

  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    Thursday weigh-in
    PW: 165.1
    CW: 165.1

    Counting this as a win considering it was a holiday weekend and we had dinner (outside) at a friend's house which was Fried Chicken, rolls, potato salad, chips, cookies etc. Not a green vegetable in sight! I know it was only one meal, but I could feel myself teetering on a slippery slope to completely overindulgence ;)
    Other weekend meals have also been less than perfect, and, having one less weekday to reign it in left me pleasantly surprised this morning when it showed no gain from last week.
    Time to knuckle down again....
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    edited May 2020
    Also, welcome new people!!!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 683 Member
    Cornanda wrote: »
    I'm trying to get down and dirty into my details this week. (I believe this is what @raleigh_girl is doing and has advised others in the past) Trying to find things to tweak. For example, Fitbit says I had 5000 more steps last week. Not sure why- because I feel my exercise level was the same. I want to investigate that. I've been playing around with a couple other things- having less breakfast, not eating my exercise calories.... @AustinRuadhain thinks of weight loss like a science experiment, so this week I am the mad scientist. I'm on a quest to find things that work for me. I'm worrying that I am doing many things half as**d instead of doing a few things whole as**d. How will I know what helps?

    Anyway..... WHAT IS YOUR POINT LISA? :):):)

    1. Any advice on how to make changes- 1 at a time for a whole week, then try another? Other ideas?

    2. Do any of you have ways you track and analyze your weekly data (diet, exercise, habits) that you are willing to share? I'm thinking of setting some tracking sheets for myself for June and would appreciate any suggestions.

    I've made some progress on some of my bigger demons- haven't solved them, but improved.... not seeing scale or measurement results.

    TIA..... :)B)<3

    @Cornanda agreeagreeAGREE!! I'm grateful to historical me who kept track of enough in the past to have data to look at so that I (we!!) can do that and figure out what to get back to! I think playing with meal times and how much and when to start the food parade is a great strategy - not to put words into your mouth.... => The exercise calories and not eating them is very wise, it was the best advice I ever got and it really worked. I disengaged the food calories in my settings and having to face the red really helped me not overeat. Now that I am back to the MFP tracking, I'll go back in and disengage again; I had turned it on when not tracking just to see what it said.

    I'm watching out for how others track, too, thanks for asking that! I have added things to the habit tracker that I know all work when done consistently and that has been fantastic for showing progress - but I wish it was more than 5 (I totally get why it is how it is for a large group!)! Using that, I literally count and divide by the positive mark number for a percentage - and have seen proof that when I am hanging around at low percentage of consistency is when I am not doing well, and vice versa. At times I have been close to 100% is when I have also seen the scale inching down.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @lexabeep, @jkbreedenrn @kyfrancik, and @imaonamission welcome to the team!! We are so glad to have you join us! Jump in and make yourself at home!! :)

    @Katmary71, yes you did mention Bob and Brad before. I just watched a couple of their videos on nerve flossing. Very interesting!! I also looked and they have a ton of videos on shoulder pain which is something I’ve been dealing with for a few weeks. At first, I thought it was from lifting weights and now I think it might be the way I’m sleeping. Maybe they can help me out before I go back to lifting heavy weights because I will not be able to do normal shoulder dumbbell moves. :#

    @trooworld, what kind of art do you do? Should I already know this!! :) I have a good walk with your friend.

    @raleighgirl09, I don’t like tracking either but find that when I do the scale usually goes down. You are doing what you know works and that is awesomesauce!! B)

    @Cornanda, ohhhh I like this down and dirty scientific side of you! :grin: I’ve been doing the same thing and that is why I’m on a 40-day challenge. My advice on how to make changes is to pick one to four that are the most important to you and prioritize them in order. If it works best for you to only do one at a time, then do that. Having visuals to track are helpful. I love a good app and I use my WW app to track my food, Fitbit to track my steps and exercise, an app to track my fasting, and a water tracking app. With the goals that I’ve set for the next 40 days, I have created a simple spreadsheet so that I can enter my info and have it all in one place to look at. Ohhhhh and our habit tracker on here is a good thing to use too. I sure wish I would remember we have it!! :p

    @gwamajtw91, yessss you totally had a win this week with your weigh-in. Good for you for managing a holiday and yummy food! B)

    Hi everyone! Well today I walked into staff meeting and there on the table was the bucket of leftover Easter candy that we have been eating on for the last few weeks. I pushed that bucket away from me and told them all not to give me any more candy because I was not eating any sugar. :grin: After our meeting, we met up with several of our church people and made a video that we will be using to show what steps we have taken for us all to return to church at the end of June. It was great fun to see my sweet friends again. I took today off again from working out. My foot is much better but there is still pain. Tomorrow I start my hybrid calendar and it will mostly weight. I’m gonna hurt soooo good afterward!

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 683 Member
    Thursday check in (whuuuuuuut???? TWICE today??)

    Hey gang!!! A warm welcome to the new friends gathering, thanks for joining and looking forward to hearing from you! => Quick intro to you all, first. I'm Maria, been in the group since July 2019. I am about 50 pounds down - and that number is waivering to and fro at the moment as I have been having some gains and working to get it back in alignment with my goals. I'm about 115 down from my highest weight many years ago and want to lose about 20 more pounds from here. And I mean right HERE....not a few more pounds up from now!!! Oh, wait...that last was for me, not all of you... => HA!

    Today has felt decidedly different - yeah, going back to the MFP logging is the best for me right now. I have felt more in control today and that's the best feeling right now, just a sense that I can achieve what I want to achieve and get to maintenance whereas I have been floundering for some weeks and just need the structure. It's a great sign to me to feel this way!

    My calories are in range, water is over and exercise was really good, had two good walks in the 'hood! I walked in between storms and it was a warm day - and muggy, of course - and it felt so good! I really love warmer weather and prefer hot to cold so my time is definitely here. And CHEERS to me for all of the cold and miserable walks this winter....whew! Made it and now I can luxuriate in the sultry warm breezes.....nirvana. <3B)<3

    My decluttering is going well!! I started with some mini-stations of clutter in my bedroom, some plates and baskets that become dumping grounds. I've done some other spot treatments around and tomorrow I am doing the top shelf in my bedroom closet. And I channeled my inner @AustinRuadhain by using the 3 minutes of my soup warm up to clear my kitchen counter of some random cluttering objects that had migrated there at some point. It's funny how much you can get done in 3 or 5 minutes!

    @TeresaW1020 I think I have had that thought about getting excited/upset about 5 pounds instead of waiting for 50 pounds at least 1000 times in my life. I have been very aware of that feeling this whole year so it seems the time is now upon me to take it into hand when I know it is easier. It's not easier in the moment, I just know it's easier than having to work 10 times (literally) as hard later. Today has had elements of feeling like starting over but I can put up with that today and....continue tomorrow, not have it be day 1 again but it's now day 2, then 3 and so on and build my habits back to a place of confidence. And yes - we both can do that! :D

    @lexabeep congrats on your weight loss so far, way to go!! What has you living in Japan? I lived there 3 times, 8 years total, and count those as some of the best years of my life. My hubby was in the military and that's how I found myself in Iwakuni for 3 years over 2 tours and then in Okinawa for 5 years. I love listening to Japanese, it reminds me of my time there and gives me an odd 'home' sensation. I'll be looking up Terence House for a fix! =>

    @Katmary71 wow nerve flossing - I had never heard of such a thing! Glad you're being careful, I get the shyness of not wanting to poke the bees nest of nerves. I think a lot of us understand the poopy thoughts and being tired of hearing ourselves....very likely why I just don't check in when I'm in the poop dungeon. Your way is better - write it all out and delete and get on with better thoughts! Don't give up on yourself for having poopy thoughts, celebrate finding a way (whatever works for you!) to deal with it! I think just having been around your family really helped that perspective - who doesn't want to be the cool Aunt dropping in??? You needed that and they needed you...=>

    @trooworld thanks for the reminder to not let job loss derail all of the hard work! I mean - do I seriously need to be out of a job AAAAAnd fatter? Good Grief...NOPE!! => Now is the time to take this uninvited time and make good use of it!! I hope you enjoyed the walk with the friend, it's good to get out and about!

    @mrmcgrath and others who have expressed such kindness, I really do appreciate it. I've been in kinda a funk and to a big degree just not acknowledging that. I do know that this will all pass and I'll get back to work, just don't know when, exactly!

  • lexabeep
    lexabeep Posts: 232 Member
    I’m glad you enjoyed living in Japan.I have also become attached to hearing Japanese spoken. To me it has become a very beautiful but complex language that I will never understand lol. My husband teaches mathematics here. I would love to live in Okinawa! What a beautiful place. Very different then here. Much more of a island like pace and the food is so much healthier with all that yummy tropical fruit. I’d be snorkeling and diving all the time.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Another new member, Slimpossibles! @shilpiucoe will find you soon, I hope! Have a great June!
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 295 Member
    Username: davors19
    Weigh-in week: Week 4
    Weigh-in day: Fri
    Previous Weight: 258
    Todays Weight: 258
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Weigh in week:  Week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 211.5
    Todays Weight: 210.8

  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    @Cornanda I set a spreadsheet that tracks details from my Fitbit, myfitnesspal, my Renpho scale, body measurements and Fitrockr points. This takes time to update but I like having all my data in one location. I set it up to show me weekly totals/averages and monthly and the a variance of my monthly totals and a year to date

    I’ve low is a sample of my tracking spreadsheet.
    This is my official weigh in for the week

    Check In : mrmcgrath
    Day 5/28
    Weigh in : week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Weight: 192.8
    Today’s weight: 191.9
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @TeresaW1020 In the past, I've done a lot of different types, mostly abstract expressionism, but right now, I'm focusing on brightly colored flowers done in watercolor with ink. Some will have colored pencils as well. I will attach a sample. The walk should be good, it's going to be in a very pretty spot. Way to push away the sugar! WTG! Great weigh-in, girl!

    @raleighgirl09 I'm out of work, too, and I'm trying to keep in mind that I might have to interview for a job and I don't want to have to interview at a higher weight than I am because I feel really insecure and think that people will discriminate against me for being fat. So, that is an incentive to work to get this weight off during this time. I'm trying to make good use of this time by working on projects around the house and now I'm starting to make art again after a very long time. I don't know what is going to come from the art but who knows? I'm also working on my Photoshop skills via Lynda.com tutorials just another thing to add to my resume. I'm looking forward to the walk. It WILL be good to get out! :)

    Calories: over/under: under
    Water: over/under over
    Exercise: ----
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: Walk at the lagoon, 52+ oz of water

    Picture is artwork I did yesterday:
  • justkris_gettingfit
    justkris_gettingfit Posts: 239 Member
    Username: justkris_gettingfit
    Weigh in week: -
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 181.4
    Todays Weight: 178.6

    Newbie here :) !
    I was told I could update my weight so it's more current once June challenge starts. I just have to say I'm really happy with how active and interactive the group is, so I'm really excited to be a part of it!

    A little about myself, I seriously started tracking and losing weight back in 2018 and lost close to 50 pounds that year, but since then I've been yo-yo-ing between the same 5-10 pounds once I reached the 170's due to stress eating.
    I've just about lost the 10 I gained during quarantine (yay!) and am ready to finally get to goal weight this year.
  • lcloopy
    lcloopy Posts: 4 Member
    Username: lcloopy
    Weigh in week: -
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 219
    Today's Weight: 219

    Hi everyone...I'm a Newbie here too, getting ready and excited for the June challenge! Not quite sure how it all works, but I'm hoping it does and I'm ready for the challenge! I've done MFP several times over the years, but have lost interest several times, so I know I need this accountability. I tend to get super motivated when I'm in a weight loss group, like WW or at a gym. I have friends who have been really successful with MFP and I'm a true believer in daily tracking of food and exercise. I'm ready to meet you all and get started!
    And I'm putting this here to remind myself...
    1st Goal: Stick with this June Challenge
    Next Goal: Lose 20lbs by my birthday in September
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member
    edited May 2020
    Overall, it was a good day! 😀
    Calories: 🟢 all good, on-plan choices; everything weighed/measured and tracked
    Water: 🟢
    Exercise 🟢
    Thursday Goals 🟢
    - 45 minutes walking or platform or YouTube workout - Ended up doing 56 minute walk with husband. Yay!
    - Bonus: Did 22 minutes platform stepping during an online meeting. Finally had to stop because they were requiring hands on keyboard. Happy to have gotten in extra moves!
    - Tiny Habit - Gardening (pull at least one weed!) 🟢
    - Work my 5 Tiny Habits (tracking in May Habit Tracker) ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
    - Scary-Behind-Project #1 - Scouts ❌
    - Scary-Behind-Project #2 - Conference - Got lots done on this! ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE ✔️ moving at a snail's pace, but did do a little, so YAY! I will quit invalidating myself with "should be more!"
    - Reach out to friends ✔️

    FRIDAY Goals
    So far, so good! 🟡😀
    - Platform stepping or YouTube or Walking - 45+ min ⚪
    - Bonus workout - 15+ min ⚪
    - Weights ⚪
    - Tiny Gardening Habit (pull at least one weed!) ⚪
    - Work my 5 Tiny Habits (tracking in May Habit Tracker) ✔️✔️⚪⚪⚪
    - Scary-Behind-Project #1 - Scouts - Get at least ONE item from my task list links, and then CELEBRATE ✔️ Just 6 items left on the list!
    - Scary-Behind-Project #2 - Conference - Not doing this today. Will concentrate on project #1 and get back to this tomorrow!
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE ✔️
    - Housecleaning ✔️
    - Reach out to friends ✔️

    Here's to more Happy Friday!

  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,476 Member
    Weekly Weigh In

    So I took a last minute trip to Ohio over the weekend. Gyms are still closed so I did not get a weigh-in while I was there. Can we just use my last weeks weight?

    I'll catch up as my shift goes on tonight!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member
    edited May 2020

    @lcloopy , @justkris_gettingfit - Welcome! We are so glad you are here! And glad you have jumped in on the conversation! This has been a super helpful, supportive group for me, and I hope it is that for you as well!

    @shilpiucoe - Welcome to Slimpossibles! Jump in on the conversation when you are ready and comfortable! We are delighted you are here!

    It's going to be a great June!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    There are two more lovely new people heading your way - you are going to be full up and having a great time!

    @2020shih and @cherrymajoni will be here or on the new June thread for an intro. If you want to get a jump on introductions, you can head over to the June thread too! Just stay here for weigh-ins until Sunday morning, OK?

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 683 Member
    edited May 2020
    Friday check in

    Well - we've all been here. I had a long post I was nearly done with and I disappeared it. Siiiiiiiighhhhhh...

    Ok, been a good day. Water on target, calories over by 66 - GRACE - 2 walks in the hood but both rained out so the steps are less than expected but over 10,000.

    I hope everyone is having a great Friday night and I'll catch up tomorrow! And....I'll be more protective of my words. =>
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @mrmcgrath, WOW I thought my spreadsheet was good. Yours is very impressive! Congrats on your loss this week. :)

    @trooworld, your art is soooo pretty and cheerful! I imagine that it’s very soothing to be creative. I have no creativity, which is why I do impossibly hard puzzles. :D

    @justkris_gettingfit, Welcome!! We love it when we have new members become an active part of our team so please just jump right in. I also lost 50 lbs in 2018 and have been struggling to get the rest off for the last two years. My motto is to NEVER give up so I am sure if you continue to do the work you will reach your goal this year! :)

    @lcloopy, welcome to the group! I totally understand what you are saying about being super motivated when you are a part of something and then losing interest. Story of my life, which is why staying active in a group like this will help keep you focused on your goals. I hope that you will find this group supportive as you work on your goals. :)

    @vegan4lyfe2012, ohhhh yay that your surgery went so well. That is praise for sure!! Good for you for prepping food ahead of time so that you can stay on track. I’m doing a water challenge so thanks for the reminder! ;)

    @bethanie0825, I hope you have a great weekend in Ohio. I’m sure that @broncobuddee can give you a pass for this week’s weigh-in. :)

    @raleighgirl09, ugghhhh losing a long post is the worst! :# What do you use to post to us? I use my computer and always type to you all on a Word.doc. It works great because I can minimize the doc. on the bottom of the screen and keep the post of the person, I’m talking to above it.

    Good morning! The sun is shining here and there is so much light in my house right now that it has become more than evident that I need to sweep and mop my hardwood floors. :grin: I’m also going to give my dog a bath, which won’t make her happy but will make my nose much happier. I started my hybrid calendar yesterday and did weights for chest and triceps, core exercises, and some HIIT. This morning it’s Barre booty day. Food has been tracked. We are having grilled burgers and corn on the cob. Yum! :)

This discussion has been closed.