Daily Check In



  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    I'll get back to posting on here tomorrow!! It's too close to weigh in day. But if you want to see my check in for today you can on my other post! I don't want to double post :-)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? yep under my calorie goal :-)
    Did I drink enough water? um, close, working on it!
    Cardio: lil cleanin', dancing with the baby, lol!
    Abs: not this week!!
    Challenge completed? 1/2
    Did I take my vitamin? Yep! Before bed like normal, woman's 1 a day, and vit. D
    How do I feel about my day? I was pretty happy to see a loss this morning considering that it's that time of the month! Hoping I see even more after it passes! I need to get back into the routine of exercise but it's the season finale for So You Think You Can Dance soooooo I'm HOOKED to the tv, :-D Can't wait to see who wins!!!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? yep under my calorie goal :-)
    Did I drink enough water? um, coulda used more most likely
    Cardio: did some walking shopping :-)
    Abs: not this week!!
    Challenge completed? 1/2
    Did I take my vitamin? Yep! Before bed like normal, woman's 1 a day, and vit. D
    How do I feel about my day? It's 9/11 today...what can I say? A day of reflection, prayer, gratitude, and hope. Happy to be alive, healthy, and on the right path again :-)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    PROMISE to check in tonight, been slacking....
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? yep under my calorie goal :-) can actually have a snack :-)
    Did I drink enough water? working on some right now
    Cardio: nope
    Abs: nope
    Challenge completed? nope
    Did I take my vitamin? Ya, I will. Before bed like normal, woman's 1 a day, and vit. D
    How do I feel about my day? Husband is sick today so I didn't have time to get on that stationary bike. I will tomorrow! I need to spread out my cal intake a bit a feel, way to hungry when dinner comes and I feel like I'm gorging, but I'm really not, but I don't like to feel "starving" when it's time for dinner because that puts me in a bad way of thinking. I've been doing much better with snacking 2x a day, but didn't manage to do that today....
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? under my calorie goal, although I splurged on dinner a bit!
    Did I drink enough water? yah, especially since it's a work day
    Cardio: a bit of walking today (in heals lol)
    Abs: nope
    Challenge completed? nope
    Did I take my vitamin? Ya, I will. Before bed like normal, woman's 1 a day, and vit. D
    How do I feel about my day? Well it was a busy day! I grabbed some McDonald's on the way home (opps) but I'm under my calorie goal and didn't eat as much from there as I usually do. Also, my best bud had her second daughter yesterday! So we ate quick and ran over to the hospital to go meet the new little addition! She is so adorable! Makes me want to have another, not that I didn't already, lol. My poor husband was like "you're going to be like, let's have another one now!!" I'm not too sure I'm ready for that yet and want to be really physically fit! I ate really healthy and felt so healthy with my first daughter, but I want it to be even better for the second one!!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? under my calorie goal
    Did I drink enough water? ya, and actually did good having some at home and not just work!
    Cardio: some cleaning
    Abs: nope
    Challenge completed? just made the new one, gonna start tomorrow :-)
    Did I take my vitamin? Ya, I will. Before bed like normal, woman's 1 a day, and vit. D
    How do I feel about my day? Busy work day, really worried about my dog...he's got a growth on his chest, he's going to the doc tomorrow. But I got a good look at it and it's infected too because he's been constantly licking it. I'm hoping it's just lypoma and not cancer...I really don't think I could handle it if it's cancer....he's like my son! My husband and I adopted him right before we got married and it took me a while to even want a dog as I had to put my last dog down b/c of cancer...I hope he can just have surgery and be all better!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Oh yah, and I'm wicked excited I lost another lb! I might get to my short term goal of getting 12 lbs off by my daughters birthday!! (10/4/13)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? under my calorie goal
    Did I drink enough water? ya, I'm really thirsty because either my allergies are acting up or I have a cold
    Cardio: some cleaning
    Abs: nope
    Challenge completed? only a 1/3 of it since I just did cleaning, gotta get those abs and arm curls in tomorrow
    Did I take my vitamin? Ya my usual plus a 24 hr allergy pill, and my nasal spray. Hopefully that'll do that trick
    How do I feel about my day? I have been sneezing ALL DAY....uh, I hope this is NOT a cold...So today my dog went in to get checked out. He's on antibiotics to help with the infection. I have gauze on the wound, wrapped with an ace bandage around his whole body, and the doc suggested he wear a t-shirt so he won't pull the ace bandage off. He actually complimented my wrap job (good ol first aid skills). He needs surgery to remove the growth and we also agreed to get a pathology report to see if it's cancerous. From what he saw and the fact that he is otherwise healthy he doesn't think it's cancer, but wants to be sure, and so do we. My poor boy...I'm so sad for him but I'm glad we're going to get him fixed up.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Check in today: 9/21/13
    Did I follow my diet? I did good in the morning, but we went to Turkey dinner at my dads...indulged a bit
    Did i drink enough water? tons, i'm starting to get sick or my allergies are really bad so I keep drinking it to soothe my throat
    Cardio? walking, cleaning,
    Abs? nope...damn, i need to do it too to get rid of my baby fat
    Did I do the challenge? got the cardio done
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes, both my multi and vit D
    How do I feel about my day? It was so nice to have dinner at my dad's. The baby is finally starting to be cool with him and not always wanting "mama" He lives on a lake and some boats went by, she thought that was amazing!! I went overboard on eating, but I planned for it so it wasn't too bad, but jeez, Turkey dinner food really can end up being enough cals for your WHOLE day!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Check in today: 9/22/13!
    Did I follow my diet? yep!
    Did i drink enough water? oh yes, my throat is on fire
    Cardio? Lots of walking today and cleaning
    Abs? nope damn....
    Did I do the challenge? only part with the cardio...damn...
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed :-)
    How do I feel about my day? I got a bunch done around the house which was nice, and finished up so shopping for the baby's birthday including finding her a dress for 3 bux! wooooo! Big clearance sale at Babiesrus. I'm feeling nervous for my dog because he's going in to surgery tomorrow, but, I know he's in good hands, and he'll be ok. I"m just hoping his pathology report comes back normal...I'd hate to lose another dog to cancer....
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Check in today: 9/23/13!
    Did I follow my diet? yep!
    Did i drink enough water? no, not good on my part
    Cardio? just odds and ends stuff
    Abs? nope damn....
    Did I do the challenge? nope
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed :-)
    How do I feel about my day? so worried about my doggy today, but he did great with his surgery and is home fine. Everyone at the office said he was such a good dog all day and very cooperative. I'm so happy that he's patched up. Just waiting on the pathology report now. But the vet feels that it'll come up fine. He's gotta be on antibiotics a little longer b/c he's got a skin infection on top of the other infection, but that's fine with me!!!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Check in today: 9/24/13!
    Did I follow my diet? yep!
    Did i drink enough water? uh, not bad
    Cardio? just odds and ends stuff
    Abs? nope damn....
    Did I do the challenge? nope
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed :-)
    How do I feel about my day? It was my mom's birthday today! I got her the BEST present. She is obsessed with seltzer water, all flavors, so I bought her a Soda Stream with the flavoring to make her own! It'll end up saving her tons of money and she can make whatever flavors she wants.

    Check in today: 9/25/13!
    Did I follow my diet? yah, I'm a bit under, I think I will celebrate with a sugar free swiss miss hot chocolate!
    Did i drink enough water? plenty today!
    Cardio? cleaning, and my general running around after baby, lol
    Abs? haha, a little at work today, I ran an exercise session with one of the boys b/c there wasn't enough staff other wise, but he did more of the work
    Did I do the challenge? not all of it, but I did move today!
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed like usual
    How do I feel about my day? I'm feeling really positive about my weight loss!! I was feeling a little stressed earlier, but it was relieved later. Also my dog is recovering really well from his surgery so I'm so happy about that!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    oops, didn't check in the past few days. I was under cal goals both days, got moving, completed part of the challenge, and had busy busy days! But overall good days :-)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Check in today: 9/29/13!
    Did I follow my diet? with all the walking I ended up under
    Did i drink enough water? plenty
    Cardio? lots of walking while out shopping
    Abs? nope
    Did I do the challenge? not all of it, but I did move today!
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed like usual
    How do I feel about my day? My daughter stood unassisted tonight once! Then she fell down, got up, and then took her first like 10-15 steps! It was amazing! I'm such a proud momma!!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Check in today: 10/3/13
    Did I follow my diet? under
    Did i drink enough water? plenty
    Cardio? just general clean up
    Abs? nope
    Did I do the challenge? nope, need to make a new one too
    Did I take my vitamin? will before bed
    How do I feel about my day? Welp, I'm looking forward to my 3 day weekend which includes my daughter's 1st birthday! I'm so excited to throw her a party and celebrate her first year in the world :-) She's so amazing and I'm so proud to be her momma! Going to be a VERY busy day tomorrow so I'm thinking I will be burning lots of cals to prep for the party.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member

    Did I follow my diet today? ah, not exactly, but it's my baby's birthday!!
    Did I drink enough water? um....no
    Cardio: I busted my butt prepping for Claire's birthday tomorrow
    Abs: no
    Challenge completed? I need to put up a new one, but I always say 30 min. cardio and I went way past that
    Did I take my vitamin? will before sleep
    How do I feel about my day? I can't believe my baby is 1!! we had a little cake for her tonight and will be having a HUGE party here tomorrow! My feet are KILLING me for cooking for so long but it'll be worth it. We got so much done today so we won't have much to do tomorrow thank GOD. She'd be a fun time!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? no
    Did I drink enough water? ya
    Cardio: some cleaning, walking
    Abs: nope
    Challenge completed? never made a new one for this week I'll have to post it Weds. at weigh in
    Did I take my vitamin? I will
    how do I feel about my day? Excited! Our program FINALLY moved to our new unit and it's so nice! We love it, the kids love it, it's so beautiful. It's nice to have my office back! (well all my stuff). There's definitely some things that still need to be worked out, but it's going in the right direction! Today is also my husband's birthday! He turned 30 today :-) He's not a fan, but hey, 30 ain't bad! hehe (says the 30 yr old)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? yes
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: walking
    Abs: nope
    Challenge completed? never made a new one
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed
    how do I feel about my day? it went by so fast, I had work and did grocery shopping after. Had tacos for dinner, YUM!! Tomorrow I'm going to be having a "house wife" day on my day off and clean up/organize this HOUSE. It's driving me nuts. I wish the town hall was open so I could get a dump pass so I could get rid of a buncha stuff
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? if it weren't for cleaning and taking Claire to the park I'd be over!
    Did I drink enough water? yep
    Cardio: walking and some serious cleaning
    Abs: nope
    Challenge completed? never made a new one
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed
    how do I feel about my day? It was an excellent day home with Claire! Thank God for Columbus Day. Got to spend some time with my string bean. I also decided that if I were a stay at home mom my house would be spotless considering everything I got done today. It was so nice to take her to the park with my bestie and have fun. Swings, slides, bubbles, and she tried to eat dirt, decided it was not good, lol!