Downsizers - June 2021 Team Chat



  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,782 Member
    Check in for Wednesday

    ✅Steps 8,877
    ✅physio 2/2

    Got up this morning and promptly went right back to bed. I woke with a bad headache. I think it is a combination of the weather change and all the excitement yesterday. I am so excited the exercise room opened but the best news is Newfoundland is going to start opening its borders to the rest of Canada starting July 1st. It depends on vaccination rate there and the person travelling has to be vaccinated. As soon as we get an idea on when Garry’s dentures are going to be done we are going for a month. It is such a relief to know we can go see our parents. It’s been 2 years so there will be lots of hugs and tears. Also, lots of food. 😬

    I am off for a short walk and try the exercise bike again. I will respond to some of the posts when I get back.

    Have a great Thursday!

    Steps 7,798
    Exercise bike 17 minutes moderate effort

    I need clarification on your steps it 8877 or 7798 plus the steps that I calculated for you exercise bike?

    Sorry I didn’t change it from the days before. Correct steps is 7,798 plus the bike.

    Awesome steps ....11,198 :)
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

    Our contractor passed away suddenly on Tuesday. He had just taped the condo for painting. When I found out, I immediately assured the family we would pay for the work he had completed. I’m now writing up a document I will attach to the final payment. I am so sorry for his family. His wife just lost her father last month. On a harsher note, I am now staying in a hotel as the condo is uninhabitable. I did find someone I trust who, I should have used originally, to finish up the work this weekend. I have extended my stay yet again... On Tuesday, my sister’s in-laws are coming for 3 weeks. They have been planning this trip for a very long time. I will have it completed. I truly believe it’s not what life throws at us, but how we handle it that matters. I’m doing my best. I’m going on a walk in a couple of hours with my brother and sister in law, so that should help me deal with some of this stress. And I am stressed. Be well everyone, I’ll check in when I can. Lee

    Terrible news... Very sad. :(
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,782 Member
    edited June 2021

  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member

    1. Remained eating mostly the healthy foods while on staycation with the in-laws.
    2. Definitely more fish.
    3. Not drinking enough water and not having previously communicated my healthy eating plans to my husband.
    4. Donuts. Although, I already had one.
    5. No specific topic at the moment.
    6. I'm your Team Motivator. Please let us know what we can do, we are here to help and support you. 🤗
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @TheresaM787 - good job sticking to one donut. I know how hard that is. Moderation not deprivation ... that is the key to making this a sustainable lifestyle. I am not keto just coming off of a break with higher carbs and too many bad, sugar rich choices. Today was a bit better

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - epsom salt will definitely help with the toe. I some times tape a gauze cushion to keep my toe from touch the other toe which helps me.

    @lindamtuck2018 - what a disappointment that your gym is still closed. July will be here before you know it! But I’m sure the good news of being able to visit your parents soon overshadowed that disappointment. I am so happy for you.

    @Bluetail6 - what an ordeal. I’m glad you found another contractor to complete the work so quickly

    @rwood566 - can’t say that I have ever had cognac but donuts on the other hand, that deserves its own day 🤤

    @rlaskey2 - I forgot all about watermelon feta salad and I have the ingredients in my fridge. Thanks for the reminder ... too bad I am in my fasting window now

  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Congrats on hitting your fasting for 16 hours! Less than a 1,000 calories? You are determined. That was a great idea having a protein shake. What is your protein goal? I'm glad that the joint pain and fatigue went mostly away. Thank you! I completely agree with that philosophy, "moderation, not deprivation." I need to learn to moderate better. Although, tonight I did well. Thank you!

    Well after all of that walking, I can definitely see why you would need an epson salt hot soak. I hope it helps and you feel raring to go in the morning.

    Thank you so much! That means a lot 🤗
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,782 Member
    Congrats on hitting your fasting for 16 hours! Less than a 1,000 calories? You are determined. That was a great idea having a protein shake. What is your protein goal? I'm glad that the joint pain and fatigue went mostly away. Thank you! I completely agree with that philosophy, "moderation, not deprivation." I need to learn to moderate better. Although, tonight I did well. Thank you!

    Well after all of that walking, I can definitely see why you would need an epson salt hot soak. I hope it helps and you feel raring to go in the morning.

    Thank you so much! That means a lot 🤗

    It did help and I am ready to go in the morning🙂
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    I think the biggest change is that I hardly ever have heartburn. I used to eat antacids almost every day. I had them in my purse, my car, next to the sofa, etc. I rarely need them now. Another change is that I am not constantly tugging on my shirts and my clothing when I am out of the house. I used to fool with my clothes a lot to make sure they weren't clinging and such:)
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    Great job on choosing to have only one donut and then following through with that! Not easy at all:)

    So horrible that your contractor died. I'm so sorry. That is great that you will use a walk to help with the stress.

  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Congrats on hitting your fasting for 16 hours! Less than a 1,000 calories? You are determined. That was a great idea having a protein shake. What is your protein goal? I'm glad that the joint pain and fatigue went mostly away. Thank you! I completely agree with that philosophy, "moderation, not deprivation." I need to learn to moderate better. Although, tonight I did well. Thank you!

    My macro goals are P-105g, C-115 and F-40. Today was low at 84, 94 and 46.

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