What are you reading



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    I finished AN ACCIDENTAL MISSIONARY by Marilyn Felhause. An Ethiopian Man becomes a missionary in America, after a harrowing time in Ethiopia and Sudan.

    I skipped ahead in book 4 of the FALLOUT SERIES, just couldn't get into it. I finished it and will go on to the 5th book.
    I finished SECURITY BREACH series by Vanetta Chapman. Cyber terrorists.
    I did finish JUST THE NICEST PERSON by Christy Barritt. It took me awhile, but I did enjoy it. I have book two downloaded.

    I am almost done with my re-read of the Milana series by Anna Travis, a fantasy with a Christian (very mild) message.

    I finished A SPLINTERED LAND by Deborah Grace White, fantasy.

    I finished PRINCESS AND THE PEA by KM Shea, fantasy.

    I started listening to THE NIGHTMARE VIRUS by Nadine Brandes last night on Hoopla. So far it's quite good. A virus has taken over the world that sends people into a nightmare each night; the first night for one hour, then you wake for 23. Each night you add an hour to your nightmare and less time awake. Eventually you die - or, you can find your way into the Colliseum!

    I have QUEEN OF HEARTS by Heather Day Gilbert that I want to start soon. It's a psychological thriller.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    I finished MARIAN AND THE ELF, a fantasy series. I've been reading it off and on but couldn't put it down last night. Yawn!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    I have been working on the series created by Susan May Warren & Lisa Phillips. Its funny, but Susan May Warren's is my least favorite so far. They all start with "Flash". There are 3 out so far and more due soon.
    Chasing Fire: Montana
    FLASH POINT by Susan May Warren (susp)
    FLASHOVER by Megan Besing (susp)
    FLASHBACK by Michelle Sass Aleckson (susp)

    I am now working on Susan May Warren's new Alaska series. I just finished book one and am getting ready to start book 2.
    Alaska Air One Rescue
    ONE LAST SHOT by Susan May Warren
    ONE LAST CHANCE by Susan May Warren

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    I used to really enjoy Susan Warren, but in more books than not, the main character was angry with God and had given up on Him. I just gave up on her.

    I finished my re-read of the MALANIA series, a fantasy with a set of missionary teenagers that end up in a whole new world!

    I am almost finished with a missionary bio OPEN EYED MISSIONARY. It begins with the father and how he came to know the Lord and then led his family to live for the Lord. When he passes his son takes up the torch and ends up in America reaching out to Muslims here.

    I'm about 3/4 of the way through NIGHTMARE VIRUS by Nadine Brandes. It's pretty good. Not the blockbuster that I thought it would be, but it just keeps you guessing.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    I just finished:
    THE WOMEN OF WYNTON’S by Donna Mumma (1950's) - I wanted to love this book, but I didn't. I had a hard time keeping the characters straight. That might of been because I was listening and doing "stuff". Anyway, it was good...just not great. About women in the retail industry in the 1950s.
    HIDDEN AWAY by Sharon Dunn (LIS)
    IDENTITY UNKNOWN by Terri Reed (LIS)
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    I'm reading OVERFLOWING FAITH. It's about Lettie Cowman who wrote Streams in the Desert and Streams in the Valley.

    I'm on book 5 in the FALLOUT SERIES by Lisa Harris. This is an easy series to read, I rarely make it through entire series, but this is a continuing story. Book 5 is much easier for me to read than book 4 was.

    I finished NIGHTMARE VIRUS by Nadine Brandes. Really good. A virus is released on the world and each night you disappear into a nightmare world, beginning with one hour, awake 23 hours; and each night an hour is added to the nightmare. Time passes more quickly in the nightmare so you could be one day in it rather than the single hour in awake time. It's basically a light vrs darkness story. There was one spot that bothered me a little bit, when the main guy was using Jesus' time in the Garden to excuse his doubts and fears. You know what I believe about that so I won't go into it, but that just bothers me. Jesus only ever gave us a life lived without sin and total faith and trust in God the Father - that is our example.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    NEVER HAPPEN TO YOU by Christy Barritt (true crime junkies) - I am enjoying this series, but haven't been using kindle books too often because there are so many audio books that I am listening to. I do like the new way Text-to-Voice works on kindles. It works just as well on my Samsung phone or Lenovo and LG tablets as on my fire.

    I started on the The Wright Heroes of Maine
    RUNNING TO YOU by Robin Patchen (suspense) youtube
    RESCUING YOU by Robin Patchen (susp) - These are really good. I think they are also available on KU, but listening on YouTube is just easier. I will be going to the next one after a break from suspense for a book or two.

    Oath of Honor
    STEELE by Laura Scott (susp)
    RAELYN by Laura Scott (susp)
    GRAYSON by Laura Scott (susp)
    ROSCOE by Laura Scott (susp) - I have been listening to this series on Everand. They limit you after so many of the same type book. I have to wait a couple more days before I can read the next one.

    BRYNN AND SEBASTIAN HATE EACH OTHER by Bethany Turner (romcom)
    COLE AND LAILA ARE JUST FRIENDS by Bethany Turner (romcom)
    A FAMILY FOR EASTER by Lee Tobin McClain (LI) - These were my break from suspense.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    I'm reading ROSE OF THE DAY by Brittany Fichter, the third and final book in this fantasy series.

    I'm also reading MISSIONARY WARRIOR by Lettie Cowman. Lettie wrote STREAMS IN THE DESSERT (I've finished her bio), and this is about her husband. I finished A HEART FOR IMBABURA by Charles Shepson, another missioanry bio.

    I'm reading WORMWOOD ABBEY, a fantasy.

    I finished: THE ROOT OF THE MATTER by Lynne Tagawa, a time-travel story; AND THEN LOVE by Leenie Brown, a regency with a touch of Pride and Prejudice characters mixed in.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    I have been reading an anthology of romances. It had full size books by several authors that I like, so checkesd it out. When I looked at the list i had read 2 of the 5, but I'm enjoying the other 3.
    SECONDHAND COWBOY by Lacy Williams (rom)
    CHRISTMAS WITH THE COWGIRL by Natalie Dean (rom)
    TEN RULES FOR MARRYING A COWBOY by Linda Goodnight (rom)

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    I finished the missionary bio I was reading - I need to find another! I really enjoy these.

    Still working on the other stuff.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    I finally got around to reading SHADE GROWN by Heather Day Gilbert. I enjoyed reading about Jake's namesake!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    edited August 15
    Yeah, they kind of had the same personality, especially when Jake was a puppy!

    I'm going to put the freebies and cheapies I found today on here:

    https://amazon.com/gp/product/B0CJ68RY21 THE AMISH QUILTMAKERS UNINVITED GUEST by Jennifer Beckstrand - $.99

    PENANCE ON THE PRAIRIES by R L Syme, a mystery story for free: https://amazon.com/gp/product/B073ZLKBZT

    I found another bio to read: Courage in the Congo: A Doctor's Fight to Save the Pygmies by Kent Galloway.

    I started re-reading the Vikki Kestell nanostealth series, but I may switch to another one that I thought about. There is a fifth book coming out soon by the Aznoes and it's been awhile since I've read that series. It seems clear in my mind, but I really liked it so it won't be a trial to read it again! LOL!

    Still reading ROSE OF THE DAY a fantasy, and THE BRITISH BOOKSELLERS by Christy Cambron, just into this one. I'm also still reading DRAKE HALL (on Hoopla), book two in this fantasy series. I'm not impressed with the covers, but am enjoying the story! Lesson to me! I'm also listening to, on Hoopla, WINTER's MAIDEN by Morgan Busse, a mild fantasy.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    I really enjoyed the Christy Cambron book!

    I am reading ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOURNEY by Misty M Beller. It had been setting on my Libby shelf, so i thought i better get it read before the loan ends. Her books are good, but I read a bunch in a row and then I thought they all seemed alike. Now, I read one now and again and enjoy them more.

    I have had a bunch of library ebooks come up at once today. I need to get busy!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    Time has sure flown by in the British Booksellers! It started in 1913, then jumped to 193something, then to 1940, and then back to 1913. I'm really enjoying it.

    Still working on the others I mentioned. I think I have five or six books going right now!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,735 Member
    I'm finally reading MOST LIKELY TO DIE (True Crime Junkies Book 8) by Christy Barritt. I believe this is the last in the series.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    I got through the first one in that series, but then got side tracked with other stuff. I am on the last story in the Lisa Harris dystopian series I've been reading, but having trouble staying into it. Still working on the other five or six stories I'm reading, just depends on what I feel like getting into that night! LOL!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    I have book #4 of True Crime Junkies downloaded, but I have getting so many audiobooks that I haven't gotten to it. I am enjoying the series.

    Currently I am working through Lisa Phillips series. I am finishing a series (Brand of Justice) that I had read the first 5 books. I am currently listening to #6 and have 7&8 lined up on Everand. They may throttle me on her books before I finish, but they are also on KU, so I can either wait or finish in KU.
    DUST AND ASHES by Lisa Phillips (susp)
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    I just found BRAND OF JUSTICE, the first book by Lisa Phillips for $.99.

    I'm reading: SUSPENDED IN THE STARS by E.A. Hendryx, fantasy. (library)
    ROSE OF THE DAY by Brittany Fichter, fantasy.
    THE BRITISH BOOKSELLERS by Kristy Cambron, WW1 and WW2
    ELVENSTY by M.B. Aznoe, fantasy. (re-read)
    WINTER MAIDEN by Morgan L Busse, fantasy. (Hoopla audio)
    IGNITE by Kara Swanson, fantasy. (Hoopla e-book)
    DRAKE HALL by Christina Baehr, fantasy. (Hoopla e-book)
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    THE SEASIDE COWBOY'S CHRISTMAS WISH by Alexa Verde (rom mystery)

    INTO THE GOLDEN DAWN by Jessie Gussman (rom)
    MISTAKEN TWIN by Jodie Bailey (LIS)
    THE HERO NEXT DOOR by Irene Hannon (rom)
    FATAL RESPONSE by Jodie Bailey (LIS)
    WEDDINGS, LACE AND CAKE IN THE FACE by Jennifer Youngblood (romcom)
    DUST AND ASHES by Lisa Phillips (susp)
    LONG ROAD HOME by Lisa Phillips (susp)
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    I finished WINTER MAIDEN last night. The ending was super weird and most of the story was good, but it wasn't one that I couldn't wait to get back to.

    I'm almost finished with DRAKE HALL another fantasy. I'm in the second book of the series I'm re-reading, it's called AUXLAND, another fantasy! LOL!
    I read a little bit more in the Lisa Harris six book series. I'm on the last book. I've liked four of the six, this last one is a little hard for me to keep into.