Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    dcshima wrote: »
    ... along fluffy scrambled eggs (eggs + egg whites+ cottage cheese) ...

    Okay - I tried this tonight - on a bed plain sauteed kale - and it is delicious! I wasn't sure. After I cooked them and there seemed to be a lot of liquid I was really really unsure. But poured that "juice" over the dog's dinner and gave it the old college try and wow. The cottage cheese in there was amazing. Much more toothesome meal - and protein galore!

  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    ( shaking my head )
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Breakfast today was oatmeal and blueberries, lunch was chocolate PB2 yogurt dip and an apple. Snack was caramel corn (oops) and half a slice of husband's pizza (double oops).

    Dinner tonight is another salad of spring greens, with blueberries,some dried fruit and nuts, and topped with some more fake meat for protein.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    see Connie how Laurie engages in most excellent kitchen management? I got rid of 65g of rice AND got rid of the remains of a tub of 0% greek yogurt by utilizing the dog today!!! :lol:
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    see Connie how Laurie engages in most excellent kitchen management? I got rid of 65g of rice AND got rid of the remains of a tub of 0% greek yogurt by utilizing the dog today!!! :lol:

    I gave our dog a slice of turkey kielbasa!….I would be leery of eating some kind “ liquid “ on my eggs!….yuk!…and no kale….if I HAVE to eat an egg, I want it scrambled really done with ketchup on it!…or deviled with a lot of relish in it!….

    Happy the one meal I do not mind missing is breakfast….
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    But, but, but, Connie you're forgetting the sriracha ❣️👍😇😹
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    see Connie how Laurie engages in most excellent kitchen management? I got rid of 65g of rice AND got rid of the remains of a tub of 0% greek yogurt by utilizing the dog today!!! :lol:

    I gave our dog a slice of turkey kielbasa!….I would be leery of eating some kind “ liquid “ on my eggs!….yuk!…and no kale….if I HAVE to eat an egg, I want it scrambled really done with ketchup on it!…or deviled with a lot of relish in it!….

    Happy the one meal I do not mind missing is breakfast….

    I too must disguise my eggs - lots and lots of sriracha - it is such a "given" I don't write it down anymore :) What I loved about the cottage cheese is how it changed the texture. For some reason (maybe the sodium?) the liquid separated from the eggs so they had a firmer texture. I'd even go so far as saying they had a bit of a "chew"! Woohoo!! Chew isn't easy to come by as a vegetarian - which is probably why I like those fake sausages. And - who said anything about breakfast? These babies were for dinner!!!!

    Lucky pups you have there PAV, with fine tastebuds! My girl won't go near greek yogurt. She has to wait for the grandson and his sweetened vanilla yogurt leavings for her yogurt fix.
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Breakfast was an egg white and tempeh bacon wrap with hot sauce. Lunch is probably going to be an apple and pb2 yogurt dip. Supper is TBD, but will probably involve lentils, roasted tomatoes and....I dunno. We'll see what we can come up with.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    You all would be so proud of my dinner this evening….all for less than 400 calories!….sliced Zuchinni layered with black olive slices, mushroom slices, diced onion, Parmesan cheese and PREGO!…plus a huge salad with light dressing…it’s in the oven and really smells good….husband opted for regular pasta!….we had a really good watermelon this afternoon….dessert tonight is coffee and fiber one brownies….haven’t decided on my snack….can’t wait to read what everyone else is eating!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    Now that sounds good and almost like something Laurie would cook!!!

    I need to go get me some plain greek yogurt... though I'm doing my best to eat my expired (fruity) Yoplaits of which I had a few sitting in the fridge! Given that I started with the oldest ones... I believe I'm fairly safe! I mean I'm moving from expired July 4 to expired July 17 now... this is practically contemporary!!!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Now that sounds good and almost like something Laurie would cook!!!

    I need to go get me some plain greek yogurt... though I'm doing my best to eat my expired (fruity) Yoplaits of which I had a few sitting in the fridge! Given that I started with the oldest ones... I believe I'm fairly safe! I mean I'm moving from expired July 4 to expired July 17 now... this is practically contemporary!!!

    What do you do with all of the plain Greek yogurt?…I only recently started eating the Greek yogurts and I really like them….you are probably safe eating the expired yoplait as long as there is no mold growing in it lol…
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    It does sound delicious, Connie! I would probably add a whack of cottage cheese though :) and .... a sprinkle or ten of sriracha just for the fun of it :D
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    My dinner tonight is going to be awfully skimpy. And that is because I had a long walk today and came back so hungry I ate my lunch, dinner, and 2 snacks almost right away. It almost felt like a binge - but maybe not quite? And it stopped and I'm not hungry now. So maybe for whatever reason I was just really hungry. Probably because that inner demon saw the scale and just couldn't bear seeing a reduction in weight so sent the hunger hormone hamsters on a full out blitz.

    Grandson is coming over and he likes sitting on the bench out front, before bedtime, and eating frozen cherries - so though I have no calories left in my ideal deficit world I MUST join him and that will be dinner o:)
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    We landed on thin sliced chicken breasts, lentils, roasted tomatoes, and roast zucchini. I had a bowl of HaloTop (caramel macchiato, the one flavor I really like) for dessert.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Dinner last night was yummy. Maple glazed salmon, some roasted zucchini that I drizzles some of the glaze on, and garden vegetable rice (one of those 90 second microwave packs).

    Tonight I am making ramen. Have yet to decide if I want chicken in it or not.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    Tonight we are going to try a stir-fry again. Last week the BOY chose that from a picture in a cookbook - but there were just too many "not distinct?" vegetables in there with the golden fried tofu, pineapple and almonds (which he loved). So tonight we'll pare it down to carrots and broccoli (and some ginger that I will leave in big enough pieces to pull out of his bowl). Gotta hand it to this boy - for a five-year-old he is pretty game on the food front.

    What really won him over though was the adventure of cooking some super (really super) fine egg noodles. They are long and straight like spaghetti. I broke them in half and put them in a smallish pot with about 2 inches of noodles poking out diagonally over the rim of the pot. They instantly burst into flames. The BOY loved it. I brought the pot over to the sink, cut the flaming bits off with some kitchen shears, and the noodles that were in the water were already done.

    Stir-fry flambe????
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Sounds exciting lol
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Breakfast today was bell pepper, egg white and seitan chorizo scramble with avocado and homemade hot sauce. Lunch will be leftover lentils and chicken, with pb2 yogurt and an apple for a snack. For supper, husband is making venison burgers (for him) and black bean burgers (for me). I'll probably have a salad too for good measure. If we get out for a bike ride, I'll have enough calories left for an ice-cream treat of some sort.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Boiled shrimp is on the menu for tonight…rice pilaf and steamed broccoli for the sides plus the nightly salad!…also making a peach and blueberry crisp with a crunchy topping….using a little brown sugar, cinnamon and some oats… cool whip but I did see some whip cream in the fridge….see how the calories vs exercise plays out!