Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Ooooh peach blueberry crisp sounds amazing. What time do we eat??
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    5 p.m. lol
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    I forgot to eat breakfast, but had a pulled pork sandwich with chips for lunch, and will have Sweet and Sour Pork for dinner.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I forgot to eat breakfast, but had a pulled pork sandwich with chips for lunch, and will have Sweet and Sour Pork for dinner.

    Sounds great and knowing from your posts, you probably have it ready to go!….I wish I could plan meals, buy groceries, and budget better…..our grocery bill is outrageous!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I wish I could put pictures on my I pad because my Crisp looks amazing!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    I forgot to eat breakfast, but had a pulled pork sandwich with chips for lunch, and will have Sweet and Sour Pork for dinner.

    Sounds great and knowing from your posts, you probably have it ready to go!….I wish I could plan meals, buy groceries, and budget better…..our grocery bill is outrageous!

    I discovered I can batter and fry the pork pieces and freeze them, and then stick them in a low oven on a rack on a sheet pan to warm through. So I'm sitting here 45 minutes before dinner is to be served at my ease; all I have to do is a little work to make the sauce, nuke the packets of rice I premade, nuke some frozen Asian veggies, and cut the garnishing veggies, assemble as necessary, and there we are.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited July 2021
    I discovered I can batter and fry the pork pieces and freeze them, and then stick them in a low oven on a rack on a sheet pan to warm through. So I'm sitting here 45 minutes before dinner is to be served at my ease; all I have to do is a little work to make the sauce, nuke the packets of rice I premade, nuke some frozen Asian veggies, and cut the garnishing veggies, assemble as necessary, and there we are.

    Let's see... dig out big kitten glass container, put on scale, tar, (OK, I know it is 995g but I still do that!)... look through fridge... hey the zucchini has been sitting there since before my last trip... hmm, half of it has a boo-boo, find big kitten knife, cut and throw out that half... rest looks good... rince. Hold zucchini in hand, slice lengthwise twice and then chop in hand and in the air dropping the cut pieces straight into the glass container (261g). Dig up bag of leftover onion, chop off dangling piece of skin, cut in hand (careful, no cutting THE hand), drop in container 46g... start water boiling... find bag of shin light noodles. use knife to open the four-pack. knaw on corner of one pack. Knaw on corner of little packets. spill contents of the three little packets and the noodles in the glass container. 97g EXACTLY (boy does their factory do a good job matching exactly to the nutritional info!)... Oh... the water boiled. Pour 500g.... hmmm... nah, make it 600g. Oh well, 615g. Oh look. The dog's rice is cooling in the microwave. Better take it out. Nuke glass container for 4.5 minutes... add PLAIN 0% greek yogurt to dog's rice (yes her bathroom issues are improving).... Oh... food's ready! Drop off dog bowl on kitchen floor... scurry to computer to eat.

    Sounds just about the same, right?!?!?!?!?!?! :kissing_heart:

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    You got it, PAV. So far for us today...walk to park, play in water and on equipment, walk to chip truck *****CLOSED***** sit down on the little wooden porch and hope. She comes around from behind. We say - wow your hair looks fantastic, Debbie!!!! It does - it is trimmed and bright blue. The pandemic must be just about over.

    We walk home with 3 medium chips. Two for Isaac, me and Laine to share. One for Butch, a neighbour who is always sitting on his front stoop. He loves fries.

    On the way home we stop to watch a helicopter take off from the hospital roof! Wow! LOUD!!!!

    Butch is nowhere to be found. So we knock on the front door of another neighbour - talk her into accepting Butch's chips.

    Get home, wash all those walking germs from our hands, divvy up the chips, add a side of ketchup, put on a Spiderman DVD (original from 1967), lean back on the extra bed in the office (where the tv lives) and thoroughly enjoy the ???? guessing 700 calories worth of chips! Follow up with a Lime Smoothie frozen bar.

  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    edited July 2021
    The dinner was good, though Son didn't partake because Mom wants him to drive back to hometown (which is an hour drive) and switch out cars so she can take the one he's been driving to the shop to get something fixed.

    I'd loan him our car but we only have one and we have to go to Lowes tomorrow so we can repair the wall where the wired connection was run for Son's room.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    But, but, but, Laurie, were the chips still WARM?!?!?!?!
    Sounds good so far!
    Happy Lowes Outing Alexandra!
    Connie did you send me some crisp?
    Have added RX protein bar! And plastic tool to get into external hard drive box and "shuck it"!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    Chips were decent temperature. But not ideal. Next time will take them back to the park - which is much closer.

    Did this before and they were fine - but the helicopter and looking for Butch took time.

    You know your chips!
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Breakfast today was avocado toast with "just egg".
    Lunch is TBD, but will probably be a tuna salad sandwich.
    Best friend is coming over for dinner, and I'm cooking Indian food. An eggplant cherry tomato curry, a chaat salad, and naan (if I get my act together). Dessert will be grilled peaches on yogurt with a honey balsamic glaze.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    I am currently blissfully consuming a patty melt. Dinner will be tacos.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited July 2021
    eliezalot wrote: »
    Breakfast today was avocado toast with "just egg".
    Lunch is TBD, but will probably be a tuna salad sandwich.
    Best friend is coming over for dinner, and I'm cooking Indian food. An eggplant cherry tomato curry, a chaat salad, and naan (if I get my act together). Dessert will be grilled peaches on yogurt with a honey balsamic glaze.

    wow! Me-thinks I want to visit!

    I nuked some "commercially prepared lasagna" for about 340 Cal :wink: Sky got some baby creamer potatoes (nuked at the same time) and plain greek yogurt for protein and probiotics. Rice all day yesterday helped her cause... but... err... I have to go get some more! :blush:

    Sky was thankfully not paying too much attention and missed the black bear eating garbage by the Salvation Army parking lot. She went looking for him, but failed to find him, up at the area we drove to (about 4km away, but the areas are contiguous). "Evidence" points out that he had been by there earlier in the day or the day before!

    I'm not too keen on all the people throwing food left-overs out "for the wild animals" :neutral:

    Patty melt would feel much right now; but, glad you're enjoying!!!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Went back to school shopping with my daughter and both grands all day!…Whew!…glad I usually shop solo…..Amanda bought my lunch for part of my birthday gift next week…..I had a great Greek salad and one very small slice of pizza….the rest of them had huge Calzones with pounds of cheese and pepperoni oozing out of it….oh well, mine was great and I can have dinner lol….turkey kielbasa,air fryer fries, mixed vegetables, and sliced cucumbers with dressing….
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »

    I'm not too keen on all the people throwing food left-overs out "for the wild animals" :neutral:

    Patty melt would feel much right now; but, glad you're enjoying!!!

    Yeah, feeding the birds is one thing but not anything that can raid the trash cans and make more work for me.

    Patty melts are heavy, but tacos are light, so it sort of works out for me.

  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    eliezalot wrote: »
    Breakfast today was avocado toast with "just egg".
    Lunch is TBD, but will probably be a tuna salad sandwich.
    Best friend is coming over for dinner, and I'm cooking Indian food. An eggplant cherry tomato curry, a chaat salad, and naan (if I get my act together). Dessert will be grilled peaches on yogurt with a honey balsamic glaze.

    Dinner also now includes a wild mushroom garam masala pilaf. Not that I went overboard and now have enough food to feed 12 people...
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Went back to school shopping with my daughter and both grands all day!…Whew!…glad I usually shop solo…..Amanda bought my lunch for part of my birthday gift next week…..I had a great Greek salad and one very small slice of pizza….the rest of them had huge Calzones with pounds of cheese and pepperoni oozing out of it….oh well, mine was great and I can have dinner lol….turkey kielbasa,air fryer fries, mixed vegetables, and sliced cucumbers with dressing….

    How fun! My grandma used to take us all back to school shopping, and it was such a treat!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    eliezalot wrote: »
    eliezalot wrote: »
    Breakfast today was avocado toast with "just egg".
    Lunch is TBD, but will probably be a tuna salad sandwich.
    Best friend is coming over for dinner, and I'm cooking Indian food. An eggplant cherry tomato curry, a chaat salad, and naan (if I get my act together). Dessert will be grilled peaches on yogurt with a honey balsamic glaze.

    Dinner also now includes a wild mushroom garam masala pilaf. Not that I went overboard and now have enough food to feed 12 people...

    Where exactly do you live????? :)
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Not for me to eat (for I cannot) but I have a massive crockpot of ham and beans simmering away....It's for the family reunion.
