What Have You Done Today That Is Healthy



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    edited April 21
    Tomorrow is mom's 91st birthday. When I went to see here, there were 3 signs in the elevator telling mom Happy Birthday. I am getting her and bringing her home with me for the day. That way I don't have to worry about someone watching Bill. The girls are coming over for a while, too. That way they can celebrate with Mom and see their Dad, too.

    Well...forgot where I was going with that. I will start trying to get myself together to get back on the healthy track.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mom! How awesome is that? My mom is 87. I look her up on Google sometimes and find quite a few postings on her paintings. I have one of them in my office; it's from our wedding ceremony, Wade and I looking at our wedding rings! A friend's mom is having her 90th birthday party this weekend! It's amazing how much longer people are living these days.

    I'm watching what I eat, but not getting as much exercise as I should. I'll work on getting up and taking a lap every hour!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Happy birthday to your mom, Connie! I hope all of you had a wonderful and memorable time.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Did get in a few house laps yesterday. I ended up with around 1600 steps. My eating isn't as controlled as it should be, I say yes to a cookie or a mini candy bar (white chocolate peanut butter egg) too often. I need to stick to my two snacks but make them healthy!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,370 Member
    edited April 24
    Happy belated Birthday to your mom, Connie! 🎂

    I've lost 2 lbs... I just don't feel much like eating. This morning I had half a banana (sliced and quartered, then flattened with a fork) and a cup of coffee. I came home from meeting my sister for a latte and had a serving of pasta with marinara and peas. I'm making sloppy joes for Dave for dinner and I'm going to make a mashed potato bowl with a little of that chopped up small as a topping.

    My teeth are achy today. I think this gaggy, hard plastic palate 'bandaid' is slightly too wide for my mouth. I've taken an Excedrin and hope that'll help.

    5,800 steps yesterday and about 2,900 today.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Well, a nice side effect, but I sure would hate to have to lose the weight that way! Praying for comfort and healing. <3

    I got about 1900 steps yesterday. Going to try and do some house walking today and see how that goes.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,370 Member
    edited April 25
    Thank you, Kim.

    Yesterday I was quite the couch potato... only 669 steps all day. I'm doing a little work today for a job on Saturday, then I'll have to see about moving a little more today
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,370 Member
    edited April 26
    My palate has healed enough that I'm thankfully done with that plastic mouth guard bandaid thing. It was definitely moving my teeth - my bite felt off for a couple of days!

    I've gained back one of those pounds I lost. The downside to eating soft foods only is you might choose to have ice cream twice a day. 😁 🍨

    I had a follow up visit today. Everything is looking pretty good. He told me not to bump it. I then had to confess that I had bumped it once (rolling over while I was sleeping - how am I supposed to control that?) and he said he could tell because I had lost a stitch. I've tried sleeping on my back, but I can't do it all night.

    I'm working tomorrow and the kids are coming over Sunday afternoon to celebrate April birthdays (4 of them!).

    Have a blessed Friday everyone!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Reall, how are you supposed to avoid bumping while you are sleeping!?! So glad that things are moving forward for you and YAY - you get to take your bandaid off! Praise the Lord!

    Not much good this weekend! I get to have a treat - although it not being the weekend hasn't really stopped me!

    Love y'all. Have a good weekend.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,370 Member
    edited April 27
    I am amazed how often I bump my own face - 3 times in the last few days! The first time I was asleep, the second time I was pulling a shirt over my head, and this morning I was taking off my cross body purse. That area is so tender... I'm praying it's not enough to do any damage to the healing tissue.

    Soup for lunch and dinner. Thank goodness this crew picked places that had soup on the menu. I got vegetable soup from PotBelly (a deli place) and French Onion from Panera Bread. I just read an article about how vitamins A and C are good to take after gum surgery. I already take plenty of vitamin C. I ordered a bottle of vitamin A from Amazon... it'll be delivered tomorrow.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    That's interesting, I'd not heard of A helping anything but the eyes! Love learning new things.

    I was surprised - my Medicare card came in the mail this month and it begins on August 1st. We thought it wouldn't begin until after my birthday on the 31st! Now to decide what we need to add to it to make it more effective!

    My heart is acting funny the past week. It isn't beating wrong, I just feel like I have to keep taking deep breaths and can feel it beating. There were three days when my medication to slow my heart rate wasn't working enough so I had to take more. Today seems like one of those days! I really don't want anything to be wrong in that area, so please pray that it starts to feel normal again. Thank you so much.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,370 Member
    Praying for you, Kim, for your heart to me back to normal.

    I had to dig to find what I read about vitamin A... here it is:
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    That is interesting. I don't take either of those by themselves, but they are in several of the supplements that I do take. I do heal rather quickly, and I "over heal" as well. I get scars that become large bumps. Eventually they will "deflate" and look normal, but for a time it's rather unsightly!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,370 Member
    Kim, most of my supplements are in single form as I haven't found too many combination vitamins/supplements in the dosages I prefer. I'm taking 2,000 mg of vitamin C and 3,000 mcg of vitamin A
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Thanks for the reminder - forgot to take my vitamins! Bill takes on supplement for sciatica that has several in it. Usually I buy individually, but was recommended 6 different supplements and getting him to take 6 more pills wasn't going to happen. As I was researching, I found one that had everything and mostly in the recommended doses. It seems to have helped, so I ordered two more bottles.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,370 Member
    edited May 1
    I'm still eating a rather soft diet. Last night I made chicken fried rice and tonight I made a Dutch Baby pancake. A little more substance than oatmeal and mashed potatoes, but not a lot of chewing necessary.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Oh yum!

    I take a liquid vitamin - Passion 4 Health, it has a lot of stuff in it.

    I am having to take an extra 1/2 pill of my heart med, to slow it down, right now the single one isn't working fully. It's what I was taking before I decided 4 years ago to try and do one pill. Well, times up! That's alright, my prescription is still for the pill and a half! Sitting here on the computer my heart rate is 90, it should be in the 70's and lower! God knows all of this and He has a purpose. I am trusting in Him no matter what!

    Love y'all. Praying for you!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Cindy - your rice and Dutch baby look so good!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,344 Member
    Not much today. I woke with a bad headache, first one in three months. Praise the Lord it didn't last very long and went away with caffeine and Tylenol. I have a sore throat and am feeling quite tired so am going to take it easy today.

    I've been enjoying salads lately. Last night it was spinach, a ruffly lettuce that is really good, chicken, 1/2 apple, colby cheese, peanuts, and French Dressing. Really refreshing. I do the nuts in lieu of croutons. Oh, I did add a small amount of super skinny beef stick! Mostly healthy but not very low cal! LOL!

    I did do extra steps yesterday with three walks around the house, but won't be doing that today!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,708 Member
    Not much healthy is going on here. I need to get back on track, but I'm tired. A cookie here and there, food Bill will eat for meals (never healthy anymore) ... I just have to find a place to start and make myself do it.