What are you reading



  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    It was Calvanistic and had a charismatic bent? I don't think of those as automatically going hand in hand.

    I had already borrowed - thru KU - the first book in that Sara Davison series. Thanks
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    It's weird, but both of them believe that once you are saved you are always saved; and the charismatic part of it is also the effusiveness of worship but not necessarily the depth of spirituality, having a deep understanding of the Word. I really like the pastor in this story, he loves the Lord and shares Him whenever he gets the chance, but when he preaches a sermon it has that charismatic lean to it. The Calvinistic lean isn't as overt, but there are phrases that hint at once saved always saved. The fourth book (or maybe it's the fifth) in the series brings out the charismatic bent far more than the others with the main male character preaching a lot of sermons so I was more uncomfortable with that one because I didn't agree with some of what he was saying. I simply turned the pages to get past the sermon and get on with the story.

    I am almost done with the third book and getting ready to start the fourth book.
    I read some more in my fantasy re-read and am almost done with book 1.
    I had started later than I usually do so I didn't read in the Western one.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited March 2023
    Edited: I.got two author's series mixed up. If you read about the post EMP.series, that is a Lisa Harris Series.

    I have really enjoyed the Sara Davison books that I have read, mostly suspense, some romance.

    I just finished a series by Carol J Post that I have had downloaded in my KU forever. It was really good. Harmony Grove
    FLEE THE DARKNESS by Carol J Post (susp)
    SHATTER THE SILENCE by Carol J Post (susp) KU
    PAY THE PRICE by Carol J Post (susp)
    SURVIVE THE NIGHT Carol J Post (susp)
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I finished I AM IN HERE by Creston Mapes. Whoa, what an emotional roller coaster. It was very good, but sad. It was about a young teen that was brain damaged in a youth group bus wreck. It also killed his brother. The young man is unable to communicate by knows everything going on around him. Enough said, but that is how the book starts, so no spoilers.

    I am currently listening to A CRY IN THE DARK by Jessica R Patch (suspense). It is intense! I didn't get very far into it last night at bedtime. Since it is the only audiobook I have checked out at the time, I guess I need to start listening to more YouTube audiobooks during the daytime. I wish I could set a sleep timer on them, like library books.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Connie, the Carol Posts series looks interesting. I downloaded the first one in the series. I'm working on several and having trouble getting into most of them, thus having started several.

    The Nano-stealth series had a phrase I wasn't sure how to take, and then I ran into some strong slang - say what!? I don't remember that from my first time through. I am almost done with book three, not sure I will move on. I'm still on the first book in my other fantasy re-read. It's a nice one to fall asleep to, so I don't get very far in it.

    I'm excited to get started in the one I just downloaded by Shelley Adina and Regina Scott, it's a Regency Steampunk type story! LOL! THE EMPEROR'S AERONAUT.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I am reading a new Lisa Prysock book. I really like her facebook presence and some of her books, but some just don't interest me. I have enjoyed her contemporary books, but haven't read any of her historical books. I decided to try her newest. It is part of a new multi-author series about resorts duing the Gilded Age. This one is A SUMMER AT SAGAMORE by Lisa Prysock (Gilded Age Resort #2). I went ahead and checked out book 1 by a different author, too. So far, it is good.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Still working on the same stuff. I'm reading THROUGH GATES OF SPLENDOR, the story of the missionaries killed by a tribe of South American Indians but others kept trying to reach them for Jesus and eventually they gave their hearts to the Lord.

    I'm also still reading my two fantasy re-reads, and then touching on the Western one. I know something bad is going to happen to try to mess them up so I am avoiding it right now! LOL!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited March 2023
    I have been reading a bunch of Love Inspired Suspense books that showed up on the library site. Most of them were by Lisa Harris but the last was by Margaret Daley. I always enjoy them. I need to check them in KU again.

    I also finished:
    A NOVEL PROPOSAL by Denise Hunter (romance) - her newest, it was good but not her best.
    UNDER FIRE by Lynn H Blackburn (susp) - her newest. Very good.

    Currently reading a Love Inspired Romance that is Amish. I don't know why, but it seems like all the books set in Delaware are Amish.
    ANNA'S GIFT by Emma Miller (Amish LI)

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    There's a suspense series of Amish stories by Mary Alford that I have on my favorite's list with Hoopla. When I get done with my re-reads I want to start on something like that.

    I finished THE EMPEROR'S AERONAUT, it was very good. It had a wee bit of the steampunk with a robot-type sideboard that seemed to have a mind of it's own, but it was a very small part of the story. The rest of the story is about an English woman and a French woman who are building a balloon that could help in the war between their countries. The French woman made a near successful trip from France to England, but ended up stuck in England with this English woman and decides to help England's side!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    I finished the Jenna's Creek series by Teresa Slack. I enjoyed the first four stories but didn't care for the storyline of the 5th: Legacy of Faith. I can't tell you why because it would be a spoiler.

    I'm starting Book 1 of the Deborah Raney Camfield Legacy series: Beneath a Southern Sky.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I saw in one of my e-mails a 6 book set for $.99 by Christine Sterling: SILVERPINES - https://amazon.com/gp/product/B08VS88KSS

    On book three of one of my fantasy series and book four of the other. Just read in the one last night. I did finish THROUGH GATES OF SPLENDOR, wow, what an amazing story and the faith of the wives is remarkable!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I have been reading through a series of Love Inspired Suspense books by Dana Mentink.
    Desert Justice
    MISSING IN THE DESERT by Dana Mentink (LIS) KU
    DEATH VALLEY HIDEOUT by Dana Mentink (LIS)

    I had already read book 1 and am waiting for the last one, so they aren't listed.

    Currently I am listening to THE WIDOW OF LARKSPUR LANE by Lawana Blackwell (historical).
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited April 2023
    Editing: This book was really good! I went ahead and started on the second book IN THE MIDST OF THE DARKEST HOUR. It was a great romantic suspense with lots of good Christian influence in the lives of the characters. I definitely would not call the book a thriller. I really didn't know if I was in the mood for something that intense.

    I found a new suspense/thriller author on KU that is supposed to be really good. Her name is Latisha Sexton. Her first book is IN THE MIDST OF THE STORM. I am just starting it. I will keep you updated.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I loved the second book in the series, too. I do need to put a disclaimer that it had one lite but slang word used twice, though. She has a new women's fiction due to release this summer.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I like Dana Mentink.
    I finished THE KING'S CAPTIVE by K M Shea. I normally give her high marks, but this one was just too full of magic and magical characters. I liked the premise, but that got in the way. I skipped through quite a bit of it. I didn't read her last series and didn't plan to read this one, but ended up trying it anyway - won't finish the rest. I keep waiting for her to finish my favorite series, just one more book, but she got caught up in these and it's been at least two years now. Who knows if she will ever finish it. If she keeps writing this way I won't be able to call her one of my favorite authors.

    I finished DEEP STATE STEALTH by Vikki Kestell, boy, right out of today's news! No, there aren't nano-powered people "saving" the world, but the wickedness of the government and the secret wheeling and dealing is right there! This one had a stronger Christian message to it as well.

    Almost done with book 4 in the Melanie Cellier series I am re-reading.

    I've started a couple of others, a Western and an Amish but am not into either one but will try to keep reading and see how they go. I've started and stopped a couple of others just because I didn't like the feel of the story and didn't want to get involved when it just didn't feel right.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    I finished the Deborah Raney book I had been reading - Beneath a Southern Sky -and started on the second in that 2 book series - After the Rains (Camfield Legacy Books).
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I started re-reading the Carol Moncado Prince/Princess series again. I have quite a few of the books already, and I started book one last night, and am surprised how little I remember of it! LOL! I finished my fantasy re-reads and wanted to go in a different direction. I also have a series by ? Blackard that I want to re-read before I read her latest book. I've thought about re-reading the Alaska series that starts with STRANDED by Dani Pettrey. She has a new novella to go with it, but there is so much I don't remember, and I don't like reading something added to a series when I don't remember the series that well.

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    Restfinder wrote: »
    I started re-reading the Carol Moncado Prince/Princess series again. I have quite a few of the books already, and I started book one last night, and am surprised how little I remember of it! LOL! I finished my fantasy re-reads and wanted to go in a different direction. I also have a series by ? Blackard that I want to re-read before I read her latest book. I've thought about re-reading the Alaska series that starts with STRANDED by Dani Pettrey. She has a new novella to go with it, but there is so much I don't remember, and I don't like reading something added to a series when I don't remember the series that well.
    I think it's Sara Blackard. I like Dani Pettrey. Maybe I'll look into that novella. Thanks, Kim!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Thanks for the name, Cindy! I wanted to say something like Sandra - say what??? Sara just didn't come to my mind! LOL!

    I am reading a book on David Livingstone, very interesting. I'm also listening to BLOOD SECRETS by Morgan L Busse. I'd started it but couldn't get into it but am enjoying it this second time around.

    GOOD ENOUGH FOR A PRINCESS by Carol Moncado, but I don't think it's the first book in the entire series and I can't find a list of all the books in these series. I believe the first book has Christiana in it, and this book mentions her, but I'm not sure how to find it! Wah!

    I finished ESTHER'S CHERISHED DESTINY a story based on the story of Esther in the Bible but taking place in a medieval time. It was a stop-and-start book for me, but I enjoyed it closer to the end. There is some steamy kissing in this one.

    I have a compilation of Pride and Prejudice continuation books by Eliza Heaton. There are four books in the series and I've finished book one - Kitty and Mary find love in this one. Pretty good. His Everlasting Love Media put it out so it has a Christian bent to it.

    I am reading a fantasy called MAIDEN OF CANDLELIGHT AND LOTUSES by Anastasis Blythe. This is an Asian story about a farm girl who finds she has a magic gift of visions and is sent to the academy but this academy is very strange and pretty much just dumps you in and you have to find your way around and learn as best you can, hoping someone higher up will take you under their wing - and two men are that for her, one of them the Prince.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited April 2023
    Right now I am listening to LIE FOR ME by Karen Young (susp). It has started on a positive note. I just.finished THE VANISHING AT CASTLE MOREAU by Jaime Jo Wright (split time susp). That was an amazing book -right now it is in my top 2 books of the year. Her books always have creepy vibes that work out not to be creepy in the end.

    Carol Moncado is one author that I always read as soon as they are released. Here is her book list on fantastic fiction. The series meld into each other.