promised myself no working out for one day, not even one stretch, so I had nowhere to channel my frustration at everything being sold out or taking a month to deliver! I'm debating on getting an air fryer too since I have no idea when I'll be able to replace my microwave/oven combo or if it can be fixed. That's all my excitement for the day, no videos to post. Talked to some friends, my aunt, and filled my family in on my adventures yesterday.

  • deadpheonixrising
    deadpheonixrising Posts: 43 Member
    Pw 137.1
    Cw 138.5

    I've really struggled this week with not emotionally eating to deal with my anxiety, hence the ballooning weight but I am determined to get back on track with this.
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member

    Weigh in Apple852hk
    Week 4 - May 2020 Sunday
    PW 154.7 (70.2kg)
    CW 151.2 (68.6kg)

    Lost - but only back to where I was as I ate too much last week.

    Ate fried food but small portions and no treats apart from a small sliver of coffee cake last night.

    Didn't nap this week so more energy. Not feeling as tired too so don't feel need to eat chocolate.

    First time I brought chocolate as it was a reduced price - and then not eat it on the same day. I still have them uneaten. But there is that thought that I'll eventually eat it. How can I change it to feel like I'm not that person anymore who'll devour a whole packet rather than just a small portion?

    New GOALS
    1. Write a postcard before wanting to snack on chocolate
    2. Say one thing I'm thankful for before eating a meal
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Katmary71, holy moly woman!! What a time you are having, and I am so very sorry that you are going through so much right now! :cry: I assume your COVID test was negative? I hope so! Do you have a diagnosis for the nerve pain? Or do doctors not know what is causing it? My DH’s mother suffered greatly from Postherpetic Neuralgia caused by Shingles. I know how much working out matters to your physical and mental health and I hope you can return to it soon. Ohhh and I’m glad you checked in. <3

    @deadpheonixrising, sorry that you have been struggling this week. You will get back on track and make this a much better week! I believe in you! <3

    @apple852hk, good for you for losing and getting back to where you were. NOW you can work on making this week a losing week too! Having chocolate around me is so hard. I sometimes buy a bar of dark chocolate thinking I will only have a square every now and then. Nope! I end up eating the bar within a couple of days. Wouldn’t it be great if we could not feel the pull of temptation? :/

    @trooworld, Wahhhoooooo!!! :star: What an incredible weigh-in you had this week. Way to be inspiring to the team! :grin:

    Good morning team! Not much happening today. Online church again this week in a couple of hours. Our date to return is June 28th and I can’t wait!! I want to put on real clothes, comb my hair, and see my friends. :grin: Today, we are going to grill hotdogs, so my points will be a little higher than they should be, which means I need to be careful with what I eat the rest of the day. So, my decision for today is to not have a snack and to eat very little for lunch. I will also do a cardio workout to bank some Fitpoints so I don’t feel too guilty. Have a great day!! :)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    We have one more week left this month so let's make it our best week yet!!! B)

  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    @katmary71 Oh, What a week you have had and sending you virtual hugs.

    @deadpheonixrising I am emotional eater, too, so I understand your frustration. Keep your head up! You can get past your his!

    @apple852hk great weigh in!

    @TeresaW1020 Enjoy the hotdogs!

    Check In : mrmcgrath
    Day 5/23
    Weigh in : week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Weight: 192.8
    Today’s weight: 192.4

    Calories: over
    Water: over/under? Under
    Macros: little off

    Yesterday’s Fitbit/mfp stat
    7372 steps. 6600 goal steps
    3.2 miles
    2581 burned calories
    21 active
    82 sleep score
    64 resting heart
    2375 calories consumed

    Basic Goals
    Workout minutes:💪🏻
    Complete food diary: 🥙
    Stay hydrated(more than 64 oz): 👎🏼
    Stay below sugar goal: 🍭
    Meet fiber in range:👎🏼
    Daily self care: meditating, crafting, reading, etc. 📚
    Breathing exercises:👎🏼
    Sleep: minimum 7 hours bed 🛌

    My vision for 2020:
    To find out who I am outside of “mom” since I will be an empty nester soon
    To love me no matter where I am at in my journey.
    To pursue habits and hobbies that I will enjoy and that will enrich my soul.
    To focus on total health (mind, body, and soul)

    Don’t let any one weigh-in dictate what I do.
    Choose to do the work.
    Choose to show up & do the actions.
    Don’t give up when you get your first bit of resistance.
    Stick to your habits no matter what. Ignore your ego and avoid complacency.
    Keep a connection with others who understand what this journey. Isolation is not helpful
    Don’t hide when weight gain happens. Assume it will. Share your truth, and don’t let your mind tell you no one will understand.
    Make up your mind that you are and will be successful.
    Accept that this is your struggle, and you will not be fixed. I will need to continuously manage my condition.


    Yesterday was a great day! Spent almost an hour lifting weights at the gym, then a Fitbit gluts and core exercise and finished off the day swimming. Caloric intake was higher than I would have liked but the daiquiri I drank was really really good! Lol.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,487 Member
    @Katmary71 Thank you! I've heard people either fall into the "cilantro tastes like soap" or they love it category. Sorry that you fall into that category. What a bad experience in the ER. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm glad you were able to talk to your friends and family about it though. That must have helped some. <3

    @apple852hk Have you tried portioning it out and putting all the portions in the freezer? I don't know if it would help, but it might. Also might help to write on the baggies how many calories each piece is. Good luck!

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! I hope you enjoy your hot dogs. We are having ribs, baked beans and potato salad and I should have a light lunch to balance it out or I'm going to be zooooweeee in points today! ;)

    @mrmcgrath a daiquiri sounds really, really good! :)

    Hello everyone! My husband and I are going to make our Memorial Day food today. I'm using my Ninja Foodi to pressure cook ribs and we are making baked beans and potato salad. I don't eat this food very often, maybe twice a year, so I'm really going to enjoy it! I hope you enjoy your day, too.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under over
    Exercise: ---
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: Yoga or walk, 52+ oz of water
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member



    1st Shrinking Assets 0.37%
    2nd Trimstones 0.36%
    3rd WaistAways 0.05%

    1st Shrinking Assets 18.6 lbs
    2nd Trimstones 17.3 lbs
    3rd WaistAways 2.4 lbs

    1st @Angemarie28 2.46%
    2nd @jenn817 2.10%
    3rd @Boehle 1.94%

    1st @destiny_sierra 4.0 lbs
    2nd @Angmarie28 3.6 lbs
    2nd @Jax_Grim 3.6 lbs
    3rd @Boehle 3.4 lbs



  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,070 Member
    Did you ever see yourself in a photo and feel- "wow, I didn't know I look that fat". Well that's what happened to me yesterday. DD graduated virtually from high school- so we took a bunch of family photos. It was sort of a happy/sad day- realizing that soon she will be leaving home, but yet very happy for her achievements. Anyway, I'm trying to get my mood on the rise today because I don't want to fall into the pit of despair. Nothing good ever happens there!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,070 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 @Katmary71 will pray for your health issues.

    @TeresaW1020 Yes! I'm in for making this a better week! Thanks for the pep talk!

    @AustinRuadhain- thank you for the second pep talk and the tiny habit ideas. Appreciate it very much!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    edited May 2020

    Calling it an overall win
    I must say that you guys are super awesome. Making the call yesterday made my palms sweat, and it did help to imagine my Slimpossible friends as a cheering section. 🍿🎉🥳
    It released an amazing amount of energy to get that done. Today, I got started decluttering in the kitchen while I was brewing coffee, and I got a big task on my other project (Scouts) done by a little after 12.
    Calories: 🟢 all good, on-plan choices; everything weighed/measured and tracked
    Water: 🟢
    Exercise 🟢
    Saturday Goals 🟢
    - Prelog food for rest of today ❌ (preplanned but did not log; close enough to be useful, but I forgot I had said "preLOG")
    - Put cardio on calendar for today ✔️ (I guess this counts even though I then moved the time in my calendar twice! :lol: )
    - Walk or platform stepping - 45+ min ✔️ walk with husband - yay!
    - Bonus workout of some kind, yoga or weights ✔️ did weights, and partly because I said so here; sore arms today, hurray!
    - Tiny Habit - Gardening (pull at least one weed!) ✔️
    - Work my 5 Tiny Habits (tracking in May Habit Tracker) ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
    - Scouts project - Open ONE email from my task list links, and then CELEBRATE ✔️
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE ✔️
    - Work on conference project -- another scary-to-me phone call ✔️

    SUNDAY Goals
    - Get in some serious housecleaning ⚪ in process; big win is having done stain removal on living room carpet; having a teenager is hard on the house; I can't complain, though, as I am certain I was just as oblivious at that age
    - Platform stepping - 45+ min ⚪
    - Walk with husband - however long he is game - 45-60 min?
    - Bonus workout of some kind, yoga or weights ⚪
    - Tiny Habit - Gardening (pull at least one weed!) ⚪
    - Work my 5 Tiny Habits (tracking in May Habit Tracker) ✔️✔️✔️⚪⚪
    - Scouts project - Open ONE email from my task list links, and then CELEBRATE ✔️ Got one big task done, and am promising ONE MORE done today
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE ⚪
    - Work on conference project -- send email follow-up to yesterday's scary-to-me phone call ⚪
  • gberin
    gberin Posts: 23 Member
    Username: gberin
    Weigh-in week: Week 3
    Weigh-in day: Sun
    Previous Weight: 189
    Todays Weight: 188

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 690 Member
    Sunday check in

    Hiya gang! Today was a little strange for the times....would have been a normal day, back in the (pre-COVID) day. We hosted a cookout, inviting the usual suspects and allowing each of them to decide what the comfort level was for attending. It was a 'crowd' of 8 and that was ok - my mom and stepdad came and I think it was good for them to be there. So - what does that look like, now? Visiting and eating outside. Masks when within 6 feet of folks but the chairs were spaced mostly at the 6 feet requirement, on upper and lower decks. Sanitizer strategically placed and tongs and utensils for everything, no exceptions. So it was fun but odd and only for about 3 hours. My youngest son came over but not his wife and the grand baby did not but we went to see them last night - much the same routine as we had for today. It was awesome to see sweet Hazel yesterday but no snuggles and that was hard. Good Lord - I'm reminding myself that there is so much to be grateful for in general and really so in the last two days. I'm working at not being a baby about it and not feeling sorry for myself but I wish it was easier. You know who I think of when I start feeling sorry for myself....? Anne Frank - what she and her family went through in hiding for more than 2 years makes my COVID-19 inconveniences pales to absolutely NOTHING by comparison.
This discussion has been closed.