TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (September)



  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,702 Member
    Wednesday 9 September
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Water: 84 oz
    Steps 16,701
  • richmondwriter
    richmondwriter Posts: 683 Member
    Richmondwriter MUAC for Wed. 9/9:
    Tracked: yes
    Under: no (+85 calories)
    Exercised: yes - 35 minutes walking

    Welcome back, @prehistoricmoongoddess! You've started out with a bang- nice loss this week!

    @murdog3t - I am so sorry that you have been experiencing pain. Hope you're feeling better soon. I know it must be scary in California right now. I have a friend in Oregon who I just checked on last night. She is packed and ready to evacuate if need be. Thinking of you and praying for your safety.

    @cmhubbard92 - I am also impressed that you can do a one-legged pigeon!

    @knlizght - an impressive day at the gym - zumba and boot camp! I've always been too chicken to try boot camp.

    Congrats to @loraloha22, @mooreshelly09 and @HASWLRS for their top three weight losses this week, and to @cmhubbard92 for joining them in 6-7 days of successful MUAC!

  • richmondwriter
    richmondwriter Posts: 683 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »
    Accountability challenge

    I did really good with food on Sunday, swam and played lots of pool volleyball. BUT I may have drank one or ten too many alcoholic drinks ...
    Monday I tracked and was under but was too exhausted to get out and go for a walk
    Tuesday I did just fine

    Sun: y/n/y
    Mon: y/y/n
    Tue: y/y/y

    Sounds like a fun time on Sunday! You did a great job getting back on track by Monday.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,702 Member
    Good morning all,

    I am not feeling it today. It was all I could do to drag my azz out of bed this morning. :( It was supposed to be a leg day but I knew that wasn't happening, so I took a 30 minute spin class. I planned to just sit and pedal, not necessarily follow the instructor, but by the end of class I was perking up a bit and playing along.

    Now I'm at work and it's still dark out. Where did the summer go? I wish that I could send @murdog3t some rain as it's raining for the second day in a row. We're under water here on the East coast and tropical storms are still stacking up in the Caribbean. If only we could send one or two of them out West.

    I feel like Eeyore here this morning. Oh bother...

    I hope that everyone has a good day and thanks for listening. Stay safe out there. <3
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    Good morning all,

    I am not feeling it today. It was all I could do to drag my azz out of bed this morning. :( It was supposed to be a leg day but I knew that wasn't happening, so I took a 30 minute spin class. I planned to just sit and pedal, not necessarily follow the instructor, but by the end of class I was perking up a bit and playing along.

    Now I'm at work and it's still dark out. Where did the summer go? I wish that I could send @murdog3t some rain as it's raining for the second day in a row. We're under water here on the East coast and tropical storms are still stacking up in the Caribbean. If only we could send one or two of them out West.

    I feel like Eeyore here this morning. Oh bother...

    I hope that everyone has a good day and thanks for listening. Stay safe out there. <3

    30 minute spin class sounds pretty good for someone who wasn’t feeling it. Way to stick to it
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    Sun: y/n/y
    Mon: y/y/n
    Tue: y/y/y
    Wed: y/y/y
  • loraloha22
    loraloha22 Posts: 79 Member
  • knlizght
    knlizght Posts: 82 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @knlizght and @mooreshelly09, well done on all that exercise ladies!! And look at those steps....especially you, Liz!! Well north of 2,500!!

    Thanks @HASWLRS 🥰 I’m feeling it today - I skipped my class this morning and slept 🙀 I’m doing a class later but allowing a lower step day ❤️ Thank you so much for your comment, this team chat is really motivating 🤩
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Wednesday, September 9th

    logged: yes
    under: yes
    exercise: yes, 108 minutes of walking, two separate walks
    water: yes, the minimum 8 cups
    steps: 18,659

    I went with my husband to his gum specialist appointment in the city, only I did not go in with him. Instead I walked around outside and in the nearby mall. That is how I got my first 55 minute walk in. It wasn't speedy by any means; I had on flip flops and was carrying my purse, but my Fitbit registered it.

    I did not sleep again last body may have been a little achy from overdoing it yesterday. This morning I have already had my share of carbs. I need to focus, and soon, or I will blow it today!!
  • knlizght
    knlizght Posts: 82 Member
    Richmondwriter MUAC for Wed. 9/9:
    Tracked: yes
    Under: no (+85 calories)
    Exercised: yes - 35 minutes walking

    Welcome back, @prehistoricmoongoddess! You've started out with a bang- nice loss this week!

    @murdog3t - I am so sorry that you have been experiencing pain. Hope you're feeling better soon. I know it must be scary in California right now. I have a friend in Oregon who I just checked on last night. She is packed and ready to evacuate if need be. Thinking of you and praying for your safety.

    @cmhubbard92 - I am also impressed that you can do a one-legged pigeon!

    @knlizght - an impressive day at the gym - zumba and boot camp! I've always been too chicken to try boot camp.

    Congrats to @loraloha22, @mooreshelly09 and @HASWLRS for their top three weight losses this week, and to @cmhubbard92 for joining them in 6-7 days of successful MUAC!

    Thanks so much for your comment @richmondwriter 🥰 I think I was slightly over enthusiastic yesterday as It’s caused a very underproductive day today! Allowing the recovery though! Try a bootcamp, they’re good! I struggle with anxiety and being massive holds me back sometimes but I just think that nice people would be encouraging and think ‘good on her for coming’ And it doesn’t matter what the rest think... in my head if it says ‘suitable for all abilities’ then I have as much right to be there as anyone else 😅 Be kind to yourself ❤️
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @erikNJ, well done on being firmly back on track after the long weekend!

    @DaffyGirl88, we all have those days, so vent away!! But I agree with Erik....30 minutes on a bike is pretty good on most days; let alone the days we are not feeling it!! This, too, shall pass. It sounds like you are back in the office?

    @knlizght, I am glad this team is motivating you....but you are doing all the work!! And you, doing all the work, is inspiring to us, so it is a win/win situation!! I, myself, am excited to be with you near the beginning of your journey because I can't wait to see where it will take you!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @murdog3t, just sending a hug your way. We have seen the "orange glow" pictures of San Francisco on the weather news looks other worldly. Stay safe, my friend!

    @richmondwriter, you are oh so close on calories every day it seems! I have probably already asked you this, but how close are you to goal? (My goal is pretty much what you weigh now).
  • prehistoricmoongoddess
    prehistoricmoongoddess Posts: 1,002 Member
    edited September 2020
    Wednesday challenges

    Logged food yes
    Under calories yes
    Exercise yes,
    Steps 10,195

  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Date: 9/9
    Username: Murdog3t
    logged food: yes
    under calories: yes
    exercise: yes
    Steps : 2453

    Just for today: KD4, 2200 🚶‍♀️, meditation 🧘‍♀️ & prayer🙏 , 20 hrs IF, physical therapy exercise

    Yesterday : KD3🥳2100 🚶‍♀️🥳, meditation 🧘‍♀️ 🥳& prayer🙏 🥳, 20 hrs IF,🥳physical therapy 🥳

    Happy 14th Birthday 🎁 🧁 to my granddaughter Casey aka ❤️ Love 🐛 big
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,024 Member
    @murdog3t happy birthday to your granddaughter! Stay safe 💜
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,024 Member
    edited September 2020
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes walking and 10min yoga
    Steps: 21,120
    Water: 113.8

    September Goals:
    • <50g carbs: ✖ ✖(67) ✔(36) ✔(36) ✔(34)
    • 12,000+ steps (5 days) ✖✖✔✔✔
    • 8,000+ steps (2 days) ✖✔✔✔✔
    • 30 Days of Yoga With Adrienne ✖ ✔(Day 7) ✔(Day 8) ✔(Day 9) ✔(Day 10)
    • 30 minutes cardio daily] ✖✔✔✔✔
    • Strength 30min/week minimum ✖✖✖✖✖

    "Tomorrow I Will:" yesterday plan
    Drink 100oz Water ✔
    Stick to meal plan ✔
    Yoga with Adrienne Day 11 ✔
    60 minutes walking ✔
    18,000 steps ✔

    Tomorrow I will:
    Drink 100oz water
    16,000 steps
    Stick to meal plan
    Yoga with Adrienne Day 10
    60 minutes walking
    Have a glass of wine
    Cook dinner
    Clean the living room, kitchen, and spare bedroom, again!
  • richmondwriter
    richmondwriter Posts: 683 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @murdog3t, just sending a hug your way. We have seen the "orange glow" pictures of San Francisco on the weather news looks other worldly. Stay safe, my friend!

    @richmondwriter, you are oh so close on calories every day it seems! I have probably already asked you this, but how close are you to goal? (My goal is pretty much what you weigh now).

    I am not sure what my goal weight is; I would like to get back into the clothes that I can no longer wear (which make up most of my closet!) Today, I am trying intermittent fasting, eating only from 10-6 p.m. Maybe something new will get me out of the yo-yo'ing cycle.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,024 Member
    @DaffyGirl88 way to get out there and just get it done! It is so much better to do an alternative workout than none at all! I hope you have refound your motivation! I think we are getting your rain, now!

    @HASWLRS great job using your freetime to get a nice walk in! I always end up with shoulder pain if I walk with my purse! Great work!

    @prehistoricmoongoddess great effort on the mini challenges! What is your weekly step goal for the step challenge? I will add you to the spreadsheet once I have a goal! :)

    @richmondwriter you are always so close! I am sure you are still in a deficit when slightly over your goal! You are doing a great job remaining accountable! I am also impressed with myself for the one legged pigeon, but I'm sure I had terrible form! I'm seekng myself getting slightly more flexible, though!
  • mooreshelly09
    mooreshelly09 Posts: 901 Member
    Logged: Yes
    Under: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, walked/jogged 2.5 miles after work.
    Water: 161.8
    Steps: 10,174
  • richmondwriter
    richmondwriter Posts: 683 Member
    Richmondwriter MUAC for Thurs. 9/10/20:
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes (-130 calories)
    Exercised: No