Daily Check In



  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? noooooooooooo, but I got under my goal
    Did I drink enough water? um...not today, and usually I'm so good about that
    Cardio: walking and got on the stationary bike, yay!
    Abs: yep, 100 crunches
    Challenge completed? YES! yay!
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed
    how do I feel about my day? Well I've been stuck but I haven't been doing much about it. Got lazy after the babies birthday but seeing some yo yo-ing got me back on track. I promise to be better about posting! I want to get to my goals, I can't do that by just concentrating on food. My body LIKES to drop weight with the activity. Today was such a busy day and I'm mentally exhausted. I'm sure I've mentioned I'm a substance abuse therapist at a detox for kids. Sometimes the work can just drain you brain! Today was one of those days. I feel like I can't catch up! I will though, but it'll be tough with a 1/2 day tm. Hoping I can get everything done that I need to.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? yes
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: not today
    Abs: not today
    Challenge completed? not today
    Did I take my vitamin? yep
    how do I feel about my day? I'm just happy it's Friday. I had a filling today, so my mouth hurts, I have a wicked headache, thinking it's time for bed.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? kinda under goal after MUCH standing
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: lots of standing and some cleaning
    Abs: nope
    Challenge completed? 1/2
    Did I take my vitamin? yep
    how do I feel about my day? Well today is my bestie's 30th birthday and she is up from CT for a party!! All the babies got to be together and it was so much fun!!! Aside from my friend's daughter trying to choke out mine a couple times and being rough (they are both 1 and really don't know better) it was busy with 4 babies! Had some awesome Kibe for dinner that my bestie's dad made. soooooo good!! Also this morning was marked by me getting my early Christmas present. I finally got a pistol! I've had my LTC for quite a while but not my own gun. Got a Rugar LC9 and I love it. It's compact, easy to field strips, easy to conceal, just what I was looking for!!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? yep
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: sationary bike for 1/2 hour
    Abs: 100 standing crunches
    Challenge completed? yep
    Did I take my vitamin? I will when I go take my shower
    how do I feel about my day? uh....I was not a huge fan of this Monday at all. I didn't get to do everything I wanted to at work, which stresses me out, and I had some technical difficulties (phone and network wasn't work) until 11. On the other hand I had great food today, left overs from the pot roast I made yesterday and I had already put a corned beef meal in the crock this morning. God I love this time of year and using the crock with the cool weather, changing leaves, gorgeous temps, and cute babies (like mine) in pigtails and sweatshirts!! Overall I love life. I want to get a fire restarted under my butt to keep losing weight, I've been stagnant for 2 weeks, it's time to push through it.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Well I haven't check in in a while, sooooo here it goes :-)

    Did I follow my diet today? yep
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: nope
    Abs: nope
    Challenge completed? nope
    Did I take my vitamin? yep
    how do I feel about my day? My back is hurting me so much it's giving me chest pains...ibuprofen and muscle relaxers for me....

    Did I follow my diet today? yep
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: cleaning and cooking
    Abs: nope
    Challenge completed? 1/2
    Did I take my vitamin? yep
    how do I feel about my day? still having probs with my back but I did manage to not be sedentary

    I will post today's check in later on :-)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? yep (cept for the munchkins at work)
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: stationary bike for 1/2 hr average speed 12 mph
    Abs: 100 crunches
    Challenge completed? yep
    Did I take my vitamin? yep
    How did I feel about my day? I can't wait for Friday! I'm hoping for another loss and to maybe see the 220s soon. I want to fit into my jeans so badly!!! Also...I just need new clothes...even the ones that fit are getting old, don't fit right, worn out. I can't wait to be able to do all of my shopping in normal stores again...it'll come...I"m glad I could get back on the bike. My back has been killing me, I think there is something wrong may be a trip to the docs in my future
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? kinda
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: cooking, cleaning, general momma stuff
    Abs: 100 standing crunches
    Challenge completed? yep
    Did I take my vitamin(s)? before bed like usually, D and Multi
    How do I feel about my day? My mom made italian sausage and bean soup that I had for lunch that was so yummy! However there was also a large piece of banana bread with butterscotch chips, so yummy, but def upped my lunch more than usual. I'm still feeling hungry tonight, but maybe it's because I'm thirsty perhaps I will go get a drink. My poor baby has like 4 teeth cutting through and she was drooling and miserable but full of energy too, It's tough to be 1, haha. She's so beautiful and my inspiration to be better, and that includes being a healthier momma! Gotta refocus and kick some *kitten* this week :-)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? kinda, I did so much today I could have a lil more than usual!
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: cooking, cleaning, general momma stuff, 1/2 walk pushing the lil one in her carriage :-)
    Abs: none today
    Challenge completed? well, I def did more than enough cardio, with all the cleaning and scrubbing I did, I think that makes up for the no arm work
    Did I take my vitamin(s)? before bed like usually, D and Multi
    How do I feel about my day? It was a gorgeous fall day out today! Took the baby for a 1/2 hr walk, she loved it! Was a bit chilly but I had her all bundled up :-) I did so much in the house today! 2 sinks full of dishes hand washed, scrubbed the stove, vacuumed the whole house (including corners of the ceiling), 2 loads of laundry, played with the baby for a while, just so much! I enjoyed the rest of an anime I've been watching while my husband and daughter were napping, and now the Red Sox are on, hoping they win game 3!! I'm bummed I gotta go to work tomorrow but, it's only a 1/2 day. Gotta go grocery shopping, starting to run out of everything...
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? yep
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: grocery shopping, 45 min of walking
    Abs: none today
    Challenge completed? uh, 1/2
    Did I take my vitamin(s)? before bed like usually, D and Multi
    How do I feel about my day? had to work today, very busy, then went grocery shopping with my mom, got home, relaxed and spent time with my hubby and lil girl :-)

    Did I follow my diet today? oh yah
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: cooking, cleaning, general momma stuff, 1/2 hr on the stationary bike
    Abs: none today
    Challenge completed? yes, did the arm work with resistance bands, 20 lbs, and the bike for cardio
    Did I take my vitamin(s)? before bed like usually, D and Multi
    How do I feel about my day? Feeling awesome about my exercise today! So happy I got the challenge done!!! Also the sox won game 5, so that was AWESOME, when Gomes got the home run I had the scream in silence b/c my daughter and husband were already asleep!! Love world series baseball :-)

    Did I follow my diet today? uh, not a great day, but ok!
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: cooking, cleaning, general momma stuff
    Abs: none today
    Challenge completed? day of rest
    Did I take my vitamin(s)? before bed like usually, D and Multi
    How do I feel about my day? I feel crappy, woman stuff, feeling lazy, unmotivated, and bloated, that is all!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member

    Did I follow my diet today? yep, until the candy!
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: lots of walking shopping, cooking, and chasing the kiddo!
    Abs: none today
    Challenge completed? almost, cardio done, arms kinds with all the lifting I did!
    Did I take my vitamin(s)? yep
    How do I feel about my day? I am just so happy its the weekend! I just want to relax and do things around the house and outside. Gotta take the Halloween stuff down and just have fall stuff up. I have a lot of work to do! I hope the weather cooperates. I really need to pull weeds to prep the yard for spring. There is also a TON of leaves down. Need to get a dump pass so I can dump at the town compost. So tomorrow will be a good day with exercise. I'm so happy to be down another 2 lbs and get out of the 230s. I'm so close to getting back into my old clothes, and then I want to get PAST those into smaller new clothes!!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? candy again, but I did so much activity it's like it never happened!
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: lots of cleaning, took a walk with the baby, dog and hubby, cooking, a various other picking up
    Abs: none today
    Challenge completed? only a 1/3 with the cardio
    Did I take my vitamin(s)? I will before dinner
    How do I feel about my day? An enjoyable Saturday. The weather was gorgeous and I did a lot of cleaning in the house including dishes, fixing the dishwashers wheel, cleaning out the closet, separating clothes and getting rid of things that are too big or out of style, playing with the baby, watching some anime, yummy dinner, life is good!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? yes
    Did I drink enough water? um, probably not
    Cardio: lots of cleaning, walking
    Abs: none today
    Challenge completed? only a 1/3 with the cardio
    Did I take my vitamin(s)? I will before bed time
    How do I feel about my day? I'm not feeling so well today, but it was a good day. My friend started a tupperware business so I went and Claire go to hang out with some kiddos, and my hubby got to have some man time with my friend's husband. So that was fun. Got grocery shopping done and I'm going to be having a yummy crock pot dinner tomorrow, yay!!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    I haven't checked in for a couple days but I've been on track! It was a rough day lights savings time weekend with my daughter....she did not adjust well and was up 3 nights in a row with various ailments, so I was very.....uh....zombie like, will check in tonight!! I've been keeping my diary and losing weight!!!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Check in today: 11/7/13
    Did I follow my diet? splurged on lunch today
    Did i drink enough water? def enough
    Cardio? cleaning 60 min, stationary bike 30, plus challenge calisthenics
    Abs? yes! 100 crunches
    Did I do the challenge? Yes! Cardio, abs, and lunges
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes, both my multi and vit D, before bed
    How do I feel about my day? I was so bored at work today because I had little to do so I rearranged the treatment team room, re-did one of the signs, and a few other things. I'm looking into getting back into school as well so that I can get my continued advance graduate studies and get licensed. That's one of my big goals aside weight loss! Awesome non scale victory, wore a size 16 pants today to work! woooo!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Check in today: 11/11/13
    Did I follow my diet? under cal
    Did i drink enough water? plenty
    Cardio? cleaning (bring clothes upstairs, hanging them, putting them away, putting dishes away, will it ever end?)
    Abs? 200 crunches
    Did I do the challenge? yep abs and cardio
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes, both my multi and vit D
    How do I feel about my day? Well today is Veterans Day, so at work I decided that I would educated the kids about what the holiday means since most of them had no idea (thank public school system). They actually were really happy to learn about it, why it's important, and learned talked about family who or vets or how they could honor current Vets. Our unit is pretty heavy on having boys right now too so they enjoyed talking about the armed forces (what teen boy doesn't?) I'm glad that I could be the person that taught them about our country, our relationship with other companies, and to learn an American value that has somehow lost it's meaning....
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet? under cal
    Did i drink enough water? plenty
    Cardio? cleaning
    Abs? rest
    Did I do the challenge? did cleaning, but otherwise a day off
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes, both my multi and vit D
    How do I feel about my day? Very tired today for some reason, but a good day overall. Very busy day at work, so it was nice and went by fast. Love days like that.

    Did I follow my diet? under cal
    Did i drink enough water? plenty
    Cardio? cleaning/cooking/general running around at work
    Abs? 200 crunches
    Did I do the challenge? yep abs and cardio
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes, both my multi and vit D
    How do I feel about my day? Hump day!! I'm looking forward to being on vacation!! I have a 1/2 day on Friday and then I'm off until the following Sunday! It's a stay-cation and my father in law and his g/f are coming to visit! I can't wait to see them, and they are excited to see our daughter. Should be an excellent week!
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member

    Name: Heather
    Did I follow my diet today? I was within my cals, but went tinch over on fat and sodium.
    Did I drink enough water? Only about half of what I should have.
    Cardio: (what and how long) Walking for about 40 minutes
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) none
    Challenge completed? starting challenge once new one is posted friday since I joined the group mid week.
    Did I take my vitamin? currently dont take any, but will be looking into it next pay day.
    How do I feel about my day? I had school today and had to eat out between classes after leaving my packed lunch at home. :( But glad I kept it within my calorie limit!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Did I follow my diet? under cal, I just couldn't resist that candy tho!
    Did i drink enough water? plenty like always
    Cardio? cooking, and 30 minutes on the stationary bike with some serious tough "terrain" (my bike has a weight loss program on it)
    Abs? 200 crunches (man it NUTS to do that many)
    Did I do the challenge? hell ya! feeling good
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes, both my multi and vit D will be taken before bed per usual!
    How do I feel about my day? only a 1/2 day left until i'm on vacation! I'm hoping to get some good outside activity done, especially walks since the weather is supposed to warm up and I can take my baby out for walks 10 days in a row since I'll be ON VACATION!!! woooooooooooo! I'm also really excited that there is a new member to the group posting! Thanks so much Heather!
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Name: Heather
    Did I follow my diet today? I ROCKED IT!
    Did I drink enough water? Nope, drank a lot of soda though... It was diet. Im addicted :(
    Cardio: (what and how long) Walked for 25 min, gardened all morning, cleaned my kitchen and my grandmothers.
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) My abs hurt, though I didnt actually work them out. I am sure they got a good burn while I was shoveling dirt today though.
    Challenge completed? starting challenge once new one is posted friday since I joined the group mid week.
    Did I take my vitamin? currently dont take any, but will be looking into it next pay day.
    How do I feel about my day? I feel liked today rocked and I cant wait to get back in my garden on sunday to plant some more bulbs.

    (I am excited to be a part of an active group!)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Did I follow my diet? under cal, coulda probably made some better choices at McDonald's but I wanted a burger!
    Did i drink enough water? plenty like always
    Cardio? LOTS of walking with my mother today
    Abs? nah, exhausted by the time I got home
    Did I do the challenge? 1/2
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes, both my multi and vit D will be taken before bed per usual!
    How do I feel about my day? I'm happy I didn't have a gain this week, especially with how I ate, thank god I'm so busy all the time. I'm on vacation!! Yay! Tonight I had to get too fillings for my teeth :-( only have 1 more left to do (thank god) and then I will have a break from the dentist, although he'll be sad because I'm his "easiest" client. I got hit with novacaine at 4:20, couldn't feel my face until like....9:30 stuff last so long for me! So I ate dinner and my lip tonight....lol