Daily Check In

MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
This page will be used exclusively for daily check ins! Don't forget to check in on a daily basis! You can copy and past the format from the home page :-)


  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Check in today: 8/23/13
    Did I follow my diet? just about, 60 something cals over
    Did i drink enough water? could use some more
    Cardio? Lots of walking today and cleaning
    Abs? nah, took a break
    Did I do the challenge? I haven't posted a challenge yet, but I do have a challenge in a another group that I 1/2 followed
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes, both my multi and vit D
    How do I feel about my day? I'm pumped because I'm ON VACATION!! I haven't taken a long vacation since Christmas! I'm on vacation until after Labor Day. So this will be a challenge to eat right being out of my usual routine, especially when we head to Cape Cod for a few days! So excited!
  • Pizazz16
    Pizazz16 Posts: 295 Member
    Hi, Julie! Are we starting today? If so . . .

    Did I follow my diet today? [Yes, up until dinner, then I fell off about 133 calories.]
    Did I drink enough water? [No. I usually do very well with this, but not today. My focus was on spring cleaning.]
    Cardio: (what and how long) [No. Started mowing the lawn and got rained out BIGTIME.]
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) [Uh, negative.]
    Challenge completed? [?]
    Did I take my vitamin? [No. I should buy some. :blushing: ]
    How do I feel about my day? [Happy that my laundry room is clean and organized, but not so happy about my lack of exercise and "diet." If I get off MFP I can at least make it to bed for my 8 hours of sleep and that will make me happy. :happy: ]

    Name: [Pizazz]
    Date: [August 23, 2013]
    Starting weight: [190 lbs.]
    Last week's weight: [171 lbs.]
    This week's weight: [I usually weigh in on Mondays, so not sure yet.]
    Weight loss so far: [19 lbs. total since beginning MFP]
    What can I do to improve? [STAY FOCUSED on weightloss and what it takes to get there . . . even when spring cleaning, etc., and not get bummed out when I don't. :ohwell:]
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Hi! And welcome! daily check in is every evening and weigh in is on Wednesday! Tell friends about the group!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Check in today: 8/24/13
    Did I follow my diet? yep! Under my cal goal
    Did i drink enough water? could use some more
    Cardio? Lots of walking today while shopping, and some laundry
    Abs? nah I need to do that!
    Did I do the challenge? I haven't posted a challenge yet, but I do have a challenge in a another group that I 1/2 followed
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes, both my multi and vit D I will take before I go to sleep
    How do I feel about my day? Today was so nice. I got to enjoy my time with my daughter this morning and play and snuggle! I went to my spa pedicure and manicure with my gift card I got from my husband and daughter for mother's day. It was so nice and I'm feeling pampered/prettier. I'm just looking forward to continuing to lose weight! I got on the scale today and I'm nearly 240, can't wait to get into the 230s and keep going. I just have to KEEP GOING to get to my goal!! I hope more people join my group so I can have others to help keep my motivated. Having more members makes me think more about being responsible for the group and therefore my weight loss!
  • Pizazz16
    Pizazz16 Posts: 295 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? [Yes, and was under my calorie goal.]
    Did I drink enough water? [I got 6 (8 oz.) glasses in. Could've used about 2-4 more - glasses, that is.]
    Cardio: (what and how long) [No. :blushing:]
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) [Nope, but I need to.]
    Challenge completed? [?]
    Did I take my vitamin? [No. Still need to buy some. Maybe this week?]
    How do I feel about my day? [:grumble: Totally discouraged at my lack of discipline. I can overcome!]

    Name: [Pizazz]
    Date: [August 24, 2013]
    Starting weight: [190 lbs.]
    Last week's weight: [171 lbs.]
    This week's weight: [I usually weigh in on Mondays, so not sure yet.]
    Weight loss so far: [19 lbs. total since beginning MFP]
    What can I do to improve? [Get back on track bright and early tomorrow morning.]

    @MetalPisces: Thanks for the welcome, and I see you have 8 members now. Hope they remember to post. Never give up. You have a great attitude. So happy for you to have enjoyed a little pampering today. I love mani/pedi's! :bigsmile:

    We will reach our goals. I appreciate the encouragement and hope I can do the same. See ya at tomorrow's check-in, and I really hope to be able to give a good report.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks so much! I will come up with a challenge on Wednesday! You don't have to weigh in everyday, just on Wednesdays! Hopefully more people will post who have joined the group!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Check in today: 8/25/13
    Did I follow my diet? yep! Under my cal goal
    Did i drink enough water? nah, did good today
    Cardio? Lots of walking today, TONS of laundry/cleaning
    Abs? nah I need to do that!
    Did I do the challenge? 1/2, gotta do those crunches before bed
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes, both my multi and vit D I will take before I go to sleep
    How do I feel about my day? I did a TON of laundry today. I want there to be next to NO laundry when we leave to go to Cape Cod. I have some more to do around the house to clean up. And next week the hubby and I are gonna PURGE the house to get rid of stuff. He also has some incentive to clean out the garage and I will be MORE than happy to help him b/c it hasn't been clean for years. My goal is to clean out the porch. I love the fall and like to sit out their to read and drink tea. I'm thinking it would also be a good exercise room, it's so cool in the fall and winter, it'd be comfortable! I'm pumped for our championship game tomorrow for softball can't wait!
  • Pizazz16
    Pizazz16 Posts: 295 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? [Yes. Under calorie goal.]
    Did I drink enough water? [Yes.]
    Cardio: (what and how long) [Yes. I took a 60 minute 4 mile walk first thing this morning.]
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) [No.]
    Challenge completed? [?]
    Did I take my vitamin? [No. Keep forgetting to put it on my grocery list.]
    How do I feel about my day? [SO excited about getting my "want to" back to exercise. Feeling good about this week and enjoying todays rain.]

    Name: [Pizazz]
    Date: [August 25, 2013]
    Starting weight: [190 lbs.]
    Last week's weight: [171 lbs.]
    This week's weight: [Wednesday will be here before I know it.]
    Weight loss so far: [19 lbs. total since beginning MFP]
    What can I do to improve? [I already have improved, because I haven't let my "slump" sabotage me completely. I'm finally back on the proverbial "horse," and looking forward to gaining momentum. :happy: ]

    P.S. - Good luck with your softball game tomorrow, Julie.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Thank you! Looking to bring home that TROPHY!! (I've always loved trophies, lol)
  • Name: Deirdre
    Check in today: 26/08/13
    Did I follow my diet? yes
    Did i drink enough water? Need to drink more
    Cardio? Gym later on
    Abs? yes
    Did I take my vitamin? no
    How do I feel about my day? good so far
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Great to see you post Deirdre!! Thanks again for joining my group! Having others really helps me stay motivated, I hope it helps you too!
  • jhiqui
    jhiqui Posts: 53 Member
    Name: Laura
    Check in today: 26/08/13
    Did I follow my diet? No, a bit of a crazy day involving biscuits, cake etc., but only because we were visiting relatives and friends!
    Did i drink enough water? Almost, still working on it
    Cardio? Oh yes!
    Abs? Does Insanity count? Some abs involved.
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes!
    How do I feel about my day? Fab day, climbed a (smallish) mountain with my boys and did a lot of socializing but still got my workout in.

    My target for tomorrow is to cut out all wheat!
  • Pizazz16
    Pizazz16 Posts: 295 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? [No. Really rough day.]
    Did I drink enough water? [Could've used about 2 glasses more.]
    Cardio: (what and how long) [Yes. Walked 4 miles again today.]
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) [No.]
    Challenge completed? [?]
    Did I take my vitamin? [No.]
    How do I feel about my day? [SO much rain today. Hubby and I got rained on while walking this morning. It was a tough day to get through emotionally. Hoping tomorrow is better.]
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Date: 8/26/13
    Did I follow my diet today? eh, I was still under my calorie goal...but I had pizza and beer after our game last night
    Did I drink enough water? could had more
    Cardio: (what and how long) yes softball!
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) I'm sure some core work was done during softball, but no
    Challenge completed? 1/2
    Did I take my vitamin? always! Multi vit and vit d
    How do I feel about my day? Awesome day! My softball team won the championship!! It was a great! I'm gonna miss my team though, it's my Monday night routine. We're just a bunch of misfits that happened to play really well together. We don't have any "power hitters" or anyone that is spectacular, we just work well together as a TEAM. It'll be fun to play with them again next year. Went out to the bar we play for after the game and the bar bought us pizzas and one of the guys bought a round of beer. Haven't done that for a long time (momma duties keep me home most of the time). Great day!! But not that softball is over I'm going to have to get on the stationary bike as a replacement and buckle down and do the challenges more diligently.

    Thanks for posting everyone!! KEEP IT UP!!
  • jhiqui
    jhiqui Posts: 53 Member
    Did I follow my diet? I was so close, but I still had some biscuits around that my son had made and I had to either bin them or eat them...
    Did i drink enough water? I am approaching 10 cups! Yay!
    Cardio? Couch 2 5k week 2, Insanity, and I did my son's rugby training circuit with him...
    Abs? A few crunches, but not quite enough!
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes!
    How do I feel about my day? OK, I feel so exhausted now and I really shouldn't have weighed myself this evening, it is always so disappointing to find no change!
  • Pizazz16
    Pizazz16 Posts: 295 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? [No. Focusing too much on getting kids ready for school and not enough on me.]
    Did I drink enough water? [A little less than I would have liked.]
    Cardio: (what and how long) [No.]
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) [No.]
    Challenge completed? [?]
    Did I take my vitamin? [No.]
    How do I feel about my day? [I've disappointed myself, but I'm glad to have a family that loves me, and friends on MFP to encourage me.]
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet ? Pretty much was slightly under with exercise
    Did I drink enough water? Yes,
    Cardio: (what and how long) packing for vacation like crazy
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) [No.]
    Challenge completed? 1/2
    Did I take my vitamin? No I forgot to pack them!!!!
    How do I feel about my day? I had a great day!! It so nice to be seeing family!!! I'm hoping the weather clears up so we ca go to the beach
  • jhiqui
    jhiqui Posts: 53 Member
    Did I follow my diet ? Nowhere near, but I just about made up for it with exercise
    Did I drink enough water? Could do with a bit more...
    Cardio: Walking the dog, gardening and insanity
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) Insanity cardio abs (it was tough...)
    Challenge completed? Yes!
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes!
    How do I feel about my day? I could have eaten so much better, but I'm happy I got over my tiredness and did a lot more than I had planned today! :)
  • Pizazz16
    Pizazz16 Posts: 295 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? [No, but I was still under my calorie goal. Need. to. buy. groceries.]
    Did I drink enough water? [Yes.]
    Cardio: (what and how long) [No.]
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) [No.]
    Challenge completed? [No.]
    Did I take my vitamin? [No.]
    How do I feel about my day? [Really tired today. I'm realizing how it affects me when I don't eat well and every 3 hours. Must do better.]
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet ? Pretty much was slightly under with exercise
    Did I drink enough water? Could have used more
    Cardio: (what and how long): lots of walk and playing with the baby
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) spent a good 20 min bent over holding my daughter teaching her how to walk
    Challenge completed? Yes as in was the previous challenge still today
    Did I take my vitamin? No I forgot to pack them!!!!
    How do I feel about my day? Went into Falmouth today and had a great lunch at a British pub by the ocean. Walked up and down the beach, it was the first time the baby saw the ocean!!! The weather had been crappier earlier so we were not prepared but I got her to the water and she wanted to go right in!! No fear just like her mama!! She really kept me busy today. I got to see my uncle who is in hospice, he was having a good day today so he was happy to see all of us. Going to the beach tomorrow prepared and can't wait to get the baby in the water! And me in the water!!!