Downsizers - June 2021 Team Chat



  • Aqualang26
    Aqualang26 Posts: 149 Member
    P.S. I'm sorry to hear about your struggle with aging, ailing parents. My father has Parkinson's and lives with us. I get it - so if you ever want to vent or chat, please feel free to dm me.
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Thank you 😊 I actually surprised myself, by not reaching for a second donut. I probably haven't done that since I was a child.

    105g of protein for you. Do you eat a lot of Greek yogurt, eggs, chicken? I love ice cream too (well, all desserts). Have you tried Halo Top? Our grocery store had them BOGO a few weeks (or was it monthsπŸ˜†) ago. I tried the peanut butter one and mint chocolate chip. They were really good. Now I'm constantly scouting sales for another BOGO. While I was debating which flavors to choose, a lady came up and gave me a suggestion of leaving my serving in the bowl for about ten minutes (or microwave on 30% for two minutes) to soften it. I tried it out of the container first. She was right. Leaving it on the counter for 10 minutes changed the consistency to a softer ice cream.

    Incredible high step count PLUS 1,000 jumps and kettle swings! Nice work Amy with both your purposeful movement and staying under your calorie goal πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    Another nice loss πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ» and more steps! Today your treadmill arrives πŸŽ‰ I'm so happy for you.

    Way to go Roger! Over SIX miles on the bike AND four other machines AND steps AND a low calorie day πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» You're doing amazing! It's sad to hear that people aren't wearing masks (including not wearing them correctly). I'm glad you're staying safe around those non- maskers. Yes, that sounds about right (the doc's office recommends halting exercise, and you go for a six mile ride 🀣). I'm glad your chest isn't hurting, please be careful.

    Yes, the heat and high humidity makes walking outside terrible. In the before times (before COVID), I would take mine to a mall (before the mall opens) and we would walk around in the air conditioning. I'm sure that is really difficult to have your oldest move so far away. I feel for you. You know he's going to do well, because you raised him. I'm sorry to hear that you are having a lot of guilt about eating and dreading the scale. Have you felt that way for long? You are eating within your calorie budget and I'm sure you are eating some (or mostly) healthy options. I've learned during this path, that there are days when my weight will fluctuate up a few pounds, remain there for a little while, and then come down. In the beginning, I was so upset by the increase and/or the plateau. I've finally accepted, weight goes up and down. I just need to be mindful of tracking my calories, eating healthy (with a sprinkling of indulgences) and getting in purposeful movement. I hope you know you are doing really well. πŸ€—

    Ok, I should get my sneaks on and go for a walk, before it gets too late. Have a great day everyone!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member
    Great job on having one donut. I like what Andrea said moderation not deprivation. I was feeling kind of guilty as when I went to Tim Hortons to get my tea I bought a donut. You guys have the thought process right. I love your new habit.

    And just like that you hit 16 hours. Avoiding our favourite things is one of the toughest part of this process. I hear on not wanting to restart your windows. When you had all your blood work did they check your inflammation markers?

    Great step day! Do you have a routine with the kettle bells? When I worked with a trainer my favourite workout was with kettle bells.

    Nice loss!

    Popcorn is not the worst food you can have. My favourite way to have popcorn is to sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese on it. Do you have it plain or have a favourite topping? Nice workout! When does your family physician get back? Can you hold off exercising until then?

    Sounds like your walks are lovely. It is so hard to walk when it is humid. Hopefully, this is something you become more comfortable with time. My suggestion would be to plan your day the day before. You then know what you have to eat in advance.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member

    1. No nighttime eating!
    2. Fruit
    3. Sodium content of meals
    4. My answer is the opposite of the question: my trigger food is potato chips but allowing myself a small serving I am preventing binges
    5. No topic
    6. Myself, Megan and Theresa are always looking for ideas to help you be successful on your journey.
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member

    In no way are you ever a disappointment to this team, this entire forum, or this world. You are a cheer leader, you support all those around you. You are a warrior!

    Of course all that walking has shaken up your leg muscles, not to mention lower back to mid back. Your muscles are restoring to there full pre-operation glory! Nutrients are flooding them to facilitate nutrients and muscle recompositing. You know it, and we sure as heck know it. Your doing this right... To hell with the scale I say.

    You my friend are a role model to me. And were all lucky to have you here.

  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    My resting heartbeat 76 to 61. I just noticed this. I think the walking has helped maybe.

    Some things are much more important then the weight.... That NSV qualifies. Be proud Linda... Be very very Proud. You are a motivator, and 76 to 61 is Superfrackulicious in the most Superfrackulicious way possible. :)
  • lmf1012
    lmf1012 Posts: 402 Member
    6/3 steps 9,241
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member
    Once again you outdid yourself. Almost a full minute off your best time is outstanding. Thanks! The heart rate shocked me. I was looking at my Fitbit to see how many steps I had left for the hour and noticed it. It has been decreasing over a period of a month and a half. How did I miss that? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

    Awesome loss! Red pepper flakes sound interesting.

    Never apologize. You just went back on keto and started walking. Do you feel better now that you are back on keto and walking? I am sure you do and that in itself is a victory. Next week watch out for a big whoosh!
  • Beverly2Hansen
    Beverly2Hansen Posts: 378 Member
    11,474 6/3 steps
    Ate above by around 50 calories
    Drank 64oz water.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,991 Member
    Once again you outdid yourself. Almost a full minute off your best time is outstanding. Thanks! The heart rate shocked me. I was looking at my Fitbit to see how many steps I had left for the hour and noticed it. It has been decreasing over a period of a month and a half. How did I miss that? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

    Awesome loss! Red pepper flakes sound interesting.

    Never apologize. You just went back on keto and started walking. Do you feel better now that you are back on keto and walking? I am sure you do and that in itself is a victory. Next week watch out for a big whoosh!

    I do feel better Linda ... I have more energy and I do not feel sluggish at all :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,991 Member

    In no way are you ever a disappointment to this team, this entire forum, or this world. You are a cheer leader, you support all those around you. You are a warrior!

    Of course all that walking has shaken up your leg muscles, not to mention lower back to mid back. Your muscles are restoring to there full pre-operation glory! Nutrients are flooding them to facilitate nutrients and muscle recompositing. You know it, and we sure as heck know it. Your doing this right... To hell with the scale I say.

    You my friend are a role model to me. And were all lucky to have you here.


    Thank you so much Jonathan ...You are awesome :)
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    I'm sorry you are disappointed. You are doing incredible with your walking, and eating, and hitting your daily goals πŸ€— Yes, love that! Onto a new week. Time to enjoy that pizza with the grandkids, very smart idea of pre-logging it into your food diary and planning out what you're going to eat. That sprinkled donut called your name and for good reason, you budgeted it into your day and that's the way to do it! I'm glad you edited your post, the walking is doing wonders! Thank you Linda, I am happy that I showed restraint in my donut addiction (one and done). Yes, Andrea's mindset may be my new philosophy. Thank you again @azkunk

    Nicely done Johnathan πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» five days cardio and six laps!!! Plus, you walked even faster πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ» Terrific showing!

    Terrific loss πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 575 Member
    Thanks for the tip about Halo Top. I have only bought it once, and I really liked it! I was able to only have a little bit and felt satisfied. I wasn't crazy about the texture, so I will try it like you said. Also, now you know that you are capable of choosing only one when it comes to certain goodies:) I love the feeling the next day when I was able to control my portions of junk:) For me, if I had to give those things up completely, then I would obsessively think about them:)

    I get that you didn't want to start your window over. I don't formally do IF, but I do delay breakfast on most days, and I usually stop eating after around 8PM or so. Just remember, you don't have to be perfect:)

    You are killing it with the exercise! Way to go!

    Glad your chest isn't hurting. You do so well with your food and exercise! I'm not sure how it is where you are as far as state mandates and such, but where I live people are not really wearing masks indoors unless they personally choose to do so. I'm pretty sure the CDC said that if you are fully vaccinated, then you do not need to wear a mask. But I know that different places have different rules. I'm going to get my first vaccine tonight, and I am nervous about getting it, but I do take care of my mom and my mom and dad are both almost 80 y.o.

    I hear ya about the heat and humidity! It gets so think here, like where you are, that you sweat just walking out of the door going to the car. I'm in SE Louisiana. I want to start going to the neighborhood pool, but it's small and usually crowded. It must be really hard for you knowing that your son is moving across the country. My son is also 21y.o. and is in college 7.5 hours from home. This summer he was supposed to have an internship, which would have been 10.5 hours away, but it went virtual, so he is home for the summer doing his internship on his computer M-F 8-5. I cherish every moment I have with him because I know that when he graduates next year, he will hopefully get a job, and I know that with his major and his ambitions that he will be far, far from home like your son. I'm sure you are feeling very happy for him and proud of him while also dreading the distance that will be between you. That must be really hard.

    Great going on the exercise! You have been so consistent! Do you ice your knees? I use frozen bags of green peas for my knees. The peas conform to the shape of my knee, so they work well. If you do this, make sure you put the frozen bag of peas into a big ziploc bag. Don't ask me how I know that is a good idea. Lol.

    Great job on choosing only one donut with your tea and keeping within your calories for the day! Sodium can cause the scale to go up 2-3 pounds for me. It is frustrating, but you know it will come off and that it is just water weight. I love your NSV! You are healthier from doing all of this work and it shows! As for the pizza, you know that I sometimes eat pizza. Usually I have only 1-2 slices and make sure it's within my calories for the day. I KNOW that you can do it!!! I hope you really enjoy the pizza with your grandkids. Just think how good you will feel tomorrow knowing that you ate what you pre-logged:)

    You are not a disappointment to the team! No way! Give yourself grace and be kind to yourself. That's what Linda says, and it is great advice. You've had a lot of changes recently. Maybe it's fluid. I'm sure it'll come off. Keep on keepin' on:)

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