Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,669 Member
    :o Egg curry sauce! Never heard of such a thing.

    Must go read about it now. Since I can't actually do much on the food prep front yet....I will read (and eat bad food apparently).
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,739 Member
    edited December 2021
    :o Egg curry sauce! Never heard of such a thing.

    Must go read about it now. Since I can't actually do much on the food prep front yet....I will read (and eat bad food apparently).
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,669 Member
    Wow. Thank you, PAV. A sincere thank you because I'm kinda falling apart on this front - and you just threw me a bit of a lifeline. This curry looks like a thing. I've been trying to up the protein - at least for "healing" - but have had it up to my eyebrows with boiled eggs and with bits of shell in my scrambled eggs...(stupid left hand). This might just get me through the holidays (not perfectly or at a deficit, but without losing me freakin' mind completely).
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,739 Member
    edited December 2021
    Costco or other brand shell less frittata based on egg whites 70 Cal, 30 sec to 1 min nuke. Thought of cutting it in curry but dad whined
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,739 Member
    edited December 2021

    Costco pack frozen and nuked

    Performed one handed plus face assist for testing!!!😹


    You did cost me 70 Cal 😂😘
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,669 Member
    oh....but I'm hankering for the curry now! Found it at one localish Walmart - going to ask the son to pick up there because that happens to be where they do their grocery shopping.

    And, fritatta kinda begs me to do other things that still feel a bit overwhelming...almost more so than they did because I'm running out of "I kind do thisness"
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,739 Member
    The Curry on colli (or mixed veggie) rice works great

    (Left Costco, right stupidstore 😘, left WAY cheeper, right more interesting 🤷🏻‍♂️)

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,739 Member
    edited December 2021
    Today opened up mega can of diced beets (not a one handed operation) 31Cal per 100g solids the whole can is under 600 Cal if you don't drink the juice. Nice for salad with onion, boiled potato and egg and some dill and hot pickles for even more filling!

    Will either nuke some ready made beef cannelloni or will parchment bake tilapia and veggie fries ....


  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Canned Beets are impossible to find here right now….Publix is rationing buying a lot of holiday foods and not sure why there are no beets lol…we had a store bought baked chicken and a light pasta salad for dinner….husband is not good and has terrible indigestion right now on top of everything else….he had an RA flare last night and his toes hurt….some days SMH….
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,739 Member
    Hopefully he feels better 🤞

    What do canned beetroot slices have to do with holidays,??!!🤔🤷🏻‍♂️

    We're going for the cannelloni and some sort of beet salad since I decided to go for a walk into the dusk and sunset and so I'm going to go for easy to prepare stuff.

    Here are some gratuitous geese and snow for you Connie!

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,739 Member
    That's annoying! Bleeping geese were quite visible IRL... but hiding in the *kitten* pictures!
    Even a "blow up" only gets baby pixel geese!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,669 Member
    Gorgeous pics!

    I'm lucky to have lots of cooked beets in the freezer. I was supposed to make those fermented beets - but ran out of time - and instead cooked them and put them in the freezer - not having any idea they would become the another item on the pandemic shortage list.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,669 Member
    ….husband is not good….

    So hope that things settle for him and you and your family really soon, Connie <3

  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,893 Member
    edited December 2021
    Those are some impressive baby icebergs in the geese pictures.
    Supper was a small salad and a frozen tomatillo stew concoction. Hubby picked it up on sale and it’s languished in the freezer. I think it was an overpriced Martha Stewart effort that was way overpriced so the store was clearing it out. Martha should be ashamed of herself! At least it was only 190 calories.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,739 Member
    doesn't sound like the best Martha effort ever! Though that's NOT too many calories! Hope you're not too hungry!

    We were going to do the fish tonight... but dad spotted the frozen pizzas and had apparently forgotten that he didn't like the frozen cauliflower crust roast veggie pizza last time he had it :wink:

    So... I added some prosciutto (mainly because it was starting to dry out a bit)... and... dad liked the prosciutto but still didn't think the pizza was any good!

    No mention (positive or negative) was made about the crust, so I didn't blab to further condemn cauliflower! :lol:

    We had some greens, beets, and onion salad with the pizza. My bowl also got some hot peppers, and "sliced" turkey "breast"-the stuff that pretends to be real as opposed to fully admitting to loaf status

    Jokes aside I am iffy on the fully prepared cauli pizza. Crust only may be a different story; but not too sure even about that.

    Our end product was a small medium pizza (if that) and it was almost 1300 Cal and 641g in total. The extra meat was there; but not overwhelmingly so. Cheese was... definitely not overwhelming! :lol:

    Yet, by weight the calories were similar to those of a domino medium. Maybe closer to a veggie than a meat extravaganza; but definitely in the same ballpark.

    A couple of real pizza slices seldom set me back 650 Cal and I don't think that my three cauli slices felt any more substantial... or tasty!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,669 Member
    I've been left disappointed by any alternate crust pizzas, too. So I go for the Domino's crunch thing crust - which always leaves me feeling full and like I've had something decadent - high - but not ridiculously high on the calorie front because I usually eat 3/4 of the medium pizza (Laine gets the other1/4). I could die if I left any pizza for the next day, so I don't take that chance.

    I'm impressed that you have the salad on the side. Maybe I should try that on pizza nights rather than the lava cake with a splash of bourbon? (I'll probably end up with both - but that can be okay on a maintenance day).
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,739 Member

    Mainly because flat- mate in BC **often** orders pizza (one or two mediums, green olives green peppers and/or green olives and banana peppers, unless it's cheese pizza or a pepperoni walk in special--both higher cal), having one to three slices is common as opposed to a special occasion. So it has to somehow fit. And pairing with a salad is a good way to fluff it up!👍

    On the rare occasion pizza makes it to the next day, it's either eaten cold, or I warm it up (semi-acceptably) wrapped in paper towel, single slices, 70% to 80%, 30 and then 10 second increments in the microwave, or (almost perfectly) in a 325 to 350 oven.

    Lava cakes would not make it to pizza night... they would be consumed on arrival 😹
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,669 Member
    So I'll keep my decadent pizza nights decadent, and occasional, maybe I can have salad earlier that day - a low calorie salad not one with a million toppings 😁
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,739 Member
    Toppings... well, I guess it depends on the topping.. nuts and seeds vs unsweetened cranberries! :lol:

    today was a more tame day... I just made soup using a hakka noodle package and veggie knorr... and then added some pre-cooked frozen shrimp I quickly thawed under hot water. Whole thing was under 500 including the bowl of greens and tomatoes and pepperoncini's :)