Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Nope, I would not like it!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    finely diced are whatever colour you like - just had to break the rules. Fresh crispy diced pepper is a entirely different animal - so they could be just green...and maybe some chives? or green onion and be a green purist? Red for Christmas? orange for Halloween?!! Yellow for Sunshine day?????

    Well it is a green canvas! Can't you make these anything you want?!?!?

    And CONNIE: there is no DISLIKE available when it comes to "dat green zoop"

  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I make soup…..NORMAL soup like chili with kidney beans,ground beef and tomato sauce….I make bean soup with plain navy beans or 15 bean soup mix,ham, and water or broth in it!…I have made vegetable soup with mixed vegetables, cabbage and tomatoe juice…I make chicken noodle soup with chicken and noodles and broth in it!….kale, spinach and unidentified green objects do not belong in soup ....I also use bottled water if I put water in it….and I don’t make my own broth or stock….Swansons does that for me!…do you all use a cauldron for these brews and mysterious concoctions?……lol….oh well, I love you both anyway!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Alexandra... are you going to be cooking for son too?

    At this point, only dinners. He will pack a cold lunch, though I may help with that, and will probably get breakfast during his commute from a fast-food place.

    I sent him the menu for the next five weeks and he said he only disliked Friday and Saturday nights. But he'll be making good enough money that if what he wants Friday night is to just stop and pick something up on the way home, he can, or order a pizza when he gets here. And weekends he plans to go up and help Mom with her yard and such since her back is bad, and so he'll probably be eating Saturday dinner at her house anyway. Otherwise, he said he was up for it.

    Tonight is grilled fish for Boyfriend and pizza for me and Girlfriend.
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    My son had a big fall today and cracked his head. We are on concussion watch. So he got to pick dinner tonight. He wanted stacked enchiladas (some weird meal my best friend makes when he is at her house). I was able to reduce the amount of stuff on it and stay well without my calories. In fact it wasn’t that bad at all.

    Corn tortillas
    Layered with retried beans. Taco meat, enchilada sauce, shredded cheese and topped with a fried egg.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    gewel321 wrote: »
    My son had a big fall today and cracked his head. We are on concussion watch. So he got to pick dinner tonight. He wanted stacked enchiladas (some weird meal my best friend makes when he is at her house). I was able to reduce the amount of stuff on it and stay well without my calories. In fact it wasn’t that bad at all.

    Corn tortillas
    Layered with retried beans. Taco meat, enchilada sauce, shredded cheese and topped with a fried egg.

    Hope your son is ok….your dinner sounds great except for that egg on top!…
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    You kids are quiet today!

    I declare that COSTCO is EVIL.
    I said it.

    But they did supply me with my newest bag of candy: dried strawberries!!!
    40g = 130 Cal.
    87g down, within 3 hours.
    Since dried fruit counts double... that's a full TWO BUNNIES
    So well on my way towards my 5 a day minimum while aiming for 10 bunnies soft goal!

    Dinner 52.2% to me:
    249g (so just about 600 Cal) of farmer sausages!
    102g eggs
    22g cooked rice from yesterday's third frozen Indian entrée
    400g cooked cauli rice. I'll have to check if the bags are 1lb or 500g ones frozen
    247g carrots
    164g red peppers
    68g green onions
    7g freeze dried garlic
    109g Sera Red Pepper paste
    2g oil

    Still have to run the numbers!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    You kids are quiet today!

    I declare that COSTCO is EVIL.
    I said it.

    But they did supply me with my newest bag of candy: dried strawberries!!!
    40g = 130 Cal.
    87g down, within 3 hours.
    Since dried fruit counts double... that's a full TWO BUNNIES
    So well on my way towards my 5 a day minimum while aiming for 10 bunnies soft goal!

    Dinner 52.2% to me:
    249g (so just about 600 Cal) of farmer sausages!
    102g eggs
    22g cooked rice from yesterday's third frozen Indian entrée
    400g cooked cauli rice. I'll have to check if the bags are 1lb or 500g ones frozen
    247g carrots
    164g red peppers
    68g green onions
    7g freeze dried garlic
    109g Sera Red Pepper paste
    2g oil

    Still have to run the numbers! also sells dried strawberries, and lots of other dried fruits.

    (They also sell dark chocolate covered candied ginger to which I am shamefully addicted. I love ginger anyway.)
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I have been inside a Costco 3 times in my entire life!….never in a Sams Club……I am missing a lot of stuff in my life!….the dried strawberries and the chocolate ginger sound great….I wonder if you could air fry strawberries?…..
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited July 2021
    Introducing the words "chocolate covered" would be counter to the reason behind the otherwise asinine purchase of NON chocolate covered items!!! Of course everything is better with chocolate, especially candied ginger... and orange peel... and nuts.... and sugary almond paste... and.... sorry, where were we again?! :lol:

    113g of dried strawberries.. they now equal the calories of my share of the farmer's sausage!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited July 2021
    I make soup…..NORMAL soup like chili with kidney beans,ground beef and tomato sauce….I make bean soup with plain navy beans or 15 bean soup mix,ham, and water or broth in it!…I have made vegetable soup with mixed vegetables, cabbage and tomatoe juice…I make chicken noodle soup with chicken and noodles and broth in it!….kale, spinach and unidentified green objects do not belong in soup ....I also use bottled water if I put water in it….and I don’t make my own broth or stock….Swansons does that for me!…do you all use a cauldron for these brews and mysterious concoctions?……lol….oh well, I love you both anyway!

    OMG Connie! Chili is like, a STEW, not a SOUP!!! Chunky guy: eat with fork! Nothing NORMAL about chili SOUP! :anguished: On the other hand... :mrgreen: is perfectly normal! Built in MFP forum software too!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I think I am going to make chili tomorrow night for dinner….should be great on a 90 degree + day!….I might make cornbread with it because I am going to have a lot of extra calories tomorrow….getting up early to work in the garage again and then bike day at the pool and long swim session if the rain holds off!….
    Have you all tried the chocolate hummus yet?….walnuts mixed in it tastes like fudge!….
    I wish I knew how to post pictures on here with from my I- pad…..I don’t have a cell phone…can you believe that?…I have had them but I never used it so I got rid of it!….
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    Athijade wrote: »
    Now I have to go peeve off the cat by giving him his meds (he has been ill). If you never see me again, it's because he defeated me. Have a healthy dinner in my memory LMAO.

    How went the combat? Asking for a friend who is considering a non-healthy dinner! :lol:
  • Janatki
    Janatki Posts: 730 Member
    Last night was chicken tikka Marsala from scratch OH’s speciality! Tonight Is our crop of home grown spuds! Not many as I didn’t pull up the grow bags or add more soil 🙄😬 …. Going to make a cheese sauce & onion kind of thing with ‘erbs! Might be good, might be a Jan disaster!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Today's lunch was pulled pork sandwiches which is very fast to fix after I get done hunting and gathering at the grocery store. (smile) Tonight is General Tso's Pork with rice and mixed Asian vegetables from a frozen packet. We like pork better than chicken in this dish. And I make it with sucralose so it's easier on all of us.
  • dcshima
    dcshima Posts: 529 Member
    @conniewilkins56 for adding photos find the camera icon on the post & search for photo that you took with iPad, can add multiple photos. There are other ways but this is the easiest.

    Chocolate hummus with walnuts = fudge, now I'm over the edge & need to get / make some, recipe seemed pretty straight forward with food processor.

    Costco meat, seafood & cheese are excellent quality + lower gas prices are worth cost of membership in my opinion.

  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    dcshima wrote: »
    @conniewilkins56 for adding photos find the camera icon on the post & search for photo that you took with iPad, can add multiple photos. There are other ways but this is the easiest.

    Chocolate hummus with walnuts = fudge, now I'm over the edge & need to get / make some, recipe seemed pretty straight forward with food processor.

    Costco meat, seafood & cheese are excellent quality + lower gas prices are worth cost of membership in my opinion.
    Just buy Sabra chocolate hummus already made and put walnuts in it!… good!….

    I will try the photo thingy….thank you!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    My chili and cornbread are going to be delicious and I deserve and earned every bite today!….over 1000 calories burned in exercise riding bike at the gym, shopping, and swimming for over an hour!