Daily Check In



  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Did I follow my diet today?Went over on sodium (I can't let this holiday ham go to waste!)
    Did I drink enough water? I went over!
    Cardio: (what and how long)3 hours of cleaning the downstairs, climbing on and off ladders outside to hang christmas decorations, put up 4 christmas trees, and made multiple trips up and down stairs to bring the decoration boxes up and back down from the basement!
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) No
    Challenge completed? Off day and SO ready to start the christmas challenge!
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? I rocked today. And I am so glad I got ALL my decorating done in one day! Now if I could just get all my shopping done like that!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    For 11/30/13

    Did I follow my diet today? uh...um..Red Robin, YUM!!!
    Did I drink enough water? um.....almost!
    Cardio: (what and how long) cleaned/put up Christmas decorations in the house (up and down stairs too), and walked around with fam after lunch :-)
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) not today
    Challenge completed? Challenge starts 12/1!!
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes before bed
    How do I feel about my day? Welp today we cleaned up the house a bit. I'm so happy that I've been keeping u with keeping it cleaning because it was just vac-ing and wiping down things, did some laundry, and decorated the inside of the house! Seriously, I have the best little one year old on the planet. She checked out all the decorations on her level (stockings) and decided she would just leave them alone! ::swipes head:: wooooo! Then my bro in law, sister in law and niece come over and we went out to Reb Robin to celebrate them being pregnant! yay!! Their oldest daughter is 12 (had her young) but they are wanting to have more kids! I'm so excited for them! It makes me think even more about losing weight for when I have baby number 2. I want to be stronger, fitter, and healthy! I had a very healthy pregnancy with my daughter but I don't want to push my luck. This news really helped me refocus!
  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes
    Did I drink enough water? Yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) 60 minutes of Zumba World Fitness, 15 minutes Wii Fit step (but on a riser to make it more of an actual step)
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) 50 minutes of Zumba Core
    Challenge completed? No
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? Well I followed the calorie count and did a decent amount of exercise but skipped breakfast and lunch and had all my calories for dinner. I don't know what I was thinking---
  • bunbu
    bunbu Posts: 131
    Did I follow my diet today? I have no diet anymore but I do try not to eat so much junk or over eat.
    Did I drink enough water? Nope Ive been bad again. Does tea count?
    Cardio: (what and how long) I biked forever again 111 miles! BOOHAA
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) Yep, it was ab day. Did about 30 mins of abs.
    Challenge completed? YES, I have to complete it cuz its mine and im doing it with my skimble group!
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes i did. I even went to sams to stock up again so im good for 3 more months.
    How do I feel about my day?I feel great! I fit in my size 7 pants from high school. I was styling when mom and I went to sams club. Hubby is proud of me for doing so well. He said hes bringing my wedding dress when he comes up cuz its at his moms house in texas. I should for sure fit in it. Still have over 3 weeks before i see him so alot of time to loose inches and maybe pounds. Life is good! :)
  • bunbu
    bunbu Posts: 131
    For 11/30/13

    Did I follow my diet today? uh...um..Red Robin, YUM!!!
    Did I drink enough water? um.....almost!
    Cardio: (what and how long) cleaned/put up Christmas decorations in the house (up and down stairs too), and walked around with fam after lunch :-)
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) not today
    Challenge completed? Challenge starts 12/1!!
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes before bed
    How do I feel about my day? Welp today we cleaned up the house a bit. I'm so happy that I've been keeping u with keeping it cleaning because it was just vac-ing and wiping down things, did some laundry, and decorated the inside of the house! Seriously, I have the best little one year old on the planet. She checked out all the decorations on her level (stockings) and decided she would just leave them alone! ::swipes head:: wooooo! Then my bro in law, sister in law and niece come over and we went out to Reb Robin to celebrate them being pregnant! yay!! Their oldest daughter is 12 (had her young) but they are wanting to have more kids! I'm so excited for them! It makes me think even more about losing weight for when I have baby number 2. I want to be stronger, fitter, and healthy! I had a very healthy pregnancy with my daughter but I don't want to push my luck. This news really helped me refocus!

    Oh yeah if u can wait till u have ur almost dream body or dream body, u will be able to bounce back after giving birth. Plus breastfeeding and walking or biking and the pound u gained while prego will drop off and ur tummy will go down alot too. Ive had friends do this and its amazing how good they look after only giving birth a few weeks ago. They had pics on fb so other mothers to be or friends that r going to have kids have a heads up. So cant wait to have kids of my own but i probably have another year to wait then ill join u in the picking up and trying to juggle a very busy life with a kid. Don;t know how u do it but Im sure u will have tips for me :P lol
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Almost- too much sweets and sodium. I REALLY need to re-examine what I eat and find a way to fix this.
    Did I drink enough water? a few glasses shy
    Cardio: (what and how long) I got my walk in, and did my hundred jumping jacks
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? YES (my boy friend seemed very amused watching me do that)
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? I worked today. ALL day I have been totally exhausted, even though I got 8 hours of sleep, and a nap in this after noon before going to the office. I just could not wake up today. I am off again for the next 3 days, so hopefully I can catch up on rest and get more house work done :)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? yes, just over on sugar
    Did I drink enough water? plenty
    Cardio: (what and how long) some general cleaning/decorating
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? no, I got home past 7 pm so had dinner right after that, my belly was too full to jump around! I promise to make it up tomorrow!
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes before bed as usual!
    How do I feel about my day? just a LONG Monday. It was a very busy day at work today and I didn't get to finish everything I needed to. I was able to decorate my office though!! I also got to set up a train around our Christmas Tree!! (part of the reason I was late getting home) I stopped at my dad's to pick up track, a transformer, and he had me borrow a train set so he can check mine out and see if it's working ok. The baby thought it was awesome but wanted to touch it SO bad, but, she can't! She did pretty good just watching it though! Our tree is in a room that is gated off from her and the dogs so I won't have to worry about it. I'm bummed I didn't get to the challenge, but I will do it tomorrow.
  • bunbu
    bunbu Posts: 131
    Did I follow my diet today? I have no diet anymore but I do try not to eat so much junk or over eat.
    Did I drink enough water? Nope Ive been bad again. Does tea count?
    Cardio: (what and how long) I biked forever again 76 miles almost 77
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) Yep, challenge had planking in it so yep
    Challenge completed? YES, I have to complete it cuz its mine and im doing it with my skimble group!
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes i did in the morning like always.
    How do I feel about my day? Im happy, hubby comes to the states dec 12th. I dont get to see him till dec 31st or jan 1st but at least hes in the states and can see his family. Just wish I could see him first. Not fair! I sound like a little girl but its hard when the person u love the most is gone for so long and u only got to see them 11 days of this year :(
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes on cals, not so much on all else.
    Did I drink enough water? No
    Cardio: (what and how long) No
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) Just the challenge planking
    Challenge completed? Yes!
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? I had a lazy day. Just sat around and net surfed and read a book.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member

    Did I follow my diet today? yep, just a lil over on fat and sugar
    Did I drink enough water? def, 10 cups
    Cardio: (what and how long) walking in the grocery shopping and the challenge
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) Just the challenge planking
    Challenge completed? Yes! 100 jumping jacks, 2 1 min planks, 3 sets of lunges
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes before bed I will!
    How do I feel about my day? well I'm glad I got the challenge in! The jumping jacks were harder than I thought. So I did the planks and lunges in between them :-) I still have a lot of weight to throw around, but I got it!! I'm looking forward to a loss this week, I can feel it!!
  • bunbu
    bunbu Posts: 131
    Did I follow my diet today? I have no diet anymore but I do try not to eat so much junk or over eat.
    Did I drink enough water? Yep but i put some crystal light in it. Still counts i think.
    Cardio: (what and how long) I biked forever again 76
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) Yep, challenge had planking in it so yep
    Challenge completed? YES, I have to complete it cuz its mine and im doing it with my skimble group!
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes i did in the morning like always.
    How do I feel about my day? I feel good although hubby must of had duty today cuz i got no texts from him :( I'll hear from him tomorrow though :)
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Only went over on sugar
    Did I drink enough water? Not a single glass! Oops
    Cardio: (what and how long) Yes, went power walking down town
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) No
    Challenge completed? Yes
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? I got a ton done again today. My power walk was due to having to rush from a parking meter to the school board office and back before my 30 minute parking meter ran out. I made it, out of breath, but I made it :) I also had to go to the optometrist and get my glasses adjusted because I have lost just enough weight in my face they are falling off. I finished my night out at the bar with my guy watching him and his crew do some stand up comedy. I made my drinks fit in my calorie limit this time too :)
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes
    Did I drink enough water? No
    cardio: yes cleanedbthe kitchen and walked
    Vitamin? No :( i will take it in the morning
    How do I feel about my day? Today was the last dayn of classes, and I got to see ny little niece in the hospital today. She is 5 months old this week and still in the NICU. She is such a cutie though. I skipped the challenge today due to everything else going on.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    For 12/4/13
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes
    Did I drink enough water? almost
    cardio: yes cleaned, organized, put up Christmas decorations
    Challenge:no, I totally fell asleep on the couch with my daughter and didn't get to do it
    Vitamin? yes as always
    How do I feel about my day? I was just exhausted today for some reason (well I have been going to bed late the past few days). It just caught up to me and we were so snugglie on the couch! Also I don't even know if I could have done the challenge, my legs were killing me!! I was thinking of substitution the 100 jumping jax for 100 abs since my legs are not cooperating.
  • bunbu
    bunbu Posts: 131
    Did I follow my diet today? I have no diet anymore but I do try not to eat so much junk or over eat.
    Did I drink enough water? Nope Ive been bad again.
    Cardio: (what and how long) I biked forever again 83 miles
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) Yep, challenge had planking in it so yep
    Challenge completed? YES, I have to complete it cuz its mine and im doing it with my skimble group!
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes i did in the morning like always.
    How do I feel about my day? I feel great and might be making a new diet to uncover my lower abs. Got 3 weeks before i see hubby so gotta look hot so hubby knows how hard i worked. Although i know he will be happy no matter what. Oh so cant wait to hug him and kiss him and cuddle.
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? I was way under cal today, but I have some great tips from great friends on my wall on how to prevent this in the future.
    Did I drink enough water?I had a ton of water today
    Cardio: (what and how long) I walked for over an hour
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) Yep, The challenge planks
    Challenge completed? I found today that I will have to alter part of the challenge. I have very weak arms due to surgery and still have restrictions on what I can and cannot do. I got 2 burpees in and realized they were a terrible idea, so I added some extra planks. I will have to find something else to do for the pushups on day 7 as well. I might use small hand weights for that day. And My GOSH do my shins burn! All this jumping is not something they are used to! haha
    Did I take my vitamin? Before bed.
    How do I feel about my day? I feel great about my day. Just worked, avoiding snacking. One of the ladies brought in doughnuts, which I passed up. A few months ago I would have had 2 or 3. But when I got to the end of my day and saw how low my calorie count was, I was wishing for a doughnut haha. I will figure the food part of this out eventually. And I am glad I am under instead of way over. I can learn to eat more of the right food, but would be sad if I still had to give up what I love.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    For 12/5/13
    Did I follow my diet today? yah.
    Did I drink enough water? good (always good when I'm at work)
    Cardio: (what and how long) general stuff I usually do
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) nope
    Challenge completed? my back and legs hurt so bad that I could do it
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes before bed
    How do I feel about my day? my legs and back are all screwed up so I'm feeling very sore. I had to give myself a rest day

    For 12/6/13

    Did I follow my diet today? def
    Did I drink enough water? good (always good when I'm at work)
    Cardio: (what and how long) general stuff I usually do, plus a walking for some shopping, plus a lil "work out" with my husband, lol
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) nope
    Challenge completed? my legs were fine today but my back is still screwed up so I couldn't do it. I was sad mad! I took some ibuprofen and flexerol to no avail. I think I'm going to have to go back to the doctor. I also had a terrible time getting to sleep last night and felt really sick to my stomach.
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes before bed
    How do I feel about my day? It's Friday, yay! One day closer to Christmas. I'm hoping the weather cooperates with me so I can get on the roof and put up the last of the Christmas lights! It was a good day at work. Very VERY busy but good. People are really starting to notice my weight loss, especially my legs, and my face! lol That makes me feel so much more motivated because I know I'm getting back to my "old" self that I haven't seen in a decade or more!
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes, but I am NEVER eating a whole bag of movie theater popcorn ever again! I felt so sick all night and still feel gross this morning.
    Did I drink enough water? No
    cardio: I got a walk in
    Challenge:no, I fell today moving boxes around my house and the boyfriend told me if I didnt chill for the day he would tickle me to death!. I landed on my knees REALLY hard and they are bruised and a bit puffy :(
    Vitamin? No
    How do I feel about my day? I got to go to a movie with the boyfriend, and that was a ton of fun. We saw "Kill Your Darlings". But I feel like a goober for falling and hurting my knees. If the swelling is down tomorrow, I will start back on the challenge. For now I am limited to walking and planking.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    for 12/7/13
    Did I follow my diet today? not really (weekends kill me)
    Did I drink enough water? yes def
    Cardio: (what and how long) running around with children
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? still recovering from my back being all screwed up
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes before bed
    How do I feel about my day? Well today was my long time friend's son's 3rd birthday....so pizza and cake...sigh, also I had a drink. I like never drink alcohol anymore, jeez, one Mike's hard and I'm hot and feeling buzzed. It was fun running around with the kids, there were so many kids! And there was a little boy 2 months older than my daughter and they had so much fun together. I have to work Sunday which sux because I want to go to Chain of light with my hubby and kiddo (holiday celebration in town). I'll figure something out though!! I'm so pumped I made it to 20 lbs lost. It's an adjustment to go down more calories but I'll get back to where I need to be
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? uh.....under, lol
    Did I drink enough water? not enough
    Cardio: (what and how long) lots of walking today!!
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) nope
    Challenge completed? back still screwed up so no....
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes before bed
    How do I feel about my day? very busy day today. Had to work, grocery shop, went to "Chain of Lights" with the hubby and kiddo and walked around town for about an hour. I can't believe Christmas is going to come so soon! So much left to do. It's pretty clear who's making out good this year, totally the baby! LOL, I guess that's how it goes! I'm hoping my back get's better soon....but this big storm coming is NOT helping my situation (damn arthritis)...