What are you reading



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Wow, I really didn't enjoy THE ROSE AND THE THISTLE by Laura Frantz (historical), but persisted through it because I had listened to so much on the trip. I just have to wonder why I didn't like it, but there are so many people saying what a wonderful book it is. I think it must have been because of the narration with the strong Scottish accents.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    I have THE ROSE AND THE THISTLE on my wish list. I read her first two or three books, but haven't read anything by her since then. I really liked them so not sure why, just didn't gravitate towards those.

    I'm re-reading a fantasy series after starting another re-read by this author - Melanie Cellier. Another fantasy author I really like is Brittany Fichter. She does have a contemporary series about Air Force couples (her husband is in the Air Force). The series is MY AIR FORCE FAIRY TALE Books. There are three in the series, each in a different location. I haven't read any of these.

    I started a fantasy by Ce Ce Louise, one I'd had for a little while. So far it's pretty good.

    I'm almost done with NEVER PURSUE A PRINCE by Regina Scott, a Regency Romance. It's been really good, but I'm to the part where he is going to tell her the truth and she is probably going to hate him - I keep putting it off! LOL!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited February 2023
    I am currently reading IN HIS STEPS by Charles M Sheldon (classic). I hadn't gotten around to reading a classic, so decided today to look up Christian Classics and this came up. I have owned it forever and never got around to it. What a great premise! I'm glad I waited.

    I am listening to LINE BY LINE by Jennifer Delamere (historical). It is set in London during the time of telehraph and beginning of telephone use. It is.very good, but I am trying to not rush through.it.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    THE WEIGHT OF AIR by Kimberly Duffy - about circus performers circa 1911. Very good story. Her books are always good. This books starts in Italy and moves to New York.
    SOUNDS OF LIGHT by Sara Sundin (WW2)

    I have been hearing a lot of chatter about MY PHONY VALENTINE by Courtney Walsh (rom com) and checked it out on KU. I was disappointed. I didnt think it was nearly as funny as people said, and there was too much slang.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    I really liked IN HIS STEPS!

    I'm readying several different things again.

    I barely started A WHISKER BEHIND by W R Gingell, a spin off of another of her series. Not far enough to tell if I will finish it!

    BLADE OF ASH by CFE Black, same thing, just started it, not far enough to tell if it will be good.

    I'm on the second book in the fantasy re-read I am doing about the Spoken Mage.

    I'm still working on the CeCe Louise fantasy, but I can't remember the title.

    I found book three, A MODEL OF DEVOTION by Mary Coneally last night and read some more in it. I'm struggling getting into this one more than the other ones, and may have to reborrow it from Hoopla.

    I have another fantasy borrowed through Hoopla that I will start in a day or two.

    It seems like I also have a Regency going, but who knows! LOL
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,384 Member
    I'm reading Bridges by Deborah Raney. Started it on the plane... and hope to finish it while I'm working in Nashville these next few days
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I love her books!

    I am reading a series that was recommended by Carol Dyer, if anyone remembers her from sparkpeople. I had the first 2, and checked out book three. The first dealt with Japenese camps on the west coast (Oregon). The second is about a farm girl that marries a guy getting ready to ship out, and the last is a pilot that was shot down and is searching for the hero from book 1, and a nurse that is helping him.

    Hearts Of The War
    GARDEN OF HER HEART by Shanna Hatfield (WW2)
    HOME OF HER HEART by Shanna Hatfield (WW2)
    DREAM OF HER HEART by Shanna Hatfield (WW2) KU
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    It's in KU so I got book one, thanks, Connie. How is Carol doing?

    I am all over the place with my reading. I think I have six books going right now, both fantasy and Regency. ADHD anyone??? Not really, I just get to a place in the story I don't want to go into so I move to another book! Ugh.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    GAFFE OUT LOUD by Christy Barritt (cozy) - I didn't have this on my list as read, but when I started it, I knew that I had read it. Since I had one topic on a monthly reading challenge that I have been trying to finish completely, this one fit, a re-read.

    I checked out the next ones in the series and will probably try to finish them up.

    THE WEIGHT OF AIR by Kimberly Duffy (1911 circus) - good. Starts in Italy and goes to NY
    NOTHING VENTURED by Julie Arnold (rom susp)
    NARROW ESCAPE by Christy Barritt (Vanishing Ranch)
    SOUNDS OF LIGHT by Sara Sundin (WW2) - Denmark
    JUST A COWBOY’S BEST FRIEND by Jessie Gussman (romance) YouTube
    HEARTS OF STEEL by Elizabeth Camden (historical) - definitely the best book of the month, so far! It deals with dishonesty, monopoly, and "enforcers". I love that the villain in the book was an actual villain during the time.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,384 Member
    I finished Bridges by Deborah Raney. It was really good - she never disappoints. I tried to start The Cupcake Dilemma: A Rock Creek Romance novella by Jennifer Rodewald, but got called away to finish up some work so I only got a few pages in. Looks like that's my plane read for the ride home tonight. Praying that the ice and snow they're predicting for my area holds off until after I drive home from the airport
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    Oh my, Cindy, that makes me feel guilty about my 70 degree weather right now! Love sitting on the porch when it's so nice.

    Still working on the same mish-mash of stories.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Our weather had been cloudy today, but about 65°. Tonight it is supposed to go down to 22. I wish it would make up its mind!

    I am reading PHOEBE DEANE by Grace Livingston Hill. I loved her books as a teen, since they were Christian. CF has come a long way. This is my last book for all of my challenges (including the 3 monthly ones). I am still keeping track of states and/or countries, though. I thought it would be fun to see at year end all of the books by state.

    I am listening to DOUBLE THE LIES by Patricia Raybon (historical). I really enjoyed her first book, but haven't gotten far into this one, yet.

    I finished COLD LIGHT OF DAY by Elizabeth Goddard (susp) -This is her newest, set in Alaska.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited February 2023
    Well, I lied. I still have a December read left. It has to be between 393-433 pages. I have a Staci Stallings book lined up for it, but just opened Christy Barritt's last book in the Vanishing Ranch series and it has 393 pages. WooHoo!

    Current: DESPERATE RESCUE by Christy Barritt. - Vanishing Ranch Book 10.

    I just finished THE REFRAIN WITHIN by Liz Tolsma (WW2) -Hungary. I need to get out of the WW2 timeframe. I have read so many this year.

    I also finished HOW HER EX STOLE CHRISTMAS by Christy Barritt. I am not quite sure how to classify. Kind of a spy story...not exactly like the cover. I was good, but not one of my favorites by her.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,384 Member
    I finished The Cupcake Dilemma: A Rock Creek Romance novella by Jennifer Rodewald. It was a great little light read. Haven't started anything new yet - I'm pretty busy with work (and the house is still a construction zone).
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Several older Love Inspired books by Lois Richer have been coming available through libby. They all take place in Canada. I have been putting them on hold when they come up and read as the holds come available. They are basically just light Romances, but good reads.
    NORTH COUNTRY FAMILY by Lois Richer (LI)
    NORTH COUNTRY MOM by Lois Richer (LI)

    DEADLY EVIDENCE by Elizabeth Goddard (LIS) KU - just getting started on it.

    Also finished:
    A MATCH IN THE MAKING by Jen Turano (historical) - her books are always good for a giggle. This one is about a matchmaker's assistant.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    Connie, MARCIA SHUYLER goes with the Phoebe Deane story! I had a bunch of old hard backs by GLH, many I got from e-bay. But when I was getting rid of my paper books I gave all of them to either a Church library or to Salvation Army.

    I'm almost finished with my re-read of THE SPOKEN MAGE series (4 books); I'm also reading DREAM OF KINGS by Sharon Hinck (through Hoopla), as well as MAZARINE, a Little Mermaid re-tell.

    I have a lot of new books on my Kindle from free deals I've found, but there are two fantasies I want to get to right after I finish these.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Aarg...just lost my post.

    Current: FRASER by Susan May Warren. Good, but like many of her newer books, the Christianity seems weak

    THE FOREVER FARMHOUSE by Lee Tobin McClain - this is listed as clean fiction, but was pretty good. I will listen to the next in the series.
    MEMORY LANE by Becky Wade (romance) - another good book, but Christian influence seemed very weak.
    JUST A COWBOY'S ENEMY by Jessie Gussman (romance) This book hit all the bells and whistles of a good Christian influence. I needed that after the last few.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,384 Member
    I just downloaded the first book in that Jessie Gussman series: Just A Cowboy's Convenient Marriage. It'll be a good read for the plane - I'm flying to San Francisco for work today (then driving 2 hours north to the Napa area).
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,353 Member
    Oooo, getting out of the cold - well, I've seen some crazy weather in California, so who knows? We watch a couple of eagle's nests live on YouTube and the one in California has been socked in with snow for days now. The one in Florida has been fine. There are two growing eaglets in that one. The one in California is a mama sitting on her egg.

    I finished THE SPOKEN MAGE 4-book compilation and am moving on to the spin-off of that series about the children of the main characters in the first series. I really like them both.

    I read more in DREAM OF KINGS which is a sort of fantasy. It is a Joseph-type story with a female in that role. She is a dream teller and if the Lord gives her the meaning of the person's dream then she shares that. She sure doesn't have the faith of Joseph though, but others in the story do. I'm enjoying it.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Currently I am reading a Morris Fenris book that is a compilation of 5 books. It is part 1 of a series, but the rest are just single books. This one has good stories, but two times in the first book and once in the second there was some inappropriate language. I read reviews and they say how "Christian" the people in the books are, and I am sure not seeing that. AARG! I will finish this book, but I am not going further into the series, and I probably will not check out his books again.
    Love Came Just In Time Book 1 (5n1) of Oceanside Inn series.

    Oh, wow! I just looked this up on Amazon and it doesn't come close to the book I have! For one thing it shows 2xx pages and this one has probably 1000ish. Also, it is about a guy who inherits the Inn and this is about 3 women who inherits the Inn (three seperate books + another and a Christmas one). Now I am really confused!

    I am listening to THE MAID OF BALLYMACCOOL by Jennifer Deibel (historical). It takes place in Ireland and is about a maid in an elite girls school in Ireland. She works for no wages in order to be able to attend the classes and is very abused. So far, it is good.