


  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    No real time to chat, but I am just saying that this entire election makes me uncomfortable. The only comfort is that God knows! He hears our cry and our outrage, and he has a plan already in place.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    Connie, I heard that some Nelon family members were killed in a plane crash. I'm not very familiar with that singing group, other than occasionally hearing them in Gaither Homecoming programs, and thought you might know more.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    That sounds so nice. We did that with my BIL who had brain cancer. He was tired and just didn't want to fight any more so he went to sleep and wouldn't wake up. Family and Church friends sang and prayed and kept vigil until he passed early in the morning. What made us sad is that his children wouldn't come in the room, it made them uncomfortable. I had a friend on my other team, she and her husband were sitting in their living room and suddenly he couldn't breathe. They got him to the hospital and they told her that if he woke up he would be a vegetable. They decided to turn off the machines - he woke, knew her and started crying. He said he was sorry and he loved her. She was able to tell him that she loved him, too. He went to sleep and died shortly after that. That just amazes me, God can do the impossible!

    Had good services yesterday. I was able to sing one of my songs - I'M FREE. We lowered the key so I wouldn't have to jump into my falsetto or singing voice because it's very weak and sometimes it's croaky. Ack, I missed the first two notes, started too high, but caught it on the third and smooth sailing after that. I have two new songs, one that already has music for it, but it goes into that range that I'm weak on so I haven't been able to sing it yet. The other one is just words with ideas for the music, but I gave it to Wade because I don't want it to sound like all my other songs - folksy! A friend from the Church did the music for the first song I'd recently wrote. Similar to what I had but it gave it a different feel. I can sing high when I am doing harmony during the congregationals - but it isn't as strong and it also doesn't hurt my throat like singing low does. Chronic allergies sure mess things up! Well, like I said, nothing is impossible with God and if He allows me to sing I will sing with the voice that He's allowed for me now!

    Woke with a very bad headache this morning. It's still in there, just a tweak now and again. This is the first bad and lengthy headache I've had in three months! Woohoo! God is good!

    Love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Phew - I got my new compression arm sleeves, which I need to wear, but boy do they make me hot! I have my leg compression on too. I think I am going to have to sit in front of the fan as much as possible today! After I take a house walk though. I did some arm exercises with my 1lb weights (which is about all my hands can handle).

    I hope y'all are keeping cool and enjoying the summer! Jesus loves you and so do I. And as Meme says, "Shine for Jesus."
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Happy Wednesday (or 4th day as I put on my Church notes)! Hope y'all are doing well. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Carole - I read about the Nelons. It was really sad. The man, wife, wife, daughter, son-in-law, assistant, pilot and his wife were all killed. The other daughter was pregnant and was driving in. The group was to be part of the entertainment on a Gaither Family cruise to Alaska.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    That just broke my heart hearing about a whole family but one dying like that! Her mom, dad, and sister who she was with a lot for their group, and then the others who were close to the family, so sad. Then I think about how they knew the Lord and they all got to go into His kingdom together! Just sad for the ones left behind.

    Last night was a rough sleeping night, I woke frequently, just wasn't making it into or staying in that deep sleep for very long. I ended up having to take two extra pain pills because my back was spasming and hurting. That finally took and I was able to fall asleep. I ended up getting around 6.5 hours of light sleep. I'm in a fog today!

    Try to stay cool!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Happy Birthday to Wade. He and I are the same age until the 31st, then I'm older again. I loved it when I found out my grandmother was a year older than my grandfather! Must be in the genes! We made him a pineapple upside down cake last night. It was one of those I Love Lucy moments - he looked into the oven and the cake had risen about and inch and a half above the pan! It looked like a souffle! It was very good though! We're going to have pizza this afternoon.

    Not much else going on here. Just waiting to see how bad this tropical depression is going to be in our area since it's going to go right over us! The wind shouldn't be too bad, but the rain could do some flooding! It will be interesting to see how our yard handles it. Usually we have a lot less water in our yard than next door or across the street does, although we had more this last heavy rain than we had been having - so, we'll see.

    So, how are your gardens producing. Wade is picking a bunch of tomatoes and then bringing them over to the Fellowship Hall for anyone who likes them to take! The cantaloupe are producing really well too.

    Well, I hope y'all have a very good weekend!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Hi! Battening down the hatches for Debby to come through. The wind shouldn't be too bad, but we are expecting 10-15 inches of rain - that's not as much as other places, but we are close to the Sound and that's a lot for folks near water! The level in our ditches changes with the tides, so praying that it won't be too bad. We have stayed pretty dry compared to neighbors when we've had a King Tide and around six inches of rain, so hoping we will stay high and dry this time. God knows and He has a plan! I'd appreciate your prayers over the next couple of days. Love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    The storm moved farther inland than we thought so we aren't getting nearly as much as we thought we would. Praise the Lord! We are getting some wind and off and on deluges, but it's able to run off or soak in before the next bout. Just so grateful to God. Praying for those who are in it's path! Love y'all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Sorry I've been quiet. I've been on this job since the 2nd. The days have been long and a couple of them were stressful. I fly home tomorrow and can't wait to sleep in my own bed and wake up without an alarm clock.

    Kim, I'm glad the storm didn't hit your area hard.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I pray you get home safe and sound, Cindy. The rabbit that likes our yard is having a field day with all this bright green grass. Our deer hasn't been around for a couple of days though! Slightly breezy and more sun today! I didn't see this before I posted the free book, but The British Booksellers by
    Kristy Cambron is $1.99 today!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I am sorry to have been so quiet. It just seems like I don't have as much time as before...but I really do. After I get the last items on my punch list completed, maybe I will feel like I have more time.\

    I have a prayer request - my contractors wound up out of town with the full-time job and I don't know when they would be able to complete the items left that need done (like hot water in the shower of the guest bath). I have talked to a couple that I really like. They gave me a reasonable price and said they could complete in two days (Tomorrow and Tuesday). They do business a little differently, and I think all is well (good reviews, so there is that). Just pray that if something isn't right in the morning, that God puts a tick in my heart so I can tell them to leave. It is a young man and his wife working together and seemed very knowledgeable, and I looked them up and saw pictures of their work. I just don't know them or anyone that has used them.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Hopefully all is going well! Praying they are the help that you need. So good to see you again!

    Am hurting pretty much everywhere. Last night my knee started hurting and I could hardly move it or bend it. I put my brace on and that has helped. My right SI, hip, and thigh are also hurting today. Breathing issues are also a problem right now, just catching a deep breath and tightness in my chest. If you think of it, please pray for me. I have an appointment for the middle of Sept with my NP. I have sent a note about the pain, but never heard back. I keep thinking about switching to a doctor, but it's so much trouble and so far she has taken good care of me. Thanks so much.

    Other than that, just trying to stay cool!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Praying for you right now. These "handy-persons" are amazing. They are going through my list like butter. So glad God sent them my way. The payment structure was what bothered me and in the middle of the night God gave me the answer to the issue. When I brought it up this morning, they were more than happy to work with my idea.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Praise the Lord. I'm so happy that they are working out so well! Amazing how God works.

    Thank you for your prayers. I started to get more mobile with less pain in the middle of the afternoon. I am doing much better this morning. I'll use my TENS unit on my lower back because it's still hurting, but everything else is just mild pain or no pain. God is so very good!

    Love y'all. You are in my prayers as well.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Everything done on my move-in punch list! Several small projects and several larger projects. The original contractor did 13 and these guys did 11. So happy to have this stuff done. Next up is new bathroom floors and toilets, but that can wait.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Glad you are getting settled in, Connie.

    Getting ready to go out into the world and the heat! Wade has a dentist appointment then we'll do some grocery shopping. Can't say I am looking forward to this - I get hot even when I am in stores! I'm sweating now in front of my fan! Eek!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited August 14
    Well - now have to make those bathroom plans. The new seals and gaskets on the toilet tank didn't stop the slow leak, so must have a small hairline crack. The leak will cause a small dishtowel to be barely damp in 3 days, so very slow.
    It isnt a huge priority, but, it is already in the budget, but I just wanted to wait for a while! Aarg.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Bummer! Praying it stays a tiny leak!

    Yesterday was hard, but praise the Lord doing better today. Thank the Lord that it didn't last long.

    We're putting a wall in the hallway that joins the house to the garage. There is one vent for A/C in there and it is always hot. Right now there are curtains up on the wall until we can get the dry wall up, but it's amazing how much cooler the entry is now from the rest of the Hallway! We can then get rid of the curtains going into and out of our little laundry room.

    Have an awesome day.