Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    It sounds like a lot! Is it a lot? There's probably multiple meals in there too!!! Did you manage to snag any bunnies?
  • scoutmom1981
    scoutmom1981 Posts: 302 Member
    I did get some bunnies in for me. Not so much for them. Yes that is a ton of food but they ate it all as one meal. Teenagers are an empty pit that they fill whenever they can.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,994 Member
    Cooking for teenagers! They probably burned it all off in an hour while having growth spurts and horsing around. A meal like that would haunt me for a week….
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,737 Member
    Put 23 servings of lentil stew into the freezer last night, as well as having one for dinner. It was really delicious! I've never included cauliflower nor spaghetti squash into something like that before… But I did this time because I already had a head of cauliflower from shopping the day before and there's only so much cauliflower a single person is going to eat in a week and I did not have any extra storage space for a squash.

    Even a group of teenagers would not help with that stuff! Lol.

    Today I will pick up some more containers and make up that cabbage in a dish with onions kidney beans and peas. The description doesn't do it justice.

    I'm tickled that nothing will go to waste. It felt a bit daunting to bring all that produce into the house on top of a weekly shop the day before. Woohoo.

  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Been having grilled chicken sandwiches the last couple of nights with BBQ sauce, fried onions, and pepperjack cheese. They were really good.

    Tonight I am making some salmon with rice and broccoli. Sounds boring, but I have this sweet and savory asian style sauce that I make with it.
  • scoutmom1981
    scoutmom1981 Posts: 302 Member
    Kids went back to school today so my kitchen is taking a well needed break. The amount of food that has been consumed since Friday is astronomical. I have no idea how people with more than one kid do it.

    Dinner is going back to something that won't break the calorie bank since I haven't been to the gym anytime this week either. My husband assures me that I can start to drive the car again tomorrow so hopefully I can get back into a routine.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    Snowed in car?

    Laurie? You can always mail a care package!!!!👍😎 I'm jelly cause it's looking good!😎

    The bean kale soup and cauliflower curry soup from Costco were good. Local company called Allen. Cauliflower had good staying power so it was either the slow activity day, or good bargain for calories or little grey caloric labelling. Will be investigated further with the remaining 5 containers of each 🤪
  • scoutmom1981
    scoutmom1981 Posts: 302 Member
    Not snowed in but I am not allowed to drive when the roads are bad. The last time I drove I totaled my minivan. It is best if I don't chance it
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    Hmm.... I am definitely on the side of total avoidance of vehicle totaling!!!!👍😎
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,994 Member
    Yogurt and a banana for supper. Because there was too much cookie sampling. Time to rein it in - a nice 18 hour fast can’t hurt. I’ll be sleeping some of the time so….. lots of water drinking to get me through.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,737 Member
    Care package on the way, PAV! Sending it using my new telekinetic powers :)

    I'm impressed, Yooly! Thank you for being so inspirational.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,994 Member
    I'm impressed, Yooly! Thank you for being so inspirational.

    Thanks but it would have been smarter to not sample cookies instead of having a decent dinner. 😢. I’ve been making progress this week and I just desperately do not want to regress. So a little fasting to limit the damage. I’m HANGRY with myself.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    edited January 20
    Well.... I've had a bunny accident--let's see if it ends up helping!

    It all started with the 750g of italian style vegetable blend I nuked... to which I added 640g of spaghetti sauce (garden style!) ok and POSSIBLY just shy of 500Cal worth of snausages.... the whole thing is now just shy of 1100 Cal and occupying a max size glasslock container...

    ... and as I was thinking what to have it on... I fell upon the "matchstick carrot" bag that had ALMOST been in the fridge a tad too long! Liars! They claim 284 grams and they filled the bag with 384g worth of carrots!!!

    The italian veggies have yellow and orange round carrots and other veggies such as beans and zoo and what have you. but the yellow and orange carrots are round and chunky and prominent!

    But there was something almost poetic about eating carrots in sauce on carrots while waiting for Laurie's telekinetic stew delivery!

    Due to the sensitivity of the topic we will avoid discussing whether carrots on carrots MAY have helped fit in a honey graham wafer cookie packet or two...
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    edited January 20
    Well the second half of the sauce is sitting on more carrots! 😎 This pack was 349g instead of 284! So happy bunny! 🤣 I've pre nuked it and I admit to eyeing it before noon!!!!🙊
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,994 Member
    Well I don’t know - carrots covered in spaghetti sauce? But if it works for you and if low cal why not?
    I had a big bowl of hot n sour soup and two small shrimp spring rolls ( not fried). I have no idea what the calories are but it was good on a cold day. There was a fortune cookie too.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    Well... "sticks", or "strings", like pieces of hay!, and covered with sauce! I mean I have some kohlrabi but the carrot sticks (the super thin ones) were going to go bad. So it was time to consume the two baby packs that were on special :wink: And its not as if the sauce doesn't go well on top! Sauce is italian veggies and sausage and pre-made sauce... so not just carrots on carrots ;-) But that's for later (except the little bit I snuck out of the pot earlier).... for now "I'm making do" with a good amount of trail mix and a couple of slices of rye and unripe cheese logged as haloumi... All together I've logged 1700 Cal for the day so far but have about 560 of them still sitting in my big pot of carrots in sauce waiting for my return from the canine excursion... so should be in good enough shape for the evening absent an accident!

    Fortune cookies are always good... if the fortune is good!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    edited January 22
    For 515 Cal... this was quite filling and totally hit the spot coming in from the canine excursion!


    Cals were rounded to nearest whole number and yes the ho-ya bowls are consistently within 1g of their stated 70g weight for the contents... tomatoes were used due to... err... expiry!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,737 Member
    Sounds like a nice response to the cold! Is it cold where you are at at the moment? The weather is bouncing around so much I can't keep track :)
    Did you use the broth & dressing to replace the flavouring that came with the Ho-ya bowl? Or in addition to?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    Nope nope. That was 1.5 litres of goodness. The salt free PC which I had brought to a boil with the onions and tomato and roast garlic seasoning and then left in fridge till evening. And then nuked it while boiling the water for the noodle bowl and combined the two. And fluffed it up with toasted rye "croutons" chortle.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,994 Member
    Don’t think we have Ho-ya brand pho here. But I’m sure there are others. I guess it’s better than ramen noodles calorie wise? But the salt? I know when we go out for pho I soak up the salt/water weight like a sponge.