Daily Check In



  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? way over
    Did I drink enough water? no
    Cardio: (what and how long) none
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) I did 5 minutes of planks and then my arms were protesting.
    Challenge completed? No
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? I went to my mom's church for the christmas choral concert. It was fun. I ate too many desserts and sandwich foods there. I was going to try for a light dinner, but I feel like I am starving. I am trying to recover from a recent injury to my knee, so I have decided food is probably a good thing (energy for healing and all that). So I went WAY over my calories today. I am so frustrated by my knees because I am used to my restrictions on my arms (past surgeries) but problems in my legs are not usual. I go to the doctor tomorrow to find out what damage was done. My right knee looks like it has a ping pong ball in it. My left is marginally better, but both are still so swollen! I cant wait to get back into my routine soon!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Restrictions can be so annoying. When my back acts up I'm pretty much incapacitated except for walking and that's.....pushing it. And I have problems with both wrists (surgeries, tendonitis) so I do anything on my elbows since I can't really do my wrists having pressure. Finding alternatives and adjusting calories is really the only way to do it.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? under cal :-)
    Did I drink enough water? yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) cooking, and 1/2 hr stationary bike
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? No, still partially out of commission
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes before bed
    How do I feel about my day? I'm getting really aggravated with my back. It's still not great and I'm scared to make it flare up. I'm feeling really bloated, gassy, and I feel I've put water weight on. I just want to be able to do the challenge! Argh!! I want to reach my goal so badly but I don't know if it'll happen. But I'm going to keep trying. But this yo yo-ing with my weight is getting me so mad when I'm tracking so well! But then at the end of the week I tend to lose at least 1. Maybe I am under estimating what I'm eating. I'm contemplating getting a scale.
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? under cal :-)
    Did I drink enough water? no
    Cardio: (what and how long) organized a closet
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? No
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? I got a bed room closet organized and cleaned. I also went to the doctor over my knee. I have bursitis. I means I get to rest the joint for another 2 weeks. Joy joy joy >.< I went out to dinner tonight though and enjoyed a nice pizza and drink with out going over my cals. There was a jazz band that started playing right when we had to leave though, and Jazz is my favorite! So boyfriend has promised we will go back if I lose another pound. (He knows pizza is my weakness!)
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member

    Did I follow my diet today? under cal :-)
    Did I drink enough water? no
    Cardio: (what and how long) no
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? No
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? I had more doctors appointments, and orientation for my upcoming internship today. I was exhausted all day and instead of exercising, took a nap. But I was under cal, and am thrilled about my upcoming internship!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    for 12/10/13
    Did I follow my diet today? no, I was over cal, but I was so hungry, my stomach was killing
    Did I drink enough water? yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) cooking cleaning walking
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? No
    Did I take my vitamin? No, I fell asleep on the couch again
    How do I feel about my day? I was hungry, tired, and not myself. My neck/back are still hurting. And for some reason I was just so "hungry" today. I've notice some water weight come on me, I don't know what's up with that, but I was feeling kind of discouraged (but today I wake up 2 lbs lighter than the day b/4, wtf?) I'm hoping to get on the stationary bike again tonight because I can't do much of anything else without hurting really bad....damn getting old (although, seriously 30 is not old). I'll be checking in tonight
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? under cal :-)
    Did I drink enough water? no
    Cardio: (what and how long) Oh yes! I went on a long walk, played mini golf, and went on another walk, and danced today
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? No Still resting my knee. They pulled fluid off it this morning.
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? Today was super fun. My boyfriend and I went to a place called MAGIQUEST where we ran around and completed live fantasy missions (its like dungeons and dragons live action). We then went to a mirror maze. Then played minigolf. We ate out for dinner. Then went to a mall to wrap up our christmas shopping. But we just ended up at Victoria's secret. Today I learned that I have gone up a cup size even though I have lost weight. I wont complain about that! We ended today on the couch enjoying a movie. It was a great day off for both of us :)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    for 12/11/13
    Did I follow my diet today? yes!
    Did I drink enough water? yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) cooking cleaning
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? No
    Did I take my vitamin? yes I did, along with a muscle relaxer and 800 ibuprofen, this neck is still messed up....it's really keeping me down...
    How do I feel about my day? It was a good day overall! I'm on track, whatever made me go up to 230 this week (scared the hell out of me) is coming down...I down another lb from yesterday. I felt so gassy and bloated for a couple days and it's not that time of the month so I have NO idea what happened! I'm 227 today, bet the other 2 will come off tm!

    for today 12/12/13
    Did I follow my diet today? welp, having chinese food for dinner, but as I've said, I never give up a food!
    Did I drink enough water? yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) cleaning and stationary bike
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? No
    Did I take my vitamin? yes I will before bed, along with a muscle relaxer and 800 ibuprofen, still no luck with the neck, it feels better but not great. Lots of radiating pain
    How do I feel about my day? Great! I got back pay for our raise because our union contract was finally completed and they always start in "october" so I got a $68 check, thus the Chinese food! I thought I'd treat us since both my husband and I have been so crazy busy with work and being parents. Plus then I don't have to cook! Wooooo!! I figured I'd check in before I finish adding up my day so it makes me get on the stationary bike tonight! lol I'm getting really frustrated with my neck/back problems though :-(
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Oh yah, back to 225 this morning, so we'll see what happens tomorrow for weigh in!
  • bunbu
    bunbu Posts: 131
    Did I follow my diet today? I have no diet. i just try and eat better and i believe i did.
    Did I drink enough water? had only tea today but back to alot of water tomorrow.
    Cardio: (what and how long) today was a much deserved rest day after yesterdays day of yell.
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) rest day
    Challenge completed? challenge is over and i completed it all.
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes i did in the morning like always.
    How do I feel about my day? i feel way better than yesterday although my eyes still hurt and im tired. really getting excited about hubby coming soon.also glad he finally stood up for me against his brother at least once. now to get him to agree to never visiting while his dumb bro is at his moms too.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    For 12/13/13
    Did I follow my diet today?under cal goal (I don't really diet either, I just eat what I want)
    Did I drink enough water? probably could have used more. It's so much better when I'm at work
    Cardio: (what and how long) walking (for grocery shopping), and cleaning
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? gotta post a new challenge
    Did I take my vitamin? Before bed as usual. I didn't have to take any ibuprofen or flexerol though, I think my neck might be getting over whatever it was having a problem with
    How do I feel about my day? I'm just so happy it's the weekend. I'm going to finish my Christmas shopping and take the baby to her picture with Santa! Even though I've been in pain all week I've been staying focused and make sure to at least do some light/moderate activity around the house (you don't stop being a wife or mother b/c you're in pain). I'm getting really excited for Christmas but it doesn't seem like anyone else in my family is, except for maybe my husband. I've been feeling very fortunate and grateful for my life and the things that we can do for ourselves and our daughter that many families can't do. I never want to turn into one of "those" people that doesn't remember the hard work I've done and that my husband has done to have the life we have. The year is coming to a close and I'm looking forward to 2014!!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today?under cal goal
    Did I drink enough water? probably could have used more. It's so much better when I'm at work
    Cardio: (what and how long) cleaning, cooking, and such, long walk Christmas shopping
    Abs: no
    Challenge completed? 1/2
    Did I take my vitamin? Before bed as usual.
    How do I feel about my day? Got most of the rest of Christmas shopping done. Got the baby's picture taken with Santa and she wanted to keep hanging out with him, lol. Did a bunch of shopping on Amazon too, so I'm almost done!! Yay!

    Did I follow my diet today?under cal goal, b/c of activity
    Did I drink enough water? probably could have used more, I may get more in before bed
    Cardio: (what and how long) shoveling snow, playing with the baby, cooking
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) yes 100 crunches!
    Challenge completed? yes the less intense
    Did I take my vitamin? Before bed like normal
    How do I feel about my day? we had like 6-8 inches of snow so we were outside shoveling and playing in the snow!! The baby had fun, took lots of pictures, however she took a face plant in the driveway and wasn't that happy. She got over it quick though, lol! we were all sweaty after being all bundled up and running around, hehe. Welp, I'm looking forward to more loss this week. I'm wondering how close I will get to my goal by Christmas!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Sorry I haven't been checking in guys! My mom has been sick for days and things are a little crazy with Christmas coming up! I've been staying on track and lost some weight, so even though I haven't been check in on group, I've not been slacking!! I'll check in tonight :-)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? yep!
    Did I drink enough water? nah I did well with it even being home today
    Cardio: (what and how long) alot! cleaning the house, wrapping presents, walking while pushing the baby around shopping, and probably more, I was just going all day
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) with everything else I was doing I didn't get a chance
    Challenge completed? way over on cardio but no abs today
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed.
    How do I feel about my day? welp I stayed home today because my mother has been really sick. I went in yesterday because my husband was home. looks like tomorrow I will probably be home too. I've decided that if I were a house wife my house would be immaculate! I wrapped presents, took out the trash, vacuumed the whole house, put dishes away, washed pans bottles in the sink, went shopping for things we need, did a bit of Christmas shopping, cooking a delicious beef stew, general organizing, just a bunch! And there was still some things that I didn't get to do, but I will tomorrow. I don't think my mom is getting better by tomorrow so I will probably be home again. I have so much sick time so I'd rather she get better and take the days off. I only have 2 days of work next week before I have my schedule vacation anyways...
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Not exactly
    Did I drink enough water? nah I did well with it even being home today
    Cardio: (what and how long) cleaning, some shoveling, grocery shopping, laundry, cooking, and some fun
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) during the fun
    Challenge completed? Got in both, not exactly crunches but it was ab work
    Did I take my vitamin? Yep
    How do I feel about my day? We'll I stayed home again today and realize why it was so easy to gain wait when I was on maternity leave! Too much food in the house that I want to eat. I resisted a lot. 5 more days til Christmas! Just gotta make cookies and buy meat!

    Hope everyone had a great week! Don't forget to post losses on the weigh in page!,
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    for 12/21/13
    Did I follow my diet today? yep, under cal
    Did I drink enough water? yes, very thirsty today
    Cardio: (what and how long) a little cleaning and general mommy stuff, but other than that a rest day :-)
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) nope
    Challenge completed? rest day
    Did I take my vitamin? Yep
    How do I feel about my day? Welp, since I was home for two days while my mom was sick I did so much that I really just wanted to relax today, so, I did! Just hung out with my kiddo and husband. I ended up falling asleep on the couch with the baby early (like 9) and didn't get up until 10:30, put her down, and was up for a bit. Hate when that happens. But overall it was a nice day. This heat wave is bumming me out though, I want the snow to stay and it's melting :-(

    for 12/22/13
    Did I follow my diet today? oh yah, had so much left over after dinner, had something tasty
    Did I drink enough water? uh, didn't do a good job with this today...busy shopping
    Cardio: (what and how long) cleaning, cooking, and LOTS of walking shopping with my mom
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) I will get it in before bed
    Challenge completed? I will when I do the crunches
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed
    How do I feel about my day? Welp, back to work today for me! It was nice to get back there and do what I love. Although I missed the baby. It's such a hard thing. I'm very passionate about the work I do with adolescents but there's always a piece of me that wishes I could be a stay at home mom. It's just not DOABLE. Maybe someday I can. Only one day left to work and then I'm on vacation until the 30th. Won't be going much of anywhere, but I'm certainly going to busy! I can't wait to see family and friends :-) I also can't wait for Claire to open her presents! Last year she was only 2 3/4 mos old for Christmas, so this year will be so much more fun.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    I'm not going to do full check in for the past two days but here's how it looks:

    12/22/13: under cal goal, great day, lost another 1/2 lbs, love it!
    12/23/13: a little over cal b/c of a stupid pie, lol, had Christmas with my dad and his girlfriend, the baby get to open her present, it was a little grand piano and she loves it!

    I've been skipping my crunches, but plenty of low cardio from general stuff I usually do, so I'm going to keep that up through the holiday! I just gotta remember to not over eat. Stop when I'm FULL
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Okay, time to get back on track, and back on the wagon of challenges, gotta check in tonight :-)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    For 12/ 27/13
    Did I follow my diet today? just over
    Did I drink enough water? yes! got my new Brita 20 oz bottle!
    Cardio: (what and how long) cleaning, cooking, and playing with kids!
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) nope
    Challenge completed? nope
    Did I take my vitamin? Yep
    How do I feel about my day? well I had college friends over today with their kids and we all hung out for a few hours. The kids all played together, we had pizza for lunch, and had a cookie swap! Not a great day for me food wise, but close enough...got go post my weigh in, to be honest about the damage from Christmas!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    For 12/ 28/13
    Did I follow my diet today? too many sweets but under cal with activity
    Did I drink enough water? yes! The Brita has me drinking a lot at home (three 20 oz bottles today)
    Cardio: (what and how long) cleaning (laundry ick), cooking, walking pushing the kiddo around shopping
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) nope
    Challenge completed? nope (did 1/2)
    Did I take my vitamin? Yep
    How do I feel about my day? Just enjoying being home, a lot of things I want to get done before going back to work. Particularly I'm going through my clothes because hubby got me a gift card to Old Navy for Christmas and I want room for NEW stuff that looks good! I'm getting rid of "bigger" clothes in hopes that I will NEVER go back (I did this with my size 22s a couple years back). I also sifted out my clothes from when I was pregnant to hold on to for a future pregnancy. I still have more to go through, but not much! There are things in the laundry I'm parting with as well. Never looking back, NEW YEAR, NEW ME!