


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh no! I hope that your foot did alright. I agree, yoo-hoo for you! I get antsy when I have to do something Wade would normally do - I don't want to do the wrong thing and mess something up. But, I have been brave and killed and ugly spider or two when he wasn't around - otherwise you will hear a loud WADE! I've never had to be without Wade for more than a week, when he would have to go to a school for his work - I can't imagine having to not see him for as long as Dave has to be gone at times! It helps to be able to do those video calls.

    My visit to the NP went well. I have a couple of visits to make to get some testing done (normal old lady stuff). I do have some white cells in my urine, so that has been sent off for further testing. I've never had a UTI before and I don't have any symptoms of one, so.... God knows! We're going to work on the pain stuff in December. I'm having a lot of it lately, so that can't come soon enough for me. I had to order a second hand brace because some days both my hands hurt badly.

    I hope y'all have a blessed Wednesday. We are having our fellowship meal tonight with a lesson afterwards. So much fun!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited August 30
    Well that was crippling. I was outside for 5 hours in 90° heat with very high humidity. Every hour or so I would come in and lay on the floor and take a 5 minute break. But I got all the sticks and clumps of leaves (as well as hickory nuts and acorns) raked into piles and picked up before the guys came to mow. I was finishing up at 3:30 when they got here.

    The sticks and stuff are all still in the back of the utility vehicle - Dave said he'd take care of dumping it this weekend. (He comes home Friday night - hurray!!)

    My foot was hurting something awful by the time I came back in... and that radiated pain to my calf. This morning when I woke up, my back hurt. It's all on my right side and I'm sure it's a result of changing the way I walk to baby that right foot. As my grandma used to say, "growing old - it's not for sissies".

    This is only the second year Dave's been away for so long. He almost never used to travel for work. But, the kids are all out of the house and we decided we could use the extra money for retirement, so we thought, for this year it would be worth it. I do want to plan some kind of weekend trip for us this fall - maybe South Dakota. We've never been to Mount Rushmore and would like to see it.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    I went to see Mount Rushmore when I was a kid, it was part of our trip back home from Colorado. It was awe inspiring! We also saw the Crazy Horse Carving. I looked it up and saw they've been working on it for 75 years now and there is just the face. They have the rest of what will be carved drawn out on the mountainside. It says that he will be bigger than Mount Rushmore! They are privately funded by donations and that's why it's taking so long. I hope you are able to go! I was afraid that you would really be hurting after your raking chore! Praying for you!

    Still waiting for the results of my test. I didn't think it took so long to find out if you have an infection! It's probably clear and "no news is good news", I just wish they would tell me when I should hear or if I will hear!

    Have a great Friday!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Cindy - I know that you know the things to do for your foot, but I was visiting with a friend that is dealing with it the other day and was reminded of a trick that I was taught: Freeze a bottle of water and put it in a jelly roll pan in the floor and roll your foot back and forth on the bottle. The ice and the ridges on the bottle will both ease pain (ice) and massage, and the pan will keep it from rolling away.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    edited August 31
    Thanks for the reminder, Connie. Yes, I've been doing that - but probably not as often as I should. When I do remember, I try to alternate that with heat as well. I use the frozen water bottle a few times during the day and the heating pad at night. Yesterday morning I was achy all over... but I was able to stay off my foot way more than I did on Wednesday (the raking day).

    Today is even a little better. I had a couple of virtual work meetings - one on Zoom and one on Teams - at the same time. Lol. This was me: one meeting on my home computer with the sound coming through the speaker, the other meeting on my Surface with the sound coming through one of my earbuds. But at least I was able to be seated in my house and didn't have to go anywhere.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh my! I would never be able to have two things going into my head at the same time! I usually block out one of them - although I do play games on my Kindle while "watching" TV! Somehow I can keep those straight - unless I have to think a lot during the game - then the TV disappears! I'm glad your foot is doing a bit better! Praise the Lord.

    Have a great weekend. Hope your time of worship is refreshing for your soul.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I don't know how I would do with two meetings at the same time, but I put in an ear bud with a book and headphones and sit down to play the piano. Not hard piano, just favorite hymns and choruses that I can play by ear...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    You talented people!

    I have an appointment for my pneumonia vaccination tomorrow, but over the weekend I started feeling unwell. I'm having trouble catching my breath, coughing a bit, and my chest feels tight (all symptoms I've had when I've had pneumonia.) I called my NP's office and they are out but I asked to talk to the doctor on call. She said to make sure I'm seen by a doctor before I have the vaccination, so I'll call in the morning and see if they can fit me in for a quit exam! Bummer! The last three times I've gotten sick I have been out and among the public a day or two before - same with this time. Went to Sam's and out to eat! Trusting the Lord to keep me through this too and hoping it's just allergies really bad.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Hope that you had a great birthday Kim and Carole! I'm sorry I missed your🎂🍧🎂
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Me too... happy birthday a little late!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Thank you! I did have a great day. We went out to eat and it just wasn't as good as we remembered, so the next day Wade got me a Shrimp Dinner from Els and it was so good! We went shopping while we were in town and I started to feel bad shortly after that. It seems like every time I get around people I get some kind of lung thing! I called on Monday about getting my pneumonia vaccination and talked to the doctor on call. She said I needed to see a doctor before I got the shot, so I'll see her this afternoon. Hopefully it's no pneumonia again! Jesus knows though and He has a purpose.

    Carole, I remember I share a birthday with you all the time, but it didn't come to mind that day - blush! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Birthday Buddy! I hope your day was also very good.

    How is the foot, Cindy? How is Bill now, Connie. Y'all remain in my prayers.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,756 Member
    Prayers for your lung issue, Kim. The foot is still painful. I just ordered a night splint because even though I remember my old one as causing foot cramps, just putting my foot against the headboard at night isn't working too well. I wake up and my foot has drifted from the headboard and it's tight all over again in the morning. Argh!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh boy, we'll have to pray for no cramps!

    I saw the doctor yesterday and she's treating it like another bout of pneumonia. I had an x-ray but haven't heard the results of that yet. I did start on one of the antibiotics she gave me, the other is on order. She maybe heard something on the right side, but it was faint if she did, but erring on the safe side we're moving in this direction. Breathing is a bit better today and just coughed some this morning. As long as I sit still I do better. I stay away from people until I'm sure I'm better since pneumonia is contagious! Who knew?!

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Praying for both of you!

    Things are stable in the Randel house.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Praise the Lord. You are always in my prayers.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    My sister-in-law advised me to buy a home warranty when we moved. I debated it, but thought that it would probably pay for itself. Last Sunday, my fridge quit cooling. The freezer was still freezing, but ice backed up in it and it was frosty. I called about the warranty and had to wait until today to get it fixed (I do have a fridge in the garage, so had a back-up). They had to replace a fan and clean out drain lines. I told him that I was going to clean it out, but thought they should see it. He said that if I had cleaned it out, they wouldn't have known that the drain line was clogged. There was 2 inches of ice built up in the back of the freezer. My warranty has paid for itself for the entire year! God is good....and I won't have to go to the garage for groceries. I'm letting it cool down tonight and will fill it back up tomorrow.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    edited September 9
    Praise the Lord. The owner of this house included a home warranty with our purchase, but we never had to use it! We also had one with the house in Hickory and did have a plumbing issue that they came out and fixed - I think it cost us $50. They ended up being our plumbers after that!

    I looked at my other posts and saw I hadn't mentioned that Wade has Covid. He's been sick for almost a week now, so I think he is heading out of it. I was negative when we checked with home tests and I don't have any symptoms.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Praying for you guys. We bought this house as is, so no warranty at purchase. This was my fridge that I brought from the other house and the one that was here, we put in the garage. It's a good fridge, but it doesn't have nearly the freezer space that ours had, plus their granddaughter was swinging on the door and broke the handle off.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    edited September 10
    Oh no! Naughty granddaughter! The fridge we have came with the house (we left ours in our old house) and it's 21 years old, so we have been talking about looking for a great deal on a new one. We don't like the side by side because neither side is very big. We actually have two freezers - one is a large free standing one and the other a box one which we aren't even using right now, so if we could find just a fridge that would be great. Wade found a really nice mower on Facebook the other day for a great price. Ours was old and conked out. We have a riding mower, but he needs the push mower for the areas near the "wilderness" as well as between the fence and the ditch! I'm glad we were able to get some of the things we have while he was working, we'd not be able to do it now!

    I found this post after I had been here. It's a good one for when we study the word:
    When I consider the Christian validity of a belief or a behavior, I look for New Testament instruction. A quick overview includes...

    Is it commanded by God?
    Is it commended by God?
    Is it condoned by God?
    Is it condemned by God?
    Is it compatible with the New Testament narrative?
    Is it confirmed or contradicted by other doctrines in the New Testament?
    Is it consistent with God's revelation for the Church, and His eternal nature?
    *Addendum in Comments below.
    Addendum to my above post.
    There are other ways of looking at the above list, which is primarily a positive viewpoint, in other words, a "what is good" list. The following list is basically the same, but it is a negative or reverse approach, in other words, a "what is not good" list.

    Some of the points in the first list are presented as a negatives, which I repeat (in parenthesis).
    In my own study of a subject in Scripture, I look for...
    Is it forbidden, as in a negative command, "you shall not?"
    Is it a reproved or rebuked belief or behavior?
    Is it a corrected belief or behavior?
    (Is it condemned?)
    Is it contrary to the New Testament narrative?
    (Is it confirmed or contradicted by other doctrines in the New Testament)?
    Is it in conflict with God's revelation for the Church or with His eternal nature?
    If folks apply these questions to their study, I think a lot of Christians will be surprised with the Biblical revelation concerning some of their closely held views.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Great list, Kim. It hurts me knowing so many people just believe what is said and never take the time to compare that to the scriptures.