What are you reading



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    edited September 15
    I'm still reading AN AMERICAN IMMIGRANT by Johanna Rojas Vann. I actually haven't picked it up in a few days. I've just been enjoying some light reads.

    BILLIONAIRE AT THE CHRISTMAS INN by Hannah Jo Abbott (rom)
    DREAM FOR THE COWBOY by Hannah Jo Abbot
    SHORT SIGHTED by Rose Frezquez

    A SWEET DAY FOR THE COWBOY by Willow White
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,735 Member
    edited September 16
    I haven't done any reading in at least the last week. 🙁
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    I did a Playlist of audiobooks on YouTube. It was 6 books by Willow White. I am on #5. She is pretty good, similar genres to some of Jessie Gussman's books, but not quite as good and not nearly the redeeming message.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,735 Member
    I finally got back into a book I'd started before this last trip. Now I have to go look up the name...
    Until I Do (The Resolutions Series Book 1)
    Book 1 of 3: The Resolutions Series | by T.I. Lowe and Christina Coryell
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    I finished two of the fantasies I was reading.

    I started reading a book on Prayer by E M Bounds.

    I am almost done with the fourth book in my fantasy series so I can start on the new one ILLYSIA, book five.

    I also started the last book (took forever to come out) in a cute fantasy about a resort called FARAWAY CASTLE.

    I also started the second book in a spin-off of my favorite series by Tara Grayce. This is about the children of the characters in book one and the world is at war! This series isn't gripping me like the first one did, but the writing is excellent!

    I'm still working on the third book in another fantasy series - it's an e-book on Hoopla and I'm not very good at going back to those!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    edited September 17
    I thought I had better get back to AN AMERICAN IMMIGRANT by Johanna Rojas Vann. I don't know why I had a hard time getting into it. I think I must have been tired or distracted. It was really good. I gave it 5* and almost put a + by it to identify as a favorite. I would have if I had gotten into it right away. I just don't know if it was a slow start, or if I was slow getting into it.

    I also read LEO AND HIS LOVE BUNNY by June Glass (romcom) - so funny!!!! This is a romcom actually written under a pen name of Jessie Gussman. It was a bit cheesy, but laugh out loud funny. A Christian lady (piano player at the church across the street from the Baplicodist Freewill Community church) owns a bakery and hires the radio station to do a live broadcast. She uses the last of her money to do this and hopes it will increase business. She bakes cupcakes and leaves the icing to her assistant. What is supposed to look like pink icing with dark pink over it winds up looking like breasts. She is mortified and the radio announcer broadcasts it over the airwaves. People come from everywhere that day to buy the 2000 cupcakes she made. She charges a fortune for them (almost 10x her normal amount). It goes from there, but is totally clean of course, and of course a local profession hockey player is there and she makes a fool of herself, again. I must say, don't listen to the beginning of this book while driving, though....could be dangerous with tears running down your face.

    I have no idea where I am going from here....two absolutely opposite books that I loved are going to be hard to follow.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    I'm reading THE ESSENTIALS OF PRAYER by E M Bounds.

    I'm also reading several fantasies as well as two fantasy re-reads.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    OF LOVE AND TREASON Christy finalist by Jamie Ogle - Ancient Rome during the time they killed Christians as sport. It is very good. I don't usually like the Ancient or Biblical books, but heard good things, and since it was a Christy finalist, I decided to try it.

    BOLD OF HEART by Susan K Beatty- Suamalie Islands book #13. Somehow, I left this book out when I was reading the rest of the series last month. There are two books that are no longer available in kindle format. I don't understand why, since this is a fairly recent series and I think there may still be more to come. I am enjoying this as an opposite of the other book.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    Still working on the same books. I did start the fifth book in the fantasy series I've been re-reading! It has a strong Christian message as well, although they do tease each other a lot about the more intimate side of marriage. Nothing overt but suggestive.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    I'm still working on OF LOVE AND TREASON Christy finalist by Jamie Ogle. It is very good, but I am not hurrying through it. I am about half way through it. I am trying to get through some ebooks, too.

    I finally read True Crime Junkies THE DEAD OF NIGHT by Christy Barritt. I have two more checked out, but wanted something light in between.

    Current: ONE FROSTY CHRISTMAS ROAD TRIP by Lucy McConnell. This series is about a reindeer ranch in South Dakota that breeds flying reindeer for Santa. Yep, a light and fluffy book, but they are cute. She usually does one of these a year, and one of Santa's adult children a year. I usually try to get them, just for giggles. I want one of the purses Santa's daughters have. You open it and can pull out anything that you are thinking about.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    Oh, I think those would sell like hot cakes! Hmmm, wonder where that saying came from.... well, it seems it could be from the 1700 to the 1800's when it was first noted. Several people had different views on what a "hot cake" was. I think of a pancake, but others thought of a fairy cake (which were popular in the Regency era, and then another said it was corn meal cakes (which I think of as Johnny cake which were made of corn meal and water in the civil war in the South), another said it was a cake fresh from the bakery. Most of them referred to a street food that sold so quickly they hardly had them cooked before someone wanted one, thus "hot".

    I finished a very short bio on Amy Charmichael. Much of what this writer wrote was gleaned from the Benges. I finished the book on Prayer by E M Bounds, very easy reading.

    I'm working on the fantasies still, although I did finish the Tara Grayce one. It was slow in the beginning but got better as I went along.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    edited September 22
    I finished OF LOVE AND TREASON by Jamie Ogle. It was very good! It wasn't a happy book, but very good.

    Current: THE WIND BLOWS IN SLEEPING GRASS by Katie Powner. It is good, another book that isn't easy, but good. The main character does have a pet pig, though.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    I finished listening to a book on Fanny Crosby, THE BLIND GIRL SINGS. It was very good. Amazing how many poems that she wrote. Someone would come to her with the music and tell her they needed words and she would sit down and give them the words. So blessed! I loved a line near the end. When asked if she ever regretted being blind, she said, "No, I want the first face I see to be Jesus." Wow.

    Still working on the fantasies I was reading.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    SECRETS ON THE WIND by Stephanie Grace Whitson - several years old, but very good!
    BEFORE WE WERE US by Denise Hunter - her newest. Very good.

    HER FAMILY WISH by Betsy St Amant (LI)
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    I finished: THE LARKSPUR HOUSE by Carla Laureano - I really enjoyed this series.

    Current: MISTLETOE REUNION THREAT by Virginia Vaughan (LIS)

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,537 Member
    I finished the fairy-tale re-telling by J M Stengl, the last book in this series; and it was very good.

    I am working on the Autobiography of George Muller, so far it is really good as well.

    Working on some other fantasies and then I have some suspense ones I want to read.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    I'm reading a boxed set by Kimberly Krey. They are considered Clean Fiction, and they are except for one slang that she has used repeatedly. I am on book 3 of 6. I have a couple libby books checked out now, so I may go to one of them after I get to the end of this one, and come back to these when I am done with the libby books.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,735 Member
    I finished The Surf's Up Collection by Beth Wiseman, and now I'm working on one of two books from the Texas Hotline Series by Jo Grafford. First up: The Secret Baby Rescue.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    I read listened to the Surf's Up series a long time ago, except for book #7. I wonder why I didn't get it? I guess I need to pick it up.

    I have the first boxed set of the Texas Hotline series, but I haven't read it. I have read several of her books and enjoyed them. I have been seeing a lot of books by her that interest me, but so many books, so little time. It is strange, I had that series listed in my author file, but it only had book #12. I wonder why? I copied and pasted off of fantastic fiction, so it baffles me. I have got the other 11 in there now.

    I am still working on the Kimberly Krey boxed set. I'm on book #4. When I finish this book, I will definitely be ready for something else, then I can come back and read the last 2 sometime later. I don't mind clean fiction once in a while (and this does has some redeeming factors), but I like a bit more Christian in my books.

    I have also been periodically listening to NO SAFE HAVEN by Virginia Vaughn (LIS).
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,801 Member
    Ohhh. I found 8 Down by Kimberley Woodhouse on sale for $2.99. I don't buy books, but was willing to pay to get it since I couldn't get the ebook through libby or Cloud library. It is soooo good!