Downsizers Team Chat - August 2020



  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    mszoueb wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I signed up for the first time and was assigned into this group for August so hello from a newbie. My name is Zoe and I'm from the UK. I've been around MFP for nearly a decade, back in 2012/2013 I somehow got down to my lowest adult weight of 171/172lbs. I have since gained it all back and a lot more due to varying reasons.. it is frustrating to think I would of been close to goal but now time to move forward and back down!

    Welcome Zoe! I do hope we can help you reach that goal again. I know how frustrating a regain can be. I’m going though it myself at the moment. My lowest was 164 and I’m currently sitting at 188. I really want to get myself back down. What I do when I’m feeling low about is is remember how far I’ve come Feom my highest weight, and that I’ve done it before so I KNOW I am capable of achieving this goal. You’ve got this ! We can do it together ❤️
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    Hip hip hooray! Welcome to the team!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Saturday’s check in
    Calories: over
    Exercise: 26 minute walk
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 9,180

    My walk is done for the day. I am going to spend most of the day playing games with the grandkids so I am not going to have a step goal today. I have my meals planned for the week and I will pre log everything later this evening.

    Have a super Sunday!

    Today’s goals
    1. Walk 30 minutes minimum ✅
    2. Stay within calorie goal
    3. Drink 72 ounces of water
    4. Bed by 11:30 pm

    Ahhh fun times with the grandkids! Hope you enjoyed your weekend Linda. Well done with the meal prep ❤️
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Happy Sunday Everyone .... Loved reading everyone's introduction :) Congrats to @wbs2020 & @mari_moulin for getting 2nd and 3rd for individual loss for our team :)

    And congrats to you for placing 1st! Don’t leave yourself out lady!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Sunday check-in.

    Every Sunday is meal prep day for lunch and breakfast.

    A lot of people believe that they don't need meal prep or it is too time consuming to invest in. But, did you know, 80% of the success in weight loss is in the kitchen?

    I meal prep every Sunday (for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Wednesday (for Thursday, Friday and Saturday).
    I take about 2 hours each day.

    Some people think that 2 hours is too much time spent on meal prep but, lets put it this way: A day has 24 hours, a week has 168 hours. Let's take 8 hours per night and you have 112 hours. You say that you can't invest 4 hours a week from your 112 "active" hours? I don't believe so! : )

    So for me, here is what it looks like: Photo

    I know that it wont win some instafood dish of the year but the macros are totally worth it!

    1 large egg (~60grs): ~68 calories
    150 grams of chicken: ~158 calories
    150 grams of boiled sweet potato: ~129 calories

    Total: 355 calories (30 carbs / 7 fat / 43 protein).

    And this is my lunch for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

    How about you?
    Do you guys meal prep?
    How are your meals structured?

    Let me know how you guys do it, share ideas or concerns. Food is taboo until you get confortable enough to talk about it! :D

    I admire anyone who meal preps. I really struggle with this. It’s not so much a struggle with time but with pleasing everyone in my family. My kids are all so picky and my husband is as bad. I tend to just plan my meals for the week and adjust to make it healthier for myself.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    dabbers18 wrote: »
    Hello everyone
    Gained again grrrrr.
    But my steps have well increased up to 37,512 go me.
    Hopefully this week I'll increase them again but not too sure on losing anything. It's hubby birthday tomorrow so meal out, he got a gorgeous chocolate that I will have to help him eat hehe 😋. Then I'm taking him away for a cpl days so obv I'll be drinking. But we will be doing lots of walking.
    Have a great week to all ❤❤

    Dont you stress over that gain. You have done so well increasing your steps. Keep up the great work!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    rhaaa wrote: »
    August 2 steps-11,967
    draby2011 wrote: »
    August 2nd : 10,787 steps!

    Got your steps in! 🚶🏼🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏾‍♂️
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    wbs2020 wrote: »
    Determined to break into the 150’s this week!
    I’ll post an intro and update in the next few days! Hope everyone starts the week strong & determined!

    Yea you can do it! Can’t wait to see you hit that number! 💪🏻
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    Week one
    P. W. 248
    C. W. 249

    What is your favorite workout?
    I don't have a favorite as im not a naturally active person. I walk mainly because I'm good at it.

    What are your favorite sports drinks (if you drink any) ?

    Do you have a favorite diet that you go by or Do you just count calories?
    I'm not good with diets or counting calories.

    How have you stayed motivated to keep losing/gaining weight?
    I struggle with motivation

    Why are you on this journey? What pushed you to start your journey?
    I was tired of being large and heavy.

    What are your triggers and what motivates you the most?
    I'm not sure what it means as far as triggers but I'm unmotivated.

    What do you expect to gain from your team?
    No expectations.

    How can we make our team better?
    Move next door and slap the bag of chips out of my hands.

    I know this sounds negative but it is honest. I've a lot of people around me that are work oriented but I'm not. I don't go looking for something to do. If it needs to be done I'll do it even if it takes all day or all week but to go look for something to do is just not me. It's the same with working out.
    As far as diets and/or meal plans, I've actually paid for a food plan and exercise plan. I followed it completely and gained so much I almost had to buy larger clothes. The guy still wanted me to stick to it. I did not because I could not afford new clothes.
    I'm very much a helps type person. If a person needed me to exercise with them everyday I would be there knocking on their door. It's funny because that is what I need.
    I could go on but it still seems negative. Smh

    Well you know what if I could drag my butt next door to you I would and I would be knocking on your door to drag you out and slap those chips out your hand and get you moving.....but I’m not and the best I can do is virtually kick your butt into gear. You suggested a fitness challenge last month and we did our best to find something for you and everyone else. You know you want to do something physically or you would not have suggested it. You’ve got the tools you need at home. From what I remember you have a jump rope and a fitness ball. Stop making excuses and get to it. Sadly we can’t always have it how we want it and we can’t always wait until we feel motivated. Sometimes we just gotta suck it up and put some effort into it. Come on I’ve seen you do it. I know you can do it. The only person you are doing this for us yourself so get yourself together and get your head the game. The hardest part is the getting up part. Come on! 💪🏻
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    edited August 2020
    Check-In: Sunday, August 2

    •30 Active Minutes: Yes ✅
    •Gym: 0/4 days ❎
    •Water: 1L ❎
    •Steps: 16,710 ✅
    •Carb-free dinner: Yes ✅
    •Intermittent Fasting: Yes ✅

    Daily update:

    So happy to be in a new month. I do hope I manage to do better with weight loss this month. I am happy to say we have officially moved I to the new house. We still have a few things left to do at the old place but it’s pretty much done. Now to unpack it all and put things in place. I’ve yet to go back to the gym as I’ve got too much to do at home. As soon as things settle down here I can go back. Still doing IF and getting my steps in.

    August goals:

    •Achieve at least 30 active minutes daily.
    •Make it to the gym at least 4 times a week.
    •Drink at least 2L water daily.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps daily.
    •No Carbs for dinner.
    •Do IF for at least 6 days a week.
  • pandygirl1
    pandygirl1 Posts: 87 Member

    Actually when I weighed my heaviest, there is nothing wrong with me, and the Doctors at the time we're surprised that everything was normal. Will except for me being morbidly obese, my sugar and everything else were fine.

    Around the time I started losing, is when I was diagnosed with arthritis and sometime later type 2 diabetes.

    It's only since I started losing all that weight, that I've been diagnosed with multiple things seems like the more weight I take off, the worse I get.
    They keep finding things wrong with me, my heart problems, along with a few other serious health issues, were diagnosed in the past year or so.

    Some of my health problems are due to me being obese. But according to many health specialists I've seen since becoming sick, they are not related to obese, however, it doesn't help being grossly overweight.

  • mszoueb
    mszoueb Posts: 155 Member
    edited August 2020
    Monday check in

    Hi all, just checking in with a weigh in day. Unfortunately this morning on the scale I weighed in at 252.6. The scales initially said 252.8/253 but then changed the batteries as it had been a while since doing so, so goes to show how batteries can effect the calibration. I'm not overly worried about the gain as a few days ago I checked in and was at 251.8 so. I was still active last week with getting a few walks in and a bike ride so that is at least something.
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Good morning. I'm with all my things ready and at 9:45 I start the gym. I'm outside the BasicFit thinking I DID IT! I'm here!
    The steps from yesterday were crapppy 6.484 steps But today it will be better!
  • 28Haveitall2020
    28Haveitall2020 Posts: 230 Member
    Happy new week all.
    Goals for the week.
    1. Stick to calorie allowance
    2. 2. 5x 30mins workout
  • rhaaa
    rhaaa Posts: 20 Member
    Monday weigh in:
    Previous weight 299
    Current weight 292
    Total loss to date 68 pounds.

    I am on my phone so please forgive spelling/grammar. I am a 48 year old man that has been on a weight loss journey for about 7 years. I have a wonderful 14 year old daughter. Over the years I have always lost some, gained some back. I got as low as 238 a couple of years ago but life derailed me. I have always had a fairly easy time losing weight it’s the keeping it off that I have always struggled with, but I’m sick of riding this yo-yo I am jumping off this time for good. I enjoy lifting weights and walking.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,148 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    Week one
    P. W. 248
    C. W. 249

    What is your favorite workout?
    I don't have a favorite as im not a naturally active person. I walk mainly because I'm good at it.

    What are your favorite sports drinks (if you drink any) ?

    Do you have a favorite diet that you go by or Do you just count calories?
    I'm not good with diets or counting calories.

    How have you stayed motivated to keep losing/gaining weight?
    I struggle with motivation

    Why are you on this journey? What pushed you to start your journey?
    I was tired of being large and heavy.

    What are your triggers and what motivates you the most?
    I'm not sure what it means as far as triggers but I'm unmotivated.

    What do you expect to gain from your team?
    No expectations.

    How can we make our team better?
    Move next door and slap the bag of chips out of my hands.

    I know this sounds negative but it is honest. I've a lot of people around me that are work oriented but I'm not. I don't go looking for something to do. If it needs to be done I'll do it even if it takes all day or all week but to go look for something to do is just not me. It's the same with working out.
    As far as diets and/or meal plans, I've actually paid for a food plan and exercise plan. I followed it completely and gained so much I almost had to buy larger clothes. The guy still wanted me to stick to it. I did not because I could not afford new clothes.
    I'm very much a helps type person. If a person needed me to exercise with them everyday I would be there knocking on their door. It's funny because that is what I need.
    I could go on but it still seems negative. Smh

    Well you know what if I could drag my butt next door to you I would and I would be knocking on your door to drag you out and slap those chips out your hand and get you moving.....but I’m not and the best I can do is virtually kick your butt into gear. You suggested a fitness challenge last month and we did our best to find something for you and everyone else. You know you want to do something physically or you would not have suggested it. You’ve got the tools you need at home. From what I remember you have a jump rope and a fitness ball. Stop making excuses and get to it. Sadly we can’t always have it how we want it and we can’t always wait until we feel motivated. Sometimes we just gotta suck it up and put some effort into it. Come on I’ve seen you do it. I know you can do it. The only person you are doing this for us yourself so get yourself together and get your head the game. The hardest part is the getting up part. Come on! 💪🏻

    What a real eye opener. Thanks!. For a long time I thought it was about doing it for my family, friends or even to help others. Now I see it. It's all about me. 100% Darren. Thank you so much. I see it all very clearly.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,590 Member
    Check-In: Sunday, August 2

    •30 Active Minutes: Yes ✅
    •Gym: 0/4 days ❎
    •Water: 1L ❎
    •Steps: 16,710 ✅
    •Carb-free dinner: Yes ✅
    •Intermittent Fasting: Yes ✅

    Daily update:

    So happy to be in a new month. I do hope I manage to do better with weight loss this month. I am happy to say we have officially moved I to the new house. We still have a few things left to do at the old place but it’s pretty much done. Now to unpack it all and put things in place. I’ve yet to go back to the gym as I’ve got too much to do at home. As soon as things settle down here I can go back. Still doing IF and getting my steps in.

    August goals:

    •Achieve at least 30 active minutes daily.
    •Make it to the gym at least 4 times a week.
    •Drink at least 2L water daily.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps daily.
    •No Carbs for dinner.
    •Do IF for at least 6 days a week.

    It must feel good to have moved into your house. Don’t worry about the gym as I am sure you are getting lots of exercise with all this moving. You will be crushing it at the gym soon enough.
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily post August 2
    Tracked: Yes
    Under calorie: Yes
    Water: 138oz
    Exercise: 63 minute walk around the neighborhood
    Steps: 8771
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,070 Member
    Good Morning/Evening ....Happy Monday ....I just wanted to pop on real quick to say this show this week who is boss .... I will come back from labs and catch up with all you amazing people .........I am hoping my a1c is lower than 6.1 (that was 3 months ago) before that it was 8.1 ...My Dr is happy with my progress :) ..Alright I am off to shower and then go to labs ...Chat soon and have a marvelous Monday :)
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