

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 684 Member
    Tuesday check in

    One thing I have said all of my weight loss adult life is that I need to get excited in the same way about 5 pounds gained as I do with 50 pounds gained. The added burden (see how I resisted saying 'the added weight...'?) of waiting for 50 pounds is that when I wait that long, I feel so defeated and helpless and I wallow and wallow, usually in ice cream and nachos. So - on 08Apr2020, I was 178.1 pounds and really, really happy about that. I went to the coast on the Thursday the 9th and had Easter weekend and I was let go from my job on Monday, 13Apr2020. As I typed this - my eyes welled up. 6 weeks later I am still sad about it, not as mad about it, but I am 8 pounds heavier; 184.9 this morning. There was definitely some shock and awe over it - and a LOT of peanut butter, where before peanut butter wasn't an issue. My intellect knows - from the roots of my brain stem to the tips of my pinky toe - what the actions and reactions are; I ate, therefore I gained.

    I'm in an odd space for a fat chick. I'm close to goal, though not as close as I was. And the facts are - it takes less indulgence and less giving in to feel a difference....like the princess and the pea. Fewer mattresses (food) will create that horrid lump and pain (the gain) than when I was 235 pounds....my beginning weight on 29Apr2019. I can choose to recognize it, work with the information, and turn it around - or I can continue the all-too familiar track of gaingainGAIN.

    I am not sure if I denied the impact of the job loss - or if I just ignored it. But clearly....the impact is/was there. I'm marinating on it, trying to be honest with myself and working to overcome the urge to just....be FAT Maria. I need to rise above the many demons and urges that work against me. I'm struggling. But if I'm struggling, I'm still in the game, right? I won't give up the struggle but I'll be happy when it's easier.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,028 Member
    Don't have anything great to say today, but @raleigh_girl and @Katmary71 I am thinking of you........
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about your foot! I hope it's feeling better by Friday and it doesn't limit your movement or workouts.

    Tuesday check-in
    Calories- under (yes!)
    Exercise- chair videos, yoga, arm resistance bands, foam rolling

    20-30 minutes cardio- done
    yoga/core- done
    Weights- resistance band. can't hold weights yet with finger sprained
    Recipe- nothing in a few days
    steps- 14,000

    Tiny habits

    Trying something new tomorrow, nerve flossing! Have any of you tried it? I saved some videos, it's exercises similar to what I already do in my stretching/yoga routine but there's a difference like the way the head is held so I figure it's worth a try. It's stretches to un-entrap nerves. Figure I'll try one or two instead of doing all of them to see how it goes first. Last thing I need to do is have 15 angry nerves because I "flossed" the heck out of them!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Time to Recruit!

    If you have friends who would love your team, or any of the others - registration for June is OPEN!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @AustinRuadhain That's the way to do it! :) You'll get there, I know it! I did enjoy the ribs and sides, they were super yummy and I didn't eat anything else the rest of the day to balance out for what I ate. Thanks, it's kind of like balancing a checkbook lol! You don't want to go negative for the week before payday. ;)

    @Katmary71 Is there someone that could pick up your laptop for you so that you don't have to wait? I love to do tofu in the air fryer, and fries are awesome in it. I hope you like it! Good luck with the nerve flossing, I've never heard of it. I hope it helps.

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! Yes, the body knows! My back is feeling a little bit better today but I don't know how it will feel later. Hopefully, it continues to improve. I'm sorry you hurt your foot, it's good you are just going to walk on your treadmill for a break.

    @raleighgirl09 Don't give up the fight, Maria! Losing a job is a devastating event, but don't let it permanently derail your weight loss dreams. Fight for your health. You are worth it. <3

    Hello, everyone! I think I forgot to check-in yesterday? I was in a lot of pain due to arthritis so I did some yoga to try to loosen up my spine. It felt good while I was doing it but my back hurt all day and the pain didn't really go away. I'm feeling a bit better today which is good because I have things to do and need to move my body to do them.

    Calories: over/under: under
    Water: over/under over
    Exercise: yoga
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: Yoga or YouTube video, 52+ oz of water
  • veryhotmails
    veryhotmails Posts: 171 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Time to Recruit!

    If you have friends who would love your team, or any of the others - registration for June is OPEN!


    Do we have to re-register to the group of choice every month or is it an automatic registration once already with a team?
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Time to Recruit!

    If you have friends who would love your team, or any of the others - registration for June is OPEN!


    Do we have to re-register to the group of choice every month or is it an automatic registration once already with a team?

    Hey there! NO need to re-register each month. Just let us know if you are making a change of some kind (different weigh-in day, want to be on the Cheering Squad rather than the Challenge for a given month, etc.)

    We hope your asking means you'll be with us in June!

    P.S. June already? Wow. Time is flying!
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Username: leonadixon
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    PW (4/129): 202.6
    Check in weight (5/6): 202.6
    Check in weight (5/13):202.4
    Check in weight (5/20):206.4
    Check in weight (5/27):205.2

    I'm taking a break for June, but will be here to cheer!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Two new people coming your way - and more to follow!
    @justkris_gettingfit and @camillasmith1987 should be here shortly. I'm sure you'll show them a warm welcome.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Welcome to the team @justkris_gettingfit and @camillasmith1987!! Please just jump in and make yourself comfortable. We will move over to our new thread just as soon as the new month starts but please feel free to go ahead and introduce yourselves. :)

    @Katmary71, nerve flossing sounds interesting. You will have to post a video or two for us to check out. Please don't hurt yourself!! <3

    @raleighgirl09, ohhhh your post resonated with me! What would happen if I had gotten as upset when I put 5 lbs back on? Would it have kept me from putting on another 10 lbs. Will I wait until I'm back up 50 pounds? NO!! And neither will you, my friend. Yes, the loss of your job was a terrible shock and you must deal with it and not let it undo all the good you have done for yourself. I've been struggling too, but that is OK. We are in the game and we are in it to win it!! B)<3

    jugar wrote: »
    Time to Recruit!

    If you have friends who would love your team, or any of the others - registration for June is OPEN!


    Hey Team!! I hope that you will post this on your wall and tell your friends about our awesome group and of course the best team EVER...Team Mission Slimpossibles!! B)

    Hi Team! I have been super lazy today! I decided to take today off from working out to rest my sore foot. I looked up some tips for doing barre and one website said that I should be wearing shoes so I will give that a try. I've also decided to go ahead and do a hybrid calendar that will consist of Barre Blend and weight lifting. I miss my heavyweights and this will give me a break from day after day barre workouts. I will start either tomorrow after work or on Friday. Probably Friday...let's get real. ;) I spent most of the day working on my 5000 piece puzzle and watching the coverage of the rocket that was supposed to go off. It was a bummer that it got canceled but that is Florida weather for you. :grin: My eating was very good today and I've already pre-tracked tomorrow. :)

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Another new member! @lexabeep will be here soon - enjoy!
  • lexabeep
    lexabeep Posts: 232 Member
    IM HERE!
    Thank you for adding me for June. It looks like I will be challenged. Which is why I’m here! I need some help pushing myself and a little competition has always been motivating. I am no longer able to do heavy lifting and weight training in the same sense I was at the gym, and I put on a few lbs. Now is the time to put in the work in the kitchen and focus on weight loss. I’d love to feel great and strong in my body and loose these extra lbs I’ve had for a few years. I started about a mouth ago and have lost a good amount of weight. I’m looking forward to being part of a team, as that’s when I thrive and have always found the most success. I am currently located in a beach town outside of Tokyo that no one has heard of unless you have lived here or watch Japanese Netflix reality shows. Good luck to everyone!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    Hi new people, welcome to the gang!

    @lexabeep Welcome to the group! I miss the gym so much! People have some awesome recipes in this group, @AustinRuadhain is the vegetable Queen, she always finds good recipes for the random mystery vegetables I get in the produce department and the rest of the gang has good ones too, we really need to start a blog so we don't lose them in old threads. I'm glad you joined the group, it's been a great help for me. I purposely don't check our step challenge until I get the finished week email since it's not really fair that I'm getting steps doing arm cardio right now but a certain person keeps beating me by 1000 steps each week, you stinker you!! :wink: Oh, what Japanese Netflix reality show would you recommend? I need to stay off my feet and would be game to watch a good one! I'd love to hear about your beach town. I went to college at UC Santa Cruz and lived by the beach in both Santa Cruz and Capitola, I miss it so much especially right now being stuck at home by myself.

    @TeresaW1020 alternating Barre with weights sounds like a great idea. You sound like you had a great day. I know I've mentioned them before but some of the videos on YouTube about nerve flossing are by Bob and Brad on YouTube, the ones Austin, Cleo, and I have had some luck trying their techniques. Maybe something like that would help you?
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    Wednesday check-in
    Calories- slightly over, burned off half of my veggie/egg salad pig out. I miss being able to go for a walk and feeling better if I eat too much!
    Exercise- lots of arm seated cardio, arms and abs seated work, Athlean abs (yay, can still do some hardcore stuff even though it's been a couple weeks and it was easy-ish!), stretching/nerve flossing, foam rolling
    Water- day 3 of no Diet Pepsi. I know, it's Diet Pepsi, it's no calories, but it's stupid to pay for chemicals to drink when you stop drinking water and only drink that. Doesn't make me crave food but I crave more soda then go through a case in a couple days. I need to go back to only on grocery days or on the road. I genuinely love my ginger/cinnamon tea I make and my mints are bushy right now so I'm drinking them, plus halving cuties and putting those in water.

    Cardio 30 minutes- done! Don't tell my friend but he was right, sitting "criss cross applesauce" uses the legs less than putting them straight on a second chair and I don't get flared up as much
    Weights- did light weights but not strength training, was cardio. Did resistance bands yesterday, hopefully my sprained finger will be better tomorrow
    Yoga/stretching and core- done
    Recipe- last was spicy cauliflower. I'm just doing easy stuff like egg salad and Instant Pot shredded chicken breasts with salsa
    steps- 15,000 (not many were actual steps)

    OK, nerve flossing is pretty cool though it's not as hard-core as it sounds. It's basically doing a stretch and when you go in and out of it you put your head up and down. One set of videos said to do it like 10 reps 5xs a day, the other said 5-10xs/side and that's it. I did 20 of each side and did 8 short videos of a few different nerves then foot leg or calf videos. Figured 1-2 per nerve wasn't bad. I wrapped up with calf and hip flexor stretches, foam rolled for the first time in 5 days (and cussed like a sailor!), then watered the plants outside and rested. It's another 100s day, yuck!

    Just deleted my whole paragraph, I'm tired of sounding like a negative poop. I had a great workout for the first time in a couple weeks, then swear this whole quarantine it's been one thing after another, not super serious aside of the nerve problems but the last few days are going to add up between $5000-$10,000 of repairs, health costs, or tech fixes. I'm trying real hard to stay positive, just feel like I'm being seriously picked on at this point by someone upstairs! I dropped something off after getting my laptop last night for my SIL and they had me stay for dinner, I realized I really needed to be around people bad mentally even though we stayed far apart from each other. My nephews were super-happy to see me and were talking over each other to talk to me, it was pretty flattering though I know they're all as tired of each other as I was lonely. I got to teach my SIL how to pinch back herbs and thin them out and ways to organically beat fungal gnats, kinda cool to teach a teacher something! I only had the sniffles the day after the ER experience so they weren't worried about my COVID test results not coming back yet. I probably shouldn't have stayed but my brother had been over the day before to fix my microwave (cooked one Lean Pocket and broke, need a whole oven/microwave combo now) so I'd already spread my germs on accident plus he's back at work full time and they aren't wearing masks. I haven't been around my brother and his family as the kids are still playing with a few select friends, this time I'm the "high risk" one because of my cold and being at the ER.
  • lexabeep
    lexabeep Posts: 232 Member
    The show that is extremely popular is called Terrence house. I highly suggest it. It is very eye opening. I think there are many seasons to the show too. It is suggested often to people learning conversational Japanese.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Way to pre-track! Woo hoo!

    Hello all. My arthritis is feeling much better and I've been able to get a lot done. Yesterday, I did some artwork for my boss who is retiring next month. I hope she will like it and can look at the piece and remember me and the good times she had at our workplace. I have to go grocery shopping today, it's the one time a week that I go out of the house and interact with people. Tomorrow is actually an exception: I'm going walking with a retired coworker. Have a good day, everyone!

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: ----
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: Yoga or YouTube video, 52+ oz of water
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    No tracking data for me today (I woke up a bit late and didn’t have time to compose my data in order to post)

    I did weigh and on track for a slight loss this week.

    @Katmary71 and @raleighgirl09 my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    @TeresaW1020 I hope that foot starts to feel better.

    @lexabeep. Nice to have you join the team!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    The next 3 new people! @jkbreedenrn @kyfrancik and @imaonamission

    Tally ho!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 684 Member
    Week 4 weigh in Thursday (28May2020)
    Previous weight: 182.9
    Current weight: 185.1

    This is even a little bit down from yesterday...ugh. I loosely counted calories yesterday and I had to the tune of 1800 which is nowhere near a weight loss amount and I have had several high sodium foods of late, which doesn't help. Getting back into the summer heat, that is going to be an issue for me; I just need to remain aware of that and mindful with fluctuations. I have not been doing several things that were tied to my most consistent losing - planning and logging ahead (with paper versus MFP since March of this year), eating calories in the 1300 range, avoiding foods higher in sodium. I'm not really thrilled with the idea of going back to electronic logging but I went ahead and logged today's planned foods into MFP. I'm taking the approach that I don't have to count so rigorously for the rest of my life - but it's good to reign it back in for a while, however long a while is, when I am trending up in weight. I think getting back to less than 180 pounds is more important to me right now than whatever inconvenience I perceive with the electronic logging.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,028 Member
    I'm trying to get down and dirty into my details this week. (I believe this is what @raleigh_girl is doing and has advised others in the past) Trying to find things to tweak. For example, Fitbit says I had 5000 more steps last week. Not sure why- because I feel my exercise level was the same. I want to investigate that. I've been playing around with a couple other things- having less breakfast, not eating my exercise calories.... @AustinRuadhain thinks of weight loss like a science experiment, so this week I am the mad scientist. I'm on a quest to find things that work for me. I'm worrying that I am doing many things half as**d instead of doing a few things whole as**d. How will I know what helps?

    Anyway..... WHAT IS YOUR POINT LISA? :):):)

    1. Any advice on how to make changes- 1 at a time for a whole week, then try another? Other ideas?

    2. Do any of you have ways you track and analyze your weekly data (diet, exercise, habits) that you are willing to share? I'm thinking of setting some tracking sheets for myself for June and would appreciate any suggestions.

    I've made some progress on some of my bigger demons- haven't solved them, but improved.... not seeing scale or measurement results.

    TIA..... :)B)<3
This discussion has been closed.