Downsizers - March 2021 Team Chat



  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post March 18
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 80oz
    Steps 2839

    My son was good all through the afternoon, evening, and night. Crossing my fingers here, it seems like finally everyone in the house is done with this nasty sickness. We are all still dealing with some energy issues, but no more physical illness. I want to get back to working out but I just don't have the energy yet. Tomorrow is weigh in and my normal rest day anyway. I'll probably pick it back up after tomorrow.
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    edited March 2021
    Glad your friend was understanding. I'm sorry that your short-term gig isn't working out. That is a lot of stress:( The FODMAPS diet seems like a great way of figuring out food issues for your body.

    Glad you are getting all of that testing done. I hope the new medicine helps you. That is great that you walked three times while wearing the monitor!

    You look great! You've been so focused and have worked hard, and it shows. You are right about big vehicles. We used to have a 40 foot motorhome and towed an SUV behind it (with four bikes on a bike rack attached to the back of that). I drove that thing through the mountains, bad weather, construction, etc. People really do not realize that a big vehicle cannot react as quickly as evidenced by their cutting off large vehicles and almost getting themselves hurt.

    Sounds like that was a great day!

    I am still amazed that you can walk as much as you do with a screw in your foot. It must be frustrating to have so much foot pain:(

    What a terrible work situation! Things like that are so unfair and so hard to tolerate.

    You've had a really good week! Glad to hear you're still on the wagon. Jumping rope is such good exercise and not easy:)

    DST really messes with me as well. Hopefully you'll feel back to normal soon.

    So sorry that your son is sick again:( Hope you all get back to normal quickly!

    Love the "Chopped" theme for the party! That sounds like so much fun:)

    Wonderful workout!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    @iradi8 ... I am one of those people that once I start I do not want to stop ...we did a different route yesterday and I absolutely loved it ...not sure if we will be able to get out there today it is suppose to rain all afternoon

    Also I am missing steps from 3/17 ...If you posted and I missed it I apologize ...
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    Nice loss and steps! Your reset at the beginning of the year has really worked.

    Glad things are returning to normal.

    Awesome loss! You look amazing. Do you have a before and after picture?

    I love chopped. It should be a fun birthday. Check Pinterest for some ideas. I just searched chopped show and it had lots of ideas.

    Great workout!

    It could be the time change. It takes awhile for some people to adjust.

    I agree with Lee, you did so good losing while on steroids. When I go on them I balloon up. I hope you get some answers from the monitor.

    Sorry you are under so much stress. I hope you can find a way to minimize it and find an outlet for the stress.

    Nice loss! Sounds like you found the right formula to help with weight loss.

    Your steps are great. Getting stress out of your life is a good thing. I missed the criteria for the phase 2 roll out. I know today they lowered the age to 75. I hope I qualify in April. I have asthma, diabetes and 2 autoimmune disorders so I think I will. You have every right to be careful. I still don’t know where I got the virus from. Keep staying safe!

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    Thursday’s check in
    Daily Goals
    ❌Steps 2,834
    Weekly Goals
    Weights 2x/wk: ✔️
    Bike 3x/wk✔️
    Walk 5x/wk: ✔️✔️✔️

    PW 215.6
    CW 217.6

    This week has been a bust. My weight did come down from the water weight from the Chinese food but not enough. At this point it is not water weight as we ate the leftovers on Monday so it should be gone by now. I didn’t get all the exercise done I wanted. I have had an upset stomach since Sunday. It was feeling better but hit again yesterday. My daughter thinks it was the cake as it was very rich but who knows. Anyways, it sucks that I did not meet my exercise goals.

    Next week is a clean slate. I am going to keep my eye on the prize and meet those goals. I want everyone of you to kick me in the butt if I go off track. We all got this!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,069 Member
    I apologize again for being quiet.... we walked today 6.63 miles ...came home and got a migraine ...still have it but not as bad I crashed most of the afternoon ughhh
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    I apologize again for being quiet.... we walked today 6.63 miles ...came home and got a migraine ...still have it but not as bad I crashed most of the afternoon ughhh

    I hope that migraine goes away soon. Wishing you a quiet, dark space to recuperate in.
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member

    3/19 bike, 30 minutes, 8.3 miles, moderate effort
    5,200 steps
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member

    Love that! Thank you for sharing
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    @TheresaM787 that is a great post. It is so true because if you have a flat tire you fix it, not slash the other three tires. Too many people have a bad moment or meal and give up. It makes no sense not to be kind to yourself, ask what you learned and plan what you will do when faced with it again.

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 hugs to you and hope you recover soon.

    Today was a great day for me. This was the second day in a row that I have weighed in the 140s. Let's hope that continues through the weigh-in day. I started counseling to deal with grief and low self esteem. Returned the Holter monitor today. It wasn't difficult to wear as it only had one lead and was the size of a glucose monitor taped to my chest. Best of all, am scheduled to receive my first Covid vaccination on Monday.

    Have a wonderful weekend everybody!
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    Sorry. This has been one heck of a week:(
    3/17 Steps 10,524
    3/19 Steps 7,683
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    check in for March 19
    Logging - yes
    exercise - yes
    Steps - 9862

    Well, I contacted the Program Officer for the short term supply and said it's just not working out. She said she understood. It's a very specific program (not one of the regular ESL classes) and she said not everyone is suited to it and was quite pleasant about everything. It's funny because some of the students love me and some are just confused by my approach. I guess I am kind of experimental which can freak some people out! LOL

    Anyway, after all my worried deliberation, I changed my mind and told my friend we can continue to walk. We are both masking during our walk so I think that should be okay. She is more like a sister or family member than friend. I really missed seeing her. They are opening patios in Toronto even though we are still in lockdown and another friend asked to get together and I said no. She is also not very careful. I mentioned this to her and she got angry. Hmmm. Some people are allergic to the truth! LOL

    Anyway, I understand the mayor is worried about our mental health and the restaurant business so this is the impetus for opening patios, but I'm not going anywhere near them. This variant is much more contagious and they really don't know how much it spreads and how easily it spreads. I think I am mentally strong enough to continue as I am too.

    Thanks again for everyone's support! Thanks @iradi8 and @lindamtuck2018 for your concern about my stress level!

    Have a super Saturday!
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 - As far as phase 2 there is a long list of conditions. I have a BMI over 40 so that makes me eligible for phase 2. They said it is starting in April but of course it is dependent on vaccine supplies and God knows we didn't plan for this at all! Here is the website to check eligibility and make an apporintment. You are eligible for several reasons as you mentioned. You are not eligible yet as we are still in phase 1, but hopefully within a week or two!
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Check-in for Friday, 3/19

    Check in daily:
    Water (90oz):
    Steps (9K):❌ but close
    Macros (P-105/ C-115/ F-40):❌❌✅
    Exercise 30 min brisk walking 5x /wk: ✅✅✅✅❔

    Today’s was long one. Worked sucked but I practiced deep breathing a few times and tried to put things in perspective. One of the nursing directors is partnering with me on this project with impossible expectations which will help.

    My daughter had dance auditions today. They were scheduled from 4:30 to 6:00 and had the possibility to go to 9:00 if she got an invitation to audition for the next higher level. I did not expect it since she returned to the studio this week after spending a year on zoom. She has been the only one still on zoom for several months. But she got the invite which I was super happy for her. I stuck around the studio with the other dance moms the entire time but I did not eat dinner. I did pack a protein shake, so I got something but way under calories today. I got in many steps while I waited but not enough to compensate for the busy work day and fell short of my goal.

    I have so much coming up between work, school for the kids and now dance mom duties are kicking in.

    I just need to make a plan and make sure I keep my diet and fitness goals a priority.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @lelbarou, @lindamtuck2018 , @iradi8 & @Bluetail6 - thank you for the words of encouragement. One of the biggest things stressing me out about work and my boss is that I think he is gearing up for retirement sooner than later and I am in line to move up and that is stressing me out with how to balance it all. I know that I need to stop worrying about things that might happen.

    @lelbarou - I am glad that you are in the next phase for vaccination and I hope that it is really soon. Don't stress over which vaccine you will end up getting. They are all extremely effective at preventing severe illness and that is the most important part. As someone who is very cautious and keeps informed on COVID, I think walking with your friend outdoors while masked is low risk. The risk of catching it while taking precautions is outweighed by the benefit to your mental health and well being. I agree with the dining being higher risk. I will not even consider dining at this point and we are currently seeing low infection rates and low variants here.

    @beautyofdreams- so many positive things for you today ... 140s, holter is off, started counseling and best of all being scheduled for your vaccine :smiley:

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - hope that migraine is better. I am up at 4am here with a headache myself. Migraines are just awful. Take care!

    @lindamtuck2018 - sorry you that you didn't have a great week. Clean slate ... you got this!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    edited March 2021
    Hope your headache is better today!

    Another great bike ride. I can’t go very long on the bike yet. I think I may go too fast at the beginning. You have any advice on how to build up my time?

    Great steps!

    Great steps! I agree with Andrea about being masked. I saw my friend for the first time back in December. We were in my car for about a half an hour one way to drive to another friends who we visited outside for about 15 minutes. We were both masked even in the car ride. I had covid at this point and didn’t know but I was contagious. The friend in the car had to be tested and the other didn’t. So wearing a mask made a big difference for us. We didn’t hug just chatted. My friend had a negative test. The one that we visited outside did not even have to get a test. So wear a mask when you walk with her and you should be good. It’s funny with teaching. You can’t please everyone. I taught electronics at a college in Newfoundland over 21 years ago. It was the hardest thing I had to do was learn that not everyone liked my teaching style. It took a minute. I can’t wait for phase 2. Thanks for the link.

    You are killing it on your walks. I am glad you practiced deep breathing. Another one I like to do is total body relaxation. Congrats to your daughter on her audition. Great job on packing a protein shake. Once you get used to juggling everything you will be able to get all your calories. I hope your headache is better. I hate having a headache and I get them all the time since I had COVID-19.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,588 Member
    Friday’s check in
    Daily Goals
    ❌Steps 3,573
    ❌Sleep (15 minutes short of goal)
    Weekly Goals
    Weights 2x/wk: ✔️
    Bike 3x/wk✔️
    Walk 5x/wk: ✔️✔️

    My weight dropped 1.2 pounds since yesterday. Always the way. Maybe I was wrong yesterday and I was still holding onto some water weight. Goal is to get through weekend without going over my sodium.

    We are off for our weekly grocery shop. We are picking up the grandkids on the way home. It was a last minute decision for them to come over as we wanted to make sure my stomach was settled down. Last thing my daughter needs is everyone sick in the house. Anyway, I am letting them pick an individual size treat that way I am not tempted to munch on snacks lying around.

    Have a super Saturday!
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    so true about the tires! That post is originally from @lindamtuck2018

    I'm so glad you're riding! When I began on the bike, I was going too hard. I'd be out of breath within minutes. I began slowly increasing my endurance. Started with 20 minutes on the bike, making sure that it was a comfortable breathing cadence (speed) and resistance. I knew it was a comfortable combination, if I could easily sing along to whatever was playing.
    As I increased, I wouldn't be able to sing along, but I worked on breath work (out for three, and in for three). Worked my way up to riding for 35 minutes, an average of 55 cadence and 49 resistance. Slow and steady. I made riding a daily, after coffee routine. So I need it to be hard enough so that it's a sweaty workout, but easy enough where I will not be sore the next day. That was probably too much information 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Congratulations on the loss. Enjoy your day with the grandkids!
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