Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    I missed my spuds and mint today :( It will happen this week - oh I hope I can find some fresh sugar snap peas too!

    All things went out the window and it was a day of wonderful fun and chaos and walking and family and finally at 7:30 found food and it took me awhile to figure out how to track "a whole wack of potato wedges and hummus...and...." but it is amazing what is here in the data base and I think I did a fair job. Still managed a "deficit" but I know that isn't real....but alas, it was a great day and it was super fun eating that crazy stuff in the car while waiting to pick up our "dinner" :)

    Your dinner sounds right up my alley (almost), Pav! I haven't tried the pea protein ground...might not anytime soon because I think I'm going to try to wean myself off of all that crazy pseudo meat and go back to more beans. We'll see how successful I am at that!
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    Little bit of a splurge yesterday. My son wanted to make chicken bombs (he’s learning to cook). Not the healthiest meal but it sure was tasty and I ate a little so not to go overboard.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Back at it today!…..lean ground beef burgers, an ear of fresh corn and fresh cauliflower with cheese….coffee and a biscotti for dessert….
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Home from a great vacation!

    We ate well, I think I ate around maintenance most days (no cell service in Voyageurs, so no logging), and I swam every day.

    We just got back this evening. Husband and I had light supper (fake chicken cutlets and salad), to make up for the airport food lunch (a delicious but heavy mushroom bahn mi).

    Back to the usual routine tomorrow!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    eliezalot wrote: »
    Home from a great vacation!
    for the airport food lunch (a delicious but heavy mushroom bahn mi).

    OK: I'll bite... where are all these things taking place? In MY lame kitten world, I had pretzels and water, tim hortons, pretzels and diet coke, and Starbucks! Woohoo! Mushroom bahn mi I did not have!

    Oh... and for dinner I had two tubs of expired Yoplait 0% cherry (1300g) with 62.5g of hershey kisses cereal. And I was happy enough... and within calories...

    ... and then two hours later Sawsan from downstairs said I looked a bit sad and unhappy when I was walking up the stairs so she sent her husband with homemade cookies and sweet breads. 125g of sesame snap cookies are already gone from the picture... the 200g of remaining stuff not yet.

    Suffice it to say that I'm no longer within my calories. /Grrrrr.....sin1kixc9axr.jpg
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Those look good….at least they do not have frosting on them!….thanks for all of the encouragement today!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    eliezalot wrote: »
    Home from a great vacation!

    Welcome back! You are an inspiration. Eating at maintenance on vacation and all. That would take a high level of determination - which I hope to acquire someday well as some vacation time!

  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    eliezalot wrote: »
    Home from a great vacation!
    for the airport food lunch (a delicious but heavy mushroom bahn mi).

    OK: I'll bite... where are all these things taking place?

    My home sweet home Minnesota. We dove up to the Namakan with my parents for vacation, in Voyageurs National Park. Airport food courtesy of MSP. They have some legit options. Unfortunately I had to pass over all of the other good stuff on the menu - walleye bites, cheese curds, some amazing sounding burgers.... but the bahn-mi was so good I didn't even miss them. (Except the cheese curds. I'll always dream of cheese curds). Now we're back home in MD - the land of no cheese curds, no walleye, no lakes, and suffocating heat. At least it is crab season...

  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    eliezalot wrote: »
    Home from a great vacation!

    Welcome back! You are an inspiration. Eating at maintenance on vacation and all. That would take a high level of determination - which I hope to acquire someday well as some vacation time!

    Ha, you give me too much credit!! We were on a houseboat, so it was all preplanned eating out or restaurants for miles lol. That being said, it was mom cooking. But she really accommodated my low saturated fat diet, and made it really easy. There were a few days I probably ate more than I should have (smores, steak), but overall it seems to have evened out!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Tonight we are going to have street tacos, pork al pastor for the people who grew up in California, and carne asada for the people who grew up in Indiana.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited July 2021
    Ah Alexandra❣️

    @eliezalot were it not for your saturated fat "side" issue, and given that you keep mentioning cheese curds... let me put in a good word for us humble neighbors up north who as of August 9 won't even quarantine you... I hear that in a strange tongue speaking Eastern province they're pretty famous for serving cheese curds on top of french fries.... the whole thing drowned in gravy 👍 I'm a bit unsure as to the nutritional value and I would probably take a maple syrup infused vanilla cone instead personally! 🤷🏻😹
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    Yeah, well Calgary airport was a bit more deficient in terms of open venues, at least ones I spotted. Admittedly I can't say that I explored the great Canadian bagel to compare it to Tim Hortons. The booster Juice place does pretends to be making "healthier" stuff. These days though I want a bit more detail and comparison as to pros and cons before I fall for the healthier looking/sounding is better for me right now bit!

    Admittedly I don't see how either the sesame snap cookies that didn't make it into the picture above or the sweet anise infused bread qualify as anything other than indulgent 🤷🏻😹

    on the plus side they're all gone. And I've got 140 g of three color slaw and 109g of onions ready to be nuked and added to a package of Taiwanese Hakka style noodles with chili sauce (noodle pack is about 300 Cal, so that's a 350-400 cal lunch by the time I add some soup base
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Ah Alexandra❣️

    @eliezalot were it not for your saturated fat "side" issue, and given that you keep mentioning cheese curds... let me put in a good word for us humble neighbors up north who as of August 9 won't even quarantine you... I hear that in a strange tongue speaking Eastern province they're pretty famous for serving cheese curds on top of french fries.... the whole thing drowned in gravy 👍 I'm a bit unsure as to the nutritional value and I would probably take a maple syrup infused vanilla cone instead personally! 🤷🏻😹

    I love poutine!! However, I've only ever had what I assume are the bastardized American versions, and have not tried it in its native environment.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Air fryer dry rub chicken drumsticks, sweet potatoes, green beans, and salad….coffee and fiber one cookie for dessert!….probably popcorn for a snack, not sure!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited July 2021
    Connie, I've noticed you often use sweet potatoes. Do you find them more filling and tasty for the calories as compared to "standard" potatoes? Nutritionally I don't see too many differences when I compare them side by side, at least on paper! Are you using actual sweet potatoes or yams or a mixture? Off the wall different question: have you ever tried rutabaga/swede mash (boil, mash, perhaps with tiny amount of sweetener or sugar and/or salt/pepper...)

    But I love me some green string beans... frozen to avoid having to clean them!!! :lol:
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    I need to either pre-log before eating (always did work!) or (more appropriately in my case) better finger adding hamsters: lunch ended up in the 450 not 350 range!!!

  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Connie, I've noticed you often use sweet potatoes. Do you find them more filling and tasty for the calories as compared to "standard" potatoes? Nutritionally I don't see too many differences when I compare them side by side, at least on paper! Are you using actual sweet potatoes or yams or a mixture? Off the wall different question: have you ever tried rutabaga/swede mash (boil, mash, perhaps with tiny amount of sweetener or sugar and/or salt/pepper...)

    But I love me some green string beans... frozen to avoid having to clean them!!! :lol:

    I use actual sweet potatoes….I think they are good for you!…I don’t eat the skin….I put a little cinnamon on them and a tsp. of brown sugar…I never ate a sweet potatoe until a few years ago so I think they are like a “ new food “…

    I don’t like rutabagas and I don’t like turnips….

    I try to use fresh vegetables or frozen if I have to…I think canned veggies taste like mush!…

    Today I bought so much bread it looks like a bakery in my kitchen!…I bought ciabatta rolls, flatbread, pita square pockets, low carb tortillas, mini bagels and regular white bread for grandson!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Sweet potatoes have more fiber and more Vitamin A and I think they are lower on the glycemic index so they keep your blood sugar regulated….
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited July 2021
    Sweet potatoes have more fiber and more Vitamin A and I think they are lower on the glycemic index so they keep your blood sugar regulated….

    Glycemic index wise the rise of sugar levels from the whole meal is what seems to count as opposed to the rating of individual items. And in spite of their glycemic index values, potatoes (and apples) tend to rate disproportionately high, in a good way, in terms of satiation tests. Which to me counts for quite a bit!

    I don't mind sweet potatoes (I don't mind them at all); but they tend to cost extra when ordered as a side item. And I'm cheap! And they tend to be a tiny bit harder to find at the supermarket--and frankly less convenient in terms of prep time as compared to the bags of tiny baby potatoes--with skin--which I tend to buy!

    So, I've looked into this before because of the often heard claim that sweet potatoes are inherently healthier. And, given that my dietary intake of Vitamin A averages way more than 100%, I can't say that I've spotted anything convincing FOR ME other than a taste based preference at a particular point of time!

    And from (using USDA values): zd6nagzsne0x.png
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    I eat those little skin on gem potatoes regularly too - but love roasted sweet potatoes. Cut in eighths or sixths or ? depending on the size - and just dry in the oven while I cook whatever else I'm eating and they are so delicious! Like dessert with your meal. Not bad calorie wise and filling.