WaistAways - November 2020 Team Chat



  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member

    2. I eat between 1750-1820 calories everyday and my TDEE is around 3300 calories. I got that info from here: https://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ . This is a steep deficit and the reason why I am losing so much weight.

    6. I struggle with boredom eating a lot so I try very hard to keep myself busy. It’s specially hard for me on the weekends so I try to leave the house as often as I can. I am that dumb dude that would travel 20 miles outside the city to go to Ikea to buy a scissor.

    Thanks for sharing your tips and perspective. I'd never seen the TDEE calculator before.
    And Ikea's just fun to go to, scissors needed or not.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    hurray it's Saturday! @jugar, you've got great walking routes - what sweet donkeys! I'll check out the video - I need to add in some weights now.
    We have a little break in the weather and my exercise for the weekend will be walking to and fro and up and down in the garden digging dahlias, moving peonies and if I can't get the sitdown mower blade to drop, walking around with the old reel mower. I haven't mowed in about 3 months due to the drought and I have a high tolerance for grass. I used the reel mower a few times and it's very pleasant quiet exercise. The field up back demands the sitdown.
    My town is having a special Town Meeting today outdoors so they can push through a $5 million land purchase. I'm irritated enough that they disenfranchise a huge segment of the population of 25,000 (what senior wants to jeopardize their health!?) that I might just go and be part of the 100 or so people who vote - AND if I do I will bicycle down.
    @micki48, like you, I baked the other day and it was a mistake - stollen and also sultana cake. It's that time of year when I'm in the baking mood and we now have our new oven. Had a couple days of indulgence and am getting back on the wagon today - eggs and salad and soup ingredients in the fridge. Another good protein go-to is a can of sardines - but, you've got to like sardines ;) , which I do on rye bread.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,243 Member
    Yikes - Saturday is running faster than I am!!!

    I did not put in the reminders last night, but here is the current state of spreadsheet affairs:

    Overdue - and hopefully not gone: (please send a message if any of you have friended these folks)

    Friday and Saturday still outstanding:
    @CanadianGiraffe (excused - so don't worry if you are not able to weigh in)

    Enjoy the weekend - and be sure all the weights are caught up by early o'clock Sunday morning :smiley:
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    PW 194.3
    CW 194.5 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day. Heading out for a walk. 👟
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,243 Member
    It has been mighty quiet today, so here's the LAST CALL:

    Overdue - and hopefully not gone:

    Friday and Saturday still outstanding:
    @CanadianGiraffe (excused)


    Enjoy the weekend - and be sure all the weights are caught up by early o'clock Sunday morning :smiley:
  • MandiSaysHey
    MandiSaysHey Posts: 304 Member
    Steps today 22,031. It was a busy day at work.
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member

    CW 350.6
    no change, but at least it's not a gain.
  • CanadianGiraffe
    CanadianGiraffe Posts: 205 Member
    PW 173.2
    CW 173.8
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Step update for Saturday November 21
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member


    This week’s challenge is all about food swaps that will keep us on track during the holidays but also allow us to enjoy every moment of them! Please click the link and let’s get to sharing our favorite ways to swap!
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    After a normal start yesterday, my eating devolved midday. I am NOT baking any more...unless I can give it away the same day. :s
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,243 Member
    Good morning! I'm so glad to hear from you, @CanadianGiraffe - and the news about your son is wonderful. Just getting out of the stress of hospital will make a huge difference, and it is good that you'll be able to stay with him to make that possible. Be sure to take time for yourself, breathe deeply, and healing will take its course. :heart:

    You must be feeling great about hearing your friends noticing your weight loss and beautiful legs! It helps so much to have others say something about what they are seeing - we see ourselves every day and don't really notice the differences, but someone who has not seen you constantly has a better view of the change. Well done on the exercise, and finding some sweet indulgences that won't knock you off track.

    Tally time - there are a lot of empty spaces in the weigh-ins - hoping that everyone will be back this week :/
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 563 Member
    @micki48 Steps for this week:
    Sun: 10,854
    Tues: 7,830
    Wed: 8,530
    Thurs: 8,688
    Fri: 8,180
    Sat: 7,000
    It's been a good week although I haven't checked in much here. I've done *pretty well* with attentiveness while eating. It's often times easier to eat in the livingroom than the diningroom. I realize some of that is because I have the habit of moving from my desk to the table while sorting through recycling paperwork as well as reading projects, etc. Remaining "contained" seems to be a theme, as does the apparent need to keep projects visible so I remember to work on them. Gotta love ADHD at this age. It's all about strategies!
    Have a great day, everyone. More soon.
    Enjoy a splendid holiday week. It'll be the first time in YEARS that both of my daughters will be home with me. Yay!
    hugs all around.
  • lovethyneighbor
    lovethyneighbor Posts: 328 Member
    Cw : 212
This discussion has been closed.