Downsizers - April 2021 Team Chat



  • lcfa5317
    lcfa5317 Posts: 147 Member
    Steps = 9,242
    CW = 190.1
    PW = 191.3

    Gotta get to the 180s!
    March flew by for me. It helped that we had a few nice days. I saw a friend on my patio that I haven’t seen in over a year. It was nice to chat. NO - it was wonderful! I’m so thankful to be able to see friends again. We’re staying outside, but that’s okay. I go into my mom’s apartment and my sister’s house, but that’s about it for inside visits. We’re all at different places, but things have gotten brighter. I hope everyone is feeling happier with the warmth that spring brings.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,714 Member
    Hi guys transparent here

    Weigh In day: Monday
    End of April GW: 290
    Ultimate GW:200

    April Goals:

    Lose 10 pounds
    Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily (this is exclusive of tea, which I have been subbing for water)
    Increase exercise to 45 mins - 1 hour ( have been doing 20 - 30 mins daily)
    Sugary drinks no more than 1X weekly
    Meditate at least once weekly
    7,000 steps on weekdays / at least 5,000 on weekends (some weekends I barely make 1500 :( , thank goodness for other forms of exercise )

    Would you like to join our step challenge?
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Plan for tomorrow:
    1. Pack breakfast/lunch and eat what I packed ✅
    2. 90 oz water ✅
    3. Take 3 walking breaks at work ✅
    4. Walk during daughter’s dance class ✅

    Weight was up a whole pound 😱 but I had a great day hitting my goals. I picked up my diuretic this morning and took one. Hopefully, that will flush a little over f this excess fluid off. My blood pressure has been a little up without the diuretic which has led to headaches. I hope to get this all under control soon.

    Tomorrow, I am working from home. So, my plan for tomorrow is:

    1. Go on a 20 minute walk before I start work and another 20 minute walk at lunch
    2. Pre-log meals tonight and stick to it
    3. 90 oz water
    4. 10K steps.
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    @azkunk - I hope your stress in your job goes down a bit and that your calcium and PTH normalize. Your grill looks awesome so I hope you get something to cook on it soon!

    @TheresaM787 - Thank you so much for your sympathy and support!

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - Thank you regarding the steps. Honestly, I had very little sleep last night and was out to lunch. I actually think I can get my steps in. You know me I think! LOL
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @lelbarou - I am glad that you are starting to feel better about things and that you made some changes to your diet and expectations. Having such a restrictive diet works in the short term but will not be sustainable long term if you do not enjoy it. It has is much better to make little modifications that you can live with long term and accept a slower rate of loss. Good luck on the job hunt, I hope you get the position that you most want.

    As for me the stress is a little less. I just need to find a new balance now that I am back in the facility and back to being a dance mom again.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    Congrats Downsizers! Well done on the green challenge!
    Congrats on a green month
    @mzoueb @Z10Rtza @lelbarou @Piqueaboo @garn76 @Tazaria87
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post March 29
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 103oz
    Steps 10118
    Exercise 60min walk on lake trail

    Getting outside for a walk felt great. My nieces were here all day so I got a few thousand steps from having all 4 kids here. Then after they got picked up and my husband was done working, I headed out to go for a walk with my parents. The trail we do is a little over 3 miles. There is another one there that is over 5. My mom has arthritis in her knee so she can't handle the longer one but last night my dad said he wants to try with me. He's thinking an early weekend morning versus after he's worked all day. I had made some low cal broccoli cheese soup in the instant pot in the afternoon so I ate that right when I got home. I was hungry. The rest of the family ate while I was gone.
    Today I'm not sure what I'll do for workout. I have some errands to run for the consignment sale and also to get my son the rest of the way registered for Kindergarten. I'll probably just see where my steps are when I get back home and decide then!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,714 Member
    lelbarou wrote: »
    @azkunk - I hope your stress in your job goes down a bit and that your calcium and PTH normalize. Your grill looks awesome so I hope you get something to cook on it soon!

    @TheresaM787 - Thank you so much for your sympathy and support!

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - Thank you regarding the steps. Honestly, I had very little sleep last night and was out to lunch. I actually think I can get my steps in. You know me I think! LOL

    Its okay ....We all have bad days ....So I completely understand ....I kept you on the step challenge so you are good to go :)
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 889 Member
    Steps 3/29: 19,239
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    Your transformation is amazing! You look beautiful in both pictures.

    I always like to hear about your weight loss journey.

    Great job on your biking! It’s great to hear the group is helping. I know for me I would be back to my start weight plus some.

    Sounds like you have water weight for sure. I think it is neat how you have a plan and then a daily plan to get you to your goals. Great idea! Your bbq is awesome.

    How long have you been a runner? I loved running back in the day.

    The spring is such a nice time to walk. I love watching everything bloom.

    Great steps. Be careful you don’t fall.

    Awesome loss! Are you still doing the meal plans?

    I think this gain helped you see that you needed to make changes in your eating. It is so easy to get bored of eating the same things every day. Your breakfast sounds delicious. I am glad your interviews went well.

    Nice loss and steps! Are you still doing your new diet from the dietitian?

    You are moved to support. I will check in with you at the end of April to see if you are ready to come back.

    The great thing about the step challenge it pushes you to meet the step goal.

    Awesome loss! Looks like you will dip into the 200’s next week. I love coke which is full of sugar. When I started 2 years ago, cutting it out was the hardest thing I had to do. I now allow myself to have it once a week.

    Nice loss! You will hit that new decade and we will all celebrate with you.
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Steps 18,170

    Super productive day yesterday. Walked with friend, cleaning✅, dog walk and boxing workout. Prepped breakfast for Tuesday/Wed and lunch for today. I joke with my husband that I am always awesome on a Monday but by Friday I am like a slug. Just noticed my Fitbit has been dead all day so steps should a stink today ☹️
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    I promised to show pics of my built in grill when it was done. Well, the side burner is on back order (thanks, COVID) so it’s only 95% done. Can’t wait to grill something now 🥩


    Love it, looks awesome!
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 574 Member
    PW: 199.7
    CW: 196.6
    LTD: 56.0 pounds (SW 252.6)

    Super happy about this weigh in!
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 574 Member
    3/28 Steps 10,132
    3/29 Steps 12,135
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    BETTER LATE THAN NEVER..... Right?!?!



    1st @imgwendolyn2015 3.63 %
    2nd @Beautyofdreams 2.64
    3rd @bearchested 2.29 %

    1st @imgwendolyn2015 9.0 Lbs
    2nd @davidji82 5.6 Lbs
    3rd @bearchested 4.6 Lbs



  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member

    Biked 30 minutes, 7 miles, low effort
    Steps 6,200
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