Daily Check In



  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? much better than yesterday
    Did I drink enough water? definitely
    Cardio: (what and how long) cleaning (laundry ick), cooking, walking pushing the kiddo around grocery shopping
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) nope
    Challenge completed? nope (did 1/3) Didn't end up having time with everything I did around the house
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed
    How do I feel about my day? Very busy with doing things in the house before I go back to work after being on vacation. I did laundry, went through all my clothes (and put all the big clothes and stuff I don't want into a bag), grocery shopping, and various picking things up. I played quite a bit of Super Mario 3D on the Wii U to have some fun and hang out with the kiddo. She helped me make dinner which was so cute (really just sat on the counter and banged spoons into a bowl, but close enough) She has been my little shadow today. I can't believe how big she is getting and how smart. Today when we were at the grocery store I said "oh what's this, an apple?" and she said apple! Just amazing! I'm going to miss hanging out with her since we've been together for days.....I wish I could stay home with her...
  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes
    Did I drink enough water? Yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) 25 minutes of walking on my lunch break, 45 minutes of "Just Dance 2014" and 20 Minutes of "Abba You can Dance". Silly sounding or not, it's exercise :)
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) No
    Challenge completed? No
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? After a few weeks of slacking, today was much better, back on track even.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? uh...I took a client out and ate a huge scone.....oh man....
    Did I drink enough water? definitely
    Cardio: (what and how long) some walking and cleaning
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) nope
    Challenge completed? nope (did 1/3) Didn't end up having time with everything I did around the house
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed
    How do I feel about my day? Back to work after being on vacation for a while. I missed the baby terribly, and it's my later day so I was home late. Took my client out for her pass and got a some coffee, a snack (that big scone), and chatted. Some times it's tough when you know what will be helpful but the other person doesn't see it yet. Hopefully she'll get it soon! I'm feeling motivated for the new year but struggling to get back on track, gotta refocus, buckle down, and get losing again!
  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes
    Did I drink enough water? Yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) Half an hour of walking, 20 minutes of "Abba You Can Dance", 40 minutes of "Just Dance 2014"
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) No
    Challenge completed? No although I did the cardio part
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? Not too bad. Today was definitely keeping with being back on track :)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? um not really b/c I was home!
    Did I drink enough water? definitely
    Cardio: (what and how long) lots of activity! cleaning, gardening, housework
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) nope
    Challenge completed? nope (did 1/3) I gotta get on those abs
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed
    How do I feel about my day? Happy New Year!!!

    Did I follow my diet today? lots of sweets today, dunno what came over me, but under cal goal
    Did I drink enough water? definitely
    Cardio: (what and how long) rest day
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) nope rest day
    Challenge completed? nope
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed
    How do I feel about my day? Well there is quite a storm brewing here in the north east. Blizzard status coming! So I'm going to do my 1/2 day tomorrow and help hubby with shoveling and snow blowing so that we can get out of here and both get to work. I decided today would be my rest day b/c of that! I will be SWEATING my butt (in below zero temps, lol) It snowed all day but it didn't really amount to anything (like 3 inches) but we're supposed to get like a foot over night. It was a busy day at work today but a good day. Just relaxing at home for the night and preparing for tomorrow!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? I was over, but not bad
    Did I drink enough water? definitely
    Cardio: (what and how long) things here and there
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) nope
    Challenge completed? gotta make a new one!
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed
    How do I feel about my day? went in to work for a 1/2 day. The roads were still HORRIBLE! It was too cold so nothing melted and salt was ineffective. Crazy! I got myself and my daughter where we needed to go safely though so that was nice! I have a lot I want to do this weekend so I'll be more active
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? did well
    Did I drink enough water? definitely
    Cardio: (what and how long) cleaning, walking grocery shopping, cooking, playing, etc
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) nope
    Challenge completed? yep!
    Did I take my vitamin? yep
    How do I feel about my day? Got a lot done around the house today! In particular my favorite thing I got done was that I went through the rest of my clothes, rearranged my dresser and closet , and get everything washed and put away! I found some great things I had forgotten I even had that no fit again! I also sewed some things that also fit again but had problems (missing button, hole in an armpit) and are now functional again!! Now if only I could get my husband to do the same!! Although he told me last night he's weighing in at 269 now! I'm so proud of him! He was at like 293 at his highest. He was feeling good about it too!

    Did I follow my diet today? under cal, but lunch sucked, I had just a donut and iced coffee
    Did I drink enough water? coulda done better
    Cardio: (what and how long) walking, cleaning, cooking!
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) not part of the challenge this year
    Challenge completed? yep!!
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed!
    How do I feel about my day? welp, it was a nice day at work. I have a kid that can leave the unit and she wanted to go to church, so we did! It was a beautiful service and very uplifting. The rest of work went by really fast! I came home, hung out, made dinner, went to target, and cleaned (dishes, mopped since I got some new swiffer liquid!) Now it smells so nice in here :-) Now just watching some animation domination before going to bed :-)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? good day
    Did I drink enough water? definitely
    Cardio: (what and how long) things here and there
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) nope
    Challenge completed? Monday is rest day for me
    Did I take my vitamin? I will before bed
    How do I feel about my day? Very busy Monday. A crazy day weather wise too, it was like 50 out during the day, and then by end of work it was sleeting, and then the temps went under 32 really quick. Record cold days tm and the next day and my coat zipper broke over the weekend :-( at least it still buttons! The coat is a bit big...perhaps I will buy a new one!
  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes
    Did I drink enough water? Yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) 30 minutes walking, 40 minutes Just Dance 2014
    Abs: (any ab work and how much)
    Challenge completed? any cardio part
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? Not too bad. I'm going to be moving in a couple weeks and need to balance out packing with exercising and not wearing myself out.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    how do you like Just Dance? I've always been a fan of dancing games (like DDR)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    I went over yesterday, oops! I gotta get my butt on the stationary bike tonight, I'm sick of this plateau as well...
  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member
    I love Just Dance. Anytime some form of exercise can get me enjoying it enough that I end up continuing it longer than I'd intended or better yet- look forward to doing it again, it's great.
  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes
    Did I drink enough water? Yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) 30 minutes walking on my lunch break, 74 minutes of Just Dance 2014
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) No
    Challenge completed? Um I'm not sure
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? My back was throbbing all day, but my doctor is aware and okay with me moving around when this happens if I think I can. It's worse when I'm sitting down, but it can still be hard to make myself exercise because it's so counter-intuitive and it's so easy to slide into not wanting to do anything because my back hurts. So I'm proud of myself that I did. I can't say it helped it beyond the workout sessions, bit it certainly didn't make it worse.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    for 1/9/14

    Did I follow my diet today? Yes
    Did I drink enough water? Yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) the usual
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) No
    Challenge completed? not long enough
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? really long day at work, so much to do, not enough time, was mentally and physically exhausted, sheesh!
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member

    Did I follow my diet today? Yes, and even enjoyed a meal out with my brother while he was in town
    Did I drink enough water? No
    Cardio: (what and how long) I put my christmas stuff away finally but not any good cardio
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? I have not looked at the challenge for this week >.<
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? Today was my first day off work. I started my teaching internship this week and feel like it has TOTALLY kicked my butt. I am at school from 7- 5p every day, and each day have come home and promptly taken a 4 hour nap (On top of the 7 hours sleep I get every night). I went from a desk job to being on my feet ALL day, and have yet to discover a comfortable pair of shoes in my closet for such an activity. I am probably investing in some gel insoles soon.
    I did get a fitbit this weekend, so hopefully it will help me monitor my exercise better than a clip on pedometer. And because I went from Sedentary to Lightly Active on the MFP settings I get a few more calories (which is REALLY nice- I am hoping I will not be as tired with a bit more food in my tummy). Now that I am back to a normal routine I am hoping to check in more.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Congrats on the internship! I worked in an elementary school for 2 years, it's a tiring job! I haven't put a challenge up yet, but I was thinking about doing a biking challenge
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    For 1/11/14
    Did I follow my diet today? pretty much! Went out to dinner and went a little over, but still not bad
    Did I drink enough water? yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) I finally took the decorations off the Christmas Tree and put the train set away, too about an hour. Also did 4 loads of laundry
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? I gotta make one, i'm doing the stationary bike challenge that on my bike (it's an 8 week weight loss program) it's 3 days week, and the settings vary, Each minute in 30 minutes is something different
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? It was so nice to go out to Friendly's with my hubby and daughter. We were stuck inside all day b/c of the rain so I did a lot around the house which added up to having more cals to use. I gotta say I made good choices while we were out (having a salad that was new, sugar free ice cream/fudge) I'm still pumped about loss and with that meal yesterday am still 220. I made some adjustments to my settings so now my cal intake has changed as well (gone up) which seems to be working (I put it to 1.5 lbs a week instead of 2, b/c really, what's the difference in the long run) I have a goal to lose another 15 by my birthday (March 6) so I'm hoping to get there!
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes, and I enjoyed delicious homemade bread and homemade pea soup. I love crockpots lol.
    Did I drink enough water? No
    Cardio: (what and how long) I walked around the classroom a lot and ran back and forth to the copy room a lot more. (Weekdays this is my usual mode of exercise now).
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? no
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? I was exhausted by the end of the day (which is why it is a day late posting). I am getting super involved in my internship now and find myself napping more than I maybe should. I took a nice long nap after school today. My food was delicious though and I am glad I have more time to exercise since I am on my feet all day and not glued to a desk.
  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes
    Did I drink enough water? Yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) 27 minutes walking, 71 minutes Zumba Core fitness
    Abs: (any ab work and how much): Yes, assuming Zumba Core Fitness counts (many of the moves are designed to work the abs as the name implies)
    Challenge completed? No
    Did I take my vitamin? Yes
    How do I feel about my day? Pretty good. I was sick yesterday and unable to do anything so was trying to sorta make up for it but not push myself too hard.
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes
    Did I drink enough water? No
    Cardio: (what and how long) The classroom stroll, and I did some basic carpentry at my dads house to help winter proof his piping.
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? no
    Did I take my vitamin? no
    How do I feel about my day? I feel pretty good about my day. I used some upper body strength I did not know I had (unfortunately it has left me sore). However, I think my calories are still off, because I am STARVING all the time. I eat breakfast and an hour later I am so hungry. I eat lunch and it doesnt even get me through the last 3 hours of the work day. I eat dinner and 2 hours later I am SO hungry again. I have added granola snacks, but I am still so famished. I need to either make meals bigger, or make them smaller and add more snacks.