


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    There are so many preachers out there who are preaching some really bad stuff - like we are God; God chooses who gets saved and who gets damned and even the bad stuff that happens is God's fault...
    It's like the college kids today too - they believe whatever their professors tell them and never look for the truth, then they are out on the streets supporting Hamas! They shout, "From the River to the Sea" and they have no idea what river and what sea and what that means is the annihilation of the Jews! So sad!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Our pastor saw this on Facebook just the other day, the Pope meeting with children of many religions in Singapore. He did a post on what he thought about it. I couldn't get the pictures to come up right so I wrote the comment down in the post in brackets.

    Christ-following, Bible-believing people have been telling folks for a long time that Romanism is not Christian. It should be clear enough now for anyone who has even a modicum of Bible understanding that the papa of Rome is a false prophet.

    [KCG: I copied his words from the the words above his picture on the post: From Catholic Sat: Pope Francis to children in Sinagpore: “All religions are paths to reach God. They are – to make a comparison – like different languages, different dialects, to get there. But God is God for everyone. If you start to fight saying “my religion is more important than yours, mine is true and yours isn't', where will that lead us? There is only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Sheik, Muslim, Hindu, Christians; they are different ways to God.”

    The papa says there are many ways to God, but God's word says,
    Jn 3:17-21 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
    18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, be-cause he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
    19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
    20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
    21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
    Jn 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
    Jn 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
    Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

    Faith in the atoning death and physical resurrection of Jesus (and in no other) is essential for salvation from sin and entrance to heaven.

    The papa is a false witness.
    We should not hate those who follow the papa or any other false teacher, but we should love them enough to tell them the truth. Remember, Christ loved all of us enough to die for us. We must not deny Him. We must proclaim His as the only Savior.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    There are many false prophets and teachers...a sign of times to come. It just turns my stomach to read things like this.

    On a more positive note: Bill has been having some really good days! This cooler weather and the new house has made it easier for him to go outside and enjoy the sunshine and the neighborhood. I have taken him out through the garage and just let him sit inside the garage with the door open to the sunshine, but he can sit in the shade of the garage. He has enjoyed it so much. I took him out the back to the patio, but it is all sun and I have to use his wheelchair ramp (portable) to get him out and back in. The garage is so simple, though. I have been using his little transport wheelchair that I had stored in the garage to sit in and using a folding table between us and it has been great. I should bring one of the patio chairs into the garage, but this wheelchair is really comfortable, and folds up easily when not in use. I did order a little table from Amazon to keep out there, so the good wooden one can come back in the house. He also has gone with me the last 3 times that I went to see my Mom. This means that I can actually visit with her, and not just run in, visit for 10-15 minutes and leave. God is good! Tomorrow, if it is nice, I'm going to see if I can push his wheelchair down the street and back. I think it would be good for both of us. Exercise for me and getting around the neighborhood for him.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    edited September 17
    There are, Connie! They don't even care what the Bible says anymore! This disturbs me as well, it also makes me angry because he is leading those precious children to hell if someone doesn't tell them the truth!

    Oh, praise the Lord for the good news about Bill. I was encouraging Bren, from our other team, to get out in the sunshine and for a time every day, it does make a difference. Wade and I like to sit on the back screened-in porch and chat and watch the neighbor's chickens. Oh, they do this funny thing with their water thing - they kick it and then drink some, kick it and drink some more. I wonder if the kicking makes more water come out! It just looks so funny. I'm so glad that he is doing better and you also get to spend more time with your Mom!

    We had buckets and buckets of rain last night. We have water in our yard but not flooded like a couple of the neighbors. No flooding up to houses, but the front of the yards are full of water! We have "ditches", I like to call them "canals" that are affected by the tide waters from the Sound, so when there is a super high tide the yards will flood. It was scary last night though, lots of lighting and thunder. Morehead City was on flood watch and about 3 AM our phones went off with a flash flood warning. Praise the Lord we saw lots of rain by no devastating flooding - God is good!

    I was reading some FB posts from yesterday and today that our pastor made, and I came across 2 Cor 4:3-18, but a section of that really struck me this time as I was reading it. I'm sure it's been there before, but with my brain it's all new to me! LOL! Myself and three others wrote a song using this passage called EARTHEN VESSELS, so it's very familiar to me - but vrs 6-10 really spoke to my heart this afternoon.
    2 Cor 4:6-10 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
    7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
    8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
    9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;
    10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

    We are those earthen vessels, our bodies, our spirits, our souls. And in them He has placed His light, and the knowledge of the glory of God, and we are to carry Jesus' salvation which came to us through His death, and His life which came through His resurrection. What an amazing thought. My own body carries these thing, as well as the Spirit of God! What a responsibility to not shame the name we carry as Christians (little Christs [in how we act and speak] as they were derogatorily called in Antioch). Vrs 8 is very suitable for these days when our bodies are slowly failing us and the world around us is evil and hating us - yet we don't respond as the wicked ones do, we are not perplexed, we are not in despair because we know that God has a plan and whatever purpose He has for me and whatever I must go through, it will turn out for my good! Ah, what a great God we have. Thank You, Jesus for giving me such a wonderful time with You!

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Yesterday, Bill didn't want to go outside or do anything. This morning after breakfast, there were tree-trimmers working on a tree just outside our sunroom. I opened the blinds and set him in the sunroom and he really enjoyed watching them. After they were done, I asked if he wanted to sit outside and he was all for it. We sat out there until I needed to go see Mom. He didn't want to go, so I took him in and got him in his recliner so I could comfortably be gone for an hour. All-in-all, pretty good. At least he wasn't just sleeping.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Guys! Gotta watch the other guys with their exciting toys! That is so good, Connie that he still takes an interest in things. Oh, I'll let you know that Bren had a close call this week. Her blood sugar dropped super low and she was able to push her 911 button before she passed out. She woke to EMT shaking her. They got her to the hospital and she was even able to go home that night. Please keep her in your prayers. She's doing fine now though. I wouldn't want the Lord to keep her here just for me, but I'm glad He let her be my friend for a little bit longer! I feel the same way about y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Praying for Bren! I wish I had time to still be on that group, too. I just have my hands full and it's hard enough to keep up with one group.

    We got some much needed rain this morning and when it cleared up, it got hot. I thought I could get Bill outside for a while again today, but just too hot to fool with. I am so thankful that he has had a little bit of enjoyment in getting out once in a while. When we were at the old house, it was just too difficult for him to get outside. This little house is so much better for us. The only thing that really feels little is the guest bedroom, and I doubt anyone stays there, and if they do, it isn't too small to get around in, since we purged furniture that wouldn't fit before we moved. Our bedroom is huge and they sun room is a really nice size for an office/music room. We were used to a dining room, but the little dining area is enough and our living room is smaller, but again, it isn't crowded due to getting rid of some of the feels roomy.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    edited September 20
    Wade and I have talked about this house being too big for us too. It was built in the 1920's, so it started it's life small, but was added onto (rather weirdly) several times. We are so grateful for this house, but if we ever lost it to flooding or fire we'd rebuild about half this size. One bedroom, one office, a bathroom, kitchen and living room! So much easier to clean and to keep up! I do like how I have a circle I can walk in the house. There are two openings from the living room into the kitchen and a long hallway beside the living room that adds extra steps. I was able to do two rounds yesterday before my breathing and heart rate said no more. I was doing my upper body exercises while walking but had to finish at a stand still. It's not a lot, but a little is better than nothing and, Lord willing, as I get stronger I can add more.

    Here's a recent posting:
    I am sorry, it appears that I may have accidentally deleted an earlier post. Here is the repost.
    (I use "legal - illegal" concerning human authority and "lawful - unlawful" in reference to Divine authority).

    Not everything legal is moral.
    Not everything illegal is immoral.

    Not everything legal is lawful.
    Not everything illegal is unlawful.

    When the legal opposes the lawful it is lawful to be illegal.
    When the legal forbids obedience to the lawful it is essential to be illegal.

    Acts 5:29 KJV Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
    Make no mistake, a choice must be made.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I am enjoying my stepdaughter coming to sit with her Dad on Sunday mornings. It feeds my heart to be in church on Sunday mornings again. Next week I will start playing for altar and closing for the service again. I enjoy being able to use my talents to glorify God in this small way.

    I bought a new phone a little over 2 weeks ago. My phone was not holding charge as long as I like, but the main reason was that I no longer need the SIM card in a tablet since we no longer travel and I thought it would be a good idea to have an extra phone at the house since I was paying for it anyway. The new phone kept getting static when listening to books. I kept trying figure the cause and finally just thought it must be the phone. I called the cell phone company. Anyway to make a long story short, I reset the phone to new and took it back to Walmart who refused to take it back for being 16 days since purchase instead of 14. I called Samsung, the local repair place, and finally called my cell company back and got someone who immediately sent me to a supervisor. She had me re-install the SIM and start the phone, sent a patch and told me to sync the phone and the apps, then to immediately call if it did it again. I've listened to two books on two applications and now on the 3rd book and application and haven't had an issue. Whew!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Wow, what a trip! Praise the Lord the fix worked. I'm going on three years with my current Kindles. I have four because I am also using Mom's, Actually five. I have one that I use for reading and the others have games on them. Doing the games has the same purpose as when I cross stitched and crocheted - keeps my hands busy while I'm listening to a book or "watching" TV.

    We totally understand why you can't be on both teams Connie, you have a very full plate right now! It's pretty much Bren and I most of the time, the other ladies popping in now and again. I'm glad I get to interact with you here!

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    My 8in fire is from 2021 and my 10in is from 2020. I rarely start the 10. I also have a Lenovo tablet that has all of my music on it. It is an 11.5 inch. I occasionally use it for other things because I love the way it works, but it is too large to just play with. I have a keyboard and mouse with it, and it has a windows screen, so it works a lot like a laptop.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    My first laptop was a Lenovo and I really liked it. I am loving my Acer. I have had it for almost four years and have yet to have a problem with it. I use a large monitor and keyboard attached to the laptop, the little screen was just too hard to see and I couldn't get two documents on it without them overlapping. I also have an AVG app that keeps my drivers up to date and I think that's helped a lot. A lot of the problems I had with my Dell tower had to do with out of date drivers. I think my kindles are all from 2020 because we got Mom's newest ones just before she got sick.

    One week until my CT scan on my lungs. I'm anxious to find out what they see. The doctor I saw last month for pneumonia looked at the last CT scan and said she didn't like how my lymph nodes looked. Lymph nodes can swell where there is an infection and you'd think they'd know that, so it must be something different, and that may be why I'm having trouble catching my breath. Well, no point in guessing, we'll find out next week! Thank you for your prayers.

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited September 25
    Bill and I went to visit mom today. I love that he can get out without major problems. We had a good visit. It is such a difference with this house. I'm so glad that I listened to what God told me about moving. This is such a cute little place and it has felt like home since the move. Bill has really enjoyed being able to see out the windows from his chair, and get outside to sit in nice weather without any issues. He hadn't been able to do that in at least 2 years.

    I will be keeping you and your CT scan in my prayers.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I am so happy for you, Connie. Praise the Lord!

    Thanks for your prayers. I have no idea what to expect. I think it will "all's well", but then they didn't like how it looked... God knows and that's all I need to know right now.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Keep Angela, Bill's oldest daughter, in your prayers. She wrenched her back and went to Urgent Care. When she got there, her BP was so high it was in stroke range. They sent her home to take meds and come back in 2 hours. It had come down some, but not really enough. They badly bruised her arm with the BP monitor, though. Says her arm hurts worse than her back.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Praying for Angela, Connie.

    This job is winding down. We drive home tomorrow. (One of my colleagues asked if he could drive with me as he and his wife only have electric vehicles and he was concerned about having to stop to charge on the way as this was a 6 1/2 hour drive.) It wasn't a bad drive in; I'm just hoping for no rain on the way back. I don't like to drive in the rain.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    It looks like the storm isn't going to take a westerly line, but stay NE which means we will get hit with more than just light rain - we're ready! Hope you have a safe trip home, Cindy.

    Praying for Angela, Connie! I can't believe she was in stroke range and they sent her home. Why not just give her the meds she needs while she's there and monitor her? Eek!

    My right side felt so good for about a week, but last night it started hurting again. The mold free coffee I am drinking now is doing great for my allergies which, so far, are much better. My knee and hand inflammation is doing better too.

    I watched a video on lipedema and one of the things she mentioned that was super painful for us is having our blood pressure taken. My regular NP's nurse is very careful to not take the cuff too high, she stops when she can't hear my blood running through the veins. So much better. We bruise easily too. When you mentioned those two things it made me think of lipedema. Does Angela have a pear shape, heavier on the bottom than on the top? or is she disproportionate in her upper body compared to her lower body. There are five types of lipedema you can have, five areas it hits differently on different people. In the video she was saying there are a lot of women out there who have no idea they have it because it's not a recognized disease by the AMA and many doctors won't diagnose it because insurance won't cover it, or the doctor simply sees it as an obesity problem rather than a disease.

    Miss you Carole!
    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    The doctors told Angela that she bruised because the higher the BP, the tighter the cuff gets. She wound up in the ER yesterday with BP 234/122. She didn't feel bad at all, but they took it very seriously and ran a bunch of tests (all good), got her on IV meds and got it down out of danger range and assured it wasn't climbing back up again before sending her home with new meds. She's doing well today with BP still a tad high, but MUCH healthier range.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh, praise the Lord, I'm so glad she went to the ER and that her BP is at least in a more manageable range. God is so very good! That cuff had to be horribly tight with those numbers!

    Wade and I are both doing better today. I've been able to drop one of my allergy pills, the night time one since drinking the mold-free coffee. I'm hoping I will do even better as I get bad carbs out of my diet. I've decided to do one of my diuretics every other day since it has HCTZ in it and that can raise your insulin resistance, which causes us not to lose weight, it can also have negative effects on lipedema. Hopefully I won't have much swelling.

    Well, I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Kim - what is happening with the storm in your area? Been thinking of you.