What are you reading



  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    I just started Deborah Raney's Breath of Heaven - Book 3 in the Camfield Legacy series
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Thank you, Connie. I must have started reading the series farther in the first time because I don't remember reading this first set (the first ones in her list of series) before. I am quite enjoying them though. I'm on the second one ALONG CAME A PRINCE. I love the king in these first stories, he is for his children even though they want what their country says they can't have, and he finds a way to work it out for them! Now the Queen, she's a meddling mess.

    I am in an out of other books. I started a book COYOTE'S REVENGE by Vanetta Chapman and ran into a cuss word. Oh, by today's standards it's pretty much a throw away phrase, but it's still cussing to me! Ugh, she was a safe one for me - now, I'm not so sure.

    I'm reading THE ENCHANTED WREATH by Brittany Fichter. This is a novella so I should finish it tonight. Part of her obscure fairy tale stories.

    I also started BURN AWAY by Anna Travis, this is the sixth book in a series by her that I have really enjoyed. It deals with a group of teens who went on a missions trip and ended up in another world where one of the teens had originally come from and now they must try and save her land, and each teen has to willingly take on a gift that will help her.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Right now I am working through some Jessie Gussman books on YouTube. They are part of the Flyboys of Sweet Briar Ranch series. I always enjoy her books.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I think it's one of her books that's free today, but I believe that you both read them - the ones in the wheat field and the guy is holding up the little boy.

    I finished two of the fantasies that I'm reading by Anastasia Blythe, a prequel and book one: MAIDEN OF CANDLELIGHT AND LOTUSES and GUARDIANS OF TALONS AND SNARES. They are set in a China-like land but with some magical gifts thrown in.

    I'm still working on BURN AWAY, the sixth book in this fantasy series.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited April 2023
    I think I have read pretty much all of Jessie Gussman's books. She writes a LOT, though. Now, I am waiting for them to come up on YouTube and doing them audio. There is a new one coming up tomorrow. She has a new book every Friday on YouTube, but sometimes they are back list. When she has a new release, she usually works with the narrator (Jay Dyess) and they release the audio and ebook on the same day. There are only 3 books of hers that I haven't read. 2 of them I have and one is available on KU. This is an older series and previously was not available on KU. I don't know when she changed it, but the three I have "read" in the series were on YouTube.

    Currently I am reading GABRIEL by Liz Isaacson (romance). I always enjoy her books...light and easy

    I am listening to BROKER OF LIES by Steven James (susp). His books are always so intense and I'm not really sure I am ready for it. I will try it for a while (just 30 minutes in to it) and see if I need something lighter.

    I found a new historical series that is just releasing. It is called the Pink Pistol Sisterhood. They are all by different authors. So far there are 2 books out and I think there are supposed to be 7. Book 3 comes out tomorrow. I read book 1, IN HER SIGHTS by Karen Witemeyer (historical) KU. It was only about 100 pages, but I got a kick out of it. It starts out with a man giving Annie Oakley a Pink Pistol and asks her to give it away to someone that needs it. It has a letter with it that is to be passed with the pistol.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,382 Member
    edited April 2023
    I finished Breath of Heaven - Book 3 in the Deborah Raney Camfield Legacy series. Haven't started anything new yet
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I finished the book I was reading about David Livingstone, very good. I found it on Hoopla. It's by Janet and Geoff Benge. Phew, that man went through a lot! I have another one by him, but it actually isn't as good.

    I finished the second book in the Carol Moncado series, ALONG CAME A PRINCE and started book three,
    MORE THAN A PRINCESS. So far it's pretty good. I think it's funny that in the first three stories, poor Jonathan dates the princess but ends up losing her to someone else, but he doesn't go into it without knowing they are interested in someone else! I don't think I ever read the story where he finally gets the girl, so am looking forward to that one!

    I am going to start book 3 in my Anastasis Blythe series, WARRIOR OF BLADE AND DUSK. It's a continuation of book two's characters.

    I'm struggling with the Brittany Fichter story, THE ENCHANTED WREATH. She gets the man, but there is a "witch" after her and a wicked stepmother who despises her and so something bad is going to happen, and this one is darker than many of her other ones, so it's hard for me to get into.

    I'm a little lost in BURN AWAY because I don't remember much of what happened in the last book. I may have to go back and re-read it before going further into this one.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I just finished A BRIGHTER DAWN by Leslie Gould (Amish/Mennonite/split time). It was an amazing book. I can't even believe that I am saying that about an Amish/Mennonite book. The family has both Amish and Mennonites in the book. The main characters are Mennonite, but the grandparents on one side are Amish. It also deals with the Mennonites in Nazi Germany during WW2. WOW!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    Sounds interesting - I've downloaded it from Hoopla!

    I'm disappointed in my second go through of the Carol Moncado books, I don't remember the characters being so worldly. In this fourth book, the main female character is 19 years old and her 21 year old husband keeps offering her wine to drink! What's up with that??? And these are Christian characters. I probably won't finish this one (Jessabelle and Malachi). I'm really wanting to get to the one with Christiana and her brother.

    I'm reading a Janet and Geoff Benge story about George Mueller, very good. They have quite a few books through YWAM (Youth with a Mission) publishing about missionaries and other characters in history. So far I've found several audio ones on Hoopla.

    Also working on re-reading Lost, the fifth book in this fantasy series, and then will move on to the sixth and last book (but I don't remember the title). I've enjoyed this series. It's about teens, the main character being just 15 in this new book, but very mature teens - perhaps because they are actually several hundred years old by now! LOL!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I finished the George Meuller book, very good. I really like how these books are read, very easy listening to them. Amy Carmichael will be my next one.

    Still working on LOST, a fantasy re-read.

    I'll probably go on to the next book in the Carol Moncado series as well.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I have been listening to ELDERBERRY CROFT by Becky Doughty. It is really different. Hoopla had a bunch of months, but the one listed above is all of the months. It takes place in a trailer park and it is about the 12 residents there. One is a lady that lives in a small cabin at the park and she is the constant through all of the months and residents. There is another one after this book. Right now I am on November, so I will finish today.

    I am "reading" a Love Inspired Suspense, but haven't read any on it since leaving last Monday for Mom's. I will have to go back a couple of chapters to remember what is going on. I will probably do that this afternoon so I can get it in my April books.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I'm reading the Christiana story from the Carol Moncado series. I think I remembered bits and pieces from other books that involved her and put them all together, so this book isn't what I expected. The angst that goes off and on throughout the story keeps me from continuing to read. I move on to something else when they start misunderstanding each other and don't get a chance to talk (although I would have told everyone to get out, we need to talk for a few minutes and get it straightened out!

    I'm jumping around a lot, trying to find something to latch onto:
    CASTLE OF DUSK AND SHADOWS by Rachel Schade. This has a touch of Pride and Prejudice in a Fae/human setting.
    INVENTOR by Tara Grayce - this is a compilation of add-on stories for her series. So far it's alright, not my favorite format.
    LADY OF DEVICES by Shelley Adina, a steampunk Regency and so far pretty good.
    THE MISSIONARY, an African Tale by Francis John Miller. So far it's about his life before becoming a missionary and I'm not really enjoying it that much, but will continue to read it off and on.
    I'm getting ready to start ADONIRAM JUDSON, a Hoopla audio missionary biography. Very excited to get into a new one.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I started an ARC read called THE KING'S FEATHER by Amy Earls. It is a fantasy that uses several Biblical stories intermingled. One of the characters represents Saul, while there is also Ruth, Rahab, Salmon. The Biblical stories don't go together, but the character of the people represented fit well in this story.

    I am also listening to the story of BROTHER ANDREW by Janet and Geoff (forgot their last name), so interesting. I never knew more than his work in bringing Bibles into Communist countries; learning more of where he came from really adds to this story!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Lantern Beach Exposure - her newest series. The next one is due in Mid-May I am really enjoying it...about a manufacturing company that moves to town and everyone thinks there is something strange about it, since it is really expensive to get supplies to the island. That thread seems like it will run through the series. I'm not sure if more than the 3 books are planned.
    FRACTURED LIES by Christy Barritt (suspense) KU
    SHATTERED WHISPERS by Christy Barritt (suspense) KU

    Haven Ridge series This is her newest series.
    THE BRICK HOUSE CAFE by Carla Laureano - It has a bit of "what-if". The GPS lead her to the town instead of where she was supposed to go, then her car wouldn't start and her BnB reservations for where she was supposed to be was for the wrong month. All kinds of strange things seem to be happening, but fun. This is the beginning of the series and was sent free to newsletter subscribers.
    The Broken hearts bakery by Carla Laureano - I got this one from the library, so it is ready to read when I finish the first book.

    I don't have an audiobook started yet, but have several checked out, so will decide on one before bedtime. I just finished:
    HOPEFULLY EVER AFTER by Beth Wiseman (Amish)
    JUST A COWBOY'S SHOTGUN WEDDING by Jessie Gussman (romance)
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I finished THE KING'S FEATHER, enjoyed it very much.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I just finished 26 BELOW by Kimberley Woodhouse. Such a different book for her: Contemporary suspense set in Alaska. Now, I can't wait till book two comes out.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I started a couple of fantasies that were suggested on a site for clean books, but they weren't. One of the books had a strong slang word on the first page and was very teenagerish - I deleted it. The other one was a KU so I just sent it back.

    I started the book on Amy Charmichael, but I think I forgot to finish the one about Brother Andrew! Ugh. I've read another book about his ministry, so I don't feel too bad about that.

    I am reading the sixth book in the Carol Moncado series, the one with Nicolaus and Yvette.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    I have been doing some light reading over the weekend.
    Pink Pistol Sisterhood:- This is a really cute series about a pink pistol that is supposed to bring love. As you can see, there are several different authors. These are books 2-4. There will be 10, I think, but only 4 have released.
    LOVE ON TARGET by Shanna Hatfield (historical) KU
    LOVE UNDER FIRE by Cheryl Pierson (historical) KU
    BULLET PROOF BRIDE by Kit Morgan (historical) KU

    Blair Brothers
    THE WHOLE STORY by Brooke St. James (romance)
    DREAM CHASER by Brooke St. James (romance) - Current listen

    TWISTED PLOTS by Bonita Y McCoy (cozy) KU- pretty good. I will probably look up more of them.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I'm reading about Amy Charmichael, very interesting. I'm also reading the second book in that time shifting story - IN THIS MOMENT by Gabrielle Meyer. She is living three different lives and I tell you, they are hard for me to keep straight, no wonder she's frazzled as she now has to choose which life she will remain in! I think she is going to pick 1941! I'm surprised that she hasn't met anyone from her 1941 life since it's just 60 years earlier than her 2001 life and both involve the medical field!

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,351 Member
    I finished several books:
    AMY CHARMICHAEL by Janet Benge - very good.
    IN THIS MOMENT by Gabrielle Meyer. I cheated and read the ending!
    SONG OF THE SEA by Deborah Grace White. Little Mermaid re-tell with lots of twists.
    WARRIOR OF BLADE AND DUSK by Anastasia Blythe. There are three more stories in this series and I will go on to read the fourth one which doesn't center around the characters from the first three. This is an oriental fantasy.

    I'm still working on PROTECTORS OF THE PRINCE. It's hard because Nicki is fixated on what is happening to him and his poor wife seems to get left behind.